Chapter 198 Xuanyin Ghost Willow
Hearing this, Guiliu Sanren looked confused.

"I dare to ask the Lord God, what is the priesthood of Colonel Touch Jin, and what authority does it have?"

Different priesthoods need to perform different duties, and naturally correspond to different authorities.

Generally, when the divine court conferred a title on a god, it would directly grant some Shinto authority.

For example, when you are granted the title of Dragon King, you will definitely be given the power to control the wind and rain.

If you want more authority, you can also spend incense money to buy it from the City God's Yin Division.

Of course, not everyone can buy Shinto authority. Only serious gods canonized by the Divine Court can buy it.

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "This Golden Colonel is a priesthood I specially set up for you, and it is related to your special abilities.

You can sense the spiritual energy fluctuations of spiritual objects through hundreds of feet of rock formations, which is naturally very suitable for treasure hunting.

This Captain Mojin is here specifically to hunt for treasures. "

"Your duty is to search for various spiritual objects for Dongyang Divine Mansion. As for authority, I will give you the authority to escape from the earth.

It will be more convenient for you to search for spiritual objects in the future. "

"As long as you can help me find three third-level spiritual objects in a year, even if you complete your duties, I will give you a salary of 50 taels of incense and silver every year.

If I can find more spiritual objects, or higher-grade spiritual objects, I can purchase them at [-]% of the market price. "

Hearing this, Guiliu Sanren looked excited.

Ordinary gods are busy performing their duties all day long.

Otherwise, you won’t even be able to earn the power of incense.

If Captain Jin can find three third-level spiritual objects every year, he can get 50 taels of incense and silver.

The rest of the time is spent on cultivation, so there is no problem.

There are no hard and fast rules for the type of spiritual species, and spiritual plants are also allowed.

Although Wuyun Ridge is barren, it is not difficult for me to find a third-level spiritual plant.

Among the many eighth-level gods, this position of a gold-touching captain can definitely be regarded as one with more money and less trouble.

He quickly bowed and saluted: "Thank you God Lord for the generous gift, but the treatment is too high.

God gave me the priesthood and the authority to escape from the earth.

The treasures found by the little gods should be given to the gods. "

Although Guiliu Sanren was very sincere, Liu Yuanchen couldn't squeeze him too much.

It is still necessary to give some benefits to make him a little more motivated.

After discussing for a while, Liu Yuanchen said: "Let's do this, I will buy the spiritual objects you find for half the price.

According to Shinto rules, half of the surplus incense power of subordinates must be turned over.

The treasures you find should also be handled according to this rule. "

Hearing this, Guiliu Sanren no longer refused: "Since it is the rule of Shinto, my subordinates dare not disobey it."

Ghost cultivators are good at finding treasures buried deep in the ground, and there are many good things buried under the Red Wasteland.

If a group of gold-digging masters are cultivated, Liu Yuanchen can support Liu Yuanchen to open a small shop in Hongling Mansion just by digging for treasures in the ground.

However, the foundation of Dongyang Divine Mansion is still too shallow.

If we train a large number of gold-touching masters, we may not be able to support them.

Let’s start with a small scale first, and when Dongyang Divine Mansion grows later, it won’t be too late to expand the scale.

"I will give you the official position of Touching the Golden Colonel as the eighth rank.

According to the rules of Shinto, all gods of high rank have the right to recruit Yin soldiers.

Some of the ghosts in my spiritual realm were monks during their lifetimes.

If you pick someone with decent talent and train them, they can also be your helpers. "

If he were an ordinary ghost cultivator, Liu Yuanchen would not dare to let him cultivate the ghosts of his family members.

But this Guiliu Sanren is a righteous ghost cultivator, and now that he has obtained a Shinto position, he will naturally not do anything to devour souls.

The Shinto clone extracted a ray of soul from Guiliu Sanren's body and injected it into the Ten Thousand Gods List.

Later, his information and the authority of Captain Mojin were entered into the Ten Thousand Gods List.

Not long after, a golden book and jade book emerged from the list of gods.

The Shinto clone took out the seal of Lord Dongyang again and extracted a trace of energy from it.

After a moment, that trace of energy condensed into a three-inch square seal.

Yin Niu is not an auspicious beast like a dragon or tiger, but a pangolin.

After that, he pulled out a ray of energy from Dongyang Shenjun's token and condensed it into a token.

This token is about the size of a palm and has an earthy color all over.

On one side were written the eight characters "Dongyang Shenfu Mojin Xiaowei", and next to it was a column of small characters that read "Gui Liu Sanren".

There is also a pangolin relief on the other side, and the pangolin is still digging the ground.

Condensing Shinto documents, seals, and tokens are all Shinto means.

The seals and authority of subordinate gods come from the superior gods.

Therefore, the superior gods have strong control over the subordinate gods.

If Guiliu Sanren can gather new Shinto authority, as the god who canonized him, Liu Yuanchen's Shinto avatar can also obtain the same Shinto authority.

