Chapter 194 Advancement of Immortal Seed
Meng Tieshan was still immersed in the joy of possessing the immortal seed at this time, because without the immortal seed, he could not directly absorb spiritual energy.

Therefore, his cultivation speed is extremely slow and his spiritual consciousness is very weak.

With the immortal seed, you can practice Qi Dao techniques in the future, absorb spiritual energy to condense mana, and use this to enhance the power of your spiritual consciousness.

After the excitement subsided, he asked: "Senior brother, how should I practice in the future?"

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "Just continue to practice Gang Qi Kung Fu. You have the blood of the witch clan. According to the witch clan, you should be a witch.

The method of cultivating the body path was originally created by shamans and is most suitable for you and Junior Sister Tie to practice.

Of course, in order to truly unleash the power of the Witch Clan's bloodline, it is best to find the most primitive Gang Qi technique.

Otherwise, you can only feel the charm of the shadow just now. "

“In terms of magic power, you can find a practice that focuses more on the physical body.

The shaman's cultivation method is the originator of the physical way, and it also chooses to integrate the soul into the physical body.

Whether you want to practice like this or not depends on your own choice. "

Ling Yu asked again: "I have never heard about the Witch Clan.

The appearance of the three people just now are very different. They don't look like the same kind of creatures. Are they all witches? "

Liu Yuanchen nodded: "Yes, those three are all witches, and they are ancestors of the witch clan.

The statue in my hand is Wu Jumang, the ancestor of wood, who is in charge of the decay and prosperity of vegetation.

The figure that appeared above the junior brother's head was Wu Zhurong, the ancestor of fire.

The figure that appeared above the junior sister's head was Wu Pingshou, the ancestor of Jin. "

"If we can find the skills created by the shaman back then, the future potential of our junior brother and junior sister will be no less than that of a pure-blooded true dragon."

“However, you must not reveal your bloodline before you grow up.

The Demon Clan and the Witch Clan have been fighting for many years and have suffered heavy losses.

If they discover your bloodline, they will definitely hunt you down at all costs. "

Hearing this, Meng Tieshan was quite excited: "My potential is not inferior to that of a pure-blooded true dragon. Doesn't that mean that my immortal seed is at least a first-class immortal seed?"

Ling Yu casually took out a silver mirror: "This is an immortal mirror for testing immortal seeds. You will know what level of immortal seeds it is by testing it yourself."

Meng Tieshan took the mirror, injected a little magic power, and looked at himself.

Only a fire cloud appeared in the immortal mirror, and around the fire cloud, there were two purple-gold auspicious clouds.

Meng Tieshan's face showed excitement: "With two purple-gold auspicious clouds, isn't my immortal seed a first-class medium-grade one?
However, why can’t the specific appearance of my immortal seed be reflected in this immortal mirror? "

Ling Yu pondered for a moment and said: "There are some existences that the Immortal Mirror is not qualified to spy on.

It seems that the level of this ancestral witch is far beyond the limit that the Immortal Mirror can detect. "

“Even if it’s a top-grade true dragon immortal species, this immortal mirror can still spy something.

If the image of the ancestral witch cannot be reproduced, it means that the life level of the ancestral witch is far higher than that of the real dragon. "

Liu Yuanchen naturally knew that the twelve ancestral witches were all quasi-sage cultivators and had inherited the legacy of the Great God Pangu.

In terms of heels, they are also extremely powerful among quasi-sages.

It's just an immortal mirror, not even an acquired spiritual treasure, so it's naturally not qualified to spy on the true appearance of the ancestral witch.

Later, Meng Tieshan once again used the Immortal Mirror to shine on Tie Junlan.

I saw a piece of white-gold light appearing in the fairy mirror, and around this light, there was a purple-gold auspicious cloud.

"Junior sister's immortal seed is of the first-class and low-grade, and even an immortal mirror cannot reflect it."

Hearing this, Tie Junlan's face was full of joy: "My original immortal seed was only a second-class high-grade, but I didn't expect that this time it was promoted to a first-class low-grade.

Speaking of which, I would like to thank Senior Brother Liu. "

Liu Yuanchen waved his hand: "We are all our senior brothers and sisters, you don't have to be polite."

Meng Tieshan took the Immortal Mirror and looked at Liu Yuanchen again: "Brother, let me see what your immortal seed looks like."

A ray of silver light penetrated Liu Yuanchen's sea of ​​consciousness, and the immortal seed released thousands of rays of green light, completely absorbing the silver light.

After a moment, a green ocean appeared in the Immortal Mirror.

Above this turquoise ocean, there is also a purple-gold auspicious cloud.

"Senior brother, aren't you a C-level mid-level immortal? How come you have become an A-level low-level immortal?

Moreover, this immortal mirror cannot reveal what your immortal seed is. "

Liu Yuanchen didn't find it strange that his immortal seed had advanced.

To practice the divine tree towering skill, you need to use the divine tree visualization idea and leave a divine tree visualization picture in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The image of the ginseng fruit tree he visualized was integrated with the original fairy seeds.

After that, his cultivation speed slowly increased.

