Chapter 143 The Relic of the Demon God
This blessed land is in the orb and can obviously be moved at will.

According to some records of the Earthly Immortal Dao, the Earthly Immortal Dao monks of the human race once tried to move the blessed land.

They also used eighth-level magic weapons to suppress Blessed Land, but ultimately failed.

The sages of the Earthly Immortal Way believe that as long as the treasure that suppresses the blessed land is strong enough, it is still possible to move the blessed land at will.

The orb of Luochuan Dragon King was once an acquired spiritual treasure, and its material may also be extremely extraordinary.

Although it is only one level higher than the eighth-level magic weapon, it has already undergone a qualitative change.

It is not surprising to open up a blessed land in it. With the powerful power of acquired spiritual treasures, it is not surprising that the blessed land can be moved.

While searching for spiritual veins, he also discovered a small stone house at the bottom of the water.

When his spiritual sense penetrated in, he found that the space in this stone house was not large, only two feet square.

There was only a table and a chair in the room, and there was a pile of books on the table.

These books are not animal skin books, nor are they made of paper, but jade boards strung together to form jade albums.

Besides that, there was a bunch of stuff on the table.

Among them are a seal, a token, and several dragon-shaped jade carvings.

The stone table is also quite extraordinary, with auras constantly flashing on it and several aqua blue lines.

The distribution of these lines is somewhat similar to the Luochuan River and its tributaries that we have seen before.

The Dragon King of Luochuan is in charge of the water veins of the Luochuan River. The patterns on this table may be the water vein map of the Luochuan River Basin.

Liu Yuanchen thought to himself: "I don't know if the things in this space can be taken out."

Thinking of this, he tried to use the power of his spiritual consciousness to take out the token.

With a thought, the token trembled and slowly flew out of the stone chamber.

Moving outside the stone room, it instantly turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the space inside the orb.

In an instant, the token in the orb appeared in Liu Yuanchen's hand.

At this time, Liu Yuanchen was quite surprised.

"This orb is a spiritual treasure that has been sacrificed and refined by the Luochuan Dragon King for many years. Even if the Luochuan Dragon King has no soul left, this orb should be an ownerless thing.

Ordinarily, it should be difficult for me to control a treasure of this level.

Why is this orb so obedient?Could it be that he was influenced by the book from the ground? "

After thinking about it, it seems to make sense.

“Before, Baozhu was suppressed by the Book of the Earth, and he had no intention of resisting.

Of course, it is also possible that the remnant soul of Luochuan Dragon King is controlling this bead.

Let me relax my vigilance so that you can attack me, so I have to be on guard. "

Then, he looked at the token in his hand.

This token is completely black, like ink jade.

It feels cold when you hold it in your hand, as if you are holding a piece of ice.

The front of the token is transformed into several river patterns, which are almost identical to the water vein diagram on the stone table, except that it is much smaller.

Above the river pattern, there is also a soaring dragon.

There were four simple and complicated characters engraved on the back, but Liu Yuanchen didn't recognize them.

Then, he took out a jade book from the space inside the orb.

When you open it, you will find rows of characters carved inside, with gold threads inlaid on the strokes of the characters.

Unfortunately, the jade book also contained simple and complicated words, which he could not recognize at all.

There are a few words in it, which are the same as the demon words seen when the demon tribe was plundered before.

It can be determined that these characters are all monster characters.

My spiritual sense penetrated into the jade book, but I didn't get any information.

Obviously, this jade book is different from the jade slips and animal skin books, and the content is not recorded with the power of spiritual consciousness.

The contents recorded in these jade volumes are likely to be the inheritance of the Dragon King of Luochuan, or ancient secrets.

If you want to understand the content, you have to study the demon language.

In addition, the seals and tokens on the table should be the seals of the Dragon King of Luochuan.

As for those dragon-shaped jade carvings, Liu Yuanchen didn't know what they were.

However, it is definitely not a mortal thing that can be properly collected by Luochuan Dragon King.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen put the token and jade book back to their original places.

After leaving the blessed land, you must go to the Academy to learn the demon language.

Then, he put the orb back on the Book of Earth and left his blessed place.

Once outside, there was immediate movement in the storage bag.

After some exploration with his spiritual sense, he found that he had received a message.

He took out the token and checked it, it was a message from Xia Lingkai.

The message informed them that they had eliminated the half-demon from the Canglong Tribe outside.

Therefore, I sent a letter asking him what was going on inside.

Liu Yuanchen immediately wrote back, telling them that the Luochuan Dragon King's resurrection failed, his remnant soul had dissipated, and he was fine now.

It's just that the underground stone chamber is blocked by falling rocks, and it will be impossible to get out for a while.

