Xiaoyao Dixian: Obtain the inheritance of Zhenyuan Immortal at the beginning

Chapter 156 Refining the Dragon King’s Spirit Fetus

Chapter 156 Refining the Dragon King’s Spirit Fetus
Five or six years have passed since the trial in Ten Thousand Monsters Blessed Land ended.

The blood-colored dragon mark transformed by the spiritual fetus is still intact on the ground book.

In the past few years, there has been no change at all.

Liu Yuanchen had previously felt a little strange about how a small spiritual fetus could remain in the Book of the Earth for such a long time.

Now I know that the spiritual fetus was cultivated by Luochuan Dragon King by spending [-]% of his body's energy.

Moreover, this thing has been nurtured by the earth veins in the Ten Thousand Monsters Blessed Land for tens of thousands of years.

The amount of energy contained in it cannot be compared with the current imitation books.

The Earth Book has the potential to control the earth, and it is easy to extract the evil energy of the earth veins and the spiritual energy of the spiritual veins.

But this bloody dragon mark was transformed by the essence of the Dragon King of Luochuan, and it was very different from the evil spirit and spiritual energy.

In the past few years, there has been no obvious change in the blood dragon mark.

It can be seen that it is not an easy task for the Book of Earth to refine the energy in the blood mark.

Looking at the bloody dragon mark on the ground book, I knew that it contained a lot of energy, but I couldn't use it.

There is only one sentence to describe this feeling: "Asking you how sad you can be is like a group of eunuchs going to a brothel."

Liu Yuanchen also gained some understanding of the blood dragon mark by studying the method of resurrecting the spiritual fetus.

The current blood dragon mark is a ball of extremely high quality ownerless energy.

If you can draw it out and use it for your own cultivation, the effect of improving your cultivation will be extremely powerful.

In the entire Yuanling world, I am afraid that there is no spiritual creature stronger than this.

However, the risks involved cannot be underestimated.

After all, the spiritual fetus contains the essence and spirit of the Dragon King of Luochuan, and the "god" is derived from the soul of the Dragon King of Luochuan.

Luochuan Dragon King was an existence that surpassed the top masters of the human race, and his "god" was not easy to refine.

If you refine it rashly, you may fall into his trap.

After thinking about it, Liu Yuanchen came up with a feasible method.

Compared with Luochuan Dragon King, there is a huge difference.

But compared to the Dragon King of Luochuan and the Great Immortal Zhenyuan, the gap would only be wider.

Using the methods taught by Immortal Zhenyuan to deal with the blood dragon mark should not cause any problems.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen made a thought and extracted the blood energy from the blood dragon mark.

A wisp of blood-colored energy as thick as a cow's hair was peeled off from the Book of Earth and suspended in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Liu Yuanchen did not refine this ray of energy, but sent it into the immortal seed.

Under his urging, the immortal seeds released thousands of rays of blue light.

Then, the green light slowly gathered and transformed into the image of a ginseng fruit tree.

In the past few years, he has continued to practice the Record of Refining the Gods of All Spirits, and at the same time he has practiced the concept of divine trees, and the results have been considerable.

The current picture of the true shape of the ginseng fruit tree is indistinguishable from the ginseng fruit tree in the sermon scene of Zhenyuan Daxian.

Although it is just a shadow, it looks extremely solid.

Among the branches and leaves, fairy light continued to shine.

That ray of blood-colored energy was floating in the air, and disappeared instantly as soon as it came into contact with the true shape of the ginseng fruit tree.

Liu Yuanchen secretly rejoiced: "Sure enough, what scene has not been seen with the ginseng fruit tree?

Even if the Dragon King of Luochuan really left any means behind, he would never be able to withstand the refining of the ginseng fruit tree. "

Whether all this energy would be absorbed by the ginseng fruit tree or not, he didn't care.

If the ginseng fruit tree absorbs it, it will naturally have great benefits for its growth, and you can also benefit from it.

