Chapter 195 Unexpectedly Popular

In Panlonghufang City, the alchemist is Liu Yuanchen himself, the weapon refiner is Meng Tieshan, and the formation master is Tie Junlan.

Although low-level formation mages are not popular, selling formation disks, formation flags, and formation diagrams is still not a problem.

Although Dongyang Divine Mansion only has three or two big cats and kittens, its status is not low.

If you don't even have an formation master, it would be a shame for you.

Now that the Zhang family has filled the vacancy of the talisman master, they have finally completed the four most important skills of cultivating immortality through the alchemy talisman array.

Liu Qingming is also a capable person. He also hired a few skilled chefs from the Qingdan Sect to open an inn.

The Qingdan Sect joined the Great Xia Dynasty, and the senior officials received noble status and retained all their properties.

Relying on the many industries of the Qingdan Sect and the many preferential treatment policies of the Great Xia Dynasty, the senior management's life is becoming more and more prosperous.

But the lives of middle- and lower-class monks have become increasingly difficult.

If a sect wants to be strong and prosperous, it needs many experts to protect the interests of the sect and then seize more interests from outside.

To have many loyal masters, you need to recruit many talented disciples and then train them well.

Most of the sect's resources are devoted to cultivating disciples.

Now the Qingdan Sect's properties are nominally the private property of the sect leader and the elders.

These properties are protected by the Great Xia Dynasty, and there is no need to train many experts to protect the industry.

Qingdan Sect also has no power to expand and can only rest on its laurels.

In this case, Qingdan Sect only needs skilled workers to work in various industries.

As for cultivating masters, that is also cultivating one's own descendants.

Those ordinary middle- and low-level monks will naturally have their benefits reduced.

Although the Liu family does not have a high status in Qingdan Sect, they still have some connections.

Especially Mo Lianshan, Hu Shanren, and Jin Wanliang who were attracted by Liu Yuanchen. Their connections within the sect should not be underestimated.

It is naturally not difficult for Liu Qingming to use his personal connections to recruit some disciples who have no backers.

However, most low-level disciples still hold a wait-and-see attitude.

After all, they were not well-informed and did not know the future of Panlonghufang City, so they naturally did not dare to place bets easily.

When the Panlong River becomes navigable in the future and Panlong Hufang City becomes lively, the monks who want to join Panlong Hufang City may be overwhelmed.

It is not difficult for Liu Yuanchen to take away more than half of the disciples of Qingdan Sect based on his personal reputation alone.

The alchemy and talismans are all activated together, which can meet all the resources that the monks need in daily life.

With the presence of the spiritual chef, the monks' appetites can also be satisfied.

At this point, Panlonghufang City's shelf has been put up.

Although it is still a grassroots team, it can still maintain operations.

In the future, when these shops get bigger, Liu Yuanchen also plans to set up a chamber of commerce.

Of course it can't be compared with Wanbao Chamber of Commerce, but you can also take the low-end route.

Under Liu Yuanchen's instruction, Liu Qingming spread the news about the official opening of Panlong Hufang City.

In addition, there is news that Panlonghufang City is purchasing various materials and recruiting talents.

Also spread out was the news that the Mo family was going to establish a family within the jurisdiction of Dongyang Shenfu, and that the Zhang family was going to establish a family branch.

This also tells many forces that under Dongyang Shenfu, families are allowed to be established and expanded.

This point alone is extremely attractive to many local forces in the Red Wasteland.

As for the external forces, they basically all have backgrounds, so they naturally look down on a mere Dongyang Divine Mansion.

In the future, when Dongyang Divine Mansion grows, it will be possible for the two parties to engage in some cooperation.

As for taking refuge, that is absolutely impossible.

Liu Yuanchen had previously asked Mo Lianshan to help him publicize the establishment of Dongyang Divine Mansion, and also asked Senior Brother Zhou Yang, who worked in the academy, to help release tasks.

This series of actions finally had some effect.

After Panlonghufang City was established, some curious casual cultivators came to watch the fun and purchased some magic weapons, elixirs, talismans and the like.

The number of people was not large, only twenty or thirty.

Panlong Lake is an oval lake that is nearly thirty miles long from east to west and nearly twenty miles wide from north to south.

The entire city is built around Panlong Lake.

A mere twenty or thirty people are nothing to the entire Panlonghufang City.

Liu Qingming, the general manager of Fangshi, was quite enthusiastic and personally came to the streets of Fangshi to greet these casual cultivators.

"Fellow Taoists, Panlong Hufang City under Dongyang Shenfu officially opened today.

Currently, there are elixirs, magic weapons, talismans, array disks and other resources for sale. In addition, there are also inns for food and accommodation.

