Xiaoyao Dixian: Obtain the inheritance of Zhenyuan Immortal at the beginning

Chapter 155 Deciphering the inheritance of Luochuan Dragon King

Chapter 155 Deciphering the inheritance of Luochuan Dragon King
Most of the methods of cultivating immortals are based on the saying that diligence can compensate for weakness, but formations are an exception.

Just like alchemy, to put it bluntly, it means constant trial and error.

A talented alchemist may find a way to refine the elixir after failing once or twice.

And an alchemist with average talent can still figure out a way out even after failing a hundred and eighty times.

All it takes is hard work and enough resources.

Becoming a fifth-level or sixth-level alchemist is not a problem.

Of course, high-level alchemists are still very talented.

After all, high-level elixirs are rare, and it takes a lot of time to refine a batch of high-level elixirs. The cost of trial and error is too terrifying.

But the formation method is different. A talented formation master is extremely powerful.

Those with poor talent may still be just getting started after working hard all their lives.

Even if the cultivation level is high and the spiritual consciousness is strong, the deduction ability will be enhanced accordingly.

But if you don't have talent, you can only be a low-level formation mage.

The formation that was laid out might still be full of loopholes.

Tie Junlan's eyes shone with perseverance: "The junior is willing to accept the test of the senior."

Ling Yu nodded with satisfaction: "That's good."

After that, he took out a jade slip and said: "This is the first-level high-grade formation that I have improved, the ecstasy formation.

Give you half a month to set up this formation.

If there are less than ten loopholes in the formation, I will accept you as my disciple. "

After that, he took out another storage bag: "The materials needed to set up the first-order formation are all here, you can use them as you like."

Liu Yuanchen had no interest in the strategy, so he stayed in the governor's mansion for a while and then left.

Afterwards, he went straight to Qingdan Academy.

After entering the academy, he went straight to the accommodation area in the northwest corner.

The layout of Qingdan Academy is exactly the same as that of Zhennan Academy.

On the day of the report, Liu Yuanchen rented a small courtyard in the northwest corner of the Academy.

Qingdan Academy was also more generous and did not charge him rent.

Entering the small courtyard, he took out the Yinsha tree.

At this time, the Soul Calming Talisman hanging on the sapling was faintly emitting golden light.

He released the power of his spiritual consciousness and sensed the energy changes inside the Yinsha wood body.

Sure enough, with the Soul Calming Talisman pressing down on him, the gray energy was suppressed to the point of being completely unable to move.

Liu Yuanchen used the Jiamu Withered Rong Technique to inject a ball of mana into the body of Yinsha Mu.

Afterwards, the vitality in Yin Shamu's body instantly became active.

Before, the gray energy was at an advantage and could completely suppress the vitality of the Yin Shamu itself.

The gray energy is the unformed spirit, which is naturally capable of absorbing the evil spirit.

Therefore, the evil energy that originally existed in the body of the Yin evil wood became the nourishment for the spirit.

Now that the Soul Soul's body is suppressed, the vitality of the Yin Sha Mu has been enhanced.

In the process of forming, the soul spirit will gradually devour everything of the wood spirit, and the two will fight to the death.

The wood spirit, which is not yet fully formed, should have some intelligence in itself.

Now that the wood spirit has the upper hand, there is hope to get rid of the soul spirit, or in turn devour it.

Liu Yuanchen has done everything he can to help.

Whether this wood spirit can survive depends on its own abilities.

Then, he brought the Yinsha wood into the blessed land, planted it on the edge of the blessed land, and told Xiaoyu to watch it.

Before the soul spirit merges with the wood spirit, it does not have a complete soul or complete memory.

It has not yet been successfully devoured, so it is just an incomplete creature without a foundation.

With its little ability, it can't make waves in the blessed land.


Two years later, Liu Yuanchen was 35 years old.

In the past two years, he has been staying in the academy.

Although I didn’t move around much, my days were extremely fulfilling.

Naturally, he did not dare to fall behind in his cultivation, and his alchemy level also improved by leaps and bounds.

With the help of the Pihuo Pearl and the Flame Bird Furnace, the third-level elixir has been refined with a [-]% success rate.

These are just trivial details. His main focus is still on the collection room of the academy.

He had read through almost all the classics in the Qingdan Academy's collection room, and naturally there were also things about the demon clan among them.

One of the reasons why he came to Qingdan Academy was to learn the demon language.

I got a large stack of jade books from the Dragon King of Luochuan, which must contain the inheritance of the Dragon King of Luochuan.

When the trial of Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land just ended, he was the focus of everyone's attention, and every move he made would be noticed by everyone.

If he had studied demon literature at that time, some people would have suspected that he had inherited the Luochuan Dragon King.

Even if he is protected by his own master, his life will not be in danger.

But once someone makes a fuss, there will definitely be masters who are jealous of the Luochuan Dragon King's inheritance.

With so many masters trying to force him into the palace, a lot of the benefits gained from Luochuan Dragon King may have to be thrown away.

