Chapter 188
Liu Yuanchen released his consciousness and looked outside, and saw Mo Lianshan leading several young monks to the foot of the southern part of Panlong Mountain.

It has been more than ten years since the Great Xia Divine Dynasty took control of the Red Wasteland. At this time, Mo Lianshan looked older, but he was still in good spirits.

The lifespan of a Qi Sea Realm monk is generally 240 years, and he should be less than [-] years old now.

There are still more than 40 years left before the deadline.

Of course, this 240-year lifespan is just a hurdle that most monks in the Qi Sea Realm cannot overcome.

It doesn't mean that when you reach this age, you will definitely die.

There are records in various classics of Qi Sea Realm monks whose life span exceeds 240 years.

If Mo Lianshan could spend money to buy some precious elixirs to increase longevity, it would be possible to live another five to sixty years.

Those young men were carrying two large boxes. Judging from their attire, they were obviously not county government servants.

Two of them looked somewhat similar to Mo Lianshan.

These young people are probably Mo Lianshan's descendants.

Since more than 40 years ago, Mo Lianshan has understood the ultimate secret to a strong family, which is to have more children.

Although the only descendant with excellent talent is Mo Linghai, there are still many descendants of monks with average talent.

Whether these people are placed in Qingdan Sect or Dongshan Martial Academy, they will have no future.

Judging from his intention, he wanted to arrange these people under his command.

Liu Yuanchen had no objection to this.

When Dongyang Divine Mansion was first established, it was the time when there was a shortage of people.

Anyone who is not a heinous person can be arranged to come over.

As a divine king, you can arrange how many official positions you have under your command.

Moreover, the most indispensable thing in the Red Wasteland is wasteland.

He has the power to expand. If he takes over a piece of land and arranges some people to go there, he can create many more official posts.

No matter how many people come to seek refuge, it can be easily arranged.

Liu Yuanchen's Shinto clone shouted loudly: "Please invite Magistrate Mo to come in."

Mo Lianshan and the rest of the group walked along the mountain road and arrived in front of Dongyang Divine Mansion.

The door opened and a group of people walked into the divine palace.

Liu Yuanchen was also quite polite to Mo Lianshan and went to the courtyard to greet him.

"Elder Mo, I haven't seen him for many years."

Mo Lianshan chuckled: "I don't dare to be called an elder.

Now you are a monk in the Condensation Realm, and even within the Qingdan Sect, you are also an elder with real power. I, a casual elder, am incomparable to you. "

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "Elder Mo, you don't have to be polite. Come sit with me in the room."

Afterwards, he brought Mo Lianshan and others to the main hall of the Second Entrance Courtyard.

Mo Lianshan was not a Shinto person, so when he was received, he naturally followed the etiquette of the Great Xia Dynasty.

After entering the main hall, the young monks placed two large boxes in the hall and exited honestly.

Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "Elder Mo is here as soon as he comes, what gifts do you bring?"

Mo Lianshan also spoke politely: "Dongyang Shenfu was first established in the east of Qinghe County and is also a neighbor.

It's just a small gift, not worth mentioning.

If there is an invasion from the demon clan in the future, we will still have to watch and help each other. "

Liu Yuanchen nodded: "That's natural, although I, the people of Dongyang Divine Palace, are also nominally under the rule of Shenting and Daxia Divine Dynasty.

Facing the monster invasion, we should naturally work together. "

After the two exchanged a few polite words, Mo Lianshan got down to business.

"Shenjun, what do you think of Yannan City?"

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was stunned for a moment.

The distance between Panlong Mountain and Yannan City is more than [-] miles.

Yannan City, Jin'ao Mountain, and Crouching Peak Mountain Temple form a triangle.

This triangle is the first line of defense of Chihuang Hou Kingdom against the invasion of monsters.

To the east of Qingshui River is a barren land thousands of miles in radius.

In most places, not even a single spiritual vein can be found.

The only place where troops can be stationed is near the foot of Wuyunling Mountain.

As long as Yannan City is guarded, the demon clan's route to advance can be blocked.

Now Liu Yuanchen established Dongyang Divine Mansion in Panlong Mountain. Although it is far away from Wuyun Ridge, it is surrounded by desolate land.

But after all, Panlong Mountain is also located to the east of Qingdan County. Once a war breaks out with the demon clan, it will also be a proper front line.

Garrisoning troops at Panlong Mountain can share the pressure on Yannan City's defense line.

Liu Yuanchen knew in his heart that Mo Lianshan's visit this time was probably not all about him, but also the intentions of the senior officials of the Chihuang Kingdom.

Marquis Chihuang is relatively good at handling matters. It is okay for him to talk to his master directly.

Sending someone specifically to talk to him obviously took care of his own face.

He didn't say anything: "Yannan City is an important border defense town in the east and will be the first line of defense against the demon clan in the future.

