Chapter 124
A sneak attack on the Wolf King failed to kill him, and it was no longer possible to succeed in a subsequent sneak attack.

Even ordinary wild beasts and wolves know how to cooperate with each other.

This group of demon wolves in the late stages of the Naqi realm must be far smarter than ordinary beasts.

Coupled with the fact that the Wolf King is commanding them, their combat power cannot be underestimated.

The Wolf King was in pain and quickly searched for Liu Yuanchen's location.

After an angry wolf howl, the pack of wolves surrounded Liu Yuanchen.

At this moment, two water columns emerged from the stream, pulling the two wolves at the rear into the stream.

A large amount of stream water continued to pour into the mouths and noses of the two wolves. After a while, the two wolves were strangled to death.

Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised. He could still kill the enemy like this?
Although the method is a bit weird, the wolf skin is well preserved and should fetch a good price.

At this time, a water man suddenly appeared on the water.

He shouted to Xia Longting and others: "Why are you still standing there? Hurry and escape into the water!"

"Junior Brother Liu, this kind of wolf is called the Fierce Tooth Wolf. It has extremely good teeth and is very good at fighting enemies in the bushes. Be careful."

Xia Longting and others quickly jumped into the stream. The wolves saw their two companions being drowned by the water and did not dare to enter the water easily.

Liu Yuanchen stood on the tree and looked at the Wolf King provocatively.

The wolf king was very intelligent and kept making "wow" sounds to intimidate Liu Yuanchen.

Other wolves continued to shuttle between the trees, and soon surrounded the big tree where Liu Yuanchen was.

Meng Tieshan's face was filled with anxiety: "Senior brother, run away quickly!"

Xia Lingkai's voice came from underwater: "You don't have to worry, Junior Brother Liu has many tricks.

If he wants to leave, these wolves can't keep him. "

Before he finished speaking, the scene in front of everyone changed drastically.

The lush forest suddenly turned into a large lava lake.

The big tree under Liu Yuanchen's feet also turned into a stone pillar on the lava lake.

The stream where Meng Tieshan and others are located is a rocky path.

Everyone was puzzled as to why the surroundings were forests and streams just now, and turned into lava lakes in the blink of an eye.

As for the wolves, with their intelligence, they were unable to understand the changes in front of them.

At the feet of each wolf is a piece of gravel floating on the lava lake.

A large bubble emerged from the lava lake, and the bubble burst, causing a splash of lava.

A few drops of lava fell on a fierce-toothed wolf, and the hair on the wolf's body immediately burned.

A puff of white smoke, carrying the scent of meat, spread out.

The wolf screamed a few times, jumped high from the stone at its feet, and jumped onto the rocky road where Meng Tieshan and others were.

He rolled a few times to put out the flames on his body.

Then, a cool feeling surged through my body.

The wolf had a look of joy on his face and roared happily several times.

The other wolves were so hot that they stuck out their tongues, and there was a constant burning smell from their paws.

Several wolves couldn't help but jumped onto the rocky road together.

The Wolf King always had a puzzled look on his face, and he roared several times, as if to stop other wolves from jumping onto the rocky road.

However, under the threat of death, the authority of the Wolf King is obviously not enough.

Even though he tried to stop them, wolves kept jumping onto the rocky path.

On the contrary, Meng Tieshan and others were frightened by the wolves and kept retreating.

Xia Lingkai's voice sounded: "Quickly jump to the rocks in the lava lake."

Although the others were a little confused, they still did it.

The Wolf King also seemed to feel that something was wrong. It stared at Liu Yuanchen.

Opening his mouth and spitting out a blue-black light, Liu Yuanchen used the wind and thunder stick to block the Wolf King's attack.

He sighed. He wanted to trick all the wolves into the stream, but unfortunately he failed.

"Senior Brother Xia, do it quickly!"

Before he finished speaking, water dragons suddenly appeared on the rocky path, tying up all the wolves on the road.

No matter how hard they struggled, they could never break free.

Liu Yuanchen shouted again: "Xia Longting, let out thunder!"

Xia Longting understood immediately and held out a blue-white long sword.

With a wave of the long sword, a blue-white sword light fell into the river.

After screams, all the wolves on the rocky path lay on the ground, their bodies still twitching.

Xia Lingkai asked: "You only deceived thirteen wolves with this illusion, including the Wolf King, there are still twelve left.

I can block the Wolf King and the three ordinary wolves, and leave the rest to you. "

Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "Why bother?"

Before he finished speaking, the scene in front of him changed again.

The lava lake disappeared without a trace, leaving a green hemisphere lying upside down on the ground.

All the earth within a radius of fifty feet was trapped inside, and even the streams were cut off.

Xia Longting looked at the scene in front of him with a look of envy on his face: "Brother Liu, your illusion is so powerful and you can change the scene at will.