If fellow Taoists are in need, feel free to come and buy.

Taoist friends who come to buy various spiritual items ten days before the opening will receive a [-]% discount. "

This grand opening method of rewarding guests was naturally Liu Yuanchen's idea.

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, it can attract some people.

After hearing this, several casual cultivators followed Liu Qingming's guidance and bought some elixirs and talismans.

Most casual cultivators don't have much money and they only have some spiritual stones, which they use to buy elixirs.

At this time, a middle-aged casual cultivator asked: "May I ask fellow Daoist Liu, if I want to do business here, how should I rent a shop?"

Hearing this, Liu Qingming's eyes lit up.

He pointed to a large courtyard at the northernmost end of Fang City: "That's the Panlonghu Fang City Management Department, and all the affairs in Fang City are under that administration.

If you want to rent a shop or even rent a cave on Panlong Mountain, you can go there.

Now renting a shop only costs 100 yuan of spirit stones per year.

If you rent a shop or cave ten days before the opening of Fangshi, we will also give you a 80% discount, which is [-] yuan of spiritual stones a year.

In Yannan City and Qinghe Town, the rent of any shop is no less than 200 yuan of spiritual stones a year.

Moreover, when you renew your lease in the future, you will still pay this price. "

“When the market becomes more lively in the future, the rent will definitely increase.

If you miss this opportunity, it will be much more expensive to rent the shop and cave in the future. "

The middle-aged monk looked anxious: "In that case, I will rent a shop and a cave."

Seeing that the conditions are so favorable, others are also a little moved.

There were even people who took out jade charms to send messages, as if they were sending a message to someone.

Seeing this situation, Liu Qingming's face was full of pride.

These casual cultivators are not all here to watch the fun, there are also some informants from small forces.

Now that he saw that there was a profit to be made, he quickly sent a message to the forces behind it.

Now Panlonghufang Market has just opened, and the rent is already low, so they are offering a [-]% discount.

If you renew the lease after it expires, you can also apply for a [-]% discount on the current price.

Even if you don’t want to do business here, you can rent a shop first and then sublet it to others.

Just from the difference in rent, you can make a small profit, which is a steady stream of income.

Rogue cultivators may not have a brilliant inheritance or much knowledge, but most of them have quick minds.

They can naturally see if something is profitable.

This was also part of Liu Yuanchen's calculation. When it first opened, the rents of shops and caves were lowered, which made some people think it was profitable.

The love of taking advantage is common to all people, and even monks are not exempt from it.The bargain is right in front of you. The monks who have spare money will definitely seize this opportunity and rent some shops first.

Even if the person who rents the shop will not open a shop for the time being, it can still provide some rental income to the market.

If some of these people are willing to open a store and do business immediately, it will also increase the popularity of Panlong Lake.

If a business monk wants to open a shop, he will take the initiative to contact the source of goods.

Seeing the profits, those who sell elixirs and weapon refining materials will also come to open stores.

As time goes by, the entire market will slowly become prosperous.

As for the future of Panlonghufang City, they are not worried at all.

The publicity some time ago still worked.

Liu Yuanchen's background is not a secret to everyone.

In addition, Qinghe County Magistrate Mo Lianshan placed bets in Panlong Mountain, which naturally attracted many people.

The excavation of the canal in Yannan City has now begun, and the news has spread.

The well-informed monks already knew the general outline of this plan.

The future of Panlonghufang City is still very bright.

It was getting late, and only a few of the more than 20 casual cultivators who came to see the excitement left, while the others stayed at the Panlong Inn in Fangshi.

At night, Liu Yuanchen deliberately opened the defensive formation, and the entire Panlong Mountain and some surrounding areas were covered by the formation.

The casual cultivators living in Panlong Inn came out to watch the fun.

One of the casual cultivators sighed: "My dear, this Panlong Mountain's defensive formation is really amazing.

Looking at this momentum, it is no less than the defensive formation of Qingdan City.

Whether it is Qinghe County or Yannan City, the formations are far inferior to this. "

Another well-informed casual cultivator smiled and said: "Dongyang Shenjun is a disciple of Bahuang Pavilion, which is a big force outside of Chihuang Plain.

Even Shenting and the Great Xia Dynasty wanted to give Bahuang Pavilion some face.

It is said that Senior Zhao, the master who was granted the title of Divine Lord in the Great Xia Dynasty, was the governor of Qingdan County, and all the imperial ministers had to salute Senior Zhao.

Among the senior leaders of each academy, there are disciples from the Bahuang Pavilion.

Dongyang Shenjun is backed by such a big force, how can his formation be bad?

There is also the Dongyang Divine Mansion, which we also saw from a distance during the day.

