Chapter 189 Liu family background
Of course, the depletion of the Chen family's spiritual spring could only be related to the movements on Panlong Mountain.

It is still extremely difficult to confirm something.

Regardless of whether it was caused by Panlong Mountain or not, Liu Yuanchen was still in a good mood despite his old enemy being unlucky.

Mo Lianshan then talked about Liu Yuanchen's attack that year: "Shenjun, I specifically inquired about your attack, Shenjun, and I have obtained the exact information.

The person who planned to attack you with Qingling Bee was none other than Chen Zongming of the Chen family.

After the incident was revealed, the Chen family members who were guarding Qingling Bee were made the scapegoats. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was unfazed.

After growing up to this point, the Chen family is just an ant in his eyes.

I didn't trample it to death because I didn't want to get a bad reputation.

Especially since Dongyang Divine Mansion is in its infancy, if things are done too badly, it will not be conducive to recruiting troops.

However, this Chen Zongming has so many tricks at such a young age, so he is really not an ordinary person.

And his talent is not bad. If he is given some opportunities, he can really do something good.

Now that I have the opportunity, I still have to make life a little more difficult for him.

"Where is Chen Zongming now? Is he still in Qingdan Sect?"

Mo Lianshan shook his head: "The Chen family spent some money to let him study at the Tieding County Academy.

A few months ago, he returned to the Chen family once, and his cultivation had reached the middle stage of the Qi Sea realm. "

"This kid has a vicious heart, do you want to..."

Liu Yuanchen shook his head: "A mere Chen Zongming is not worth my energy to deal with.

He ran to Tieding County. It must be that the Chen family felt that it was not easy to get along in Qingdan County and wanted to move the family there. "

"If the Chen family were to run away like this, wouldn't I have suffered in vain?

Before the Chen family could run away, give him another stab.

Spread out the story about how Chen Zongming framed me and the story about how I was bullied in Shennong Hall.

Don't worry about whether there is conclusive evidence or not. You must grasp the key points of the propaganda. During the war, the Chen family assassinated fellow members.

And this Chen Zongming was the culprit who planned the murder. "

Hearing this, Mo Lianshan smiled mischievously: "Shenjun is really smart, if this move continues, the Chen family will never be able to stand up again.

I contacted Magistrate Hu and Hall Master Jin and asked them to mobilize their connections to publicize this matter.

It won't take long for the entire Red Wasteland to know about this. "

In the little Chen family, one Mo Lianshan could torture them to the point of death without Liu Yuanchen having to take action himself.

As for Chen Zongming, his talent is considered a genius in Chihuangyuan.

But now the Great Xia Divine Dynasty has intervened, and geniuses from all walks of life have gathered in Chihuang Hou Kingdom, and there are many first-class immortals.

Even with his second-level middle-grade immortal seed, he is not even ranked among the second-rate.

Originally, with his talent and status as a local force of the Chen family, he might have become an outer disciple of a certain force.

But during the battle between Qingdan Sect and Mo Yunhai, the Chen family framed the sect disciples for their own selfish interests.

When the news spread, the Chen family's justice was betrayed and their reputation was completely ruined.

If we look at it more seriously, this is a deliberate collusion with evil cultivators with the intention of destroying the layout of the Great Xia Dynasty in the Red Wasteland.

If the Chen family hadn't been violently beaten by the Blood Bat Cult later, this crime alone would have made the Chen family disappear.

Any force that dares to accept Chen Zongming as a disciple is on the same level as the Chen family, and may also be colluding with evil cultivators.

When various forces come to Red Wasteland, they want to share the benefits, not to cause trouble for themselves.

Now that many forces of the human race have entered the Red Wasteland, it is impossible for the local families to develop in the future if they do not support them.

With the Chen family's way of holding onto their legs cut off, they had no hope of turning around.

When Dongyang Divine Mansion grew, there were many people who wanted to suppress the Chen family to please Liu Yuanchen.

In the future, the Chen family will have more and more shoes, and they will never run out of them.


After chatting for a while, Mo Lianshan said goodbye and left.

Liu Yuanchen opened two boxes. The items inside were incense silver and incense money, which together were worth fifty or sixty thousand spiritual stones.

I have to say that Mo Lianshan knew him well, and the gifts he sent were very practical.

Of course, as a county magistrate, he was still not as profitable as the City God, and the gifts he gave were much lighter.

As for the young men who came with him, they all stayed in Panlonghufang City.

These people's talents are all average, and their cultivation levels are in the late stages of the Qi Nourishing Realm.

In Dongyang Divine Mansion, it does not play a big role.

Liu Yuanchen did not intend to let them serve as officials of Dongyang Shenfu, but only gave them management of a shop in Panlonghufang City.

You can't just throw someone over and you have to reuse it yourself.

You still have to look at their abilities first. Talented people will naturally stand out.