On the ground, after Xia Lingkai received the reply, he immediately read it out loud.

After hearing the news, everyone shouted excitedly.

Around them, there were piles of corpses of half-demon from the Canglong Tribe.

Of course, there were also more than a dozen corpses of students.

The rest of the people were more or less injured.

Meng Tieshan was injured in many places. He stood up with difficulty: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's rescue our senior brother as soon as possible."

Xia Lingkai quickly stopped him: "You are seriously injured, so you should rest first."

“Brothers, the leader faced the demon god alone and killed him.

Now that he's trapped underground, we can't help much, but we have to help in a small way.

The brothers who were not seriously injured followed me to dig up the rubble and rescue the leader. "

As soon as these words came out, even the seriously injured students had to stand up and help.

Xia Longting waved his hand: "Just rest for now. You are far inferior to my puppets in doing this kind of physical work."

He gave the order, and more than a dozen puppets ran to the ruins of the hall to dig out the rubble.

At this time, Liu Yuanchen also saw the situation outside clearly through Xuanjia.

He ordered Xuan Jia to command a group of golden-armored bean soldiers to excavate the ruins together.

The underground space where the blood pool is located is hundreds of feet deep underground.

The tunnels leading underground have been filled with rubble.

In addition, the tunnel is narrow, so it will take a lot of effort to dig through it.

However, the puppets and the golden-armored bean soldiers are extremely powerful, and the progress of digging through the rubble is not slow.

Two days later, Liu Yuanchen could already hear the sound of them digging stones.

With a thought in his mind, the book of earth slowly flew out from the eyes of the earth vein spirit with the blessed land and the orb.

At this time, he was pleasantly surprised to find that an extremely dim blood-red mark appeared on the ground book again.

This mark intersects with the previous marks. It seems that this should be the mark of the earth veins in the Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land.

The small bead representing the blessed land is suspended above the point where several marks meet.

Liu Yuanchen probed his spiritual consciousness into his blessed land, and as expected, there were still waves of evil energy gushing out of the first spiritual hub.

He was pleasantly surprised: "I didn't expect that in just two days, the earth veins in the Blessed Land of Ten Thousand Demons would leave a mark on the earth book."

Then I thought about it, and realized that this earth vein spiritual eye has always been connected to the blood pool.

There should be a lot of energy in the blood in the blood pool coming from the earth veins.

Most of this energy was absorbed by the Earth Book. It should be this energy that allowed the Earth Book to condense the earth vein mark in just two days.

One end of this blood-red mark is connected to other marks, and the other end is connected to the orb.He used his spiritual consciousness to explore the bloody mark and found that energy was flowing within it.

Part of the energy flows into the orb through the blood mark.

At the same time, energy also flows out of the orb, flows to the intersection of several marks, and eventually disappears.

However, the blood-colored dragon mark on the Book of Earth remains unchanged.

He induced some thunder power from the wind and thunder stick and injected it into it, but it failed to change it.

I still don't have enough knowledge to see what's so magical about this bloody dragon mark.

Then, Liu Yuanchen took another look at the Earth Vein Spiritual Eye next to him. At this time, blood-colored spring water and strong evil aura were still pouring out.

However, after being suppressed by the Earth Book for two days, the Earth Spiritual Eye has become very stable.

Whether it's the spring water or the evil spirit gushing out, they have always maintained a stable state.

After taking out the book from the ground, there were no more vibrations or rock cracks.

It seems that the entire Ten Thousand Demons Paradise has stabilized, and there is no risk of collapse for the time being.

Put the earth book into the sea of ​​consciousness and wait quietly to be rescued.

Not long after, the stones blocking the tunnel were dug out, and Liu Yuanchen walked along the tunnel and left the underground space.

When everyone saw Liu Yuanchen coming out with his beard in full shadow, they were immediately excited.

"The leader single-handedly prevented the demon god from resurrecting and saved our lives. Please accept my respect!"

After saying that, everyone bowed and saluted.

Liu Yuanchen waved his hands repeatedly: "No need to be polite, how could I have broken into the place of blood sacrifice without the help of all my brothers and sisters?"

Later, several fellow apprentices asked him about the details of the blood sacrifice place.

Liu Yuanchen hid the content related to the orb and told the details.

Some good-hearted people even went downstairs to watch the fun.

However, they didn't last long before they ran out with pale faces and vomited for a long time.

There are many corpses in the place of blood sacrifice, and the smell of blood and corpse odor is extremely strong.

Coupled with the strong evil aura, ordinary people simply cannot resist it.

Afterwards, Xia Lingkai said: "Chief, we also discovered the Canglong tribe's treasure house.

It's just that you should take the lead in this battle. If you don't, we won't dare to touch those spiritual creatures.

