Chapter 191 The Fourth Wood Spirit: The Rebellious Boy

The cakes Liu Yuanchen drew were so big and thick that Liu Qingming was so excited that she almost shed tears.

"Don't worry, Lord God, I will do my best to develop Panlonghufang City."

Liu Yuanchen nodded with satisfaction: "I believe in your ability, Fourth Uncle."

He is not afraid that Liu Qingming will do things that harm the public and enrich his private life. Liu Qingming, a domestic affairs talent, has a special skill in weighing the pros and cons.

If he becomes the general manager of the city, he and his descendants will have a bright future.

If he harms the public and enriches his private life, his own future will be lost, and future generations will never be able to raise their heads in the Liu family.

He can still distinguish between a small profit for a moment and wealth for generations.

After finalizing the development plan for Panlonghufang City, Liu Yuanchen began to recruit people.

He first sent a message to his junior brother, asking him to come over and help refine weapons.

He provides the materials himself, and he gets a commission for each magical weapon.

In addition, he will be granted dozens of acres of spiritual land, and a few golden-armored bean soldiers will help him farm.

After receiving the letter, Meng Tieshan immediately replied, saying that he must come to Panlong Mountain to work.

Later, Liu Yuanchen sent another letter to his senior brother Zhou Yang.

Zhou Yang was originally a teacher at Nanjun Academy in Luochuan Kingdom. When the Chihuang Marquis Kingdom recruited people, he came over.

He is also a disciple of Bahuang Pavilion and will open up a blessed land in Chihuang Plain in the future.

Liu Yuanchen sent him a message, asking him to help deceive some students who were not high-born but were proficient in cultivating immortals to come and work.

It doesn't matter whether it's the hiring mode or the task completion mode.

With Liu Yuanchen's identity, he can issue tasks in Qingdan Academy.

As long as they are willing to work in Panlong Hufang City, they can be given income or credits here.

Zhou Yang is also a disciple of Bahuang Pavilion. For the great cause of Bahuang Pavilion to develop the Red Wasteland, it is appropriate for him to help.

After all this trouble, Liu Yuanchen returned to a room in the backyard of Shenfu.

Eleven diamond beans were taken out from the blessed land and cultivated using the Jia Mu Ku Rong technique.

Use soul energy to condense the brand of divine consciousness and inject it into a diamond bean.

Later, he condensed several simpler inscriptions and integrated them into the diamond beans.

After completing all this, he flicked his finger, and the diamond bean immediately turned into a big man in golden armor.

The aura of this diamond bean is extremely strong, and it has actually reached the level of the early stage of the Condensing Yuan Realm.

Seeing this, Liu Yuanchen was overjoyed.

"The secret technique of spreading beans and forming soldiers stored in the Palace of Chinese Studies is indeed much better.

Coupled with the diamond beans cultivated by the Seven Treasures Master, it can actually produce golden-armored beans soldiers in the early stage of the Condensing Realm. "

"If we train the No. [-] Golden-armored Bean Soldiers at the early stage of the Condensation Realm, wouldn't they become a first-class powerful army?"

The army of the Great Xia Dynasty was mainly composed of low-level monks, and the higher-level monks were all officers.

Real high-level monks will move freely in wars and will not be included in the army.

An army composed entirely of monks in the early stages of the Condensation Realm, usually the escorts of big shots.

Liu Yuanchen didn't plan to train too many soldiers for the time being. He would first train a dozen or so to form the Panlong Mountain Inspection Department.

After cultivating eleven Condensation Realm Bean Soldiers, Liu Yuanchen summoned the Wood Spirit Golden Armor from the Blessed Land.

When he got outside, Jin Jia was a little confused: "Father, where is this?"

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "This is Dongyang Divine Mansion, and outside is Panlong Mountain.

This is my territory now, but I am short of manpower, so I plan to let you serve as the inspector of the Panlong Mountain Inspection Department.

Take these bean soldiers to patrol Panlong Mountain. "

"If someone is up to no good, stop them."

Jin Jia was a little confused: "Father, what does it mean to have evil intentions?"

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was also stunned.

Jin Jia has been living in a blessed land and has never had contact with other people.

The only knowledge I had was learned from Xiaoyu and the others.

But Xiaoyu has never been in human society, so it is really difficult to judge who is up to no good.

After thinking for a long time, Liu Yuanchen said: "Take these golden-armored bean soldiers and patrol Panlong Mountain.

If you find someone in the fog, contact me immediately and I will confirm whether they are up to no good. "

"If someone attacks you, subdue them. If you can't defeat them, let me know."

These golden-armored bean soldiers have all been trained using the Armor Wood Withered Rong Technique, and they are already considered to be capable of hearing and seeing.

Moreover, Jin Jia is a wood spirit cultivated through enlightenment and secret techniques.

The beans he produces are all spiritual plants.

Not only that, he can also communicate directly with Liu Yuanchen without any obstacles, but the distance cannot exceed forty miles.