The things left by Luochuan Dragon King were all extremely extraordinary, and he would not be willing to part with any of them.

Now that a few years have passed, even if a few people are concerned about it, it will be difficult to make a big wave, and the risk will be much smaller.

Qi Sea Realm monks have strong spiritual consciousness, so it is not difficult to learn the demon language.

However, it is not easy to decipher the inheritance of Luochuan Dragon King.

Even if all those classics were translated into human languages, it would be very difficult to understand their meaning.

The same thing is said differently by the human race and the demon race.

The sayings in ancient times are also very different from the sayings today.

In addition, these old guys with advanced cultivation always like to use metaphors when talking, which makes it even more difficult to interpret.

After learning the demon script, he knew all the words on the jade book, but he still didn't know what they meant.

Therefore, in addition to learning to translate the demon clan's words, he also needs to understand the demon clan's customs and various allusions.

When he encountered something he couldn't understand, he would consult Xia Lingkai, a scholar.

After two years of hard work, Liu Yuanchen finally deciphered part of the classics left by the Dragon King of Luochuan.

There are indeed many good things in the pile of jade books left by the Dragon King of Luochuan.

In particular, his diary contains many cultivation techniques.

For example, the process by which the Dragon King of Luochuan obtained the power of heaven was clearly described.

If you sell just this part, you can get a lot of good things.

In addition, the jade book also records the method by which the Luochuan Dragon King refined the dragon beads into acquired spiritual treasures.

If you sell this thing to those great masters of weapon refining, you can get a lot of good things in exchange.

What interests Liu Yuanchen the most is the method of opening up a small world in Dragon Ball.

The content of this part was relatively obscure and he did not fully understand it.

Only by interpreting part of the content, we can also see the general situation of this method.

The method used by Luochuan Dragon King to open up a small world in the Dragon Ball is called the Five Elements Opening Heaven Method.

This method is to first let the dragon beads absorb a large amount of chaotic energy as the basis for opening up a small world.

There will be no chaos inside a stable world.

If you want to find the energy of chaos, you can only break the space and go to the void outside the Yuanling Realm.Even the Martial Sword Immortal of Feixian Sect has the means to break the void.

With Luochuan Dragon King's cultivation level, it is naturally not difficult to break the void.

In the process of absorbing the energy of chaos, the dragon ball must be constantly transformed to create a small space inside it.

Among the three acquired treasure taboos of Dragon Ball, one is to maintain space.

Eventually, the Dragon Ball turned into a small space filled with the energy of chaos.

After that, a formation must be arranged inside the dragon ball, called the Five Elements Opening Heaven Formation.

Look for five elements spiritual objects with close energy levels to serve as the five formation eyes.

After the formation is formed, the energy of chaos will be continuously refined and transformed into five elements of energy.

As the energy of the five elements continues to increase, the space within the dragon ball also continues to expand.

After the energy of chaos is completely consumed, the small world inside the Dragon Ball has begun to take shape.

Then place the dragon ball in the eyes of the earth vein spirit to continuously absorb the evil energy of the earth veins.

The Five Elements Open Heaven Formation can refine the energy of chaos into the energy of the Five Elements, and refining the evil energy of the earth veins is naturally not a problem.

The evil energy of the earth veins is continuously injected into the Dragon Ball, becoming the energy source for the growth of the Dragon Ball Blessed Land.

Before the human race attacked the Luochuan River Basin, Longzhu Paradise had become a world with a radius of hundreds of miles.

According to the records in the Luochuan Dragon King's diary, he was still training an elite army in the Dragon Pearl Paradise at that time.

There is also an incredible secret technique recorded in the Five Elements Opening Heaven Technique.

This secret technique is called "Mountains and Rivers in the Palm", and it also relies on the power of the small world within the Dragon Clan.

Luochuan Dragon King was so difficult to deal with back then, and this secret technique also played a big role.

To put it bluntly, holding mountains and rivers in the palm of your hand is a means of borrowing power, but what he borrows is the power of mountains and rivers.

The Dragon King of Luochuan is recognized by Luochuan River. As long as he is in the Luochuan River Basin, he can use the power of mountains and rivers to exert extremely powerful power.

This is similar to the current Shinto. Within the scope of one's own divine domain, one can exert extremely strong strength.

Once you leave the divine realm, your strength will be greatly reduced.

The same is true for the Luochuan Dragon King. Once he leaves the Luochuan River Basin, he cannot rely on the power of mountains and rivers.

The secret technique of mountains and rivers in the palm is to reconstruct a small Luochuan in the Dragon Pearl Paradise.

Everything in the Luochuan River Basin is available in Longzhu Paradise, but it is much smaller.

The entire Longzhu Paradise has become the hub for mobilizing the power of the mountains and rivers in the Luochuan River Basin.

Then use the authority of heaven as a bridge to establish a connection between the Longzhu Paradise and the Luochuan River Basin.

After the secret technique of mountains and rivers in the palm is refined, as long as the dragon ball is in hand, Luochuan Dragon King can mobilize the power of Luochuan River no matter where he goes.

