Chapter 192
Although Yinsha wood is a relatively special spiritual plant, it is not very precious.

If this wood spirit is exterminated and then the Yin evil tree is destroyed, there won't be much loss.

Liu Yuanchen stopped draining his life force, and the evil wood spirit began to tremble again.

"This demon king..."

Before he finished speaking, Liu Yuanchen extracted another large group of life force from his body.

This guy was affected by the memory of the soul, and his identity has gone to the soul.

After all, he is a wood spirit and has some value.

If it can be corrected by ordinary means, Liu Yuanchen still hopes that he can go on the right path.

If it is really irreversible, it is not too late to kill him.

The evil wood spirit was furious: "I'm going to tell you my secret, why are you still tormenting me?"

Liu Yuanchen asked coldly: "When did you become the Demon King? Is it because you ate the soul fragments that once the Demon King participated in?"

The evil wood spirit refused to accept: "I have the memory of the demon king, and I am the demon king."

Liu Yuanchen sneered: "If I pull out all your memories, will I also become the demon king?"

Yinsha Mulington was silent for a while. He inherited some memories and had his own judgment.

He naturally knew that he was not the Demon King.

Seeing his silence, Liu Yuanchen asked: "Tell me the origin of that demon king and how he died in battle."

The Yin evil wood spirit then spoke: "The demon king's name is Qingpeng Demon King. He was a cultivator in the realm of supernatural powers during his lifetime."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was excited, he had caught a big fish.

The first seven realms of the demon clan's cultivation system are swallowing spirits, receiving qi, enlightening spirits, life patterns, moon refining, sun refining, and magical powers.

The magical power realm is the seventh realm of the demon clan. The Qingpeng Demon King's cultivation is equivalent to the realm of his master.

The great demon king in this realm was left behind many years ago, so he definitely knows a lot of secrets.

"What is the origin of this Qingpeng Demon King?"

The Yinsha Wood Spirit did not dare to resist and continued: "The Qingpeng Clan is a branch of the Feng Clan.

According to the legend of the Phoenix clan, the Phoenix ancestor once gave birth to a golden-winged roc and a peacock.

The Qingpeng clan is the blood descendants of the Golden-winged Dapeng.

Just because the bloodline is impure, it is not considered a divine beast.

However, the bloodline of the Qingpeng clan is still good, not inferior to most dragons. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised.

The legend of the Phoenix clan is really similar to the situation in the prehistoric world.

Now it is absolutely certain that the Phoenix Clan in the Yuanling Realm is really related to the Prehistoric Phoenix Clan.

"In what era did the Qingpeng Demon King live? How many years ago?"

Hearing this, the Yinsha Wood Spirit thought for a long time, and then shook his head helplessly.

“After the Qingpeng Demon King died in battle, his soul was also shattered.

It was more than 300 years ago that the prototype of Soul Spirit was formed.

I don’t know how many years have passed in between. "

After the soul is shattered, it becomes something slightly spiritual and cannot function as a soul at all.

There is neither the spirituality of the soul nor the ability to remember and think.

Liu Yuanchen asked again: "During the lifetime of Demon King Qingpeng, did the demon clan have any powerful masters?"

Mu Ling said without hesitation: "Before the Qingpeng Demon King died in battle, the old Phoenix Emperor of the Phoenix Clan abdicated, and the new Phoenix Emperor was named Feng Ling."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen thought for a moment.

Not many people know the names of the demon kings of the demon clan in the past.

But in order to decipher the classics left by the Luochuan Dragon King, Liu Yuanchen read many records about the demon clan.

The name of the Demon King of the Demon Clan is not a secret, it is recorded in many classics.

Feng Ling was the previous demon emperor of the Phoenix clan. He ascended the throne about 17 years ago and died in battle 11 years ago.

The Qingpeng Demon King actually died in battle 17 years ago, when the human race had not yet established a clan.

When exactly the human race was born, there is no clear record in various classics.

The early human race was a piece of loose sand, serving as slaves in various demon tribes.

It was not until later that some humans imitated the cultivation methods of the demon tribe and learned to practice.

Only then did the human race gradually break away from the rule of the demon race and formed a human tribe.

At that time, the human race had some written records that have been passed down to the present.

The earliest tribe established by the human race was less than 11 years ago.

The Qingpeng Demon King died in battle 17 years ago. At that time, the opponent of the demon clan would definitely not be the human race.

The death of Feng Ling, the emperor of the Phoenix clan, in battle was not caused by the human clan.

It seems that the demon clan in ancient times also had strong enemies.

"A great demon king in the magical realm can be killed in battle, so the opponent's strength should not be weak.

Who were the monsters fighting at that time?Could it be that he is fighting against the Dragon Clan? "

In the prehistoric world, there was once a great catastrophe between dragon and phoenix.

The three clans of dragon, phoenix and unicorn were beaten to death, and even the ancient land suffered heavy losses.

The Yuanling world has a great connection with the prehistoric world, and the Dragon Clan and the Phoenix Clan should be feuding.

