Chapter 190 Internal Affairs Talents

The Liu family has more than 7 ordinary clan members, but only more than 30 monk clan members.

This ratio is really too low.

Of course, this is also because resources are too scarce.

In the past, the Liu family had always concentrated resources in the hands of the main line, and the branch lines did not have the resources to have more children.

As a result, it will naturally seriously affect the number of monks.

Now that the number of mortals has increased dramatically, the family's finances have improved, every monk and clan member can be trained, and the number of clan members will increase faster and faster.

In the past, the internal competition within the family was fierce, but now it is different.

After Dongyang Divine Mansion was established, the best way out for the Liu family was to serve in Dongyang Divine Mansion.

However, Dongyang Divine Mansion is not only owned by the Liu family, but also has other forces involved.

Only by cultivating more monks can the Liu family gain greater power in the Dongyang Divine Mansion.

These Liu family members who join Dongyang Divine Mansion will also support the Liu family and benefit all Liu family members.

Driven by interests, the Liu family's senior officials had no choice but to give more support to their clan members.

If you want your tribe to have more children, you have to give them more resources.

Liu Yuanchen sighed: "In this case, I really can't allocate too many manpower.

After all, the family also has business to do, and the family business cannot be delayed. "

"Master, you must encourage the monks to have more children in the future.

Now that the family is not short of resources, if they want to make the family stronger, they still need more monks.

The more clan members there are, the higher the probability of a genius appearing. "

Both parents are ordinary people, and the probability of giving birth to a monk is very low, usually only about one percent.

If one parent is a monk, the probability of giving birth to a monk can reach 20.00%.

If both parents are monks, the probability of giving birth to a monk is 50.00%.

This probability is not affected by the level of the immortal species. There is no difference in the probability of giving birth to descendants of monks between first-class immortal species and low-level immortal species.

Of course, these are theoretical probabilities.

If you live in a place with abundant spiritual energy, the probability of giving birth to descendants of monks will be higher.

If you live in a place with almost no spiritual energy, the probability of giving birth to descendants of monks will be even lower.

No matter what the situation is, there are only more than 7 monks among the more than 30 ordinary members of the Liu family, which is ridiculously few.

Liu Qinghe nodded: "Don't worry, now the monks in the family, except for the geniuses of the second-class immortal species, are all treated equally.

Giving birth to monk children will also reward you with some resources. "

Liu Yuanchen didn't want to meddle too much in the family's affairs, and it was hard for him to interfere too much in the family's policies.

"You can help us allocate some manpower. I will go home and see my parents first. After I finish all the work, I will take the manpower you have allocated to Panlong Mountain."

Liu Qinghe said quickly: "One more thing, I want to build a Dongyang Shenjun temple here in the family, and I want to ask for your permission."

Building a temple naturally requires the consent of the god.

After the temple was built, the god owner left means inside the statue.

In this way, the power of the incense that everyone worships belongs to the owner.

Otherwise, the power of the incense that everyone worships will have no owner, and worshiping the gods will be useless.

"Of course, no problem. Once the temple is built, I will send a few Yin soldiers to station it."

After that, he left Dongyang Peak and flew towards his small courtyard in the south of Dongyang Lake.

Seeing Liu Yuanchen coming back, Liu Qingyun was full of joy: "I heard that you have now opened the Dongyang Divine Mansion, and even the City God wants to fawn over you.

We, the landlords of Dongyang Lake, are all your subordinates now. Is this true? "

Liu Yuanchen nodded: "Yes, Dongyang Divine Mansion is over Panlong Mountain."

Liu Qingyun asked: "Why not set up Dongyang Divine Palace in the family's territory?"

He grew up in the family and now serves as the family elder. He has a strong sense of belonging to the family.

Since his son has become successful, he naturally hopes that Liu Yuanchen can build the Dongyang Divine Palace within the family territory.

Liu Yuanchen was also a little helpless: "If the Dongyang Divine Mansion is built within the family's territory, then the Dongyang Divine Mansion will only give the Liu family another name and has no other use."

“If Dongyang Divine Mansion is built outside, I can recruit people from all walks of life.

A few days ago, Magistrate Mo sent several of his descendants to seek refuge, and planned to move some of the clan members to near Panlong Mountain.

In this case, Dongyang Divine Mansion can have more people and more power. "

Although the people under the command of the Kaifu Divine Lord were still nominally managed by the Great Xia Divine Dynasty.

But in fact, the officials under the Divine Lord are all recommended by the Kaifu Divine Lord and obey the orders of the Kaifu Divine Lord.

As for the canonization by the imperial court, it is just an empty name.