It is nothing more than the difference between receiving benefits directly and receiving benefits indirectly.

Not long after, a bloody stream of light slowly flowed out from the true shape of the ginseng fruit tree.

Liu Yuanchen used his spiritual sense to detect and found only pure energy without any impurities.

Although the ray of blood-colored energy before being refined was relatively pure.

But with the help of spiritual sense, one can still distinguish the traces of qi, blood, spiritual consciousness, and mana in it.

The blood light at this moment is pure energy, not any type of essence, energy or spirit.

To be on the safe side, Liu Yuanchen still did not refine it directly, but guided the blood light to his lower dantian.

Since practicing the Dead Wood Immortality Technique, part of the energy that should have escaped from the body has gathered in the lower dantian.

Then, these energies completely merged together and turned into a ball of gray liquid.

After that, the gray liquid gradually separated into black liquid and light red mist, which were attributed to the kidney meridian and heart meridian respectively.

Liu Yuanchen's Dead Tree Immortality Technique at the fallen leaf level has long been perfected, and he has been practicing at the dead wood level for several years.

In the lower dantian, a ball of gray liquid the size of a fist was suspended.

Various energies in the body are continuously integrated and then assimilated by the gray liquid.

The Dead Wood Immortality Technique is a technique created by Zhenyuan Immortal. When practiced to the highest level of rejuvenation, it can absorb and refine all the energy in the world and turn it into one's own innate energy.

Although Liu Yuanchen's Dead Wood Immortality Technique is only at the second level, it should have such potential.

Although the Luochuan Dragon King is powerful, he is completely dead.

Can the remaining energy survive in the face of the Dead Wood Immortality Technique?
Besides, the bloody energy had been refined by the ginseng fruit tree before.

Next, it was refined again by the Dead Wood Immortality Technique.

Unless the Luochuan Dragon King gets the inheritance from the ancient ancestral dragon, he will never be able to make a fortune.

The blood-colored stream of light blended into the gray liquid in the lower dantian, dyeing the entire gray liquid into light red.

However, this light red color did not last long.

The light red color disappeared quickly, not even lasting a breath.

The gray liquid returned to its original state, as if nothing had happened.

Immediately afterwards, the speed at which the gray liquid separated into black liquid and light red mist skyrocketed, three or four times as fast as before.

Obviously, the energy level of that bloody light is extremely high.

However, the separated black liquid and light red mist only increased a little, and the quality did not change in any way.

Liu Yuanchen breathed a long sigh of relief and was overjoyed: "It seems that the energy in the Luochuan Dragon King's spiritual fetus has been completely used by me after two rounds of refining."

[-]% of the energy of the strongest of the ancient demon clan, plus tens of thousands of years of cultivation by the earth's veins.

These things are all in my own hands, and I can still refine them.

Even if it does not directly increase cultivation, the black liquid and light red mist have many effects.

The original cohesion of Earth Book Shadow was based on the use of these two energies in conjunction with the Qi of the Five Elements.

During practice, the black liquid can replenish the consumption of spiritual consciousness, thereby speeding up the practice of the Ten Thousand Spirits Refining Record.

The light red mist can quickly restore Qi and blood and speed up the cultivation of Gang Qi.

There is no need to worry about cultivating mana. You are blessed to be able to continuously feed your mana back.

Coupled with the medicinal effect of Juhai Dan, the speed of cultivation is naturally incredible.

We are still in the Qi Sea realm, and the effect of the spirit embryo energy is not yet obvious.

When you break through to the Condensing Yuan Realm and condense Yuan Gang and Soul Yuan, your cultivation speed will be far faster than that of your peers.

Liu Yuanchen breathed a long sigh of relief: "Finally, my work was not in vain."

In order to decipher the inheritance of Luochuan Dragon King, he spent a lot of effort.

All this time was finally not in vain, even if it could only absorb the energy in the spiritual fetus, it would not be considered a loss.

