Chapter 141
Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen sneered: "What are you afraid of? Even if the lightning strikes, the Canglong tribe will be buried with it.

I am also worried that our protective treasure is not powerful enough to break this bloody light beam.

Now with the help of the formation, our chances of winning are even greater. "

"Junior brother Xia, add some spice to this dark cloud."

Xia Longting understood immediately and condensed a dazzling thunder light in his hand, hitting the dark clouds in the sky.

In an instant, the dark clouds surged more violently.

At this moment, in the meeting hall of the Canglong tribe, a group of half-demon with dragon horns looked sad.

The leader slapped the table: "These little bugs from the human race have useless protective treasures."

An old man looked at the dark clouds in the sky outside: "Chief, please inform Long Lian quickly that they have destroyed the safety fortress and the formation base.

Otherwise, if the power of this formation is suppressed, at least [-]% of the energy of the blood sacrifice will be lost.

When the time comes, filling in all the members of our tribe will not help. "

The leader nodded, took out three bloody jade pendants, and crushed them into pieces.

After more than a hundred breaths, the entire Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land was shaken by the earth.

Huge cracks appeared on the earth, mountains collapsed, and rivers seemed to be boiling.

Monster birds are scurrying in the sky, and wild beasts are running around on the ground.

The originally heavy dark clouds over the Canglong tribe were quickly dissipating.

Xia Lingkai's face turned livid: "So that's it, the four fortresses in Ten Thousand Demons Paradise are also the core of all formations.

If the four fortresses are not destroyed, the suppression of the formation will always exist.

As long as the old loach's strength reaches the Condensing Yuan realm, he will be chopped to death by the formation.

The Canglong tribe captured three fortresses and destroyed the three bases of the formation.

Now only the western security fortress is left, and the formation has little power. "

Liu Yuanchen's expression remained as usual: "It's just extra help. With or without the formation's help, we all have to work hard."

"Junior Brother Xia, draw your attack down.

While the remaining power of the formation has not dissipated, let's give it to the Canglong Tribe. "

Xia Longting nodded slightly, and then, a blue-white thunder dragon fell from the sky and hit the bloody light pillar hard.

Carrying the residual power of the formation, the power of this thunder dragon should not be underestimated. The blood-colored light pillar was constantly trembling.

At this moment, bloody light appeared again in the eastern sky.

Looking up, I saw the sun forming a crescent shape.

Xia Lingkai narrowed his eyes slightly: "The total solar eclipse at sunrise is also called "Tian Zai Dan", which means that the sun rises twice.

At sunrise, there is a sharp reversal of yin and yang. Before the yang energy becomes strong, a total solar eclipse occurs, and the yin and yang reverse.

Now that the total solar eclipse is coming to an end, the yang energy returns, and the yin and yang changes sharply again.

The yin and yang between heaven and earth are constantly changing rapidly, and the heavenly secrets are chaotic. This is the time to fish in troubled waters.

It is recorded in ancient classics that the extraterrestrial beings that invaded the Yuanling Realm once used this time to resurrect masters who died in battle. "

“When the total solar eclipse is completely over and the Yang Qi becomes strong again, there is hope that the things they sacrificed with blood will be reborn.

Brothers and sisters, we don’t have much time left. "

Hearing this, everyone threw out their protective treasures and smashed them at the bloody light pillar.

This blood-colored light pillar turned out to be very strong, and after repeated attacks, it only became extremely dim.

Then, it can recover quickly.

Liu Yuanchen casually took out a topaz token and injected it with mana.

A jet black long sword suddenly flew out, swung the long sword, and slashed towards the blood-colored light beam.

A dark crack appeared between heaven and earth, and the bloody light pillar was cut into two pieces by the dark crack, and then collapsed.

Everyone looked at Liu Yuanchen, and Xia Lingkai asked, "This seems to be the Sky-cutting Sword of Fei Xian's Martial Sword Immortal?"

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "I snatched the token from Feixian Cult Yue Kongming just now.

Our Bahuang Pavilion and the Feixian Sect are from the same lineage. After the restriction on recognizing the master is removed, I can also activate their tokens.

I just didn't expect it to be so powerful. "

"Brothers, follow me and fight in, pull out that old loach who wants to come back from the dead, and kill him again!"

Without the obstruction of the bloody light beam, everyone rushed into the Canglong tribe.

At this moment, in the main hall in the center of the Canglong tribe, thousands of bloody lights flew out and turned into a bloody lotus, covering the entire main hall inside.

At the same time, a storm of spiritual energy blew up around him, and all the spiritual energy was sucked in by the bloody refining.

A loud shout came from the main hall: "Young men of the Canglong tribe, follow me to resist the human race."

Before he finished speaking, hundreds of monks wearing blue dragon-patterned robes emerged from various parts of the tribe.

Giant crossbows were pointed at the warships on which everyone was riding.

Liu Yuanchen quickly ordered: "The enemy has a giant crossbow, and the warship is a living target.