Later, Liu Yuanchen used Dongyang Shenjun's token to check the grocery market in Hongling Mansion.

They are all doing one-shot deals there, and maybe some master accidentally got some treasure and put it up for sale in Hongling Pavilion.

If it is a treasure related to the prehistoric world that others cannot recognize, then I have the opportunity to pick it up.

Especially the statue of the ancestral witch. This thing should not be of any use in the hands of others.

If you can collect a complete set of ancestral witch statues, you may not be able to produce a set of the Twelve Heavenly Gods.

Even the castrated low-profile version of the youth version is enough for my own use.

Unfortunately, even though he had been staring at Hongling Pavilion for several days, he could not find any trace of the statue of the ancestral witch.

He also put some things for sale in the grocery market, including the True Essence Pill and the fourth-level weapon refining materials originally captured in the Ten Thousand Demons Paradise.

My natal magic weapon is the Book of the Earth. Even if I have to fiddle with more magic weapons in the future, I will still collect various acquired spiritual treasures.

Things like weapon refining materials are really not of much use to him.

It would also be great to exchange it for some incense money and use it to develop Panlong Mountain.

The harvest was not small. I sold some supplies at random and got more than [-] incense money.

In the past few days, he has not been addicted to online shopping.

Every day, the spring breeze turns into rain, watering the entire Panlong Mountain.

The formation of water clouds covering the sky at Panlong Mountain complements the spring breeze and rain.

The spring breeze can turn into rain by using natural clouds and rain, but the water cloud covering the sky makes the entire Panlong Mountain covered with clouds and mist.

Using these clouds and mist to turn spring breeze into rain is extremely efficient.

Just cast it a few times and you can water the entire Panlong Mountain.

Of course, after casting Spring Breeze and Rain, the clouds and mist will consume part of it.

But it's not a big problem. The aura in the formation comes from spiritual veins and earth veins, and can be replenished quickly.

As the spring breeze turns into rain one after another, more and more water accumulates in Panlong Lake.

The excess lake water flows out from the gap in the southwest corner of Panlong Valley and flows into the ancient channel of Panlong River.

However, the current amount of water is not too large to make the Panlong River navigable.

In addition, he also scattered a lot of yellow scale pine seeds on the mountain.

Although this thing is only low-level charcoal wood, its advantages are also obvious.

No matter what kind of poor soil it is, even in the cracks of rocks, they can take root and grow well.

In a place like Panlong Mountain where almost no grass grows, this is the most suitable pioneering spiritual plant.

Moreover, the wood of the yellow-scaled pine cultivated by Liu Yuanchen has been greatly improved.

Even the pine nuts produced from the knots have some spirituality and are still valuable.

When these yellow-scaled pines grow up, the entire Panlong Mountain will be covered with spiritual plants.Liu Yuanchen can react in time if there is even the slightest disturbance.

Shinto avatars also often come out and use Qi to form soil on Panlong Mountain, creating patches of soil and then planting spiritual plants.

There is still a long way to go before the entire Panlong Mountain can be covered with a layer of soil.


More than ten days later, Liu Yuanchen received a message from his family.

A group of clansman souls have been collected over there and are ready to be sent to Panlong Mountain.

Upon learning of this situation, Liu Yuanchen immediately entered the Shinto spiritual realm.

At this time, his second uncle was busy in the spiritual realm.

Since the spiritual realm of Dongyang Divine Mansion is connected to other spiritual realms, there must be a risk of invasion by foreign enemies.

Therefore, some defensive measures must be deployed in the Shinto spiritual realm.

Seeing that the second uncle was carefully arranging the formation, Liu Yuanchen did not dare to disturb him.

Just with the help of the power of the Shinto clone, he entered the spiritual realm of Dongyang Lake land.

As a divine king, he has the right to directly enter the spiritual realm of his subordinate gods.

If subordinate gods want to enter their own Shinto spiritual realm, they need their own permission.

The Shinto spiritual realm in the land of Dongyang Lake is quite large, with a diameter of fifty feet.

After all, Liu Yongming, the land of Dongyang Lake, is the only organized god of the Liu family in Dongyang Lake.

Tens of thousands of Liu family members will worship him, and all the power of the incense will belong to him alone.

The power of the incense is sufficient, and the Shinto spiritual realm will naturally not be small.

In the center of the spiritual realm is a three-foot-square earth temple. Around the earth temple, there are more than 20 acres of blessed fields, on which various kinds of elixirs are grown.

In Futian, there are still ghosts busy working, and they should all be members of the Liu family.

This family fortune is second to none among the land gods.

If someone breaks into his spiritual realm, Liu Yongming will naturally be able to sense it.

He quickly came over to check, and when he found out it was Liu Yuanchen, he quickly bowed and saluted: "I'm here to see the Lord God."