It wouldn't be a surprise if the two families really fought each other.

The Yinsha Wood Spirit shook his head slightly: "The Dragon Clan and the Phoenix Clan did have a lot of conflicts in the early days, but at that time they had a common enemy and were not hostile to each other."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen became interested.

The enemy that can make the Dragon Clan and Phoenix Clan put aside their hatred and deal with them together is not a weakling.

"Who was the enemy of the demon clan at that time?"

Yinsha Wood Spirit said without hesitation: "It's the Witch Clan."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was shocked.

Sure enough, the Witch Clan also existed in the Yuanling Realm, and the Witch Clan also fought against the Monster Clan.

This is obviously related to the lich war in the prehistoric world.

He quickly took out the statue of Jumang Zuwu from the Dragon Pearl Blessed Land and sent it to Dongyang Blessed Land.

The moment the statue of the ancestral witch entered the Dongyang Paradise, the entire Dongyang Paradise shook violently.

However, this tremor is at the energy level and will not cause damage to the entire blessed land.

"Do you know this thing?"

Seeing the statue, Yinsha Wood Spirit showed a hint of fear in his eyes.

"This is the foundation of the Twelve Capitals' Great Formation of Gods and Evils. I, the Qingpeng Demon King, died under this formation back then."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen felt excited and his guess was correct.

This incomplete statue of Jumang Zuwu is indeed part of the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods Formation.

Since this formation has appeared in the Yuanling world, there is hope to get a set together.

The war between the demon clan and the witch clan in the Yuanling Realm is probably a small battlefield in the ancient lich war.

The origin of the Yuanling World is also very clear. It is probably an affiliated world of the great world.

Liu Yuanchen also had a guess as to why Fu Di and Di Shu trembled when they saw the statue of Goumang Zusha.

During the Lich War, the entire prehistoric world suffered heavy losses.

It is normal for the space barriers in the prehistoric world to be somewhat broken.

The Wujin Stone that smashed him to death in his previous life was probably struck out by the Twelve Capital Gods Formation.

Dongyang Blessed Land and Dishu both incorporate part of Wujin Stone.

The two can resonate with the energy of the statue of Jumang Zuwu, which can be explained.

"Tell me something about the Witch Clan."

Seeing that he was interested in the affairs of the Witch Clan, the Yinsha Wood Spirit immediately breathed a sigh of relief.However, this guy is still evil and wants to bargain.

"I can tell you about the Witch Clan, but you must promise to let me go."

Liu Yuanchen said sadly: "The human race has many methods of searching for souls. Do you want to try them?"

Hearing this, the Yinsha Wood Spirit showed a look of horror on his face.

However, he still mustered up the courage: "I am the Demon King, and my soul is stronger than yours. There is no way you can search my soul."

Liu Yuanchen said disdainfully: "If it is the soul of the Demon King, I naturally dare not touch it.

But you are not the demon king, you are just a newly born wood spirit.

In terms of cultivation, you are about the same as me now. "

“Among the living beings, in terms of consciousness and soul, the human race is the strongest.

I'm searching for your soul, can you stop me? "

Hearing this, Yinsha Mulington suddenly woke up.

Although he inherited some of the memories of the Qingpeng Demon King, he is not the Qingpeng Demon King after all.

As early as when the soul was shattered, the legacy of the Qingpeng Demon King was already gone.

Even that spirit did not inherit the strength of the Qingpeng Demon King.

Otherwise, he would not be swallowed up by this little wood spirit.

Thinking of this, Yin Sha Mu Ling was convinced: "I said."

“I don’t know when the war between the demon clan and the witch clan started.

Since the Qingpeng Demon King was born, the two clans have been at war for countless years.

Even in the classics of the Monster Clan, there are not many records of the war between the two clans.

Of course, it is also possible that the Qingpeng Demon King's status is too low to have access to those secrets.

Or maybe the memory impairment I got is too severe and I don't know those things. "

"When the Qingpeng Demon King was first born, the Witch Clan was extremely powerful and occupied the entire Yuanling Continent, while the Demon Clan was expelled to the four seas."

“However, the Witch Clan has a fatal flaw, and that is its extremely slow reproduction rate.

Although the reproduction speed of the monster clan and divine beasts is also very slow, even the strongest dragon clan can still give birth to a descendant in one or two thousand years.

As for the powerful Wu clan, it takes almost 6000 to [-] years to give birth to a descendant. "

“As long as a high-level demon clan mates with a low-level demon clan, the probability of giving birth to a hybrid descendant is not low.

According to legend, the Qingpeng clan was born from the golden-winged roc and other demonic birds. "

“Although the potential of these hybrid descendants is far less than that of the divine beasts, they are still far better than most demon clans, and their reproductive capabilities are much stronger.

The demon clan relied on the blood of these mythical beasts to gradually gain the upper hand in the war. "

“The Wu clan is also thinking of various ways to increase the number of clan members.

It's just that although the Wu Clan has twelve tribes and there are differences in strength, there is no such thing as hybrids.

