Chapter 142
Upon hearing this, the Dragon King of Luochuan was furious: "When I was rampant in the world, your [-]-generation ancestors were still wearing crotchless pants!
A little bug dares to act arrogantly in front of me. "

After saying that, the entire soul body expanded violently, and soon turned into a hundred-foot-long dragon.

"The power of spiritual consciousness is quite pure, and it can be used as a tonic for me."

Open your mouth and take a deep breath.

A huge suction suddenly broke out, and Liu Yuanchen felt that his soul was about to leave his body.

He quickly activated the book on the ground to protect himself.

The feeling that the soul is about to leave the body is slightly relieved.

The master on the side was just a shadow. He didn't last long before he was sucked into the mouth of Luochuan Dragon King.

He looked up to the sky and laughed: "Hahaha..."

"A mere little human bug dares to compete with me, and now he has become my supplement."

Then, Zhang Lingxu's voice came from his belly: "It's easy to swallow me in, but it's difficult to spit me out."

The Dragon King of Luochuan showed disdain: "How can you make such a big splash just by yourself?"

Before he finished speaking, he let out a scream, and then his entire soul twisted together.

At the same time, his soul continued to dissipate and turned into gray smoke.

"What method did you use to actually hurt my soul?"

Zhang Lingxu sneered: "My magic power contains all kinds of poisons, and there are many poisons that can corrode the soul.

If you are really a living ancient demon god, I really can't hurt you with my little ability.

But you are just a remnant soul, and your strength is probably less than one ten millionth of what you were at your peak.

You will definitely die under my poison. "

Luochuan Dragon King roared: "Don't think I can't kill you."

After that, he plunged into the blood pool and swallowed the blood water fiercely.

Zhang Lingxu sneered: "With this little trick, I'm afraid it's not enough to win over me."

Before he finished speaking, Luochuan Dragon King surged violently again.

Liu Yuanchen activated the wind and thunder stick, injecting the power of thunder into the blood pool.

The blood and water seemed to be boiling, with bubbles constantly emerging.

At the same time, blood mist kept steaming out, and the screams of Luochuan Dragon King became even more harsh.

"Hahaha..." Zhang Lingxu laughed, "Well done, my dear disciple Sun, I didn't know you had learned how to use wind and thunder.

The power of thunder restrains the soul, which is perfect for dealing with this remnant soul. "

“I’m just a divine brand, it’s no big deal if I collapse.

This remnant soul is outside, and he is more seriously injured, so you can be ruthless. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen poured all his magic power into the wind and thunder stick.

The Dragon King of Luochuan roared angrily: "You forced me to do this!"

Before he finished speaking, the blood formed a huge whirlpool.

In just a few breaths of time, all the blood was absorbed.

Even the fragments of the blood jade statue disappeared together.

A blood-red bead the size of a fist appeared in the blood pool, shining with a strange light.

The remnant soul of Luochuan Dragon King also appeared, but the soul body was very dim.

His voice was also extremely weak: "If I can't survive, you have to die too."

Before he finished speaking, the blood-colored beads hit Liu Yuanchen at an extremely fast speed.

Before he could react, the bloody beads hit Di Shu's defensive barrier.

The force of this blow was extremely powerful, sending Liu Yuanchen flying backwards.

He hit the wall hard before stopping.

But the blood-colored beads were still tightly attached to the defensive barrier of the earth book.

The entire defensive barrier was pressed into a deep pit.

Moreover, the pit is still deepening, and the khaki defensive barrier may be breached at any time.

At this time, the spiritual energy in Liu Yuanchen's blessed land was instantly drained, and even the spiritual energy that was constantly pouring out of the first spiritual hub had disappeared.

Obviously, Di Shu is mobilizing all his strength to resist this bloody bead.

At this moment, Zhang Lingxu's voice sounded: "Old Loach, since you want to die, I will send you away as soon as possible."

The belly of Luochuan Dragon King's soul exploded, and the entire dragon soul was blown into two pieces.

Countless cyan streams of light scattered, and the dragon soul quickly melted as soon as it came into contact with the cyan light.

The Dragon King of Luochuan cried out in pain: "If I don't survive, I have to drag you to be buried with me!"

Before he finished speaking, the blood-red beads turned into a ball of blood-colored liquid.

This blood-colored liquid was so special that it actually penetrated the khaki barrier and got into the center of Liu Yuanchen's eyebrows.

Seeing this, the Dragon King of Luochuan looked up to the sky and laughed: "Your defensive magic weapon is extraordinary, but now I am unable to break it, and I cannot kill you directly.

But that bead is an acquired spiritual treasure that I have sacrificed and refined for many years, and it has sucked up the blood in the blood pool.

It contains the essence and blood of hundreds of thousands of creatures, as well as endless evil energy from the earth's veins.

Even the top masters of the human race cannot resolve this dirty energy.

I want you to be tortured alive by this dirty energy and become a madman, turning you into something neither human nor ghost! "

As he spoke, his remaining half of the dragon soul continued to dissipate.