Now that you're out, let's divide the treasures as soon as possible. "

Liu Yuanchen naturally had no objection: "Okay, then let's go and divide the spoils."

After that, everyone came to a slightly smaller palace in the Canglong tribe.

The entire hall is filled with various spiritual objects.

The third- and fourth-level weapon refining materials were piled up randomly, forming hills.

Only fifth-level materials are eligible to be placed on the shelf.

What interests everyone the most are the elixirs.

The Canglong tribe ordered other tribes to donate various spiritual objects, and those precious elixirs were naturally among them.

After some statistics, there are more than 1000 true essence fruits alone, and an average person can get more than ten.

After the invasion of the Canglong tribe, more than 30 people died in the battle. Even Qi Lei from Zhennan Academy also died here.

At this time, there were less than a hundred students still alive.

If the treasure is not too much, they will have their share and will be taken out to their families or masters later.

Because there were too many treasures, everyone only divided them into fifth-level spiritual objects.

As for third- and fourth-level spiritual objects, anyone can take them as long as they have the skills.

Even so, the entire spoils-sharing conference lasted half a day.

After the spoils were divided, everyone gained a lot.

There are also many good things among these fifth-level weapon refining materials.

The Blessed Land of Ten Thousand Demons was once a cave, and the acquired Xuanhuang Stone was naturally indispensable, and Liu Yuanchen also received a lot of it.

In addition to these things, there are also many demon clan books in the Canglong tribe's treasure house.

Naturally, everyone cannot understand these things.

He can only stay here, and after the trial is over, the academy will send someone to take him over.


The day when the trial ends comes, and the tokens in everyone's hands continue to shine.

Soon, everyone was enveloped in a ball of light, and then the whole person turned into a ball of light and disappeared into the blessed land.

Liu Yuanchen only felt dizzy for a while, and when he recovered, he found himself in a large hall.

He was no stranger to this hall. He had entered the Blessed Land of Ten Thousand Demons from this hall half a year ago.

At this time, the entire hall was filled with people.

Moreover, most of them are old guys.

Each of these people has extraordinary strength, and their aura is as deep as the ocean.

Scanning the surroundings, he found that his master and master were also here.

Moreover, everyone else stayed far away, and no one dared to get close.

The Poison King's deterrence is so powerful.

Seeing Liu Yuanchen and Meng Tieshan coming out, they breathed a sigh of relief.

The two of them hurriedly stepped forward and bowed and saluted: "See you, Master. See you, Master."

Zhang Lingxu nodded: "As long as you two are fine, what happened in the blessed land?

The two means of protection I left behind were triggered one after another in a very short period of time? "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen also understood that so many old guys came here because the protective treasures of his descendants were triggered.

Or perhaps his descendant's soul card was broken and he came here to investigate the situation.

The face of the priest from Luochuan Academy was full of surprise: "What happened in the blessed land? More than 500 people went in, and only about a hundred came out?"

Liu Yuanchen briefly told what happened in the blessed land.

Other surviving students are also reporting to their elders what happened in the blessed land.

Not long after everyone had finished speaking, an old man walked up to the sacrificial wine and grabbed his robe.

"Huo Gui, why did you become this sacrificial wine?

The Canglong tribe is preparing to resurrect the ancient demon god. It has been preparing for such a big thing for 1000 years, but you Luochuan Academy didn't even notice it. "

"If this trial only resulted in the loss of a few dozen people and my grandson died, it was because of his bad luck.

But because of your mistakes, more than 400 people were lost, and you, an old ghost, cannot escape the blame.

If you don't give me an explanation, I will chop you alive. "

As soon as he said this, a group of old guys rushed forward, looking at their posture and wanting to tear the sacrificial wine alive.

Huo Jijiu quickly persuaded, "We at Luochuan Academy are indeed responsible for this matter, but the Land of Ten Thousand Demons has been raided many times."

"The Luochuan Dragon King's backup plan has been left behind tens of thousands of years ago, before we were even born at that time.

The senior experts have not discovered the backhand, how can we discover it? "

“Things in the Blessed Land need to be investigated before we can talk about responsibility.

Please come to my Luochuan Academy to stay for a few days and give me half a month. I will definitely give you an answer. "

Zhang Lingxu was in a good mood. Although his two disciples had thrown out all their life-saving means, there were no casualties.

Moreover, Liu Yuanchen also used his own efforts to destroy the blood sacrifice.

Having accomplished such a great feat brought a lot of light to his face.

"Yuan Chen, Tieshan, you come with me to Luochuan Academy to stay for a few days."

Liu Yuanchen and Meng Tieshan accepted the order, and then followed their master and master out of the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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