Liu Yuanchen waved his hand: "No need to be polite, I am not a Shinto clone, but my true body.

Speaking of which, I should salute you as an elder. "

Liu Yongming sighed: "My family didn't give you enough resources back then. What you are today is all due to your own hard work. I don't have the shame to act like an elder in front of you."

"I have selected more than 50 capable souls from the dead tribesmen, and I am planning to send them to you."

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "Don't worry about this, I plan to select some people from the family to help me manage Panlonghufang City.

The capable tribesmen can also become officials in my Dongyang Divine Mansion in the future. "

Hearing this, Liu Yongming's face was filled with joy.

Liu Yuanchen opened a divine palace in Panlong Mountain. This attitude was obviously to draw a clear line with the Liu family.

Therefore, the Liu family did not dare to send people away easily.

At this time, he wanted to transfer people from the Liu family, and he obviously still regarded himself as a member of the Liu family.

Liu Yuanchen continued: "I'd better talk to the head of the family about the redeployment of manpower.

I will take your ghost here with me when I return to Panlong Mountain. "

Liu Yongming was also quite sensible and immediately took him out of the Shinto spiritual realm and to the earth temple in the underworld.

Liu Yuanchen stepped out of the Earth Temple and suddenly appeared on Dongyang Peak.

His sudden appearance attracted the attention of the head of the family, Liu Qinghe.

After seeing that it was Liu Yuanchen, he quickly bowed and saluted: "I have met the Lord God."

Liu Yuanchen waved his hand: "This is my true body, not a Shinto clone.

According to family rules, I should be the one to salute. "

He bowed and saluted: "I have met the head of the family."

Liu Qinghe was flattered: "Even if according to the family's rules, you are a monk in the Condensation Realm, you don't need to salute."

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "I came here this time because I want to transfer some people from the family to Panlong Mountain.

A market has now been built over there, and it needs a lot of manpower to take care of it.

It would be best to arrange for someone with business experience to come over and help me manage the market. "

Upon hearing this, Liu Qinghe became excited.

I used to help manage Fangshi. This is now the top leader of Fangshi, so I have to make good arrangements.

"Your fourth uncle has been the chief elder in the family for many years and has rich management experience.

I also broke through the Qi Sea realm a few years ago, so I can help you manage the city. "

“There is also Yuan Qi, who also broke through the Qi Sea realm not long ago.

He is too old and has average talent, so there is no use in the academy system.

If you stay in Qingdan Sect, it will be difficult to get ahead. You can also go to Panlong Mountain to help you.

My brothers are easy to use. "

Liu Yuanchen was a little curious: "Why did the family suddenly have two more people from the Qi Sea Realm clan?"

Liu Qinghe smiled and said: "Thanks to you, both Qingdan Sect, Qinghe County, and the county have taken good care of our Liu family.

There is also the earth vein spiritual eye in the rocky beach. There is a lot of earth vein evil energy pouring out now.

Collecting these earth vein evil spirits can sell a lot of spiritual stones. "

"In recent years, the family's financial situation has improved a lot, and we can save two to three thousand yuan of spiritual stones a year.

Even the auxiliary elixir needed for Chengye to break through the Qi Sea Realm, the family has prepared it.

In a few years, Chenglan's auxiliary elixir will be ready. "

Liu Chengye and Liu Chenglan are Liu Yuanchen's nephews and nieces. They have both awakened the immortal seed, and naturally they also have clan names.

Liu Yuanchen asked: "How many ordinary members of our Liu family are there now?"

Liu Chengye said without hesitation: "The family currently has more than 5000 monks, of which more than 5 are concentrated near Dongyang Lake.

There are still more than 5000 ethnic groups in Yanze, and the waters of Yanze are getting bigger and bigger now.

In addition to sun-dried salt, many saltwater fish are also stocked.

Those tribesmen were drying salt and fishing at the same time. They could also open up some fields and live a good life.

It's a pity that there are no spiritual veins there, so there can't be many monks stationed there.

As for the other tribesmen, they are all distributed in the newly opened land along the Qingshui River. "

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly. In his impression, the average member of the family was only over fifty thousand.

This number has been maintained for more than a hundred years.

In the past, the amount of water in Qingshui River was too small, and with the Chen family's targeting, the Liu family's territory could only support so many people.

Unexpectedly, it has now increased to more than 7 people.

Fortunately, the water volume of the Qingshui River is getting larger and larger, and more fields can be opened up, so there is no need to worry about being able to feed so many people.

"How many monks are there?"

Liu Qinghe quickly replied: "There have never been many monks in the family, and some died in the Jin'ao Lake War a few years ago.

Many monks have been born in the past few years, and there are currently 35 monks. "

“Now the family has sufficient resources, and every member of the clan can be cultivated.

There are also more ordinary tribesmen, and the monk tribe will grow very fast in the future. "

(End of this chapter)

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