At this time, he did not attack Liu Yuanchen again, but plunged into the bottom of the blood pool.

"Now that my soul is gone, I can't leave this blessed land of ten thousand monsters to you humans!"

A loud noise came from deep underground, and the entire stone chamber continued to collapse.

At this time, Liu Yuanchen was stunned on the spot.

The blood-red beads penetrated into the sea of ​​consciousness, and countless blood-colored energy continued to pour out.

Not long after, his entire sea of ​​consciousness turned into a sea of ​​blood.

Wails kept coming from the bloody energy.

In his consciousness, scenes of the tragic deaths of monsters and half-demon kept appearing.

Countless fragments of disorganized memories poured into his consciousness.

At this moment, the immortal seed in the sea of ​​consciousness shines brightly.

Under the green light, the wails and memory fragments were suppressed.

Then, a small whirlpool appeared above the fairy seed, constantly swallowing the blood-colored energy.

At this moment, a ray of blood-red energy came into contact with the book on the ground and was absorbed instantly.

Liu Yuanchen's consciousness had recovered somewhat, and the book of knowledge had the effect of absorbing the blood-colored energy, and he immediately activated the book of knowledge.

The book on the ground instantly grew in size, covering the entire sea of ​​consciousness.

In just a short time, the entire sea of ​​blood disappeared without a trace.

At this time, the book on the ground also turned blood red.

The book of the earth can swallow even the evil energy of the earth veins at will, and the essence blood of mere creatures is naturally not a problem.

The blood color of the book on the ground slowly gathered together and gradually turned into a small bloody dragon pattern, which was very similar to the appearance of the Dragon King of Luochuan.

The bead previously absorbed the blood in the blood pool and sucked in the fragments of his spiritual fetus.

This bloody dragon pattern may be related to the fragments of the spiritual fetus.

The blood energy was exhausted, and the true nature of the bead was revealed.

The whole bead is like a ruby, crystal clear.

However, this bead is covered with dozens of cracks, and they all go deep into the inside.

Obviously, when the Dragon King of Luochuan died in battle, this bead was also seriously damaged.

If not, it would be impossible for the current earth book to block the power of acquired spiritual treasures.

Without the master's control, the bead became motionless, just floating quietly in the sea of ​​consciousness.

But the book from the ground obviously had no intention of letting it go, and directly enveloped it.

Then the entire Earth Book quickly shrank and returned to the size of an ordinary scroll.

At this time, two small beads were suspended on the earth book, one was the blessed land, and the other was the acquired spiritual treasure.

Liu Yuanchen's consciousness was completely awake, and he looked at the situation around him.The surrounding stone walls are constantly cracking, gravel is falling, and the entrance has been completely blocked.

Liu Yuanchen quickly stood up and looked for a place to hide.

Recalling that the dragon soul plunged into the bottom of the blood pool before, he also said that the blessed land of ten thousand monsters could not be left to the human race.

At this time, the entire earth was shaking continuously, and it was getting more and more violent.

Liu Yuanchen was a little frightened: "The remnant soul just wanted to destroy the Ten Thousand Monsters Blessed Land."

He quickly jumped into the blood pool and found that there was a big pit at the bottom of the blood pool.

At the bottom of the pit, there is a blood spring, which is constantly gushing blood-red water.

At the same time, this blood spring also contains extremely strong evil spirits, which is somewhat similar to the evil spirits of earth veins.

Whether it is spring water or evil spirits, they are very unstable, sometimes getting bigger and sometimes getting smaller.

This blood fountain is probably the Earth Vein Spiritual Eye.

It seems that a lot of effort was put into the resurrection of the Dragon King of Luochuan.

Before he died in battle tens of thousands of years ago, he left his spiritual fetus behind and left the Canglong tribe to help collect blood essence.

Relying on the power of the earth's veins is considered to be a favorable location, and a perfect day is considered to be the right time.

The right time, right place and right people were all taken into consideration, and it was really painstaking.

In ordinary cave heaven paradise, there will be no earth veins.

Only when Dongtian has grown to an extremely high level can it be possible to derive earth veins.

The Blessed Land of Ten Thousand Demons was once a cave, and it was a natural cave. It was possible that earth veins could be derived from it.

The remnant soul of the Luochuan Dragon King just now crashed into the earth's veins before he died, obviously trying to severely damage the earth's veins.

If it were a normal cave, even if the earth veins were destroyed, it would not be a big deal.

But the Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land is already fragile, and its earth veins have been hit hard, and it is very likely to collapse.

At this time, the surrounding rocks are constantly crumbling, which may be a precursor to the complete collapse of the entire blessed land.

Liu Yuanchen felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart, deep underground here.

Now the entire blessed land is shaking violently, and the entrance to the cave is blocked.

It is impossible to escape on your own strength.

If experts from outside the blessed land forcefully open the blessed land and break in, it will only accelerate the collapse of the blessed land.

Even if a master does come in, he probably won't be able to save himself in time.

At this point, you can only rely on yourself.

At this time, he thought of the book from the ground.