Just like the current Dongyang Lake Township inspection, Liu Yuanchen can remove it at any time and replace it with another person.

As long as he recommends someone, the court will never refuse. This is the tacit understanding between various forces and the Great Xia Dynasty.

Liu Qingyun sighed: "I am really old and I don't understand these things.

Since you do this, you must have your own reasons. "

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "When I come back this time, in addition to bringing some people from the family there, I also want to bring you and your mother to live in Dongyang Divine Mansion.

There is plenty of spiritual energy over there and the environment is better. "

Hearing this, Liu Qingyun waved his hands repeatedly: "I have stayed with the family all my life. At this age, I don't want to go anywhere else."

“As for having abundant spiritual energy, my cultivation has been stuck at the seventh level of nourishing energy for twenty years.

No matter how abundant the spiritual energy is, it is of no use to me.

It’s better to wait a few decades until your mother and I have passed away, and then we can go to your place to enjoy the blessings. "

Mother Zhang Ling also echoed: "Yes, there are many neighbors here, and we can visit each other on weekdays.

When I arrived at Dongyang Divine Mansion, there was not even a single acquaintance around me, so it was pointless to stay. "

Liu Yuanchen naturally had to obey his parents' opinions.

After staying at home for two days, he left Dongyang Lake with a group of clan members.

From the land of Dongyang Lake to the spiritual realm, he returned to Panlong Mountain.

During this trip to Dongyang Lake, he brought back more than 50 ghosts.

Among them, five are the souls of the monks. They are all monks who died of old age or died in battle.

Although he has not turned into a ghost cultivator, he was once a monk and has greater potential in combat, so he can be trained as a Yin soldier.

If there are some outstanding ones, they can be given a serious priesthood.

Seven living people were also brought back, including two Qi Sea Realm monks, Liu Qingming and Liu Yuanqi.

After arriving in the spiritual realm of Dongyang Shenfu, Liu Yuanchen arranged for his clan members to take care of the blessed fields in the spiritual realm.

As for those who have cultivation skills, first arrange for them to be Yin soldiers.

Distribute incense money on time so that they can focus on improving their strength.

Spirits also need to be cultivated. If you don't have the foundation of ghost cultivation or Shinto monks, you can only rely on absorbing incense and condensing divine power.

Liu Yuanchen didn't have the ghost cultivation technique in his hands, so he could only let them practice with the power of incense first.

If you have the opportunity in the future, you can buy some ghost cultivation techniques and let your Yin soldiers practice them.

Relying solely on the power of incense to practice is too expensive.

Later, he brought seven living people to Panlonghufang City.

At this time, Fangshi was still not very popular.

Liu Qingming looked at the deserted market and couldn't help but sigh: "The location of Panlong Mountain is too remote.

If you want to make the market lively, you have to find ways to attract monks to do business. "

Liu Yuanchen had never done business before, and he didn't have many people under his command. It would take a lot of effort to set up an airs.

"Fourth Uncle, what do you have in mind?" Liu Qingming said with a smile: "It's simple to say, the biggest advantage of Panlong Mountain in front of us is that the environment is not bad.

There is a third-level spiritual vein here, and the spiritual energy is pure, far better than Yannan City and Qinghe County.

Some caves that can be rented out can be built here to attract some casual cultivators or small family cultivators to come here to practice. "

"Especially since Panlong Mountain is protected by a large formation, the security is much higher than that in Yannan City."

“However, the shortcomings are also obvious, there is no way to make money here.

People follow money, and where there is money to be made, people will come. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was quite surprised. He didn't expect Liu Qingming to have such a discerning eye.

Especially the theory that people follow money, the society in the previous life is a clear proof.

Any place with a developed economy is an area where population is flowing in.

The economically backward areas are all areas with population outflow.

Liu Yuanchen also understood this truth and had heard about some methods to attract customers.

However, there is a premise for all this, that is, there must be a certain population to support it.

Now Panlonghufang City has just been built, and there are no monks here, so there is no basis for these methods to be used.

"How to attract the monks now?"

Liu Qingming smiled and said: "It's easy to say, you can open a shop for elixirs, magic weapons, and talismans.

With these as support, you can spend a lot of money to hire alchemists, weapon refiners, and talisman masters.

Once the shop is opened, it will naturally need all kinds of elixirs and spiritual materials.

If we increase the purchase price, there will naturally be casual cultivators or cultivators from small families who come to sell these spiritual objects.

With buying and selling, the market will naturally gain some popularity. "

“When there are more people, other casual cultivators will naturally be willing to open shops here.

When we rent out shops, if we give some discounts, there will be more shops. "

"When all casual cultivators know that Panlonghufang City can earn spiritual stones, the number of people will naturally increase."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen couldn't help but look at him.