Abandoned the warship and fought with the people of the Canglong tribe. "

After everyone landed, they each used their own methods to fight with the people of the Canglong tribe.

Liu Yuanchen shouted: "You hold these half-demon back, and I will fight in myself!"

At this time, Meng Tieshan had been entangled by several half-demon and was unable to escape.

He threw out a piece of jade pendant: "Senior brother, I'll leave this to you."

Liu Yuanchen naturally recognized this jade pendant. It contained a blow from his master, which could kill anyone below the Dharma Realm level.

Liu Yuanchen caught the jade pendant, held the wind and thunder stick in his hand, and rushed towards the central hall with thunder light covering his whole body.

Along the way, he continued to inject mana into the wind and thunder stick to prepare for the wind and thunder.

At this moment, an old man rushed out and blocked his way.

Liu Yuanchen suddenly swung out the long stick in his hand, and the old man held a spear to resist.

After a crisp sound, the old man lay on the ground, and then turned into ashes.

Liu Yuanchen rushed forward again, and a dozen old men walked out of the hall.

There is also a guy with two horns and bloody dragon scales on his face.

The man shouted: "Human ants dare to come here to die."

Liu Yuanchen released ten golden-armored bean soldiers. These bean soldiers were commanded by Xuanjia, so he didn't need to worry about them at all.

A group of golden-armored bean soldiers fought with the half-demon old men. Liu Yuanchen jumped up high and slammed down the wind and thunder stick in his hand.

The half-demon leader was shocked. A bloody long sword instantly appeared in his hand. The horizontal sword blocked the wind and thunder stick.

Liu Yuanchen was shaken back several feet. In terms of strength, he was much weaker than the half-demon leader.

Liu Yuanchen activated the earth book, and an earthy yellow barrier appeared.

After taking out his disciple token and injecting mana, a fiery red light surged out and converged into a giant ape.

This giant ape has white hair on its head and flames on its feet. It is exactly the form of his master, Zhu Yan.

As Liu Yuanchen thought, a long stick suddenly appeared in Zhu Yan's hand, and he waved it towards the main hall.

With a blow from the stick, the bloody lotus collapsed instantly, and the main hall was smashed into ruins.

The half-demon and human students in the Canglong tribe were also blown away by the strong wind and could not stand firmly.

As for fighting, don't even think about it.

The half-demon leader was so close and had no strong defensive means that he was swept hundreds of feet away by the strong wind.

The strong wind gradually subsided, and the appearance of Zhu Yan also slowly dissipated.

Liu Yuanchen walked forward quickly and walked to the ruins of the main hall.

Zhu Yan's attack just now shattered the ground of the hall.

I saw a huge hole in the foundation of the hall, and a strong smell of blood came out from inside.

Apparently, this is where the blood sacrifice takes place.

He walked down the entrance of the cave, and the deeper he went, the stronger the smell of blood became.Not long after, he came to a huge underground space.

In this space, there is a large pool with a radius of two to three hundred feet.

At this time, the pool was filled with thick red liquid, and the smell of blood was extremely choking.

Even though Liu Yuanchen had experienced many fights, he still had the urge to vomit at this time.

Around the blood pool, there were corpses, still wearing robes with blue dragon patterns.

Liu Yuanchen couldn't help but sigh: The Canglong tribe is really ruthless, even his own family used blood sacrifices.

In the center of the blood pool is a dragon sculpture.

Except for having only three fingers on its claws, this dragon is no different from a real dragon in other aspects.

This sculpture is not an ordinary stone sculpture. It is like blood jade and exudes a strange red light.

At the same time, the blood jade statue continued to absorb blood from the blood pool.

As more and more blood is absorbed, the red light on the blood jade statue becomes more dazzling, and gradually forms a small pillar of light.

Obviously, all the previous strange phenomena are inseparable from this blood jade statue.

Liu Yuanchen used his wind-wing bow, drew out thunder-attribute arrows, and shot an arrow at the blood jade statue.

A burst of muffled thunder sounded, and the arrows shattered and turned into lightning, surrounding the entire blood jade statue.

The thunder light dissipated, and the bloody light pillar only dimmed slightly.

Liu Yuanchen once again fired arrows with thunder attributes. Just as he was about to fire his bow, a majestic voice came.

"You little human bug, get out of here now, I will spare your life."

Liu Yuanchen ignored him at all, opened his bow and fired an arrow again, and a thunderous arrow shot towards the blood jade statue.

A high-pitched dragon roar sounded, and the blood jade statue seemed to come to life and turned into a giant dragon that was ten thousand feet long.

The surroundings were no longer underground stone chambers, but an endless sea of ​​blood.

The giant dragon opened its mouth and swallowed Liu Yuanchen.

At this time, he only felt a sense of awe rising in his heart.

It seemed that the dragon was some kind of sacred and inviolable existence, which gave him the urge to worship.

