Chapter 126 The Embryo of the Spiritual Treasure
At the end of the second round of assessment, some students who were eliminated were very unconvinced, but there was nothing they could do.

The ten people who passed the assessment all have their own merits.

Even if they fight openly and honestly, they are not sure of winning.

The ten people who passed the assessment dispersed to make final preparations for the trial in the Ten Thousand Monsters Blessed Land.

After the show, Liu Yuanchen took Meng Tieshan to Songquanju.

My master and master have all participated in the trial of Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land.

There is only half a month left, even if all is used to improve strength, it will not have much effect.

It's better to listen to the experience of people who have been through it, it can help to some extent.

After entering Songquan Residence, I smelled a strong medicinal fragrance.

At this time, Zhao Hong's voice came: "I can finally refine seventh-level elixirs, and I will become the Alchemy King in the future."

After a crisp sound, Zhao Hong's somewhat aggrieved voice sounded: "Master, why are you hitting me again?"

Zhang Lingxu snorted coldly: "I have taught you for so long, and you can barely refine the simplest seventh-level elixir.

I teach you step by step, you have only made two pills, and you still have the nerve to be the Pill King?

I, the Alchemy King, will lose all my face by you. "

Just as he was cursing vigorously, he saw Liu Yuanchen and Meng Tieshan coming to the courtyard.

The anger on his face dissipated instantly and was replaced by a smile.

"Yuan Chen, Tieshan, you are here, how are your results in this assessment?"

Liu Yuanchen replied: "Returning to Master, my junior brother and I both passed the second round of assessment."

Zhang Lingxu nodded with satisfaction: "As expected of my disciple, he can pass the test at the early stage of the Talent Sea Realm."

Zhao Hong was a little dissatisfied: "I was scolded even if I refined a seventh-level elixir.

They just qualified for a trial, do they need praise? "

Zhang Lingxu's face turned cold, and Zhao Hong was frightened at that time: "Master, just think that I farted."

Seeing that he gave in, Zhang Lingxu did not reprimand him anymore.

Instead, he said with a smile on his face: "You came to me because you want to learn about some trial experiences, right?"

Meng Tieshan looked innocent: "Senior brother brought me here, I don't know why."

Liu Yuanchen sighed: "I heard from Senior Brother Li Heng of the Houtu Sect that the location of entering the Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land is random.

Although the disciple has the ability to protect himself, the junior brother is inexperienced in fighting.

If we encounter a monk from our lineage who is not easy to deal with, I'm afraid it will be difficult to escape. "

Zhang Lingxu once again took out the map of the Blessed Land of Ten Thousand Demons and handed it to Meng Tieshan.

"Write down the contents on this map first. Never go to those dangerous places alone."

Later, Zhang Lingxu said: "There are various formations in the blessed land, which have a certain suppressive effect on the transmission of messages.

When you go to participate in the trial, the person leading the team will give each of you a token.

Using that token, students on the same team can communicate with each other within five hundred miles, and can also show the location of other monks on the same team.

It only takes a day or two to meet up. "

"In terms of tips, don't take risks alone before meeting up, otherwise you will easily be attacked by monsters."

"It doesn't matter if we wait until everyone gathers to take some risks."

When it came to the events in Ten Thousand Monsters Paradise, Zhao Hong thought of those heroic deeds he had done back then.

“When you arrive at the Blessed Land of Ten Thousand Monsters, don’t just foolishly collect herbs.

The good things in the blessed land are not only those elixirs, but also many precious spiritual objects. "

“Especially those intelligent demons and half-demon, they also formed tribes and hid many good things.

Students from several schools united to attack those demon tribes.

As long as you can plunder their treasure house, the harvest will definitely make you have no shortage of cultivation resources for decades to come. "

Liu Yuanchen was not too excited. After all, he was good at alchemy and there were many precious elixirs in the blessed land.

Just sell some elixirs and you will have the training resources.

But Meng Tieshan was more excited. It was much slower for the weapon refiner to earn spiritual stones than the alchemy master.

He has no immortal seeds, so he relies on eating various spiritual things to cultivate, and the expenses are much higher, so he naturally hopes to grab more resources.

Zhang Lingxu reprimanded with a straight face: "Can't you come up with some good ideas? All the intelligent monsters are of extraordinary blood.

When attacking the demon tribe, you will suffer heavy losses if you are not careful. Do not act recklessly. "

"The trial in the Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land will last for half a year. During such a long time, life-saving is the most important thing.

Once it is lost in the hands of the demon clan, it will be useless no matter how much resources you grab. "

Liu Yuanchen raised his hands and accepted the order: "Master, don't worry, the disciple will definitely be careful."

"Master, my disciple now has a lot of attack methods, but he lacks a unique skill that can kill with one strike."

"I encountered a pack of wolves in the Jade Blessed Land before. The disciples used illusions and ten thousand trees to imprison them, which really tortured the wolves.

But the disciple didn't have the ability to kill them, so he still relied on Xia Longting's thunder power.