Liu Qingming has been a great elder for decades, so he still has some skills and is a proper internal affairs talent.

The development model he proposed is like building factories in remote rural areas in previous lives.

As long as enough workers are recruited and the factory can operate, many people will naturally come here to do business.

Before long, a market will be formed around it, and then slowly grow into a small town, or even a county seat.

"Fourth uncle, your method is indeed good.

Let's do this, you will serve as the general manager of Panlong Hufang City, and all the business here will be taken care of.

Our Liu family, as well as the several monks sent by Elder Mo before, will also be managed by you.

If you have any trouble, just come to me. "

Hearing this, Liu Qingming's face was filled with joy.

However, he was only happy for a while, and then started to worry again.

"Shenjun, I can take care of everything about opening a store.

I can also arrange things for these tribesmen.

I can also contact some families to supply the elixirs and materials needed to open an alchemy workshop and a weapon refining workshop.

However, it is really difficult to recruit talents such as alchemists and weapon refiners.

Even if I could recruit them, they would be people with little ability. "

Liu Yuanchen waved his hand: "This is all a trivial matter. I will drag my junior brother over to help later.

He is a second-level weapon refiner and has learned a lot of real things from my master.

Being a chief weapon refiner shouldn't be a problem.

As for the elixirs, I still have a lot of them in my hands.

When I have time, I will also refine some elixirs. "

“In the academy system, I still have a weak point.

It shouldn't be difficult to recruit some masters who are proficient in the various arts of cultivating immortals from among those students. "

The problem of core talents was solved, and the worry on Liu Qingming's face disappeared.

“If these problems can be solved, I can guarantee that Panlong Shanfang City will begin to take shape within five years.

It would be more difficult to make Panlongshanfang City really lively and catch up with Qinghe Town back then. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen frowned slightly.

Now Dongyang Divine Mansion is almost in a state of poverty. It has taken five years to begin to take shape, which is already considered good.

But right now, the demon clan Chen Bing Mo Yunhai is not sure when the war will begin.

It is still necessary to develop Dongyang Divine Mansion as soon as possible, so that it can at least play some role when the next war breaks out.

Seeing him frowning, Liu Qingming quickly said: "If you want to develop faster, there is nothing you can do.

The water in Panlong Lake flows out and flows into the ancient channel of Panlong River.

Many spiritual fields can be opened on both sides of the river, and these spiritual fields can be rented to casual cultivators.

In this way, many spiritual objects can be produced near Fangshi, and Fangshi will start up much faster.

Within three years, it will begin to take shape. "

Liu Yuanchen thought for a while and felt that this method was still acceptable.

The water in Panlong Lake contains a lot of spiritual power.

Moreover, there is also rainwater condensed by Liu Yuanchen's spring breeze.

Needless to say, the effect of using these lake water to irrigate the spiritual fields.

It is naturally not difficult to attract monks who are good at Shen Nong.

“There’s one more thing you need to take into consideration.

Qinghe County intends to open up the water transport channel between Yannan City, Panlong Mountain and Qinghe County.

It won't be long before the water from Gray Goose Lake will be led to Panlong Mountain, and eventually merge into the ancient channel of Panlong River. "

Hearing this, Liu Qingming's eyes widened: "Seriously?"

Liu Yuanchen nodded: "Of course, the Great Xia Dynasty will not be satisfied with the current territory if it wants to develop the entire Red Wasteland.

Yannan City is not only the first line of defense, but also the forward base for continued advancement. "

“The imperial court plans to establish Yannan County in Yannan City, and this plan will definitely be completed within 20 years.

You should have an idea of ​​how many resources are needed to build a county. "

Hearing this, Liu Qingming's face was full of surprise: "After the Panlong River water transportation is opened, Panlong Mountain will become an important water transportation hub.

The number of monks coming and going will definitely increase, and there will be business if there are some.

As long as the Panlong River is open to navigation, I guarantee that Panlonghufang City will begin to take shape within half a year.

Within five years, I can make Panlonghufang City surpass Qinghe Town. "

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly: "That's fine, you can do it with confidence and feel free to come to me if you need anything.

As long as you can do this well, you will have a place in the top management of Dongyang Divine Mansion in the future. "

Although he has never been a boss, Liu Yuanchen often ate the cakes drawn by his boss in his previous life.

A patient who has been ill for a long time becomes a good doctor, who eats too much cake and always learns how to draw it.

Now that I can take care of both the dead and the living, I can keep using people like this.

Even if he dies, he can be assigned a priesthood so that he can continue to shine.

(End of this chapter)

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