The Book of the Earth can stabilize the Cave Heaven Blessed Land. Now that the Ten Thousand Monsters Blessed Land is about to collapse, I wonder if the Book of the Earth can stabilize the Blessed Land.

Thinking of this, he thought to himself: "Let the dead horse be treated as a living horse doctor. Even if it doesn't work, you can hide in your own blessed place.

Protected by the Blessed Land and the Book of Earth, even if the Blessed Land of Ten Thousand Demons collapses, you may not necessarily die.

Perhaps, he will wander somewhere in a different space. "

He summoned the Earth Book from the sea of ​​consciousness and threw it directly into the eyes of the Earth Meridian Spirit.

The moment the book from the earth fell into the eyes of the earth vein spirit, the blood spring quickly disappeared, and not a trace of the evil spirit was left.

Liu Yuanchen sensed the scene in his blessed land, and blood-red liquid continued to pour out of the first spiritual hub.

The silver-scaled fish in the first spiritual hub were all scurrying around at this time.

At this moment, the ginseng fruit tree emitted green light, covering the first spiritual hub.

Soon, the blood-red liquid in the first spiritual hub disappeared, and the silver-scaled fish also became quiet.

At the same time, the vibrations in the Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land slowly eased.

An hour passed, and the shaking finally stopped completely.

Only then did Liu Yuanchen let out a long sigh of relief: "The Land of Ten Thousand Monsters has been stabilized, and I no longer have to wander around in a different space."

At this time, he thought of the bead of Luochuan Dragon King.

Even if it is an acquired spiritual treasure that is close to being destroyed, it is still an acquired spiritual treasure.

When complete, it is at least a ninth-level magic weapon.

Thinking of this, he entered his own blessed land.

Walk to the edge of the blessed land and place your hand on the space barrier.

Soon, Di Shu swam over from the space barrier.

He did not take out the Earth Book. After all, the Land of Ten Thousand Demons has just stabilized and still needs the Earth Book to suppress it.

As soon as I thought about it, the appearance of blood-red beads appeared on the book on the ground.

With a casual grab, the blood-red beads appeared in his hands.

The majestic acquired spiritual treasure has nothing magical about it at this time.

Although the remnant soul of the Luochuan Dragon King had been destroyed before, Liu Yuanchen did not dare to take it lightly.

Sacrifice the wind and thunder stick, draw out the power of thunder, and continuously inject it into the bead.

Even if the Luochuan Dragon King still has a remnant soul or a spiritual mind left, it will be wiped out by the power of thunder.

This bead is a bit interesting. No matter how much thunder power is injected into it, it will be taken as ordered.

After a long time, Liu Yuanchen put away the power of thunder.

A ray of spiritual power carefully penetrated in, and at the same time, he also activated the energy of the Book of Earth to protect himself.

This bead had no intention of repelling it at all, and the power of divine consciousness penetrated it smoothly.

Soon, his consciousness saw a mark inside the bead.

As soon as his spiritual consciousness came into contact with the mark, he felt a mysterious force.

He had never felt this kind of power before.

He did not continue to study this mark, but continued to explore other things in the beads.

Soon, he discovered two more mysterious marks.

Like the previous mark, it contained some mysterious power.

It's just that the energy in the three mysterious marks is different.

Liu Yuanchen guessed that this thing might be the unique restriction of the acquired spiritual treasure.

He continued to explore the entire bead, and after a while, his consciousness actually detected a hemispherical space.

"This bead actually contains space!"

Although he was a little surprised, after thinking about it, it was no big deal.

It is not a strange thing for the majestic Houtian Lingbao to have a cave-heaven paradise hidden inside.

However, this bead is an acquired spiritual treasure that has been refined for many years by the Dragon King of Luochuan.

Since there is an inner space inside, it is likely that there are relics of the Luochuan Dragon King.

Whatever is left of the ancient demon god is a huge fortune for a young monk like me.

The consciousness wandered around the space. This space was not small, covering a mile in radius.

At the edge of the space is a layer of dark red rock.

It seems that this rock is somewhat of a space barrier.

He explored the surroundings and found that the entire blessed land was a lake with a small spiritual vein at the bottom of the lake.

The grade of this spiritual vein is extremely low, and it is only the first-middle grade.

The space barrier is made of rock, and there is a small spiritual vein inside.

Obviously, this is already a blessed place.

He searched around and found that there was no treasure near the spiritual vein that could suppress the blessed land.

It can be seen that this blessed land opened by the Dragon King of Luochuan is different from the earthly immortal way in the prehistoric world and the earthly immortal way in the Yuanling world.

The method of opening up this blessed land may have been inherited by the Dragon Clan itself.

After all, the Dragon Clan is also a race of majestic mythical beasts, and it is not surprising that they have some special inheritance.

In the prehistoric inheritance, in addition to the Earth Immortal Path, there are other ways to open up a small world.

For example, there is the Buddha Kingdom in the Palm of Buddhism, and there are also innate spiritual treasures such as the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map, which have a world inside.

(End of this chapter)

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