In addition to refining itself, the energy in this spiritual fetus also has other functions.

For example, use the energy in the spiritual fetus to refine the magic weapon.

Most magic weapons require energy and spirit to be cultivated.

The book from the ground is an exception, because to imitate the original book from the ground, you must naturally absorb the power of the earth.In the future, when you want to refine other magic weapons, you can first use your own energy and spirit to form them, and then use the energy in the spiritual embryo to refine them.

Moreover, this spiritual fetus contains energy and spirit, which is also a good thing for sacrificing and refining the clone.

In the future, if we can thoroughly study the method of resurrecting the spiritual fetus, and combine it with some methods of sacrificing clones, it may be possible to refine a dragon clone.

It's a pity that Liu Yuanchen doesn't have a clever clone sacrificial refining method.

The high-level secret technique of transforming the spiritual fetus and resurrecting it can only be accomplished by the top brass of the Academy.

Moreover, it would be a big joke if the Dragon King of Luochuan was resurrected by using the spirit fetus to sacrifice the dragon clone.

In addition to refining magic weapons and clones, the energy in the spiritual fetus can also be used to cultivate dragon-blood monsters.

After all, the spiritual fetus contains the essence of Luochuan Dragon King, and Luochuan Dragon King is a blood dragon that is very close to a real dragon.

The concentration of dragon blood in his body should be extremely high, absolutely top-notch among real dragons.

The spiritual fetus contains the essence and blood of Luochuan Dragon King, which is naturally of great benefit to the growth of dragon-blooded monsters.

If there is a chance to get a dragon-blooded spirit beast in the future, I might give it a try.

In addition to the spiritual fetus, the Five Elements Open Heaven Formation also has great potential.

If it is in the Dragon Pearl Blessed Land and your own Blessed Land, the Five Elements Opening Heaven Formation will be arranged.

Coupled with the energy provided by the evil energy of the earth veins, the growth rate of the blessed land will be greatly increased.

Unfortunately, the Five Elements Open Heaven Formation is too complicated for Liu Yuanchen.

Even if he could completely decipher the contents of the Five Elements Open Sky Formation, he didn't have the ability to arrange it.

We can only wait for the opportunity in the future, and then ask the formation master in Bahuang Pavilion for help.

Most of the secret techniques in the Luochuan Dragon King's inheritance have extremely huge effects.

Only having mountains and rivers in the palm of your hand has little effect on Liu Yuanchen.

After all, no matter how powerful his secret technique is, it cannot compare to the Book of Earth.

However, the value of this secret technique to Shinto monks would be extremely terrifying.

The Dragon King of Luochuan, a dragon king recognized by the mountains and rivers of Luochuan, has great similarities with the gods canonized by Shenting.

After he condenses the Shinto clone in the future, he can let the clone practice.

The combination of the divine realm of Shinto and the mountains and rivers in the palm of your hand should be able to exert considerable power.


Subsequently, Liu Yuanchen continued to extract the bloody energy from the spiritual fetus.

After two rounds of refining, a large amount of black liquid and light red mist were produced.

Later, he practiced the Ten Thousand Spirits Refining God Record and the Cang Yuan Chuan Lin Gong to derive the power of divine consciousness and Gang Qi.

With the power of the Dragon King's spiritual fetus as the source, the speed of cultivation of Gang Qi and divine consciousness is greatly increased.

When breaking through the Condensing Yuan Realm in the future, it is still unknown which one will break through first.

A few days passed, and Liu Yuanchen refined thirty blood-colored energy as thick as ox hair.

Both the physical body and the spiritual consciousness have been greatly improved.

At the same time, the ginseng fruit trees in the blessed land also received many benefits.

In just a few days, the ginseng fruit tree grew five or six additional leaves.

Previously, the blessed land was directly connected to the earth's veins, and its growth rate was not so fast.

