Chapter 136 Defection
Liu Yuanchen and others arrived more than ten miles east of the Western Security Fortress and were hiding in a forest.

I don’t know if this group of monsters is too rampant and doesn’t take human students seriously.

Or maybe they didn't expect that there wasn't even a hidden sentry around.

Liu Yuanchen released Ming Yu and asked him to monitor every move of the demon army.

The sky is getting dark, and the night can bring out the bestial nature.

Under the cover of the dim environment, things that you usually dare not do can now be done with confidence and boldness.

The leaders of several half-demon tribes have gathered together at this moment.

All the half-demon looked at the Black Ape half-demon: "Brother Black Ape, your clan has always been known for its intelligence.

Do you think the words of the human race are true or false? "

The Black Ape Half-demon's face was solemn: "Does it matter whether it is true or false? During this period, all the brothers under your command have suffered a lot, right?"

A half-demon with ivory teeth cursed in a low voice: "The Canglong Tribe is so useless. Just because our tribe is physically strong, we have been allowed to take the lead.

Twenty of the sixty brothers I brought with me have been killed in the battle. "

The other half-demon leaders also poured out their grievances and attacked the safe fortress, while the Canglong tribe just directed from the side.

The ones who actually took action were half-demon from other tribes.

Seeing that all the demons were full of resentment, the black ape half-demon said: "There are still many layers of defensive barriers in the fortress.

Even if all of us are attacked, it's impossible to capture it. "

"If this continues, we will all die.

It's all about death anyway, so it's better to give it a try. "

As soon as these words came out, the other half-demon leaders hesitated.

After all, the Canglong Tribe is powerful, and there are some tribes that are related by marriage to the Canglong Tribe and are their hardcore lackeys.

If you betray the Canglong tribe now, you will definitely be settled by Qiu Hou.

At that time, their tribe will also suffer.

The Black Ape Half-demon also saw their doubts: "The Canglong Tribe has gone head-to-head with the human race and has completely offended the human race.

After half a year, the human race will definitely send experts in to fight them to the death. "

“I think the shouts of the human race in the fortress still make some sense.

The Canglong Tribe must have something to rely on if it dares to go head-to-head with the human race.

Perhaps, they were really making blood sacrifices to the demon god. "

“Within half a year, they have to deal with these human races, capture four fortresses, and sacrifice blood to the demon gods.

Even if the Canglong tribe is strong enough, it is impossible for them to find time to attack each of our tribes one by one. "

After hearing this, the other half-demon also became more determined.

The half-demon with the brown bear head said angrily: "That's it. The stubborn Canglong tribe keeps squeezing us."

"Two batches of spiritual objects are snatched away from us every year. We are reluctant to use the spiritual objects we have worked so hard to find.

Who are the elders of the Canglong tribe? Why should they steal our things? "

Hearing this, a group of half-demon echoed the words one after another.

clap clap~~
At this time, there was a burst of applause from outside: "Well said, I will let you know why."

Before he finished speaking, a middle-aged man with blood-red dragon horns on his head broke into the door.

Behind him, there were more than 20 half-demon wearing blue dragon pattern robes.

Seeing the people from the Canglong tribe coming, all the half-demon leaders had panicked looks on their faces.

The middle-aged man with dragon horns sneered: "You guys are so courageous? You dare to resist our Canglong tribe, aren't you afraid of annihilation?"

The ivory half-demon stood up and said, "Longshan, I would like to ask you, why do you want us to listen to your Canglong tribe?"

“Whoever your Canglong Tribe wants to fight, recruit experts from each tribe.

If you win, the benefits will belong to your Canglong tribe.

If you lose, we will ask other tribes to hand over more spiritual objects to make up for your losses.

The existence of your Canglong Tribe is of no benefit to us..."

The Canglong tribe relies on force to suppress other tribes, which has already caused dissatisfaction.

It's just that the other tribes are not strong enough and dare not resist.

The middle-aged man with dragon horns interrupted him: "Shut up, if you dare to betray our Canglong tribe, you will all die."

The thick-earth bear half-demon said angrily: "Resistance is death, not resistance is death, and you will rebel today!"

The thick-earth half-demon stamped his feet violently, and the ground shook violently.

The bodies of the Canglong Tribe half-demon shook violently, and their feet sank into the ground.

The Houtu Bear Half-demon shouted: "Brothers from the Houtu Bear Tribe, let's rebel and kill all the thieves from the Canglong Tribe!"

The other half-demon leaders had been forced into a desperate situation and had no choice but to resist at this time.

"The Black Ape Tribe has rebelled!"