In the end, the disciple only killed a wolf king who was at the peak of Naqi realm. "

Zhang Lingxu chuckled and said: "You are really greedy, you are only in the middle stage of Qi.

Now he can kill the Wolf King at the peak of his Qi, but he is not satisfied yet. "

Zhao Hong was quite happy: "As expected of my disciples, people of our lineage must be better than others.

How can my disciple be compared to the son of Zhennan Marquis? "

"Take out the wind and thunder stick."

Liu Yuanchen did as he was told and handed the wind and thunder stick into his hand.

Zhao Hong holds the wind and thunder stick, constantly injecting mana and energy.

After a while, dazzling thunder light continued to appear on the wind and thunder stick.

A thunder sounded, and all the lightning on the wind and thunder stick converged.

Looking back at the wind and thunder stick, I saw two things that looked like inscriptions.

One is composed of the power of thunder, and the other is composed of the power of violent wind.

"This wind and thunder stick has a very lethal spell called 'Wind and Thunder'."

“This spell is very lethal and naturally consumes a lot of money.

With your current level of cultivation, if you forcefully use Wind and Thunder, it will probably consume more than [-]% of your body's mana. "

"After learning this spell, never use it unless absolutely necessary.

Moreover, bring more elixirs, spiritual fruits and the like with you that can quickly restore mana.

After using Wind and Thunder, restore mana as quickly as possible. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was very interested.

As long as the blessed land can continuously feed back mana, what's the point of consuming mana?
Then, he followed his master's instructions and penetrated his spiritual consciousness into the inscriptions.

In an instant, the scene in front of him changed drastically.

It is no longer Songquanju, but a mountain peak.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and lightning flashed constantly in the clouds.

A bolt of thunder illuminated the darkening sky.

Through the lightning, he saw a figure standing on the mountain peak.

The man held a wind and thunder stick and kept stirring up thunder.

With the blessing of the sky thunder, the long stick resembles a thunder dragon.

Finally, the man swung his thunder stick and hit it on the top of the mountain.

A three-story-high boulder instantly turned into debris everywhere.

Later, Liu Yuanchen woke up with a start.

The thunder in the sky disappeared, and the sight of Songquanju once again changed.

Then, he probed his consciousness into another inscription formed by the power of the strong wind.

The scene in front of me changed again and turned into a big desert.A strong wind blew in the distance, rolling up yellow sand all over the sky.

Where the yellow sand rises, a monk in green robes stands facing the wind.

He held a wind and thunder stick and kept waving it in the strong wind.

The strong wind kept changing its direction under his guidance.

After a while, the sandstorm no longer moved forward, but circled around the green-robed monk.

The strong wind gradually subsided, and all the yellow sand fell from the sky.

And under the feet of the green-robed man, there was a sand mountain hundreds of feet high.

The scene in front of him disappeared again, and Liu Yuanchen's consciousness returned to the center of Songquan.

Zhang Lingxu stroked his long beard: "Have you memorized all the scenes in the two inscriptions?"

Liu Yuanchen nodded: "The disciples will remember what the master said."

Zhang Lingxu smiled and said: "Just write it down. With your talent, you will soon be able to understand the wind and thunder from it."

Liu Yuanchen picked up the wind and thunder stick again, only to find that the two inscriptions formed by the power of wind and thunder had disappeared.

He followed the example of his previous master, injecting mana and energy into the wind and thunder stick, but there was no movement at all.

Zhao Hong chuckled: "If you want to elicit the two inscriptions in the Wind and Thunder Stick, you must at least have the cultivation level of the Condensing Yuan Realm.

Although your talent is good, your cultivation is far from enough. "

Liu Yuanchen was a little curious: "I have been using the Wind and Thunder Stick for more than ten years, and I have never discovered that there is such a secret in this stick."

Zhang Lingxu smiled and said, "Do you know the origin of this wind and thunder stick?"

Liu Yuanchen shook his head: "Disciple, I don't know that when the master handed this wind and thunder stick to me, he only said that it was one he used when he was young."

Zhang Lingxu glanced at Zhao Hong: "It's not that he didn't tell you, it's that he himself doesn't know where the wind and thunder stick came from.

Even this wind and thunder trigger was discovered by him himself.

This traitor is useless except for his strength in fighting skills. "

Zhao Hong was also a little curious: "Master, from what you said, it seems that this wind and thunder stick has an extraordinary origin?"

Zhang Lingxu said with a proud look on his face: "The origin of the Wind and Thunder Stick is indeed extraordinary, but it is not too scary.

This wind and thunder stick has some connection with Senior Brother Wanshan's Ten Thousand Mountains. "

Venerable Wanshan is the No. 11 master of weapon refining in the world. The magic weapons associated with him are naturally not ordinary.

Zhang Lingxu continued: "When Senior Brother Wan Shan was refining Wan Zhong Mountain, I also helped a little.

He refined the remaining materials from Wan Zhong Mountain and refined this wind and thunder stick, saying that it would be used as a magic weapon for me. "

"It's just that I've always been good at poison techniques and rarely fight with people in close combat, so I rarely use this wind and thunder stick.

