Chapter 154 Unformed Weird Creatures
Wan Yutang slapped him on the back of the head: "Most of the ghosts who stay in the underworld for a long time are ghost cultivators.

If you dare to attack casually, aren't you afraid that your yang energy will be sucked dry?

It's okay to go to a brothel in normal times, but female ghosts are out of bounds. "

"When I heard that you were coming, my grandfather immediately sent me a message asking me to keep an eye on you.

If you do something bad under my nose, grandpa will kill me. "

Judging from what he meant, Wan Yutang and Xia Longting might be cousins, or at least relatively close by blood.

Based on this calculation, Wan Yutang is the grandson or grandnephew of the vice president of Wanbao Chamber of Commerce.

With such a high background, he could go to a remote place like Red Wasteland to gain experience in person, and he could be promoted based on his meritorious service.

It can be seen that Wanbao Chamber of Commerce is still very strict in terms of rewards and punishments.

Hearing this, Xia Longting's entire face fell.

"Now that I have arrived in the Chihuang Kingdom, I thought I was freed from the clutches of that dead old man, but I didn't expect that I would be controlled even more severely."

Seeing that he was still sulking, Wan Yutang ignored him.

Everyone had nothing else to buy, so they left the ghost market and walked to the place where they came in before.

Wan Yutang took out three sticks of incense again, lit them, and stuck them on the ground.

Then, he shouted softly: "Qinghe County land, please lead the way for us."

At this moment, a suction force came and everyone appeared in the Earth Temple again.

Returning to the county town again, Liu Yuanchen felt as if he had had a dream.

Xia Longting asked: "Is there a brothel in the county?"

Wan Yutang sighed: "Yes, it's called Zuihualou. It opened not long ago."

Xia Longting was a little unhappy: "Why are there Zuihua Towers everywhere? They've all gone to the Red Wasteland, and they're still the same old style."

“Forget it, it’s better than nothing.

Just got the Millennium Huang Jing, and I must fight for three thousand rounds. "

Liu Yuanchen cupped his hands and said: "I won't go, my eldest brother and his family are all here in Qinghe Martial Arts Academy.

I finally came here, so I went to see them first. "


Xia Longting and three other people went to Zuihua Tower, while Liu Yuanchen went to Qinghe Martial Arts Academy.

The supervisor of Qinghe Martial Arts Academy is a registered disciple of Bahuang Pavilion, and Liu Yuanchen asked him to be strict with Hu Zi.

Afterwards, I had a meal with my eldest brother and his family, left some training resources, and left Qinghe Martial Arts Academy.

I stopped by to visit Mo Lianshan, the magistrate of Qinghe County. After all, he had his own connections and maintained them from time to time.

Later, Liu Yuanchen left Qinghe County and came to Qingdan County.

There are two purposes for this trip. The first is to ask my uncle to help him take a look at the Yinsha tree.

The Yin evil tree contained three different energies, which was obviously quite extraordinary. At the very least, it was a mutant spiritual plant.

If mutant spiritual plants are properly cultivated, a new type of spiritual plant may be cultivated.

As for the second one, now that there is a mark of Wuyunling's Great Spiritual Vein in the Book of Earth, there is no need to wander around.

Next, he plans to practice in Qingdan Academy.

While improving your cultivation level, you can also read various classics to make up for the lack of reading.

At this time, the expansion work of Qingdan City has been almost completed.

The tall city wall encloses a huge city fifty miles square.

Now there are only monks busy on the city wall.

Judging from the posture, he should be arranging various formations.

As the capital of the Chihuang Hou Kingdom, Qingdan City will be the center of power in the entire Chihuang Plain for a long time to come.

Such an important place cannot be careless.

A complete defense system must be deployed throughout the city.

Even under the foundation, there must be formation protection.

Complete completion of the defense system cannot be achieved in three to five years.

When I arrived at the backyard of the Sheriff's Mansion, I saw my junior brother writing and drawing on a table with a frown on his face.

Obviously, he was stumped by the formation.

Seeing Liu Yuanchen appear, Meng Tieshan seemed to have grasped at straws.

"Senior brother, you have to save me! This formation is really too difficult."

Liu Yuanchen sighed: "Who told you to be jealous of money?"

“When I first joined the Qingdan Sect, I learned a little bit about the alchemy, talisman formation, and Shennong techniques.

In fact, my formation talent is pretty decent, but I would rather learn the magic of agriculture.

The difficulty of the formation is outrageous. "

"You only cultivate Gang Qi, and your divine consciousness is born after you break through the Qi Sea realm.

Without strong enough spiritual consciousness, it is even more difficult to learn formations. "

"Junior brother, I can't help you, so you'd better get through it yourself."

Upon hearing this, Meng Tieshan's face turned into a bitter melon.

“I never thought before that this formation could be so difficult.

