Chapter 125
Hearing this, Li Heng also hesitated.

The grudge between him and Xia Lingkai was nothing more than a martial arts competition, and the loss was ugly and he lost face.

At that time, I was young and energetic and felt that this was a big hatred.

But now that he is not young, he no longer cares so much about winning or losing in a competition.

Seeing the current meaning, neither companion wanted to get involved in this matter.

If you insist on having your own way, it will be one against five, and you are simply courting death.

There is also the trial of Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land, which is no joke.

In addition to personal gains, the total amount of spiritual objects collected by students from each academy will also be ranked.

Which school has good grades will be rewarded with a large number of precious spiritual objects.

Students who participate in the trial will naturally receive a large amount of benefits.

Not only that, students who show their faces in the trial will also receive great preferential treatment when they arrive at the Guoxue Palace.

It can be said that the outcome of the trial will directly affect the future.

Although Li Heng has a bad temper, he is not an ignorant person.

Thinking of this, he no longer had the idea of ​​a fight to the death.

“For the purpose of the trial in the Blessed Land of Ten Thousand Demons, I can put aside my personal grudges.

However, you people also have to show your ability.

There are a large number of demon beasts in the Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land, and there are even bloodlines of divine beasts.

Anyone with the bloodline of a mythical beast may be as strong as me. "

"When we enter the Paradise of Ten Thousand Demons, we are just grasshoppers on the same rope. I don't want to join forces with idiots."

Xia Lingkai sneered: "So, we still want to fight?"

"If that's the case, then just let your horse come over."

Li Heng shook his head: "We are equally powerful now, I can't defeat you, and you can't defeat me.

If we two fight against each other, we won't be able to tell the winner. "

"But others have to show their true skills."

Liu Yuanchen didn't want to fight to the death with these people: "In that case, I will show my skills."

Before he finished speaking, the scene in front of everyone changed drastically.

The dense forests and streams turned into an endless snowfield.

A cold wind came out, and heavy snow continued to fall.

Xia Longting, who was the weakest, shivered unconsciously.

Li Heng's face was full of surprise: "It's really a good skill. This illusion is so powerful that even I can't see the flaw.

It's obviously false, but it makes me feel chills.

Even the human monks like me can't see the flaw, and the monsters are even less able to resist it. "

"With this skill alone, Junior Brother Liu is qualified to participate in the trial."

Liu Yuanchen withdrew from the illusion, and Li Heng looked at Meng Tieshan again.

"Junior Brother Meng, where is your strength?"

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "Senior Brother Li, you can take my junior brother's move and try it."

Li Heng nodded slightly: "Then give it a try."

Meng Tieshan took out his mace, jumped up high, and hit Li Heng on the head.

Sensing his powerful energy and blood, Li Heng did not dare to neglect.

The earth-yellow energy flashed all over his body, and he held the spear tightly with both hands to withstand the blow.

A harsh sound sounded, and Li Heng bent his legs and knelt on the ground.

Moreover, his knees were half a foot deep into the ground.

Meng Tieshan took back the mace, but Li Heng still looked in disbelief.

The dignified immortal monks have always been good at the physical body.

This time, in terms of physical strength, he was severely humiliated.

Everyone present took a deep breath.

Tie Junlan looked at Meng Tieshan with a surprised look on her face and a strange light in her eyes.

They couldn't believe that a monk in the early stages of the Qi Sea Realm could have such physical strength.

Liu Yuanchen chuckled lightly: "My junior brother is born with divine power. When fighting against him, I never dare to take his attacks head-on."

Li Heng stood up from the ground with difficulty and coughed a few times: "Sure enough, he is born with divine power. He is qualified to participate in the trial with us."

Then, he looked at Tie Junlan: "Junior Sister Tie, you have to show your strength."

Tie Junlan raised her eyebrows and said, "I am also good at strength, but my strength is not as good as that of Senior Brother Meng.

However, with your strength, you may have to kneel down if you take a blow from me. "

Li Heng rolled his eyes a few times, and then said: "I just took a blow from Junior Brother Meng head-on. If I fight hard again, it is likely to leave internal injuries."

He looked at his two companions behind him: "Junior Brother Qi Lei, your strength is not bad, why don't you take a move from Junior Sister Tie?"

Qi Lei was also quite strong, comparable to Xia Lingkai.

However, compared with Meng Tieshan and Tie Junlan, they appear extremely thin.

After listening to Li Heng's words, he shook his head repeatedly: "Senior Brother Li, I am a Qi Dao monk.

Although they also train the body, the body training monks who practice Qi Dao are incomparable to the Earth Immortal Dao monks. "

Xia Lingkai chuckled: "In that case, don't try it on others."