"The Xuanxi tribe has rebelled!"

"The Tusk Tribe has rebelled!"

"Kill all the thieves from the Canglong tribe!"


Every roar sounded, and there were many echoes.

Not long after, the entire demon camp was reduced to a mess.

There were shouts, fighting, and the screams of the injured everywhere.

Inside the security fortress, Xia Longting looked at the situation below and couldn't help but murmur.

"Is the effect of making people shout so good? After only half a day of shouting, the demon clan rebelled.

If I had known earlier, I would have had people shouting from the beginning. "

Beside him, a student asked: "Sir, do we want to go out and add fuel to the fire?"

Xia Longting became the leader because he was pushed to the top and had little experience.

At this time, he couldn't make up his mind either.

Another student was obviously more cautious: "It's better not to take risks, we just need to hold on to the fortress and survive until the trial is over.

There are huge variables in this trial. It's better not to think about making achievements, as long as you can survive. "


More than ten miles east of the safe fortress, the huge movement in the demon camp naturally alarmed Liu Yuanchen and others.

At this time, Liu Yuanchen was also quite surprised.

More than 20 years of life experience in his previous life have taught him the importance of publicity.

But he didn't expect that the publicity effect would be so good.

After shouting for a long time, the demon clan began to fight among themselves.

It can be seen that the Canglong tribe usually does not do personnel matters, and other tribes are probably holding back their anger.

The shouting from the fortress was just a trigger that exploded the conflicts within the demon clan.

Everyone looked at Liu Yuanchen, waiting for him to give an order.

Xia Lingkai asked directly: "Chief, what should we do?"

An Changsheng was impatient: "What else can we do? Let's rush forward, break into the demon camp, and kill them all."

Liu Yuanchen pondered for a long time: "We really can't wait, the internal fighting of the demon clan is not enough to severely damage the Canglong tribe.

If we don't add some materials and the Canglong Tribe pays a small price, we can suppress these people. "

There is a stone placed on a high mountain. As long as there is a force to push it, the stone can roll all the way to the foot of the mountain.

Now the stone has just begun to roll, with very little force.

But as long as someone stops him, he can still be stopped.

What Liu Yuanchen had to do was to push away the person blocking the stone and add more force to the stone.

As long as the Canglong Tribe cannot suppress the other half-demon this time, the half-demon in the Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land will all rise up in the future.

"Let's get closer first and see the specific movement before we take action. If the other demon tribes are really fighting against the Canglong tribe, we will attack from a distance and kill the Canglong tribe's people.

It's best not to sneak in to avoid being accidentally injured. "

No one else had any objections, and everyone quickly approached the demon camp.

At this time, fighting was going on everywhere in the camp, and many corpses were lying on the ground.

It is certain that this group of monsters are playing for real.

Liu Yuanchen shouted in a low voice: "Xia Lingkai, Li Heng, you each take ten people and ambush on the north and south sides of the camp.

Once anyone from the Canglong Tribe escapes, take action to kill them.

Those who only want to attack the Canglong tribe from a distance are not allowed to enter the demon camp. "

The two of them responded in unison and took their people away.

An Changsheng was a little unhappy: "What about me? You can't let me just watch, right?"

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "You are proficient in archery, so you can shoot the people of the Canglong tribe here.

Others who had the means to attack from a distance also attacked the Canglong tribe members.

If you don't have the means to attack from a distance, just take them with you and wait for the Canglong Tribe people to escape, then go up and besiege them. "

After that, he took out the Wind Wing Bow, aimed at a young man from the Canglong Tribe, and shot an arrow at him.

The half-demon was very alert and quickly dodged.

The arrow only hit his shoulder and did not kill him.

However, at this time, two half-demon were besieging him.

His shoulder was injured, which damaged his strength, and he was quickly killed by two other half-demon.

An Changsheng chuckled: "Junior Brother Liu's evil-killing arrows are still not perfect!"

After saying that, he drew his bow and pointed an arrow directly at a middle-aged man with dragon horns.

The bow string sounded like a thunderbolt, and an arrow shot out quickly.

There was a flash of blood on the middle-aged man's hand, and a blood-red true dragon shadow enveloped his whole body.

The arrow hit the middle-aged man's eyebrow, a pitiful dragon roar sounded, and the blood-red true dragon's shadow instantly dissipated.

The middle-aged man with dragon horns twitched violently several times and fell straight down.

An Changsheng took a few breaths, then smiled and said: "A mere monster is vulnerable to a single blow!"

At this moment, a burst of cheers broke out in the camp: "Longshan is dead!"

"Longshan is dead!"


