Chapter 137 The identity of the demon god

Hearing this, everyone agreed.

Tang Ming, who is proficient in formations, smiled and said: "It is said that the early inheritance of the human race was largely influenced by the demon race.

The formations in the security fortress have been laid out for tens of thousands of years. "

"So, it's not surprising that the demon tribe found out the reality of the formation."

“And the formations we learn are the result of the hard work of countless formation masters and sages of the human race.

It is already very different from the ancient inheritance of formations back then.

The demon clan can break the ancient formation, but it may not be able to break the current formation. "

"I carry a few formations with me, which I can use temporarily.

Brothers and sisters who are proficient in formations, let us join hands to rebuild a defense system. "

As soon as these words came out, several students who were proficient in formations came out.

"This senior brother is right. We formation masters are not strong in frontal combat. This is the time for us to play our role."

After some exchanges between several formation masters, they began to explore around the safety fortress and study how to arrange the formation.

The others had been working hard and were quite tired at this time, so they all found a place to rest.

There are many rooms inside the security fortress.

But there is no decoration in the house, only some stone couches, stone tables and chairs.

It’s more than enough to rest and enjoy things, but that’s just overthinking.

Liu Yuanchen found a room, sat cross-legged on a stone couch, and performed the Divine Wood Towering Technique.

During practice, the physical condition recovers quickly.

The next day, the red sun rose all the way from the east.

Outside the security fortress, three half-demon leaders came out of the camp.

Tables and chairs were also prepared and placed at the midpoint between the camp and the safety fortress.

The black ape and half-demon bowed his hands toward the fortress: "I would also like to invite fellow Taoists from the human race to come out and talk."

Liu Yuanchen, who had completed his morning exercises, came to the wall above the city gate.

At this time, there were already many monks on the city wall.

Seeing him coming, Xia Longting asked: "Senior Brother Liu, which one of us will go down to negotiate with the half-demon?"

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "I definitely want to go down, but they have three half-demon over there, so we have to go down three more."

Xia Longting was a little worried: "I'm not good at this. It's useless to let me go down. You can arrange the people yourself."

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly: "In that case, then Senior Brother An and Senior Brother Xia should go down with me."

After that, he looked at Li Heng again: "Senior Brother Li, when I go down to negotiate, please help me cover my junior brother's mouth.

Don't let go until I come back. "

When he goes down this time, he has to trick the half-demon and the Canglong tribe into risking their lives.

During the negotiation process, it is inevitable to say something that is not very true.

My junior brother's favorite thing is to tell the truth.

When he first arrived at Zhennan Academy, he almost dug a hole and buried his master.

If he was allowed to do this freely, I'm afraid these half-demon would attack the safe fortress and fight to the death.

Hearing this, Li Heng was a little confused and really didn't understand what Liu Yuanchen meant.

Meng Tieshan was also a little unhappy: "Senior brother, why do you want others to cover my mouth?"

Xia Longting had seen Meng Tieshan's mouth before: "Senior Brother Liu, don't worry, I'll find a few more people to cover his mouth."

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly: "By the way, take him to the fortress and set up a soundproof formation."

Xia Longting nodded repeatedly: "Don't worry, I'll get ready right away."

Several people carried Meng Tieshan and carried him off the city wall.

Liu Yuanchen and the other three people also walked out of the fortress and came to where the three half-demon leaders were.

After sitting down, the black ape half-demon introduced him: "I am the monkey from the black ape tribe."

"This is Xiong Kun from the Houtu Bear Tribe."

"This is the Elephant Forest of the Tusker Tribe."

Liu Yuanchen and three others also introduced themselves.

"Liu Yuanchen, a disciple of Bahuang Pavilion."

"Prince An Changsheng of An Kingdom."

"Xia Lingkai of the Zhennan Marquis Mansion."

Hearing this, the three half-demon's eyes lit up.

The monkey hurriedly raised his hands and saluted: "It turns out that there is another country's crown prince here, we are disrespectful."

Liu Yuanchen and Xia Lingkai were also a little surprised. They originally thought that An Changsheng was from the Anguo clan, but they didn't expect that he was the son of King An and the prince.

An Chang waved his hand: "It's just a prince, it's no big deal.

Whatever you want to talk about, just come and talk about it. "

Yuanmao asked: "I heard you shouting before, saying that the Canglong tribe wanted to sacrifice blood to the demon gods and fight against the human race.

Is this matter true or false? "

An Changsheng felt a little unsure. He just made up this news casually. It must be false!
Liu Yuanchen's expression remained unchanged: "Whether it is true or not, Fellow Taoist Yuan should know in his heart."