He pointed to a big tree next to him: "Let's hit this big tree. We are all experienced in many battles, and we can see the strength of our strength."

Li Heng and Qi Lei both nodded: "That's it."

The other monk, who was smaller in stature, was just watching the fun without taking it too seriously.

"I think it's more intuitive to confront her head-on. Senior Brother Qi, you are also a peak Qi Sea Realm monk, so it doesn't hurt to take her attack head-on."

Qi Lei glanced at him: "Tang Ming, don't gloat over others.

If you want to take on Junior Sister Tie, you can do it yourself. "

Tang Ming shook his head repeatedly: "I am a Shinto monk and I am not good at this."

"Since you all have no objections, let's try it with a big tree."

No one had any objections, and Tie Junlan took off the giant sword that looked like a door panel behind him.

Then, his feet suddenly exerted force, and his whole body jumped up high.

Holding the giant sword tightly with both hands, he slashed down on a big tree.

The sound of branches breaking continued, and broken branches and leaves flew everywhere.

When the movement disappeared, everyone looked carefully and realized that the big tree that the three people were hugging had been split into two parts.

The cut surface is extremely smooth without a single burr.

Using a giant sword to create such an effect shows that her control of power has reached an extremely terrifying level.

Qi Lei swallowed: "This strength is not much worse than that of Junior Brother Meng! Fortunately, I didn't take one of her moves."

Li Heng nodded with satisfaction: "With Junior Sister Tie's strength, she can indeed act with us."

"Okay, our team has gathered seven people. If we find three more senior brothers who are not weak, we can clear the place."

Hearing this, Xia Longting was unhappy: "I haven't taken action yet, and you are about to clear the place?"

Li Heng's face was full of disdain: "I got the records of the ancestors' participation in the trials from the elders of the sect.

When we enter the Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land, the location is random. "

“The entire Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land has a radius of two thousand miles, and there are various formations.

Even if we can contact each other, it is very difficult to get together. "

“After entering the Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land, everyone has to act alone for a long time.

To be effective, you must have sufficient self-protection capabilities.

You look like this, do you have the ability to protect yourself? "

Xia Longting's face was filled with arrogance. He casually took out his magic sword and slashed at several big trees in front of him.

A flash of lightning flashed, and more than ten large trees broke and then turned into ashes.

"How is it? Is my strength weak?" Li Heng shook his head: "With your physical strength, I'm afraid you won't be able to walk a few steps.

There are so many monsters in the Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land. If you take a flying boat, you are likely to be besieged by the monsters.

Therefore, those who participate in the trial must have extremely strong escape skills. "

Xia Longting looked disdainful and casually took out two humanoid puppets. The key was that these two puppets were also carrying a stretcher.

He lay directly on the stretcher and ordered: "Go forward!"

The two puppets activated instantly and flexibly shuttled through the dense forest.

After a while, he ran back again.

The two puppets also changed. They were no longer carrying a stretcher, but a sedan.

Then, he sacrificed three more humanoid puppets.

One holds a large shield, another holds a long sword, and another holds a long bow.

Xia Longting looked scornful of the world: "I didn't want to use these methods, but you don't believe me.

You can doubt my strength, but you cannot doubt my financial resources.

Senior Brother Li, do you still have any questions? "

Everyone was stunned by his arrogance. They never thought that they could lie down and bring a bunch of puppets with them to participate in the trial.

Thinking about it carefully, this doesn't seem to be against the rules.

The Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land trial only prohibits the use of power at the Condensing Yuan realm and above.

Moreover, it only prohibits super powerful attack methods.

As for defensive methods, who doesn’t have a protective treasure if there is a backer behind him?
Seeing that everyone was stunned, Xia Longting felt quite proud.

"If you think my puppets are not strong enough, I can bring out a few more.

Anyway, these puppets are driven by the best spiritual stones. As long as they are in a place with spiritual energy, there is no need to worry about running out of spiritual energy. "

Liu Yuanchen was stunned. He had only seen low-grade spiritual stones and medium-grade spiritual stones.

As for the high-grade spiritual stones, he had only seen relevant descriptions in classics.

As for the best spiritual stone, he knew nothing about it except its name.

Meng Tieshan was outspoken and asked directly: "What is the function of the best spiritual stone?"

Xia Lingkai replied: "The best spiritual stone can continuously absorb spiritual energy from the outside world, and one spiritual stone can be used repeatedly."

"At the speed at which the second-level puppet consumes spiritual energy, even if it is a non-stop battle, it is impossible to exhaust the spiritual energy in the top-grade spiritual stone."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen and Meng Tieshan both looked surprised.

Li Heng recovered from his surprise. He was naturally conquered by Xia Longting's money-making ability.