Next time I go to Zuihualou, you must go with me. "

"I want to show off my talents in different environments."

Liu Yuanchen looked helpless. With his virtue, he could not last twenty breaths in the main scene, and he still wanted to change the background.

Xia Lingkai also sighed: "The lava lake just now was indeed an illusion, but the scene in front of me was not an illusion, but a spell."

"Junior Brother Liu, what should we do next?"

Before he finished speaking, the branches of the big trees continued to grow, dividing the wolves into more than a dozen areas.

Wanting to cooperate with each other is pure wishful thinking.

"Everyone, the wolf pack is already a turtle in a urn, why don't you show off a little more?"

Hearing this, Xia Lingkai took out the Azure Dragon Halberd and killed a fierce-toothed wolf.

The other three people were not weak either. They each picked a wolf and killed it.

Naturally, the Wolf King would not sit still and wait for death. He opened his mouth and spit out several green and black sword lights, trying to break the ten thousand wooden cage.

Several branches were cut off, revealing a small gap.

The Wolf King's eyes shone brightly, and he was about to spit out his sword light again.

But he found that the surrounding branches were growing wildly, blocking the gap.

Liu Yuanchen held the wind and thunder stick and jumped down from the tree, landing right in front of the Wolf King.

"Evil animal, why don't you just catch it?"

The wolf king jumped away quickly and hid in the bushes.

Liu Yuanchen shook his head: "You are really looking for death!"

Before he finished speaking, the bush grew like crazy.

One branch after another, the Wolf King was tightly bound.

The branches were tied tighter and tighter, and soon the wolf king was strangled to death.

Later, Liu Yuanchen took action against other wolves.

In just over a hundred breaths, there was no one left alive in the entire wolf pack.

Xia Lingkai gave him a thumbs up: "Junior Brother Liu, your method is too clever."

Liu Yuanchen waved his hand: "I learned a lot of tricks before coming here, and I always have the opportunity to test my power.

Today's small test, the power is passable. "

After that, he put away the body of the Wolf King: "If we stay here for too long, we may attract other people and more monsters.

There are too many wolf carcasses, and it would be a burden to carry them all.

It's enough for me to take the Wolf King, and you can do whatever you want with the rest. "

Before he finished speaking, Wanmu Prison automatically dispersed.

Meng Tieshan was quite practical. He took out a few storage bags and packed six wolf carcasses.

Xia Longting also had a proud look on his face: "I can hunt now, and I killed it with my own hands. That old man will definitely praise me when I get back." After that, he took out his storage bag and packed five or six wolf carcasses. .

Xia Lingkai only held two wolf corpses, so he didn't care about the others.

Tie Junlan raised his hands to the crowd and said, "If I had not been saved by the wolves this time, I would have died."

"I don't dare to expect the spoils of war, so I'll say goodbye."

After that, he turned around and walked into the dense forest.

Meng Tieshan looked at her leaving back and was stunned for a long time.

Xia Longting smiled and said: "Junior Brother Meng, don't you have a crush on Junior Sister Tie? You two are indeed a good match."

"With your body, if you marry a woman of ordinary stature, you won't crush her to death."

Meng Tieshan's face turned red when he was told that, and he weakly retorted: "No, don't talk nonsense."

Liu Yuanchen was also quite pleased to see that his junior brother had regained consciousness.

Just thinking about his mouth makes me feel hopeless.

"Stop talking about anything else, let's leave quickly."

Xia Longting picked up the storage bag and was about to leave. He started to gasp after not taking two steps.

"Who can help me pick up my stuff? This storage belt is too heavy."

Meng Tieshan sighed, lifted him up and put him on his shoulders.

Xia Longting, who was a burden, had someone to carry him, so his speed was naturally much faster.

Following the news upstream, Liu Yuanchen sensed someone rushing over after only walking two or three miles.

"Someone is here."

Xia Lingkai immediately transformed and jumped into the water, his body instantly dissolved, while Xia Longting and Meng Tieshan ran to the other side of the stream to hide.

Liu Yuanchen used Wood Shadow Escape and hid in a big tree.

Not long after, I saw a big man running over, it was Tie Junlan.

Neither Liu Yuanchen nor Xia Lingkai showed up, allowing him to run past.

At this moment, a large earth-yellow seal flew towards him, pointing directly at his back.

Meng Tieshan suddenly jumped down from the tree and swung his mace.

The mace hit the big seal, sending it flying backwards.

Seeing his sudden appearance, Tie Junlan shouted: "Senior Brother Meng, run!"

Not long after, three monks with powerful auras caught up with them, and Li Heng was among them.

Li Heng shouted and asked: "Which junior brother is so skilled that he can actually repel my Mountain Shaking Seal?"