"The formation of the Ten Thousand Monsters Blessed Land suppresses the cultivation of humans and monsters. How many masters can the Canglong Tribe have?

Beyond the Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land is the capital of Luochuan Kingdom.

Both my master and master are stationed in Luochuan Kingdom. My master is in the Dharma Realm, which is the seventh realm in the earthly immortal path of the human race.

There are hundreds of monks of his generation in the entire Luochuan Kingdom, and there are even older monks with higher cultivation levels. "

"Do you think the Canglong Tribe can compete with the human race based on its strength?"

Hearing this, the expressions of the three half-demon leaders changed.

Although they were trapped in this blessed land of ten thousand monsters, they didn’t see much.

However, they still know the difference between the big realms.

Taking the Qi realm and swallowing the spirit realm is like a joke.

The masters of the seventh realm are five realms higher than them, and there is no comparison at all.

Yuanmao took a deep breath: "Every time the trial starts, the Canglong tribe will capture many human monks.

They should know everything about the situation outside. "

"They still dare to rebel. The blood sacrifice to the ancient demon god is probably true."

Seeing that he had fooled the half-demon, An Changsheng was secretly relieved.

Liu Yuanchen asked again: "Last night we worked together to kill all the half-demon in the Canglong tribe. You should have discovered something, right?"

Xiong Kun said angrily: "The bastards of the Canglong tribe are really nothing."

"When members of each tribe died in battle, they were not allowed to collect the bodies. They were responsible for disposing of the bodies."

“Last night we searched Longshan’s residence and found a lot of storage instruments, most of which contained the corpses of clan members who died in the war.

In addition, they also specially used magic weapons to preserve a lot of blood.

If not for the blood sacrifice, what else could it be for? "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen and the other three looked at each other in shock.

Looking at this posture, it seems that the Canglong tribe really wants to sacrifice something with blood.

This rumor that was circulated before was completely fabricated.

They just guessed that the Canglong tribe might have something to rely on, but they didn't know what it was specifically.

I just made up a rumor casually, which is as scary as it gets.

Now it seems that the fool was right, and the Canglong Tribe is really going to play this trick.

Yuanyang continued to ask: "How did the three fellow Taoists discover this secret?"

Hearing this, An Changsheng and Xia Lingkai were stunned for an instant and looked at Liu Yuanchen standing aside.

Liu Yuanchen was also helpless, each one getting more excited than the other while digging the hole.

Now when it's time to fill the hole, it's all up to you.His mind was racing, and then he started talking nonsense.

"I once learned a secret technique that can consume a lot of energy and predict some things."

"After learning that the Canglong Tribe was besieging the students from all directions, I guessed what they should have to rely on."

"So, I used some secret techniques to deduce the blood sacrifice."

"It's a pity that someone in the Canglong tribe seems to be covering up the secret, and I can't get a full picture.

Even so, my loss is not small. "

After that, he also took out a storage bag embroidered with a blue dragon pattern.

"Before, near Baicao Lake, I single-handedly killed the Dragon Flame of the Canglong Tribe.

You should recognize this storage bag, right? "

Yuanmao looked at the storage bag: "This storage bag is only brought by those who collect spiritual objects from the Canglong tribe. It has a large internal space."

"The Dragon Flame Thief has indeed come to our Black Ape Tribe many times to collect spiritual objects. His strength is extraordinary and even above mine."

Then, he looked astonished.

"I said that Liu Daoyou's power fluctuation is so weak, His Highness An and others still take you as the leader.

It turned out that the secret technique was used and too much energy and energy was wasted. "

"Thinking about it this way, the sudden rise of the Canglong tribe more than 1000 years ago should also be related to the demon god.

It seems that the demon clan has been preparing for a long time.

It may be difficult to destroy the Canglong Tribe's plan. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was moved in his heart.

I was also worried that the lie would be full of loopholes, but Yuanmao helped to smooth it out.

What a good man..., no, what a good ape!

Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "With our strength alone, it is nothing more than a fool's dream to destroy the plan that the Canglong Tribe has prepared for many years.

However, if you add the masters of the human race, it will be a piece of cake. "

“I estimate that the Canglong tribe also has special requirements for the day of blood sacrifice to the demon god.

If not, there would be no need for them to make a blood sacrifice when the trial of Ten Thousand Monsters Blessed Land begins. "

"As long as we continue to interfere with the Canglong Tribe's plan, we will definitely have a great impact on the blood sacrifice.

The secret technique of blood sacrifice should not be a sure thing.