If Yannan City is lost, the demon clan will be able to march straight in and threaten Qinghe County.

By then, my Panlong Mountain and the Liu family's Dongyang Lake will also be threatened. "

Hearing this, Mo Lianshan's eyes lit up: "Shenjun indeed has a long-term vision, Yannan City will definitely be the front line of the demon clan's attack in the future.

Chi Huanghou also attaches great importance to Yannan City and wants to develop Yannan City as soon as possible. "

After hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was a little confused.

What does the development of Yannan City have to do with me?
My own Dongyang Divine Mansion is still empty, so I can’t devote manpower and material resources to support Yannan City now, right?

"I wonder what Marquis Chihuang has planned?"

Mo Lianshan smiled and said: "Chihuang Hou means to open up the waterways between Yannan City, Panlong Mountain and Qinghe County."

"In this way, there will be many aspects to support the construction of Yannan City."

Although there are flying boats for transporting cargo, the consumption of flying boats during the flight cannot be underestimated.

For the same distance, a cargo ship running in the river consumes less than one percent of the spiritual energy of a flying boat.

For the transportation of bulk goods, water transportation is the most cost-effective.

Yannan City needs a lot of materials to expand the city and even continue to push eastward in the future.

If it were all transported by flying boat, the consumption would be terrible.

After the waterway is connected, ships come and go, which can also bring a lot of business to Panlong Mountain.

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly: "I don't have any objection, but where do you get so much water?"

The Divine Court has sealed many dragon kings, the rainfall in the Red Wasteland has been increasing, and the water volume in various rivers and lakes has increased dramatically.

However, it is necessary to open up the waterway between Yannan City, Panlong Mountain, and Qinghe County. This is a river channel more than 1000 miles long.

To ensure that cargo ships travel together, the water demand is not small.

Seeing that he had no objection, Mo Lianshan smiled broadly:
“After Shenting intervened, the rainfall in various parts of the Red Wasteland increased a lot.

Both Jin'ao Lake and Gray Goose Lake have sealed the Dragon King, and the water volume of Gray Goose Lake has skyrocketed, causing the lake to overflow.

The intention of Shenting and the imperial court of the Hou Kingdom was to divert the excess water from Gray Wild Goose Lake to Panlong Mountain.

Here in Panlong Mountain, there was originally a Sanhekou swamp from Panlong River to Qingshui River.

Although the Panlong River has dried up long ago, the river channel is still there.

Between Greyyan Lake and Panlong Mountain, most of the land is low-lying, so it is not difficult to divert water.

As long as the water from Gray Goose Lake is diverted, it can flow into Qingshui River along the ancient channel of Panlong River. "

"Of course, if we want to allow the cargo ship to pass, we need your help, Lord God.

When the time comes, you can seal a Dragon King in Panlong Lake so that there will be more rain here.

In this way, the waterway between Yannan City and Qingshui River will be open. "It's natural for you to enthrone the Dragon Lord of Panlong River." "

Only then did Liu Yuanchen realize that the water of Gray Goose Lake alone was not enough to support the navigation of the river.

Panlong Mountain needs to provide more river water to maintain navigation.

Moreover, with the ancient river channel of Panlong River, the amount of engineering work to open up water transportation will be much smaller.

Once the navigation is completed, Sanhekou Swamp will become lively.

Sanhekou is originally the shipping hub of the Qingshui River Basin, but it has not been developed because it is too close to the front line.

Now that Panlong Mountain and Yannan City are standing in front of it, it can be developed.

"What are your plans for the Sanhekou Swamp?"

Mo Lianshan said quickly: "We plan to build a Hekou Town there and set up an inspection department to manage it.

[-]% of the shops in Hekou Town belong to Dongyang Shenfu. "

The waterway at Sanhekou can lead directly to Qingdan City.

The boat from Qingdan City takes the waterway to Qinghe County and must pass through Sanhekou.

When Hekou Town grows, these [-]% of shops cannot be underestimated.

Even if you don't do business there, if you rent out the shop, the rent will be a stable income.

Mo Lianshan continued: "In addition, the county god will also set up an eighth-level earth god in Hekou Town.

The Inspection Department is under the management of Qinghe County, and the land in Hekou Town is jointly canonized by Dongyang Shenfu and Qinghe County City God.

The spiritual realm of Tu Di Gong in Hekou Town can be connected to the spiritual realm of Chenghuang in Qinghe County and your Dongyang Shenfu spiritual realm. "

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly. This condition was probably arranged by his master.

My own Shinto spiritual realm is isolated and disconnected from the outside world.

Once the demon clan invades, there is no place to turn for help.

Now there is a spiritual realm transfer of Digong in Hekou Town, which is connected to the entire Shenting.

If something happens, Shenting's army will be able to support it as quickly as possible.