At this moment, the fairy seed in the sea of ​​consciousness shined brightly and turned into the appearance of a ginseng fruit tree.

At the same time, Liu Yuanchen woke up and no longer had that feeling of awe.

However, the sight before me remained.

Liu Yuanchen took out the Purple Moon Orb and injected it with mana, and the orb emitted purple light.

The sea of ​​blood in front of him disappeared in an instant, and the ten-thousand-foot-long blood dragon also disappeared. The blood jade statue was still a statue.

The majestic voice sounded again: "Damn Purple Moon Fox!"

Liu Yuanchen sneered: "The Luochuan Dragon King back then was nothing more than this.

He has no skills at all. To deal with a junior like me, he still has to rely on illusions. "

"It seems that there is not enough blood in this blood pool, so you don't dare to waste any energy."

After saying that, he took off the fire-controlling gourd from his waist and spurted out a stream of flames.

Although this flame is just ordinary fire, the blood in the blood pool is not something extraordinary.

Under the heat of the flames, the blood continued to evaporate.

The majestic voice shouted angrily: "Since you know that I am the Dragon King of Luochuan, you should know my strength.

As long as you help me resurrect, you will be my disciple from now on. "

Liu Yuanchen naturally wouldn't believe his lies, but he still wanted to delay time.

"Let me think about it."

After saying that, he frowned and looked like he was thinking seriously.

Of course, the fire-bending gourd is still spewing out flames.

Luochuan Dragon King shouted angrily again: "You are looking for death, how dare you tease me!"

Before he finished speaking, the blood pool surged violently.

Not long after, several blood dragons flew out of the blood pool and flew towards Liu Yuanchen.

Although the Luochuan Dragon King has not yet been resurrected, the ancient demon god's methods cannot be underestimated.

Liu Yuanchen took out the jade pendant left by his master, and the jade pendant instantly shattered.

Thousands of green lights illuminated the entire underground space, and the green lights quickly condensed into an old man wearing a green robe, who was Zhang Lingxu.

Several blood dragons collided head-on, and his right hand turned into a claw. He grabbed forward and the blood dragon was instantly crushed.

Then, he clapped his palm.

A bolt of thunder flew out of his hand and struck the blood jade statue.

After one blow, the blood jade statue only had a few cracks and no more changes.

A roar came: "Damn bugs!"

Before he finished speaking, the blood in the blood pool surged violently and quickly rushed towards the blood jade statue.

In just a moment, the blood jade statue returned to its original state.

The blue light all over Zhang Lingxu's body gradually faded away, and instead a dazzling blue-white thunder light appeared.

Soon, his entire body was shining with lightning, like a god.

Then, the entire phantom crashed into the blood jade statue.

After a loud noise, the entire earth shook violently.

At this moment, an angry roar sounded: "Damn bugs, how dare you destroy my spiritual fetus!"

The blood mist dissipated, and the blood jade statue was turned into a pile of blood jade fragments.

A shadow of a blood dragon hovered over the blood pool.

He stared at Liu Yuanchen with serious hatred.

"My spiritual fetus is the hope of resurrection left behind tens of thousands of years ago. You destroyed it and ruined my resurrection plan.

I will take your body today. Even if I cannot transform into a dragon, I will kill all your relatives and friends. "

After saying that, he bumped directly towards Liu Yuanchen's eyebrows.

Liu Yuanchen was really a little scared, after all, he was an ancient demon god.

He directed a ray of mana to his arm, where there was a mark of green leaves and purple flowers.

This mark was a means of protection given to him by Zhang Lingxu when he went out to hunt monsters for the first time.

After using this method, he finally used all his cards.

After absorbing the mana, the grass began to sway gently.

A cyan barrier protected Liu Yuanchen's entire body.

The blood dragon's soul hit the cyan barrier and was ejected.

Then, the cyan barrier slowly disappeared and transformed into Zhang Lingxu's figure again.

He looked at Liu Yuanchen: "My dear disciple, what kind of danger are you in now?"

Liu Liu Yuanchen was stunned: "Master, can you speak?"

Zhang Lingxu chuckled: "The means of protection I left for you contain the imprint of my divine consciousness."

The brand of divine consciousness is formed by condensing the power of divine consciousness. It can be used as a container to accommodate various powers, and naturally it can also accommodate some consciousness.

Condensing the brand of spiritual consciousness requires at least the Condensing Realm, and you have to practice the divine way to condense it.

The Earthly Immortal Dao monks who do not cultivate Yuan Shen must condense the brand of divine consciousness and at least obtain the Golden Body Realm.

Liu Yuanchen pointed to the dragon soul above the blood pool: "This guy is an ancient demon god, and now only his soul is left.

He wanted to seize his disciples and asked his master to deal with him. "

Zhang Lingxu looked at the soul of the Dragon King of Luochuan and sneered: "So what about the ancient demon god? How dare a mere remnant soul dare to be so presumptuous in front of me?"

(End of this chapter)

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