Senior brother, I beg you, please find a way for me to survive! "

Looking at his appearance, it was obvious that he was tortured by the formation and went crazy.

After all, he is his junior brother, so he still has to help think of a solution.

"Actually, Uncle Second Master is a little jealous when he sees Master taking in two of our talented disciples.

It's just that it's hard to find suitable disciples, so I train my nephew first.

If you help my uncle find a suitable disciple, from now on, my uncle’s thoughts will be on the disciple..."

Upon hearing this, Meng Tieshan's eyes immediately glowed like a hungry wolf.

"Brother, you really saved my life! I know what to do."

Before he finished speaking, he ran out.

Liu Yuanchen was a little confused. What did his junior brother think of?
Not long after the meeting, Ling Yu walked in from outside.

Liu Yuanchen bowed and saluted: "See you, Uncle Master."

Ling Yu looked a little surprised: "You have been traveling in the past few years, and your cultivation has improved a lot."

Liu Yuanchen echoed: "It's just a small improvement, after all, I've taken a lot of Qi Hai Dan."

Now his true cultivation level has been upgraded to the late stage of Qi Sea Realm. Even if he is covered by the Dead Wood Immortality Skill, he looks like he is still at the middle stage of Qi Sea Realm, which is higher than before.

Ling Yu noticed that Meng Tieshan was not there and asked, "Where is Tieshan?"

Liu Yuanchen explained what had just happened, and Ling Yu chuckled: "Tieshan is quite filial."

Liu Yuanchen casually took out the Yinsha tree and said, "Uncle Master, I came here this time to ask you something."

Ling Yu glanced at the Yinsha wood: "Isn't this the Yinsha wood? Although it is rare, it is nothing special, right?"

Liu Yuanchen shook his head: "I already know the name of this thing from Wan Yutang.

If that's the case, there is no need for the disciple to come to you.

There is a special kind of energy in this Yin evil tree, and it is not evil energy.

I'm not sure, so I'm here to ask you for advice. "

Hearing this, Ling Yu frowned slightly: "Special energy? Yin evil wood can absorb evil spirits. The biggest difference from other plants is that it has a little more evil energy.

Normal Yinsha wood will not have other special energy. "

After saying that, he took the Yinsha wood and released his spiritual consciousness to investigate.

After struggling for more than a hundred breaths, he didn't find out anything.

"It's strange. My consciousness probed into this sapling, and I vaguely sensed a special energy wave. But just as I probed in, trying to investigate it carefully, the energy disappeared again."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was also a little surprised: "Is it possible that this energy has intelligence?"

Ling Yu frowned, then clapped his hands: "Yes, maybe this energy really has intelligence and is deliberately avoiding me."

"If that's the case, you've earned it."

Liu Yuanchen was still confused: "Uncle Master, what do you mean by this?"

Ling Yu smiled and said: "You are also a native of the Red Wasteland. You should know about strange creatures, right?"

In the past tens of thousands of years, all the races in the Red Wasteland relied on the great spiritual veins of Wuyun Ridge for their survival.

Anyone who knows Wuyun Ridge doesn't know the power of black mist and strange creatures?
"Disciple naturally knows about weird creatures. When I followed Master to Jin'ao Lake to watch the excitement, I even saw several weird creatures with my own eyes."

Ling Yu pointed at the Yinsha wood: "Maybe there is a strange yet unformed creature hidden in this thing."

After that, he took out a Bagua mirror.

He injected a burst of mana into the Bagua Mirror, and then a ray of light emitted from the mirror, shining on the Yinsha wood.

At this time, the energy flow inside the tree appears in the mirror.

Among them are the spiritual power of the Yin evil wood itself and the evil energy absorbed.

There is also a gray energy that is constantly swimming among the saplings.

Ling Yu chuckled: "Sure enough, I guessed it right, this is a strange creature that has not yet formed."

Liu Yuanchen recalled the weird creatures that his master had mentioned before, and it seemed that there were no weird creatures like vegetation.

"I haven't heard Master mention this kind of weird creature."

Ling Yu smiled and said, "Have you never heard of the famous Po Ling?"

Liu Yuanchen has naturally seen Po Ling. When he followed his master to defend against strange creatures, the first strange creature he saw was Po Ling.

Soul spirits are things derived from soul fragments and resentment. They have some low intelligence and are similar to ghosts, but they are not ghosts.

Because this thing has no foundation at all, and it cannot become a complete life on its own.

Over time, it gradually dissipated.

However, spiritual things will always fight to survive.

This unformed soul will also struggle to survive.

They will attach themselves to something with a heavier yin energy, survive quietly, and then gradually die.

But there are a very small number of souls who are lucky enough to have spirit races born from the negative things attached to them.

They will merge with the spiritual race that has not yet fully formed in the underworld, take the foundation of the spiritual race, and become a real life from now on.

The soul fragments fused into soul souls may contain some memories from their lifetimes.