However, there is no loss of energy in the blood dragon mark on the Book of Earth.

Liu Yuanchen was about to continue practicing when Xia Longting's voice came from outside the door.

"Senior Brother Liu, you are really good at hiding. You actually hid in the academy for such a long time."

Liu Yuanchen walked to the door, opened it, and saw Xia Longting and Xia Lingkai standing in front of the door.

To his great surprise, Xia Longting didn't smell of powder.

"Junior Brother Xia, have you changed your ways?
There was no trace of powdery smell on her body. It looked like she hadn't been to Zuihua Tower in a few days. "

“If you ask me to make elixirs, there’s nothing I can do.

There are no ready-made medicinal materials in hand, and I am a clever woman who cannot make a meal without straw. "

Xia Longting had previously refined the elixir of the Eight Treasures Kidney-Strengthening Pill, and Liu Yuanchen had also left some seeds and planted them in the blessed land.

Although the value of these elixirs is not particularly high, the age is really high.

There is still a long way to go before maturity.

Unexpectedly, Xia Longting had a look of pride on his face: "What does Senior Brother Liu mean by this? How could I, a good man, Xia Longting, go to a place like that with fireworks?"

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was completely stunned.

"Is there something wrong with my practice? My ears heard it wrong?"

He patted his head and felt there was nothing wrong.

"Could it be that Junior Brother Xia is completely disabled, or was his body taken away from him?"

Xia Lingkai chuckled lightly: "Young Master has fallen in love with a junior sister recently and is working hard to pursue her.

So far, he has insisted on not going to Zuihua Building for five days. "

Liu Yuanchen couldn't help laughing: "Let me just say, can a dog change to eat shit?
I bet he won't last ten days. "

Xia Longting said angrily: "Who are you looking down on? I can last at least a month."

After all, he felt it was too long.

He added weakly: "I'll hold on for ten days to show you."

Liu Yuanchen did not argue with him, and turned to Xia Lingkai to ask.

"Which girl from this family is so unlucky that Junior Brother Xia falls in love with her?"

Xia Lingkai smiled and said: "The direct disciple of Lingyue Sect is named Liang Qingyue."

Liu Yuanchen shook his head slightly: "I have never heard of the Lingyue Sect."

"It's normal if you haven't heard of it. The Lingyue Sect is not a big force handed down from ancient times, but a small force in the western part of the Great Xia Dynasty.

If the young master hadn't taken a liking to Liang Qingyue and asked me to check the Lingyue Sect's information, I wouldn't have known that this force existed. "

Xia Lingkai shook his head helplessly.

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was a little puzzled: "The Lingyue Sect's hands are long enough, but they are in the west of the Great Xia Dynasty, but they have come to Chihuang.

For someone who is unfamiliar with the place here, it is really not worth it for a chance to enter the Daxia Academy. "

Xia Lingkai shook his head again: "Liang Qingyue really didn't come here just for the chance to enter Daxia Academy."

“Although Lingyue Sect is not powerful, Liang Qingyue’s talent is not bad.

He was born a first-class middle-grade immortal, and through some means, he was promoted to a first-class upper-grade fairy.

Moreover, she seems to possess the spirit body of Qingyue. "

"You are less than 30 years old now, and you are already in the late stage of Qihai."

"With this talent, it is not difficult to enter Daxia Academy."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen felt even more strange.

“I didn’t travel thousands of miles from the western part of the Great Xia Dynasty to the Red Wasteland just for the chance to enter the Daxia Academy.

Could it be that it was to establish a branch in the Red Wasteland? "

"Now is the time when the major forces are dividing their territory. If a small force comes to join in the fun, isn't that asking for death?"

Xia Lingkai sighed: "There is nothing we can do about it, Lingyue Sect is in the western Gale Plateau.

Above that plateau is the territory of the demon clan.

Not long ago, Lingyue Sect offended a major force in the west and no longer had a foothold in the west. "

(End of this chapter)

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