Even if a powerful witch marries an ordinary witch with extremely low strength, the child will still be a pure-blooded witch.

Moreover, it is equally difficult to produce offspring.

In the end, the witch clan chose to interbreed with the human race and gave birth to witch people. "

"The qi and blood of the shaman are extremely powerful, and their potential is stronger than that of pseudo-divine beasts with the blood of divine beasts such as dragons.

When a shaman is born, his strength is very weak.

If you don't practice at all, you will be at the level of the demon clan's Qi realm when you reach adulthood. "

“Furthermore, the probability of a witch being born between the witch race and the human race is not very high.

Although the reproduction speed is much faster than that of pure-blood witches and pure-blood beasts, it is not as fast as that of pseudo-god beasts such as dragons.

Therefore, the emergence of witches did not save the decline of the witch clan. "

At this time, Liu Yuanchen seemed to have thought of something.

He quickly asked: "What does the witch look like?"

The Yinsha Wood Spirit did not dare to hide: "There is no obvious difference between the appearance and the human race, that is, the size is obviously much larger than that of the ordinary race.

The most obvious difference is that their energy and blood are naturally much stronger than those of humans.

Moreover, shamans have souls and can practice various inheritances of the demon clan.

Of course, most shamans still practice the shaman inheritance.

Although they have souls, after reaching a certain level of cultivation, they will integrate their souls with their physical bodies. "

"Those witches are quite intelligent and have created many new gadgets.

The witches have not fully inherited the talents of the witch clan and cannot sense distant situations through the earth.

And because the soul is integrated into the body, it cannot use its spiritual consciousness.

Therefore, they created something called spiritual consciousness, which can also have an effect similar to divine consciousness. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was stunned.

The soul merges into the physical body and cultivates spiritual consciousness.

In the Earthly Immortal Way of the Yuanling Realm, there is still this method of cultivation.

The Immortal Way of the Yuanling Realm and the Immortal Way of the Prehistoric Land are not the same thing. Most of the cultivation methods are inherited from the Physical Way.

In this way, the physical way is actually the way of the shaman.

At this time, Liu Yuanchen thought of his junior brother.

Meng Tieshan's situation is quite similar to that of the shaman.

Is it possible that he is also a witch?
No, my master said that my junior brother is of pure human blood.

Is it possible that the blood of the witch race can be perfectly integrated with the blood of the human race without distinguishing each other?

Liu Yuanchen couldn't figure it out for a moment, but he didn't continue to struggle in this aspect.

"What happened to the witch?"

The Yinsha Wood Spirit continued: "It's not that bad, it's just that the witch clan thinks the witches are too weak, so they usually let them attack.

Some witch masters were dissatisfied with the witch clan, so they took the witches and humans to form a witch tribe.

However, the Witch Tribe did not completely break with the Witch Clan and was still a vassal of the Witch Clan. "

"After that, the Qingpeng Demon King died in battle, and I have no relevant memories.

My lord, are you a witch? "

Liu Yuanchen denied: "There are no witch clans and shamans now, only human clans and demon clans."

The Yinsha Wood Spirit looked surprised: "Impossible! How can the human race grow up if it is so weak?"

Liu Yuanchen did not talk about the witch clan and witch people anymore, but asked: "Have you ever heard of the Earth Immortal Way?"

The Yinsha Wood Spirit nodded: "In the memory of Qingpeng Demon King, there was something about the Earth Immortal Way.

The Earth Immortal Way is usually practiced by some grass and tree spirits, opening up the Cave Heaven Blessed Land, and growing together with the Cave Heaven Blessed Land.

They do not actively participate in the war between the demon clan and the witch clan, but there are many good things in their cave heaven paradise.

Once the Monster Clan and the Witch Clan discover traces of the Cave Heaven Paradise, they will attack it, kill the Spirit Clan, and seize the resources.

As time passed, the Earth Immortal Way disappeared. "

After saying this, he looked at the scene around him and then swallowed.

"This seems to be in a blessed land. My lord, you are not an Earth Immortal monk, are you?"

Liu Yuanchen had a guess in his mind that Zhenyuan Immortal was the ancestor of the earthly immortals and had the authority to teach all spirits.

The earthly immortals of the Yuanling Realm in ancient times were probably the disciples and grandsons of the Great Immortal Zhenyuan.

The current Earth Immortal Dao is an improvement on the physical Dao, but it just has an additional means to open up the heaven and earth.

Moreover, some classics about the Earth Immortal Way record that the monks of the Flesh Way learned this skill only after receiving fragments of the fragments that opened up the Paradise of Cave and Heaven.

Now it seems that the current earthly immortal way in the Yuanling world is actually the inheritance of the shamans of the Wu clan, plus a part of the inheritance of Zhenyuan Great Immortal.

No wonder when I first became a disciple, I felt that the earthly immortal way of Yuanling Realm was almost the same as the earthly immortal way of Zhenyuan Great Immortal in terms of opening up the blessed land of cave heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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