Therefore, soul spirits may also have some special abilities.

For example, the soul that Liu Yuanchen had seen could attack the soul with cries.

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen understood instantly: "Are you saying that this strange creature is the remnant soul attached to the Yinsha wood, and wants to use the Yinsha wood to give birth to a spirit body?"

Ling Yu nodded: "That's right, even though this Yinsha tree is small, it is actually an old tree that is more than 500 years old.

Just because it gave birth to a trace of spirituality, all the power was used to give birth to the wood spirit. "

"If this were not the case, this Yinsha tree would be at least five or six feet tall."

Liu Yuanchen is very familiar with the matter of plants and trees transforming into spirits.

The biggest characteristic of plants and trees that have the tendency to transform into spirits is their slow growth rate.

It took 500 years for the Yinsha wood to grow this big. If there wasn't that gray energy to disrupt the situation, I'm afraid it wouldn't take long for the wood spirit to be born.

In this Yin evil tree, the vitality, evil spirit and gray energy are mixed together.

When he used his spiritual consciousness to observe before, he didn't find any tendency to transform into spirits.

Needless to say, the value of a Yinsha tree that is about to transform into a spirit.

The transformation of plants and trees into spirits essentially breaks the original shackles, and the potential for future growth is extremely high.

"Then what should I do with this evil tree?"

Ling Yu sighed: "I'm also a little undecided, now that weird creature has almost merged with the wood spirit of Yin Sha Mu.

I don't have the ability to separate the two. "

“If we destroy him, it will be a pity for a wood spirit.

But if it is not destroyed, it may cause great harm when it grows into a spirit in the future. "

"This thing is yours, it's up to you to decide."

Liu Yuanchen looked at the Yinsha wood in front of him and was a little reluctant to destroy it.

Moreover, he only needs to use the secret technique of enlightenment to completely suppress the wood spirit.

The soul spirit and the wood spirit merge into one, and they are both prosperous and destructive.

If you can control the wood spirit, you won't be afraid of the soul spirit rebelling.

As long as it can be suppressed, even if the Soul Spirit takes shape, it will only be the second Ming Yu.

"It takes a long time for plants and trees to transform into spirits, and it should still take a long time for the spirit to form.

The master said that he would also come to Chihuangyuan in the future, so he should wait until his old man arrived before making a decision. "

Ling Yu nodded slightly: "In that case, you can keep it for now."

After that, he took out a small jade token and said: "This is the soul-suppressing talisman. It can suppress the growth of souls. Take it and use it."

Liu Yuanchen looked surprised: "This should be a jade urn, right? It can only be refined by a sixth-level talisman master."

Ling Yu waved his hand: "What does a mere jade basket mean? Among the hundreds of arts of cultivating immortals, formations are the most difficult.

I am a sixth-level formation mage, what does it mean that I can refine jade urns? "

"Take it and use it to suppress the growth of the soul spirit, and then use Shen Nong's technique to protect the Yin Sha wood. You may have a chance to save the wood spirit."

Liu Yuanchen hung the soul-calming talisman on the Yinsha wood, and then put it away.

Later, he chatted with his second uncle at the county governor's mansion.

Not long after the meeting, Meng Tieshan took Tie Junlan to the backyard of the county governor's mansion.

Tie Junlan was born as a commoner, and relied on her own ability to get to where she is today step by step.

With her talent, it will not be a problem to enter the Chinese Academy of Sciences in the future.

But if you want to go one step further and enter Daxia Academy, it is still extremely difficult.

Therefore, she also left Zhennan Academy and came to Chihuang Hou Kingdom.

Liu Yuanchen was a little speechless. He had previously asked his junior brother to find a disciple for his second uncle, but in the end he found Tie Junlan.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, Meng Tieshan shouted: "Second Master Uncle, I have found a disciple for you.

Junior Sister Tie has been learning formations, and she is already a first-level high-grade formation mage just by studying on her own.

I have found a disciple for you. Please don’t let me learn formations from now on. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen and Ling Yu were both a little surprised.

Tie Junlan was extremely tall, second only to Meng Tieshan among the people Liu Yuanchen had ever seen.

Because she is a woman, she suffers a bit in terms of physical strength, but she still cannot be underestimated.

Such a powerful monk should take the path of body training.

Even if he dabbles in the various arts of cultivating immortals, it should be in the area of ​​weapon refining or divine agriculture.

Unexpectedly, she chose the formation.

Ling Yu just glanced at Tie Junlan and said with a smile: "Yes, he is born with divine power.

Although not as good as Tieshan, he is still a rare good seedling, and it is more than enough to become my disciple.

It's just that my mind was focused on the formation, and I never thought about taking on a disciple.

Now that you encounter a good seedling, there is no harm in accepting a disciple. "

"Talent is the most important thing in the formation process. If you want to become my disciple, you must first test your formation talent."

(End of this chapter)

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