He thought about the location of Sanhekou and couldn't help but laugh: "Once this Hekou town is established, I'm afraid the Chen family will never have the opportunity to expand eastward."

The ancestral land of the Chen family is on the banks of the Xuansha River, which eventually flows into Sanhekou.

Hekou Town was established in Sanhekou. The Chen family did not have the ability to go to Hekou Town to fight for territory.

Mo Lianshan sighed softly: "Not only the Chen family, but also other families are not easy to expand.

I originally wanted my descendants to build a family, but neither the imperial court nor the divine court allowed private land ownership.

New towns, townships, and villages must be approved by the imperial court before they can be established.

Moreover, these villages must be managed by the county government, and no family is allowed to interfere.

If you want to gain territory and build a family, you can only rely on military exploits.

The only one with the right to freely enclose land is Dongyang Shenfu. "

After that, he pointed to a few young people outside.

"They are all descendants of my Mo family, and two of them are my grandsons.

Although his cultivation talent is not strong, he is good at management.I wonder if the Lord God can take a liking to it? "

Talents who are good at management are what Liu Yuanchen needs most at the moment.

Not to mention working in Dongyang Shenfu, just opening a few shops in Panlonghufang City and having them help run them can also earn an income.

"Of course there is no problem with this. Our Dongyang Divine Mansion has just been built and lacks manpower.

I am planning to open a few shops by Panlong Lake, and you, the younger ones, can arrange it.

If you do well in the future, it is not impossible to serve in my divine palace. "

Hearing this, Mo Lianshan's face became even more happy.

"I have one more unkind request."

If someone he didn't know well said this, Liu Yuanchen would shut him up directly.

But Mo Lianshan is an important connection of his, and now he has interests tied to him.

Whatever request he has, as long as it doesn't go too far, you can still consider it.

"Why is Elder Mo so polite? Just say whatever you want."

Mo Lianshan smiled awkwardly: "I have always wanted to establish a family, but now the court does not allow it.

I just want some tribesmen to settle in the territory of Dongyang Shenfu and establish a small family. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was quite happy.

The most lacking thing in Dongyang Divine Mansion right now is people. The Mo family is willing to move some people here, which would be a timely help!
Although the Mo family wants to build a hill by themselves, that is not a problem.

No matter how many Mo family members there are, how much territory can they occupy?

Dongyang Divine Mansion can expand infinitely and there is no shortage of territory.

Moreover, taking in the Mo family now would mean paying for their bones with a thousand pieces of gold.

There are many monks who want to establish a family, and many of the larger families want to establish branches.

With the Mo family as an example, the number of monks who will join us in the future will definitely be indispensable.

In your own territory, you have to listen to yourself. These are all ready-made human resources.

The mortals of these families can also provide the power of incense to Dongyang Shenjun, which is all wealth.

As for the disobedience of these families, as long as there are no problems yourself, why are you afraid of a few little salted fish?

“These are all small things. After the water transportation of Panlong River is connected, both sides of the river will be good places suitable for development.

On the bank of Panlong River, you can choose a place as the Mo family's residence. "

There is no spiritual vein near Panlong Mountain, but there is spiritual energy in the river.

This little aura cannot support a big family.

But if you want to build a small family, there is still no problem.

Hearing this, Mo Lianshan was inexplicably surprised.

This time not only did you have a place to start a family, you could also choose your own.

"Thank you, Lord God. My Mo family is willing to go through fire and water for Lord God."

Liu Yuanchen waved his hand: "There is no need to go through fire and water. Our Dongyang Divine Mansion is newly built and it is the time when we are short of people.

It’s not like I, a divine king, go around shouting and pulling people. "

"You can publicize the fact that the Mo family members established a family in my territory.

Dongyang Divine Mansion does not only belong to the Liu family, anyone from the human race can work under my command. "

Mo Lianshan patted his chest and promised: "Don't worry, Lord God, I will definitely handle this matter beautifully."

At this point, the business is finally over.

Mo Lianshan smiled and said: "An interesting thing happened in Qinghe County recently. There used to be several spiritual springs in Xuansha Lake, the ancestral land of the Chen family.

The Chen family was able to grow up because of the spiritual energy provided by these spiritual springs. "

“But not long ago, these spiritual springs were drying up.

The spiritual energy level of the Chen family's ancestral land has also declined repeatedly, leaving only the second-level low-grade level. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen's expression turned strange.

When my uncle was building Panlong Mountain, he drew water from underground veins.

It was speculated at that time that doing so might cause some spiritual springs in the west to dry up.

Now it seems that it is the Chen family that is affected.

Liu Yuanchen really didn't mean to deliberately plot against the Chen family. He just touched the water veins hundreds of miles away, which happened to affect the Chen family.

This is really a road between enemies, and it is also bad luck for the Chen family.

If he had known that this underground water vein could affect the Chen family, he should have asked his uncle to be more ruthless.

(End of this chapter)

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