Later, after I accepted you as my disciple, I handed over this wind and thunder stick to you. "

Zhao Hong had a look of surprise on his face: "Why is this wind and thunder stick so weird?

There are no weapon refining inscriptions, and even Qi-nourishing monks can use them.

I have been using it to the Condensing Yuan Realm, and it is still powerful enough.

It doesn't look like anything extraordinary, but it is extremely hard.

At that time, I wanted to imitate a wind and thunder stick, but I couldn't find a way to do it. It turned out to be the handiwork of Uncle Wan Shan. "

Zhang Lingxu said angrily: "So if you are ignorant and incompetent, it would be difficult for a truly brilliant magic weapon to find the existence of inscriptions.

Because during the forging process of the utensil embryo, the inscription pattern has been completely integrated with the utensil embryo. "

“If you want to make this magic weapon go further, you need to cultivate it over many years.

You also need to integrate your own insights into it and manifest something called prohibition.

At that point, the magic weapon will go one step further and become a spiritual treasure. "

“Unfortunately, Lingbao is too rare.

The human race had a few of them back then, but they were all destroyed in successive battles.

The current top magic weapons of the human race, including Wan Zhong Mountain, can only be regarded as eighth-level magic weapons, not true ninth-level spiritual treasures. "

Zhao Hong thought thoughtfully: "Master, are you saying that this wind and thunder stick is the embryo of a spiritual treasure?"

Zhang Lingxu nodded: "That's right, but becoming a spiritual treasure is also extremely difficult.

Even if you, Uncle Wanshan, spent more than 1000 years of effort, you still couldn't turn Ten Thousand Mountain Yun into a spiritual treasure.

This wind and thunder stick is just refined from leftover materials from Wan Zhong Mountain. If you want to become a spiritual treasure, the difficulty will only be higher.

Precisely because it is a spiritual treasure weapon embryo, there is no cultivation limit and it can be used in any realm. "

Liu Yuanchen was also a little surprised. He had always thought that this wind and thunder stick was only a third- or fourth-level magic weapon.

Unexpectedly, the origin of this wind and thunder stick is so extraordinary.

However, he was not too surprised.

I have the prototype of the Earth Book in my hand. It is an imitation of the best innate spiritual treasure. It is a sure thing that it will become an acquired spiritual treasure.

Moreover, the book of the earth can be cultivated with the help of earth veins, and there is no need to expend too much energy on your own.

Zhao Hong looked at Liu Yuanchen: "Yuanchen, how about I become your master and you pass this wind and thunder stick to me again?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he screamed.

Zhang Lingxu picked up the wind and thunder stick and whipped it towards him.

"You're such a traitor, you spend all day thinking about bullying your master and destroying your ancestors!"

Zhao Hong repeatedly begged for mercy, and Zhang Lingxu finally gave up.

Meng Tieshan asked: "Master, can I learn this wind and thunder technique?"

Zhao Hong nodded: "It will be possible in the future, but your newly condensed consciousness is still too weak to watch the scene of wind and thunder."

“Participating in the trial of Ten Thousand Monsters Blessed Land this time, dangers are inevitable.

Your current means are not enough to protect yourself.

Well, let me teach you a way to save your life. "

After that, he took out an animal skin book.

"This is the Running Wolf Escape. The escape speed is extremely fast, not inferior to the Black Eagle Wind Control Technique.

However, this escape technique is driven by physical strength and Gang Qi, and ordinary people cannot perform it at all.

Your physical body and Qi and blood are strong, which suits you very well. "

"After practicing this wolf escape, it will be difficult for monks of the same level to catch you."


After leaving Songquanju, Liu Yuanchen went straight to Xia Longting's Qianlongju.

He has a training room there, which is perfect for practicing Feng Lei Yin.

For the next half month, Liu Yuanchen kept fighting with phantoms of various cultivation levels.

Feng Lei Yin also had his first glimpse of the door. Without the help of Tianwei, he was enough to kill the phantom at the peak of the Qi Sea Realm.

As for Meng Tieshan, he ran around the academy all day long, practicing the wolf-running technique.

Although he looks a little dazed, he is extremely talented in cultivation.

In just half a month, he had mastered Benlang Escape.

When the half-month period arrives, Liu Yuanchen and Meng Tieshan are fully prepared.

The ten students who participated in the trial of Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land all gathered in the open space in front of the door of the practice room.

Not long after, Bai Zhenling came here with two middle-aged teachers.

One of these two middle-aged teachers was Zhou Yang.

Bai Zhenling didn't say any nonsense and directly launched a warship more than ten feet long.

A group of 13 people boarded the warship, and the two instructors each took out tokens and distributed them to everyone.

Bai Zhenling said: "This token allows you to contact each other in the Blessed Land of Ten Thousand Demons.

As long as they are no more than five hundred miles apart, they can send messages to each other and display the location of other people. "

"The general information about the Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land is recorded in the token. You should take a look first."

(End of this chapter)

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