Moreover, the Shinto authority obtained by superior gods is no less than that of subordinate gods.

Of course, in this process, a lot of incense power will inevitably be consumed.

The Shinto avatar handed all the documents and seals to Guiliu Sanren, who took the seals and saluted again and again.

"Thank you very much, Lord God. I will serve you with all my heart and soul."

After that, he refined the document and seal in the Dongyang Shenjun spiritual realm.

After a while, the Shinto document turned into a stream of energy and merged into Guiliu Sanren's body.

At this time, in addition to a refreshing aura, he also carried the aura of Shinto incense.

Ghost Willow Sanren took out a black willow branch from his storage bag.

"These are the willow branches of the Xuanyin Ghost Willow. The Xuanyin Ghost Willow where I have lived for many years was destroyed, and there are only a few branches left.

I heard that the Lord Shen likes to collect spiritual plants, so my subordinates specially dedicated them to the Lord Shen. "

As an alchemist and spiritual medicine master, Liu Yuanchen still knows a lot about various spiritual plants.

As long as it is not a special spiritual plant cultivated in secret, or a spiritual plant that has long since disappeared.

He can recognize most of the other spiritual plants.

This Xuanyin Ghost Willow can be said to be famous among evil cultivators.

This object can absorb all yin energy and store it in the body, and is extremely repellent to yang energy.

Therefore, the wood of this Xuanyin ghost willow is an excellent carrier for housing ghosts.

The slightly higher-grade Xuanyin Ghost Willow is most suitable for refining magical weapons such as the Ten Thousand Soul Banner.

In addition, Xuanyin Guiliu's background is also extremely extraordinary.

Legend has it that this thing is the descendant of Huangquanliu in the underworld.

It was only after arriving in the underworld and losing the environment of the underworld that it became what it is now.

When Xuanyin Ghost Willow just sprouts, it is a third-level low-grade spiritual tree.

As the years go by, the grade will get higher and higher.

A century-old Xuanyin Ghost Willow can grow to the fourth level.

The 500-year-old Xuanyin Ghost Willow can grow to the fifth level.

Thousand-year-old Xuanyin Ghost Willow can grow to the sixth level.

It is said that when a human master was annihilating an evil cultivator, he once discovered the eighth-order Xuanyin Ghost Willow.

The twig of the Xuanyin ghost willow in front of me exudes the aura of the fourth-level spiritual plant.

However, the survival rate of high-level spiritual plants is not high, especially branch cuttings.

But in Liu Yuanchen's hands, as long as there is still a little bit of life, he can survive.

Of course, this wicker is absolutely worthless on the market.

"I like this Xuanyin Ghost Willow very much, even among your first spiritual objects this year." After saying that, the Shinto clone took out five more 20-tael silver ingots.

"You, a golden captain, don't have a temple, so you have to have some start-up capital."

Guiliu Sanren thanked him again and again, and then left.

Liu Yuanchen's body entered the divine realm and held the Xuanyin Ghost Willow in his hand.

After using my spiritual sense to investigate, I found that the vitality in the Xuanyin Ghost Willow was somewhat strange.

In his spiritual perception, common spiritual plants and even spiritual roots are green.

But the vitality in this Xuanyin Ghost Willow is green and black.

Not only that, this life force also incorporates a kind of cold energy, which should be the stored yin energy.

Xuanyin Ghost Willow is indeed special enough that other energies can be integrated with life force.

The advantage of this is that the Yin energy is not easily lost.

But the flaw is also very obvious. As long as it is left in an environment rich in yin energy for a long time, it will easily die.

Liu Yuanchen gathered a ball of mana and poured it into the wicker.

After a while, the wicker, which was originally a little wilted, became energetic.

He collected the wicker sticks in Dongyang Blessed Land and inserted them next to the first spiritual hub.

This Xuanyin ghost willow needs Yin attribute energy to grow normally. The first spiritual hub can extract the evil energy of the earth veins through the earth book.

All kinds of energy are mixed in the evil spirit, and naturally there are also many Yin-type energies.

With sufficient nourishment of yin energy, this wicker should be able to grow well.

When it grows up, it can be used to refine Shinto magic weapons.

Shinto and ghost cultivators are inextricably linked, and some Shinto magic weapons are similar to those of ghost cultivators and evil cultivators.

The gods have the responsibility to extradite the ghosts. In the future, they can use Xuanyin ghost willow as the main material to refine a soul-calling flag.

If a living person dies nearby, you can use the soul-calling flag to lure the ghost into the spirit realm.

Lest they wander around and disrupt the order of the living.


In the following days, Liu Yuanchen practiced step by step and used the spring breeze to transform into rain.

In his perception, Panlong Mountain was constantly changing.

In his eyes, Panlong Mountain was nothing more than a pile of rocks.

At this time, Panlong Mountain seemed to have vitality in his induction.

This mountain is like a life, constantly breathing.