That magnificence is almost as good as that of Chihuanghou's palace. "

Another person echoed: "No, we have all seen Panlong Mountain in the past. It was just a barren mountain without even a spiritual vein.

Just over a year has passed, and there is a third-level low-grade spiritual vein. "

“I also heard that the government intends to open up water transportation from Yannan City, Panlong Lake to Qingshui River.

By then, Gray Goose Lake and Panlong Lake will be connected to Qingshui River. "

“I’ve heard that in the future, a county seat will be established in Yannan City and will continue to expand eastward.

It is estimated that in a hundred years, even the Demonic Cloud Sea will be eaten.

As the Panlong River is a water transportation artery connecting the hinterland of Qingdan County and Yannan City, everyone should be aware of its potential in the future. "

The monk who was the first to propose renting the shop and cave was even more happy now.

"Is there still such a thing? Panlong Mountain has a third-level spiritual vein, and it is on an important water transportation route.

If water transportation is really opened up, Panlonghufang City will surpass Qinghe County in a few years.

Then I rented the shop and the cave, and it was really profitable.

Unfortunately, the management department has rental restrictions. Each person can only rent one shop and one cave.

Otherwise, I would have to rent a few more rooms if I were to sell everything. "


Early the next morning, the sky was just getting light, the defensive formations had converged slightly, and the clouds and mist over Panlonghufang City dispersed.

At the foot of Panlong Mountain, fifty or sixty monks rushed into Panlong Hufang City impatiently.

The goal of these people was very clear. As soon as they entered Fang City, they went straight to the management department at the northernmost end of Fang City.

They all came for the rental shops, and Liu Qingming personally sat in the management department to handle the procedures for these people.

Some monks directly showed the signs of the forces behind them. According to the rules set by Liu Yuanchen, even if one rents a store on behalf of a force, he can only rent three shops at most.

If a power is in a market, having too many stores will not be of much help in doing business.

Liu Yuanchen did this to prevent someone from taking the opportunity to control a large number of stores and affect the business of the entire city.

In a short time, all the existing [-] or so shops in Panlonghufang City were rented out.

There were monks arriving from outside Fangshi and quickly ran to the management department.

Seeing that the shops have been leased, some people were quite dissatisfied: "There are so many open spaces along Panlong Lake, it is not difficult to build thousands of shops.

Why are you building a hundred or so shops? We have come all the way here, but you have no shops to rent here. "

Liu Qingming quickly laughed and said: "It has only been more than a year since the planning of Panlong Mountain.

It is necessary not only to repair the spiritual veins, but also to build a divine palace and draw out the spiritual spring.

There are also these several layers of defensive formations that require a lot of effort to arrange, so the construction of Fangshi will naturally be slower. "

"But fellow Taoists, don't worry. There is a lot of space around Panlong Lake. If it is really open to construction, one or two thousand shops will be nothing.

The Lord God has already ordered that the next batch of [-] shops will be built and completed within a year.

These shops are built on the lakeside. After the Panlong River is opened to navigation, cargo ships can go directly to Panlong Lake, and everyone can transport goods by water. "

Hearing this, everyone was very excited.

Unloading bulk cargo also takes a lot of effort.

The cargo ship can be driven directly to the door of your store, and you can save a lot of unloading costs.

A monk who failed to grab the store quickly said: "We are far away, so I'm afraid we won't be able to grab it by then.

How about we pay a deposit first, and then we can do business after the store is built, even if we pay one more year's rent. "

There's no telling when the canal will be open to navigation, and rent will at least double by then.

If you rent it now, you can save more than 100 spiritual stones a year.

Liu Qingming looked embarrassed: "I can't make the decision on this matter. I still have to ask the Lord God for instructions."

Liu Yuanchen has been paying attention to the situation here, and when he saw this situation, he also murmured in his heart.

“Did I go too far with my previous publicity?
Coupled with the start of canal construction, some people got wind of it.

In the future, Panlonghufang City will surely prosper, and there will definitely be many people willing to do business here.

It was my first time doing this, so I still lacked experience.

If I had known it was so popular, the rent should have been doubled. "

If we change our words now, it will only damage our credibility.

It's really not worth it for a small profit.

But having said that, if Fangshi wants to make money, it doesn’t just rely on rent.

As the leader of the market, he is qualified to collect taxes.

Taxes are the biggest factor, and a small amount of rent can be regarded as a big bonus for opening the business.

He transmitted a message to Liu Qingming's spiritual consciousness: "Take out another two hundred unfinished shops for rent. Each person can only rent one, and the rental price remains unchanged."

After receiving the message, Liu Qingming cupped his hands and said to everyone: "Fellow Taoists, the Lord God has given instructions to rent out another two hundred unfinished shops."

(End of this chapter)

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