However, now the entire Panlong Mountain is covered with yellow scale pine saplings.

These saplings are still too small and are obviously not enough to monitor the enemy's situation.

But if it's used to deliver messages, it's still fine.

Jin Jia nodded repeatedly: "Don't worry, father, I will definitely get things done."

Liu Yuanchen casually took out ten second-level heavy magical weapons and handed them to Dou Bing.

As for the golden armor, he doesn't need it.

His main attack method is to launch the virtual shadow of the diamond bean.

A long-range sneak attack is enough, there is no need to use magic weapons.

Jin Jia led a group of bean soldiers and walked out of Dongyang Divine Mansion in a majestic manner and patrolled everywhere in Panlong Mountain.

Liu Yuanchen breathed a sigh of relief, and his spiritual consciousness penetrated into the blessed land.

At this time, Xiaoyu and Xuanjia were standing around a golden rice plant with their buttocks sticking out, looking fascinated.

Liu Yuanchen sent a message and asked, "What are you two doing?"

Hearing his voice, Xiaoyu said quickly: "Father, there is a Golden Silk Rice here that is about to advance."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was quite excited.

He quickly used his spiritual sense to explore the golden rice. Sure enough, the spiritual power fluctuation of this rice had reached the second-level low-grade level.

Golden Silk Rice was originally a first-order middle-grade spiritual valley. After his cultivation, it became a first-order high-grade spiritual valley.

Although there is an improvement, it is only an increase in the energy inside the rice.

This is a quantitative change, not a qualitative change.

But if it breaks through to the second level, it will be a mutant spiritual plant.

The potential of mutated spiritual plants is unknown.

Originally a first-level spiritual plant, but suddenly growing into a second-level one, its potential may exceed that of the second-level one, and may even directly grow to the third-level one.

In addition, new roles may emerge.

The original Golden Silk Rice was just an ordinary spiritual grain.

The only thing worth mentioning is that the taste is pretty good.

But now that second-level golden silk rice has appeared, it may have some medicinal properties or some toxicity.

No matter what the situation is, as long as a high-yielding spiritual item like Golden Silk Rice can be maintained stably at the second-level level, it is a resource that cannot be underestimated.

One spiritual stone can buy five kilograms of first-grade middle-grade golden silk rice.

The first-grade golden silk rice is equivalent to two or three kilograms of spiritual stone.

The price of second-grade low-grade golden rice must be at least one pound of spiritual stone.

The golden silk rice grown in the blessed land can produce a maximum yield of more than 800 kilograms per crop, which is an income of more than [-] yuan of spiritual stones.

Especially the golden rice in the blessed land is cultivated by Shen Nong. The rice stalks are immortal and can harvest eight crops a year.

Moreover, Linggu is not considered a strategic material and can be sold openly.Of course, the more spiritual power contained in the golden rice, the more serious the damage to the soil of the spiritual field will be.

An ordinary spiritual field would definitely not be able to bear it.

Fortunately, the spiritual field soil in the blessed land is special and can directly absorb the escaped spiritual energy.

As long as the concentration of spiritual energy in the blessed land is high enough, there is no need to worry that the spiritual field soil cannot bear it.

The golden rice in front of me has not yet headed, so it still needs to be cultivated carefully.

"You are optimistic about this golden rice. If you can cultivate it, it will play a big role in the future."

Xiaoyu nodded repeatedly: "Father, don't worry, we will definitely protect this golden rice plant and won't let Ming Yu cause trouble."

When Xiaoyu mentioned Mingyu, Liu Yuanchen thought of this unreliable guy.

As long as he is in the blessed land, he will always be an unstable factor.

He simply took Ming Yu out of the blessed land and asked him to patrol nearby to prevent him from causing damage in the blessed land.

Later, Liu Yuanchen's spiritual consciousness scanned the entire blessed land, and there was not much change in these spiritual plants.

Only the Yinsha tree was obviously different.

At this time, the unformed soul spirit in Yin Sha Mu's body had completely disappeared.

The entire body of the Yinsha wood contained only strong vitality and a stream of Yinsha aura.

The soul spirit disappeared, which meant that the wood spirit had won.

At this time, most of the life force in the wood spirit body was gathered together.

Only a very small amount of life force is still scattered around.

The current state of this wood spirit is much stronger than when Xiaoyu was about to transform into a spirit.

It shouldn't be difficult to turn it into a spirit.

Liu Yuanchen's consciousness moved and he took down the soul-suppressing talisman hanging on the Yinsha wood.

There is still no trace of the spirit in Yin Shamu's body. Now it can be confirmed that Yin Shamu has completely destroyed the spirit.

Instead of directing it, Liu Yuanchen called Xiaoyu and asked it to communicate with the Yinshamu.

Ask if Yin Sha Mu has captured Po Ling.