If we exert some influence, we may be able to make it fail. "

Hearing this, the three half-demon nodded.

It is too difficult to completely destroy the Canglong Tribe's plan.

The power of the Canglong Tribe plus the die-hard vassal tribes already exceeds that of all other tribes combined.

To completely destroy their plan, a head-on confrontation is inevitable.

With their little strength, a head-on confrontation would be tantamount to courting death.

Yuanmao nodded repeatedly: "If we don't have a head-on confrontation with the Canglong tribe, but just exert influence, we can consider it."

"Since the plan is feasible, how can we, the half-demon who oppose the Canglong tribe, cooperate with you humans?"

Liu Yuanchen fell into deep thought. Cooperation between the two parties would not be fun.

There is no close connection between the two parties, and there is even hatred.

No one person has enough prestige to convince both parties.

In this case, if the two parties merge, it will only cause a lot of trouble.

Instead of doing this, it is better to fight on their own.

"We don't have any friendship at all, and we were even at war with each other before.

If they act together, they may start fighting before they even see the Canglong tribe members.

In my opinion, it is better for both of us to act independently. "

The three half-demon discussed for a while and decided that it would be better to act separately.

Yuanzi asked again: "Even if we don't act together, we still have to support each other.

Both sides still need to inform each other about their next action goals. "

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly: "This is natural, and our plan is very simple.

The Canglong Tribe spent a huge amount of money to attack the four security fortresses. These security fortresses would definitely have an impact on the blood sacrifice.

So, we intend to interfere with their operations. "

"The western security fortress is already under our control, and the other three security fortresses must also be preserved as much as possible."

"Next, we plan to harass the northern security fortress."

Liu Yuanchen wanted to attack the northern security fortress mainly because the half-demon tribe there had been plundered by them.

Once this group of half-demon passes, the previous lies will be shattered.

By then, Yuanzao and the other half-demon would no longer believe their words.

The plan to divide the demon clan has just been successful in the first step, but it cannot be wasted.

Yuanmao thought for a long time and then said: "If both parties don't act together, then we will go to the southern area to seek bad luck for the Canglong tribe."

Liu Yuanchen shook his head: "You should not attack the people of the Canglong tribe, lest you lose too many men.

In my opinion, you should contact other tribes and publicize the evil plan of the Canglong Tribe.

Those half-demon coerced by the Canglong Tribe may join our camp.

In this way, the strength of the Canglong Tribe can be weakened as much as possible. "

Hearing this, everyone nodded secretly.

The three half-demon leaders discussed it for a while before Yuanmao replied: "In that case, let's act separately."

At this point, the two parties have reached a cooperation.

The three half-demon leaders returned to the camp and left with a group of half-demon.

Liu Yuanchen and three others also returned to the safety fortress.

As soon as he entered the safe fortress, An Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief: "This is really evil. I made up this nonsense and guessed it right."

Liu Yuanchen also looked helpless: "I also speculated before that the Canglong tribe had something to rely on.

Although the rhetoric you made up has loopholes, it is still barely reliable.

After all, some legends do include blood sacrifices. "

“I didn’t expect that this wild guess would be confirmed.

Do you know the origin of this Canglong tribe?What is the purpose of their blood sacrifice? "

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Xia Lingkai.

He is a true polymath who knows far more secrets than anyone else.

Xia Lingkai thought for a long time before saying: "The Canglong tribe is also a tribe with a very long heritage.

However, its strength has not been shown, and the books of various forces have not paid any attention to such a small tribe. "

"However, I did think of an ancient demon god who might have some connection with the Canglong tribe."

Liu Yuanchen quickly asked: "Is there really an ancient demon god?"

Xia Lingkai nodded: "When the human race expanded to the Luodu area, there were a large number of demon races entrenched nearby.

At that time, there was a blood dragon in the Luochuan River, known as the Dragon King of Luochuan.

His strength was extremely terrifying, and several masters of the same level from the human race besieged him but could not defeat him.

The Dragon King of Luochuan fled into the Cave of Ten Thousand Demons. Human masters besieged him for many years before they captured the Cave of Ten Thousand Demons and killed him.

If the Dragon King of Luochuan had left any backup plan before he was killed.

It is indeed possible for direct descendants to resurrect them through blood sacrifice. "

Liu Yuanchen took a breath of cold air: "It's really possible, the half-demon of the Canglong tribe all have a pair of blood-red dragon horns.

And the Dragon King of Luochuan died in the Cave of Ten Thousand Demons. He was probably the target of the Canglong Tribe’s blood sacrifice. "

(End of this chapter)

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