"Since you are capable of protecting yourself, I have no objection."

“We have eight people now and need two more.

I recommend my junior brother Shi Jian, his strength is not much worse than mine.

Junior Brother Liu had fought against him before, so he should know his strength. "

Liu Yuanchen nodded: "Senior Brother Shi's strength is indeed not weak."

Tang Ming quickly said: "I have a good friend who is also a Shinto monk, and his strength is equal to mine.

Moreover, he is good at controlling beasts and even keeps a dragon snake at the peak of Qi.

Entering the Ten Thousand Monsters Blessed Land, he can play a big role. "

Hearing this, Xia Lingkai's face showed a look of surprise: "Are you talking about Wu Chenglong?"

Tang Ming nodded: "It was him. In the first round of assessment, he defeated seven phantoms of the same level, and it took him seven hundred breaths."

Li Heng nodded slightly: "His own strength is not weak, and the dragon power of the dragon snake can intimidate most demon clans.

With this strength, I am fully qualified to join. "

"Since we don't have any objections, let's go out to find someone together.

When encountering irrelevant students, they will be eliminated easily. "

Everyone had no objection, so they left the place and searched all the way.

When meeting other students, Liu Yuanchen and others were embarrassed to take action.

Li Heng and the three of them were completely unburdened.

The students they encountered would either eliminate themselves, or the three of them would take action.

The Jade Blessed Land is not too big, with a radius of just over twenty miles.

Everyone searched the entire blessed land and successfully found Shi Jian and Wu Chenglong.

Liu Yuanchen had fought against Shi Jian, so he was naturally very familiar with them.

Over the past year or so, his strength has also improved somewhat, and he has become much calmer.

As for Wu Chenglong, this man is of medium height and has an ordinary appearance.

Maybe it's because he follows the Shinto way, his body is weak and he ages quickly.

He is about the same age as Xia Lingkai and others, but already looks like a middle-aged man.

After everyone greeted them, Wu Chenglong and Shi Jian had no objections to cooperation.

Everyone in the group is not weak in strength. It is better to go on a trial with a strong person than to carry a burden.

Xia Longting was a little curious: "Brother Wu, what does your dragon snake look like?"

Wu Chenglong chuckled: "Since the Young Marquis is interested, I will show it to you."

After saying that, he patted the spirit beast bag on his body, and a giant black python more than three feet long flew out, hanging in the air as high as a person.

The scales all over the body of this black python are like ink jade, emitting a precious light.

The entire body is no different from that of a python, with no mane or claws.

However, the head is obviously different from the python head, and it already has the prototype of a dragon head.

There are two beards hanging from his mouth and two bulges on the top of his head.

It's just that there is no mane on the back of the neck and chin, and it doesn't look as majestic as a dragon.

After Meng Tieshan looked at the snake, he asked, "This big python really looks a bit like a dragon."

The dragon snake opened its big mouth and roared at Meng Tieshan.

The teeth in the snake's mouth are completely different from those of a python, and are closer to those of a crocodile.

Wu Chenglong quickly touched his head, and the snake's anger gradually dissipated.

"His name is Mo Lin. I was taking care of him before he broke out of his shell, so he can understand some human speech.

Dragon-type spiritual beasts all aim to transform into dragons. He is already a dragon snake and has escaped the category of python.

Junior Brother Meng said that he was a python, which to him was derogatory to his bloodline. "

An aura erupted from Xia Longting's body, which seemed quite terrifying.

Mo Lin's eyes showed a look of fear, and he lay tightly on the ground, trembling.

Xia Longting chuckled: "Sure enough, he has dragon blood and can sense my dragon power."

He possesses the true dragon fairy seed and possesses the power of a true dragon.

It's just that in the eyes of humans, this dragon's power is no different from other powerful monsters.

But for dragons like the dragon snake, the dragon's power has natural suppressive power, which is simply impossible to resist.

At this moment, Bai Zhenling's voice came.

"The second round of assessment is over, and all students will return to the Fudi Center."

After hearing this, everyone used their own methods and rushed towards the center of the blessed land.

Not long after, everyone passed through the formation and arrived in front of the castle in the center of the blessed land.

The other 30 people who participated in the second round of assessment have been waiting for a long time.

Liu Yuanchen and others were not eliminated and were the last to arrive.

Looking at the ten students who passed the second round of assessment, Bai Zhenling nodded with satisfaction.

“The second round of assessment has ended, and the list of candidates to participate in the trial of Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land has also come out.

They are: Liu Yuanchen, Xia Lingkai, Li Heng..."

"The ten of you go back and prepare well. In half a month, I will personally take you to the Paradise of Ten Thousand Demons to participate in the trial."

(End of this chapter)

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