After some exchanges, Xiaoyu said: "Father, he said that the thing that invaded his body has been completely eaten by him."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen breathed a long sigh of relief.

Then, he performed the secret technique of enlightenment.

The fairy seeds in the sea of ​​consciousness turned into the appearance of the ginseng fruit mother tree, and a large amount of mana gathered together to condense a "baby" the size of a soybean.

Liu Yuanchen sent the "baby" to a blessed place and injected it into the Yinsha wood.

The vitality in the Yinsha wood seems to be somewhat repulsive to the babies condensed by the secret technique of enlightenment.

It can be seen that this guy is very close to the real wood spirit.

However, the energy of this "baby" comes from the ginseng fruit tree, which is the top acquired spiritual root.

A mere Yinsha tree is not worth mentioning in front of acquired spiritual roots.

His resistance had no effect at all.

The "baby" merged with the vitality in Yinshamu's body and grew rapidly.

Then, the Yinsha wood began to violently absorb spiritual energy, and within a moment, a small whirlpool of spiritual energy was created.

This spiritual energy vortex continued to expand, and in just a few dozen breaths, it expanded to a radius of more than 20 feet.

However, this spiritual energy vortex expanded quickly enough and disappeared quickly enough.

In just half a quarter of an hour, the spiritual energy vortex began to shrink.

At the same time, the vitality in Yin Shamu's body evolved rapidly and turned into a human form.

The growth rate of this human being was so terrifying that in less than a hundred breaths, he reached the height of an adult.

Then, the spiritual energy vortex completely disappeared.

The wood spirit of Yinsha Wood transformed into a tall and thin young man wearing a gray robe.

This guy's figure is like a bamboo pole.

He is over eight feet tall, a head taller than Liu Yuanchen, but his torso is not as thick as an adult's thighs.

At this moment, Xiaoyu and Xuanjia came up.

Looking at the figure of the Fourth Wood Spirit, Xiaoyu, who was only over a foot tall, had envy on his face.

"Brother, you are so tall!"

The evil wood spirit of Yin Sha Mu had a stern face: "You two brats are only a little older, and you still dare to call me brother."

When he said this, Liu Yuanchen was not happy.

The three wood spirits were quite harmonious before, but now a dishonest guy has appeared, so they can't be too arrogant.

"You have just transformed into a spirit, and you are much younger than them. It is appropriate for them to call you brother."

Xuan Jia also said: "Father is right, you were born late, so you should be the younger brother."

The evil wood spirit snorted coldly: "He is your father, not mine.

I was about to transform into a spirit, and I could successfully transform into a spirit without his help. "

After hearing this, Liu Yuanchen had a guess in his mind: "It seems that you swallowed that soul and received a lot of memories."

The Yinsha Wood Spirit said proudly: "That's natural, I'm not like them, I have no memory at all.

If you want me to listen to you, no way. "

Seeing his rebellious character, Liu Yuanchen didn't bother to talk to him: "If I hadn't taken action, you would have been swallowed by the soul.

No matter what, I am also your savior, but you don't take me seriously. "

"Keeping you here would be a disaster. Why don't I just kill you and treat all my hard work as wasted."

After saying that, he began to extract the life force from his body.

Feeling that the life force in his body was constantly draining away, Yinsha Mulington suddenly panicked.

"Forgive me, I have inherited many memories of Po Ling.

As long as you give me my freedom, I will tell you everything I know. "

This guy was born in a blessed land, so Liu Yuanchen would naturally not let him go.

If he spreads the news about what happened in the blessed land, it will be troublesome.

It would be better to eliminate such unstable factors as soon as possible.

He continued to draw out his life force, and the Yinsha Wood Spirit's figure continued to shrink.

Now he was finally afraid: "As long as you spare my life, I am willing to serve you as my master.

I can tell you everything I know. "

Liu Yuanchen stopped absorbing his life force, and the Yinsha Wood Spirit breathed a sigh of relief.

Liu Yuanchen asked: "I remember that the wood spirit is made up of many soul fragments and resentment.

Even if you obtain some memories of the spirit, they should still be incomplete. "

The Yinsha Wood Spirit said: "The soul spirit that wants to devour me is indeed made of many soul fragments.

It's just that he is lucky. Most of those soul fragments come from the same soul.

These soul fragments are fused together, and the inherited memories are relatively complete. "

Liu Yuanchen couldn't help but sigh, that soul was really lucky.

Even if the soul is gone, the fragments of the soul can still be put together to restore a large number of memories from his life.

The wood spirits of the Yinsha wood were originally without intelligence and inherited a large number of soul spirits' memories.

Although this wood spirit killed the soul spirit in return, its behavior and habits were greatly affected by the soul soul's memory.

Although the body of the soul has disappeared, the memory plays a leading role. Isn't this a kind of seizing of the body?
"Since you have inherited a lot of memories from Soul Spirit, let's say something useful.

If you can't say anything useful, I don't have to keep you. "

(End of this chapter)

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