Later, I learned the Record of the Divine Refining of All Spirits from the sermons of Zhenyuan Immortal, and practiced together with the Divine Tree Visualization method, and gradually improved the Divine Tree Visualization Diagram.

As the practice time increased, Liu Yuanchen clearly felt that his practice speed was improving by leaps and bounds.

Liu Yuanchen had already been mentally prepared for the level up of the Immortal Seed.

However, he did not expect that the Immortal Seed would be promoted to the first-class low-grade all of a sudden.

C-level middle-grade immortal species have average or lower-level talents in the Red Wasteland.

As for the first-class low-grade immortal species, it was difficult to find one in the red wasteland in thousands of years.

Even in the hinterland of the Great Xia Dynasty, he can still be ranked among the first-class geniuses.

Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised that the Immortal Seed had improved so much.

At this time, Ling Yu was also smiling: "This generation of Bahuang Pavilion is really full of talents!

The three of you all possess first-class immortal species, and you are all immortal species that surpass true dragons.

In terms of talent and potential, I am afraid that Master and Senior Brother cannot compare to you.

It seems that our lineage is about to rise. "

Liu Yuanchen found it quite strange. He thought that the changes that occurred after the witch blood was stimulated had nothing to do with the immortal species.

Unexpectedly, the junior brother and junior sister actually directly possessed the ancestral witch immortal seed.

Being able to be graded by the Immortal Mortal Mirror is obviously an immortal species.

He separated a ray of spiritual consciousness into Dongyang Blessed Land and asked Qingsha: "Qingsha, do shamans have the idea of ​​awakening their bloodline?"

At this time, Qingsha was working hard under Xiaoyu's guidance.

Liu Yuanchen's voice sounded, frightening him.

After reacting, Qing Sha immediately put on a flattering look: "My lord, I don't know much about shamans.

All I know is that one of his parents is a witch from the pure-blood witch clan, and his bloodline was born with awakening.

There is a certain chance that the descendants born from witches and shamans will not be able to awaken their witch blood.

At this time, it is necessary to use some means to stimulate the blood of the Witch Clan. "

"The farther the kinship between a witch and a pure-blood witch is, the higher the probability that he will be unable to awaken the witch bloodline."

Liu Yuanchen breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the situation of his junior brothers and sisters should be normal.

I just wanted to verify whether they were witches, but by accident, I helped them awaken the witch bloodline.

Liu Yuanchen asked again: "Do you know the human race's immortal species?"

Qing Sha shook his head repeatedly: "I have never heard of any kind of immortal species. The humans under the demon clan don't even know how to practice."


After Meng Tieshan's excitement subsided, he asked: "Senior brother, you asked me to help you refine weapons. Is there any earth fire available here?"

Before Liu Yuanchen could answer, Ling Yu said: "I designed the layout of Panlong Mountain, so naturally I will not forget about the ground fire.

There is a large courtyard at the eastern end of Panlonghufang City, with an underground fire chamber.I have opened a hundred small underground fire chambers in total. The firepower can meet the needs of refining first to seventh level magic weapons, not to mention alchemy. "

Hearing this, Meng Tieshan and Tie Junlan ran to the easternmost part of Fang City to get busy.

Liu Yuanchen came to the back garden to inspect, and used the spring breeze to turn into rain to water the spiritual plants every day. The spiritual plants on Panlong Mountain were growing well.

Especially that hundred-year-old flat peach, the acquired spiritual root has extraordinary potential, and it absorbs spiritual power like a bottomless pit.

Even if you use the Armor Wood Withered Glory Technique and inject a massive amount of mana, it can be completely absorbed in a very short period of time.

Unfortunately, the sapling just doesn't grow very well.

It seems that it absorbs this massive amount of spiritual power not to grow as quickly as possible, but to enhance its own origin.

After all, spiritual roots also have high and low levels.

The descendants of one generation with innate spiritual roots are much stronger than the descendants who have been passed down for many generations.

There is also a peach core from a hundred-year-old peach, which was planted in the blessed land of Dongyang. It also has this virtue.

After cultivating it many times with Yimu Peiyuan Technique, the vitality of the peach core became stronger and stronger, but it just did not sprout.

It seems that he is also absorbing special spiritual power and improving his own origin.

Liu Yuanchen was anxious to get them to grow up and bear fruit earlier, but they didn't buy it at all.

"No wonder some people in Hongling Mansion sell peach stones and saplings, but no one sells mature peach trees.

It takes too much resources and time to grow a sapling into a big tree. "

"If I have the chance in the future, I will still have to pay a high price to buy a ready-made [-]-year-old flat peach."

The various spiritual plants planted in the back garden are growing very gratifyingly.

Especially golden leaf bamboo, this thing can be used to refine second-level magic weapons.

In order to deceive others, Liu Yuanchen transplanted many people from the blessed land.

Watered by the spring breeze and rain every day, the golden-leaf bamboos keep sprouting bamboo shoots regardless of the season.

If this continues, Liu Yuanchen will be able to own thousands of acres of bamboo forest in just one or two years.

As long as there is enough land and sufficient spiritual energy, the bamboo forest will expand at an extremely terrifying speed.