He quietly felt Panlongshan's breathing, and suddenly felt that his sensing range had greatly increased.

Although he didn't specifically sense anything, he could sense the movement on Panlong Mountain.

He could even hear clearly the voices of the monks talking in the market.

At this time, a familiar voice came to his ears: "Is there a brothel in this city?"

The person who can ask this question is naturally Xia Longting.

He focused his attention on Fangshi, without releasing his consciousness, but could clearly see the figures of Xia Longting and Xia Lingkai.

In addition, Wan Yutang also came with them.

This feeling of being able to sense the surrounding situation without consuming spiritual consciousness is very wonderful.

Liu Yuanchen knew in his heart that he had now been recognized by Panlongshan.

However, he was never able to go one step further and sense the authority of heaven.

I don't know if it's because my cultivation level is too low, or if I'm lacking something.

After working hard for a long time, there was no result, and Liu Yuanchen was a little discouraged.

However, after only staying in Panlong Mountain for more than a year, it has already been recognized by Panlong Mountain, and progress has been rapid.

As for condensing the authority of Heaven, we still have to do it slowly.

At this time, Xia Longting and others walked around Panlonghufang City, but could not find the brothel.

Xia Longting was a little disappointed: "There is nothing interesting in this city. Let's go to Dongyang Shenfu for a walk."

The three of them arrived at the gate of Dongyang Divine Mansion, and Liu Yuanchen welcomed them into the main hall of the second entrance.

After sitting down, Xia Longting complained: "Your market is too bad, there is not even a brothel."

Liu Yuanchen also looked helpless: "How many days has Panlong River been open to navigation? It was difficult to transport some goods before. Which force would open a brothel here?"

Wan Yutang smiled and said: "Junior Brother Liu has a good eye and chose a good place like Panlong Mountain.

Now that water transportation has been opened up, Panlong Mountain occupies an important water transportation route and will definitely become a prosperous place in the future.

After a few more decades of development, becoming a county seat should not be a problem. "

Liu Yuanchen waved his hand: "It's an unexpected blessing to be able to earn some spiritual stones for me to practice.

As for whether it can become a county seat, I don't care. "

"Senior Brother Wan should be the person in charge of the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce in Qingdan City now, and he has a lot of things to do every day.

You didn't come here just to accompany Junior Brother Xia to visit the brothel, right? "

Wan Yutang chuckled: "Junior Brother Liu is quite quick to talk.

To be honest, I want to expand the business of Wanbao Chamber of Commerce to Panlonghufang City.

But I still don’t know Junior Brother Liu’s attitude, so I came to ask. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was in a good mood.

The Wanbao Chamber of Commerce’s status in the business world can be called Mount Tai or Beidou.

If Wanbao Chamber of Commerce opens a store in Panlong Hufang City, it means that the Chamber of Commerce values ​​the potential of Panlong Hufang City.

With Wanbao Chamber of Commerce taking the lead, more forces will be driven here to do business.

"The Wanbao Chamber of Commerce is willing to come to my market to do business. That is great news."

Seeing that he had no objection, Wan Yutang cupped his hands and said, "In that case, I will send a message and ask Qingdan City to send people over."

"The stores of my Wanbao Chamber of Commerce are all built by myself, and I still need to buy a piece of land."

Liu Yuanchen naturally had no objection: "It's easy to say, there are a lot of open spaces in Panlonghufang City.

Buying a piece of land is naturally nothing. "

Hearing this, Wan Yutang did not beat around the bush: "I have been around the city before, and there are indeed many good places.

However, my favorite place is still the island in the middle of the lake. "

When he mentioned this, Liu Yuanchen waved his hands repeatedly: "In other places in the market, you can buy any piece of land you want.

Only this piece of land is absolutely impossible.

I asked my uncle to specially build this small island in the middle of the lake. In the future, I will build a core store in Panlong Hufang City.

If I sell it to you, I will suffer a big loss. "

Wan Yutang still had a smile on his face: "There is no conflict. The island in the middle of the lake is a mile in diameter, and I won't occupy it all.

Just sell me a small piece of land, enough for me to build a shop. "

“I think that a mere Panlonghufang City cannot satisfy Junior Brother Liu’s ambition.

In the future, Junior Brother Liu’s business will grow bigger and bigger.

After you start your business, our Wanbao Chamber of Commerce can also help you. "

With his promise, Liu Yuanchen really didn't care about a small island in the middle of the lake.

If we can cooperate with Wanbao Chamber of Commerce in the future, business will be much easier.

"Senior Brother Wan is so sincere, so I can't be too stingy.

Half of the small island in the middle of the lake is given to Wanbao Chamber of Commerce. I think it should be enough for Senior Brother Wan to build a store, right? "

Wan Yutang smiled and said: "Junior Brother Liu is really happy. Whatever resources Junior Brother Liu needs in the future, our Wanbao Chamber of Commerce can provide them.

In terms of price, it will also be [-]% lower than the market price. "

(End of this chapter)

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