Then, they saw Meng Tieshan standing here stupidly.

“It turns out to be Junior Brother Meng, it seems I’m lucky.

Your senior brother ruined my good deeds. I couldn't find him, so I can only blame you. "

Meng Tieshan knew that his senior brother and Xia Lingkai were nearby, so he was naturally not afraid of these three people.

"You want to capture me, but you don't have the ability yet."

Li Heng was amused: "You two senior fellow apprentices all speak in the same tone.

Liu Yuanchen dares to be rude to me because he is very strong. Do you have that strength? "

After that, he took out another spear.

Tie Junlan was anxious: "Senior Brother Meng, there are many of them and their cultivation is high. We are not opponents, so we should run away first."

Li Heng sneered: "Both junior brothers, don't take action. I will take them down myself."

After that, he jumped forward, trying to jump across the stream.

Several water columns suddenly emerged from the water, and Li Heng was shocked.

The whole person stopped suddenly in the air and flew back to the shore.

Suddenly, a long stick with flashing lightning hit him on the back of the head.

Li Heng's companion reminded: "Senior Brother Li, be careful!"

He was worthy of being one of the top students in Zhennan Academy, and he reacted immediately.

He sacrificed a thick earth seal and stood in front of him.

A dull voice sounded, and Li Heng was knocked back several feet.

The water column in the stream took the opportunity to attack and entangled his whole body.

At the same time, Liu Yuanchen also fell to the ground, and Li Heng's two companions took advantage of the situation to take action.

Liu Yuanchen knew that he was unable to fight against the two peak monks of Qihai, so he directly activated the earth book.

The two attacks hit the defensive barrier. The barrier was only slightly distorted and was not greatly affected.

Liu Yuanchen himself was only staggered, but he was not completely knocked back.

He was a little surprised that Di Shu's defense was much stronger than before.

When he first arrived at the academy, he fought against Shi Jian.

Shi Jian's full blow can deform the defensive barrier.

Now the two peak masters of the air sea realm join forces to attack, and the defensive barrier is only slightly distorted.

This increase in defense is more than just doubling.

After thinking about it, there is an obvious change compared to before, that is, there is an additional trace of spiritual veins on the earth book.

At the same time, in this blessed land of green jade, one can also receive spiritual energy supplies from the spiritual veins branching from the great spiritual veins of Moyang Mountain.

It seems that the increased power of the Book of the Earth should be due to the great spiritual vein.

On the other side, Li Heng fell into the stream and was tightly entangled by numerous water pillars.

He didn't sit still and waited for death. He smashed the thick earth seal in his hand downwards.

More than a dozen water columns were broken instantly. He broke free and returned to the shore again.

"Xia Lingkai, I have been looking for you, why don't you dare to show up now?"

Before he finished speaking, a ball of water gushes out from the stream, slowly transforming into the shape of Xia Lingkai.

"I just wanted to give you a surprise, but you don't appreciate it."

"There are five of us here, are you three sure of winning?"

Li Heng looked indifferent: "Your strength is equal to mine. Although Junior Brother Liu has extraordinary methods, his attack ability is not strong.

It only takes one person to hold him back. "

“As for Junior Brother Meng and Junior Sister Tie, two of them plus one might be able to withstand one person.

The two sides are equally powerful, and it is still unclear who will win. "

Upon hearing this, Xia Longting was unhappy: "You are looking down on me!"

Meng Tieshan immediately interrupted: "Senior Brother Xia, they don't mean that. They don't look at you at all."

As soon as these words came out, Xia Longting immediately became furious.

"Who are you looking down on? I'll summon another thunder dragon and chop all three of you to death."

Li Heng sneered: "With your tired body, I can knock you down with just one move.

Is it possible that we should assign one person to deal with you? "

Xia Longting was so angry that he stamped his feet, pulled out a blue-white long sword, and was about to attack Li Heng.

Meng Tieshan immediately grabbed him: "Senior Brother Xia, please calm down."

As soon as he pulled, Xia Longting shouted even more vigorously: "You three are no match for me if we come together."

Xia Lingkai cupped his hand and said, "Senior Brother Li, once the two groups of us fight, it will be difficult to tell the winner unless we are exhausted.

I remember that you still have an old enemy in the academy. Aren't you afraid of being taken advantage of? "

Li Heng said coldly: "My biggest enemy is you."

A monk who was traveling with him tried to persuade him: "Senior Brother Li, Senior Brother Xia is right.

Our goal is to qualify for the trial of the Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land, there is no need to fight to the death. "

Another monk also persuaded: "Yes, Senior Brother Li, the final ranking of the Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land trial is the ranking of the entire academy.

Whether we defeat Senior Brother Xia or Senior Brother Xia defeats us, the overall strength of the Academy will be severely weakened. "

(End of this chapter)

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