Of course, the further away from the Luochuan River, the less power can be mobilized.

If in the Luochuan River Basin, Longzhu Blessed Land helps, the power of the mountains and rivers can be mobilized much more than before.

The secret technique of mountains and rivers in this palm has the same function as the Book of the Earth.

Zhenyuan Immortal's original book of the earth can mobilize the power of the ancient land.

Liu Yuanchen's imitation book of the earth can only mobilize the power of spiritual veins and earth veins now, and it is not as good as the secret technique of mountains and rivers in the palm of his hand.

Of course, after the imitation book of the earth grows up, its effect will definitely be able to crush the secret arts of mountains and rivers.

The secret technique of mountains and rivers in this palm still has an effect. In the future, the Earth Book will be used to mobilize the power of the earth.

Once someone suspects it, he can throw out the secret skills of mountains and rivers in his palm as a cover to cover up the book from the ground.


In addition to the Five Elements Opening Heaven Technique, there is also a secret technique recorded in the classics left by the Dragon King of Luochuan.

This secret technique is the method used by Luochuan Dragon King to resurrect - "Spirit Fetus Resurrection Method".

The core of the entire secret technique of resurrection is the spiritual fetus.

Draw out part of your own essence, blood, mana, and part of your soul, and fuse the three to create a spiritual fetus in your body.

During the growth process of the spiritual fetus, it needs to continuously absorb the power of the body.

As the spiritual fetus grows, the physical body gradually weakens.

According to the records in the classics, it took many years for the human masters and the Dragon King of Luochuan to kill him.

The battle situation of that year was also recorded in the diary of Luochuan Dragon King.

He was besieged by more than ten top human race masters and was forced to flee into the Cave of Ten Thousand Demons.

Human masters are also patient and will not stop until they kill him.

As a last resort, King Luochuan used the spiritual fetus resurrection method to escape from the golden cicada's shell.

He first pretended to be seriously injured, but during the battle with the human masters, it seemed that his injuries were getting more and more serious and his strength was getting weaker and weaker.

In fact, it is constantly injecting the energy in the body into the spiritual fetus.

Before he died in battle, more than [-]% of his body's strength had been injected into the spiritual fetus.

The power of the main body is already less than [-]%.

In order to hide it from the human masters, he also abandoned his body, the Dragon Palace, and the treasures he had collected for many years.

In the final battle, he used all his remaining strength to severely damage the main spiritual vein of Wanyao Cave.

His own Dragon Ball was also seriously damaged in that battle, and the internal world of Xiao Luochuan collapsed.

For the Dragon Clan, the Dragon Pearl is extremely important and must be preserved.

In order to keep his own dragon ball, he destroyed a fake dragon ball that had been collected for many years and passed it off as his own.

Because his acting was so similar and he had been stubbornly resisting for long enough, the human race did not have the slightest suspicion.

After deceiving the human masters, Luochuan Dragon King's spiritual fetus continued to absorb the power of the earth's veins, accumulate strength, and wait for the opportunity.

More than 5000 years ago, his soul woke up first and started the resurrection plan.

The half-demon of the Canglong tribe is indeed his descendant.

Through blood connections, he influenced the senior leaders of the Canglong tribe and asked them to prepare blood sacrifices.

In fact, this method of resurrecting the spiritual fetus only requires the earth veins to continuously provide power.

It is possible to resurrect without the help of blood sacrifice, but it will take a long time to accumulate strength.

The damage to Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land was too serious and it has been going downhill.

It might completely collapse one day, and Luochuan Dragon King couldn't afford to wait.

Only then did he use the method of blood sacrifice, hoping to take advantage of the "Tian Zaidan" opportunity of chaos to resurrect in advance.

After roughly interpreting this part of the content, Liu Yuanchen also breathed a sigh of relief.

The Dragon King of Luochuan interrupted the spirit fetus resurrection method and wanted to be resurrected in advance.

The growth of the entire spiritual fetus is not enough, and the soul has not fully recovered.

In this case, even if he tried his best, he was not completely sure of success.

It is also impossible for him to separate his soul and plot against himself.

And his soul was poisoned by his master, and he had no way to survive, and no chance to leave a backup plan.

The spiritual fetus of Luochuan Dragon King is the blood dragon sculpture in the blood pool.

After the spiritual fetus was shattered, his hope of resurrection was completely shattered.

Before the Luochuan Dragon King's soul dissipates, let the dragon beads absorb all the power of the blood pool and the spiritual platform.

I want to use this power to kill Liu Yuanchen.

Unfortunately, his soul was severely damaged and was on the verge of collapse, unable to exert much power.

In the end, he had to change his methods and let the dragon beads take these powers and integrate them into Liu Yuanchen's body.

All the energy in the Dragon Ball was swallowed up by the Book of Earth.

The dirty energy in the blood pool turned into a blood-colored earth vein mark, and the power of the spiritual fetus gathered together to form a blood-colored dragon mark on the earth book.

(End of this chapter)

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