There were cheers one after another, and the half-demon from the Canglong Tribe, all with pale faces, did not dare to fight anymore, and fled out of the camp one after another.

As soon as they escaped, they were besieged by human students.

The half-demon in the camp also chased them out. Under attack from two sides, the half-demon of the Canglong tribe whose morale collapsed was quickly killed.

The students and the other half-demon looked at each other, not knowing whether to fight each other or to withdraw immediately.

At this time, in front of Liu Yuanchen and others were a group of black apes and half-demon.

It can be said that their hands are stained with the blood of the black ape and half-demon.

All the students looked embarrassed, but Liu Yuanchen looked as normal and raised his hands to the leader of the black ape and half-demon.

"Fellow Taoists, although we are not from the same clan, the Canglong Tribe is our common enemy.

The Canglong tribe is powerful, we must not fight each other again. "

The black ape half-demon also nodded: "This makes sense, we should deal with the Canglong tribe first."

Liu Yuanchen continued: "We humans have entered the fortress, and you half-demon continue to stay in the camp.

Tomorrow we will send representatives from both sides to discuss cooperation in the open space between the fortress and the camp. How about the leader of the black ape? "

The leader of the black ape nodded: "That's it."

After the negotiation was completed, Liu Yuanchen shouted loudly: "All human students must enter the safe fortress and no more attacks on half-demon are allowed!"

The leader of the black ape also shouted loudly: "All half-demon return to the camp and are not allowed to fight against the humans!"

Both sides retreated, and Liu Yuanchen and others came to the door of the safety fortress.

They each took out their tokens and after injecting mana, the tokens emitted a dazzling light.

Then, a light emitted from the inside of the fortress, shining on everyone.

An emotionless voice sounded: "The token matches my information and you can enter."

Afterwards, Liu Yuanchen walked straight forward.

The defensive barriers could not have any impact on them.

After passing through many barriers, everyone entered the interior of the fortress.

Xia Longting rushed out and hugged Xia Lingkai: "Uncle, I finally see my relatives!"

Liu Yuanchen was stunned: "Are you two very close relatives?"

Xia Lingkai smiled and said: "We are not particularly close, we are already eight generations apart.

In terms of seniority, I am indeed of the same generation as the Marquis and the Young Master’s uncle. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "Senior Brother Xia, we have been together through life and death for so long, can we be considered as close as brothers?"

Xia Lingkai said quickly: "Of course!"

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen said with a smile on his face: "In that case, we will be brothers from now on.

Nephew Long Ting, call me Uncle Liu and listen. "

Xia Longting's face darkened: "Let's go and play. He's not even older than me, and he still wants to be my uncle."

An Changsheng also had a wicked smile on his face: "Long Ting's nephew is quite handsome."

Since entering the Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land, everyone has been on tenterhooks and dare not relax at all.

Now that we have entered the safe fortress, we don’t have to worry about being attacked by monsters for the time being.

Everyone felt relieved and joked with Xia Longting.

After a quarrel, Liu Yuanchen asked: "You said before that the formations in this security fortress have been broken several times. Can they be repaired now?"

Xia Longting shook his head: "These formations are very complicated. Even seniors who are proficient in formations have seen them and can't understand them at all.

Moreover, the core of these formations is underground in the security fortress, and our tokens do not have the authority to enter at all.

If you hadn't come to support us, we would have been trapped inside. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen fell into deep thought.

After a long time, he said: "The Canglong tribe is powerful and has many more people than us.

It is not easy to completely defeat the Canglong Tribe.

This western security fortress may be the only safe territory in our hands.

Now that the other half-demon are rebelling, the Canglong Tribe has no time to cause trouble for us. We must strengthen the formation defense here as soon as possible. "

At this time, a student with a handsome face said: "Senior Brother Liu, we also want to strengthen the formation defense.

However, we cannot understand this formation at all.

Moreover, the demon clan seems to have mastered some means of breaking the formation.

In just a few days, they had broken through two levels of fifth-level formations. "

The demon clan may have a certain understanding of the formation of the security fortress, but Liu Yuanchen didn't think it was a big deal.

After all, before the rise of the human race, the demon race also had a very brilliant inheritance.

The demon clan has been living here, and with their level of inheritance, they spend a lot of time.

It is not impossible to find the flaws in the formation.

Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "Since the inherent formation cannot be strengthened, then rearrange the formation.

Among the brothers present, there should be many who are proficient in formations.

You join forces and devise a new defensive formation.

The demon clan will not be able to figure out the reality of the formation for a while, and the defensive effect may be better. "

(End of this chapter)

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