Although it is only a second-level spiritual plant, the price is not high.

However, there is a great demand for second-level magic weapons, and the army also needs them to refine crossbow arrows.

Golden leaf bamboo can regenerate infinitely. Having a large and rapidly growing bamboo forest is equivalent to having a second-order mineral vein, which will never be exhausted.

Half a month later, Liu Yuanchen used spring breeze and rain step by step every day to water the entire Panlong Mountain.

After finishing the work, I heard a shout from outside: "Zhang Jingming of the Zhang family, come to pay homage to the Lord God."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen quickly walked outside to greet him.

My mother is a member of the Zhang family, so when my mother-in-law’s family comes, I must not lose etiquette.

When they got outside, they found that Zhang Jingming was followed by several young monks, including Liu Yuanchen's old friend Zhang Jingcheng.

Back then, both of them were outer disciples of the Qingdan Sect, and their circumstances were similar. In addition, they were distant relatives, so they had some friendship.

Seeing him come out, Zhang Jingming and other young monks saluted: "See the Lord God."

Liu Yuanchen waved his hands repeatedly: "You're welcome, cousin, follow me in quickly."

When everyone came to the main hall of the second entrance of the Divine Mansion, Liu Yuanchen asked with a smile: "I wonder how my cousin has been doing these years."

Zhang Jingming sighed: "I am ashamed to say that after the Great Xia Dynasty took over the Red Wasteland, I joined the Qingdan Academy.

I wanted to make a name for myself within the academy system, but the talents of the foreign students were too high.

I was already over [-] years old when I went to the Palace of Admission.

The techniques I practiced before were too poor, and my foundation was completely lacking.

In the annual assessment of the Academy, he could only barely pass. "

If students from the County Academy want to be promoted to the National Academy, they need an average score of at least nine points.

Even if there is preferential treatment from Chihuang Academy, the average assessment score must be eight points.

The annual assessment of the County Academy is to defeat phantoms with the same level of cultivation in the training room.

The strength of those phantoms is based on the average level of the monks of the Great Xia Dynasty.

But the level of inheritance here in the Red Wasteland is far different, and the strength of the monks at the same level is naturally far inferior to the monks in the hinterland of the Great Xia Dynasty.

With Zhang Jingming's talent, if he had grown up in the academy system, he should still be capable.

But before entering the palace, he was already a monk in the Qi Sea Realm.

The foundation has been set. If there are no adventures, modifying the skills will not be of much use, and the strength will naturally be average.

I barely passed the annual assessment with only six points, and there was no hope of further education.

Zhang Jingming continued: "The rules of the County Academy are that you must graduate when you reach fifty, so I won't be able to stay in Qingdan Academy for long.

There is no hope of being promoted to the Guoxue Palace, and it is not easy to serve in the government.

I heard that the Lord Shen was opening a mansion in Panlong Mountain, so I wanted to take some tribesmen here to find a way out.

In the future, the Zhang family is willing to listen to the Lord Shen's orders and ask the Lord to take him under his wing. "

Liu Yuanchen also knew a little about the situation of the Zhang family, and the environment was much worse than that of the Liu family.

The Liu family is located on the border, with a lot of wasteland around it, so it can expand everywhere.

The Zhang family is surrounded by owned lands, so there is no room for expansion.

In addition, the Zhang family is relatively weak to begin with and does not have a strong backer.

It is also difficult to become famous in the government or Qingdan Sect.

The best choice is to seek refuge in Dongyang Divine Mansion.

Establishing a family branch on the territory of Dongyang Shenfu, relying on the advantages of the natal family, will have a bright future.

Liu Yuanchen waved his hand: "My cousin is too outspoken, and I also know the situation of the Zhang family.

The territory is small and the products are not abundant.

My Dongyang Divine Mansion has the power to expand its territory, but it is now vast and sparsely populated.

Elder Mo had previously wanted to establish a family under Dongyang Divine Mansion, and I agreed.

If my cousin is willing, he can move some of his clan members over and establish a branch family near Panlong Mountain. "

Hearing this, Zhang Jingming's face was full of surprise: "Thank you God Lord, I will pass this matter back to the family later, and I believe the family master will agree.

The tribesmen I brought this time all have special skills.

I heard that Dongyang Divine Mansion was recruiting skilled monks, so I wanted to find a job. "

The mainstay industry of the Zhang family is making talismans, and there is nothing that can be done about it.

Among the hundred arts of cultivating immortals, elixirs and talismans are the fastest to bring in money, while Shen Nong's technique is the most stable to bring in money.

Although Talisman does not make money as fast as elixirs, the cost investment is much lower.

"My cousin came at the right time, and I established a small market near Panlong Mountain.

Of course, it is still in the preparation stage.

I have the people to refine elixirs and weapons, but I still lack the talent to make talismans.

My cousin's coming over this time is really a timely help! "

“I have handed over the management of Fangshi to my fourth uncle, who was the original elder of the Liu family.

If you need anything, you can go to him. "

Hearing this, Zhang Jingming bowed and saluted: "Thank you, Lord God, for taking me in."

(End of this chapter)

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