Chapter 199 The True God of Heaven
When doing business with the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce, if it's just a [-]% discount on certain types of treasures, it's really nothing.

The disciples of Bahuang Pavilion even got a [-]% discount when they went to Wanbao Chamber of Commerce to buy things.

However, those are just buying some small things, and they are finished products, and the profit is very high, even at a [-]% discount, you can still make a profit.

But this time it is a long-term supply of resources, not on the same level at all.

The profit from spiritual material raw materials is not particularly high. After the [-]% discount, the profit is probably not huge.

In the future, Liu Yuanchen's industry will expand, and a batch of goods may cost several million spiritual stones.

By purchasing supplies at a [-]% discount, you can save a lot of money.

Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised: "Senior Brother Wan, this promise is too heavy.

Even if Panlonghufang was sold, it wouldn't be worth so much. "

Wan Yutang waved his hand: "Junior Brother Liu, don't forget what our Wanbao Chamber of Commerce relied on to make our fortune."

Liu Yuanchen naturally knew that the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce was also an ancient force, but its strength was very average.

Among the ancient forces, it can only be regarded as second- or third-rate.

Although I earn a lot of resources from doing business, my strength is still just that.

What really made Wanbao Chamber of Commerce take off was funding the yet-to-be-emerged Shenting, that is, Shaolengzao.

When the Great Emperor and several Shinto masters founded Shenting, although they were extremely powerful, they did not have many resources.

The Wanbao Chamber of Commerce also saw the potential of Shenting and funded Shenting with a lot of resources.

The Great Emperor and those Shinto masters were originally outstanding people.

With the funding from Wanbao Chamber of Commerce, its power is naturally growing.

Later, Shenting became the largest force in the human race, but it did not forget the kindness of Wanbao Chamber of Commerce.

When the power of Shenting covers a place, the business of Wanbao Chamber of Commerce can reach any place.

The cold stove that burned Shenting before is now heating up, making Wanbao Chamber of Commerce the top power in the human race.

After that, Wanbao Chamber of Commerce tasted the sweetness.

When I encounter a potential stock, I want to help.

Liu Yuanchen laughed at himself: "My little ability is not worth the high cost of the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce's support."

Wan Yutang shook his head gently: "Junior Brother Liu, there is no need to belittle yourself. If I, a disciple of the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce, want to get ahead, vision is the most important thing.

I am now the steward of the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce in Qingdan County. In the entire Chihuang Plain, I am the only steward of the Chihuang Hou Kingdom who is above me.

I dare not say anything else, but in terms of eyesight, I am still very confident.

Junior Brother Liu is not an ordinary person, and he will surely accomplish great things in the future. "

“With this condition, it’s considered an investment.”

Liu Yuanchen also smiled and said: "Then I take the good advice from Senior Brother Wan. If I can really achieve a great cause in the future, I will never forget Senior Brother Wan."

Xia Longting was too lazy to listen to them talking about business: "I said you two are just talking about these things when you have nothing to do, and you don't know how to enjoy it at all.

Cousin, if you take half of the land on the island in the middle of the lake, why don't you build a brothel? "

Wan Yutang kicked him over and said, "Besides this trivial matter, you can't think of anything else.

I have great use for that piece of land, how can I waste it in your hands? "

Xia Longting looked dissatisfied, but he couldn't defeat Wan Yutang, so he had to swallow his breath.

He turned to Liu Yuanchen and asked: "Senior Brother Liu, have you opened up a Shinto spiritual realm?"

Liu Yuanchen nodded: "Of course, after all, I am also a divine king who founded a mansion, with tens of thousands of people under my rule."

Xia Longting quickly asked: "Are there any young female ghosts?"

Liu Yuanchen sighed, this guy still has the same moral character.

"The ghosts in my spiritual realm are all members of the Liu family, and they are all men. Don't even think about it."

Hearing this, Xia Longting looked disappointed.

"There are no brothels and no female ghosts. It's really a waste of time."

Then, he took out a storage bag: "I heard that the spiritual plants grown in the blessed fields of the Shinto spiritual realm will have some special effects.

This is the elixir seed I prepared for you to plant in your field of blessings.

After planting it, it was refined into elixirs, and I bought them at twice the market price. "

Liu Yuanchen naturally has no objection. What are those blessed fields not planting?

The elixir seeds produced by Xia Longting, a prodigal son, were definitely not ordinary.

At the very least, it has to be a second-level elixir, maybe even a third-level elixir.

Although it is mainly a kidney-tonifying elixir, that type of elixir is also somewhat useful in refining the body.

It's always good to collect more precious elixirs.

He took the storage bag and said, "Don't worry. Planting elixirs and refining elixirs are my strengths. I promise to get things done."

After a few people finished talking about the serious business, they started chatting.

The content of the chat consisted of some anecdotes and of course a lot of cultivation experience.

Liu Yuanchen has always wanted to condense the heavenly power of Panlong Mountain, but he has never been able to succeed.

With his knowledge, he really can't think of any good solution.

Xia Lingkai was different. As a member of the Luochuan Kingdom clan, he had a family background.

In addition, his background was not too high, and he wanted to get ahead, so he learned a lot.

In terms of knowledge, Liu Yuanchen was far behind him.

He insinuated and said: "Senior Brother Xia, you have always been well-informed, but I have something to ask you."

Xia Lingkai nodded slightly: "If you have anything to say, feel free to tell me. As long as I know something, I will never hide it from you."

Liu Yuanchen asked: "Generally, after a mountain god is granted a title, he can establish a divine domain near the place where he was granted the title.

Although I, the Kaifu Divine Lord, can manage Shinto affairs over Dongyang Lake, I do not have the authority to establish a divine domain.

Now that Dongyang Divine Mansion and Shinto Spiritual Realm are established in Panlong Mountain, how should I establish a divine realm in Panlong Mountain? "

Obtaining the recognition of Panlong Mountain and gathering the authority of heaven, he is equivalent to the mountain god of Panlong Mountain.

However, this mountain god is not the god of incense and fire that the divine court can control, but the true god of heaven.

Of course, both being gods, there are still many similarities.

If one knew how to control Panlong Mountain using Shinto means, it might be of some help in consolidating the power of Heaven.

Hearing this, Xia Lingkai chuckled: "This is easy to say, but your situation is relatively rare.

When a general mountain god accepts canonization, it means that the control of a mountain is granted to the mountain god with the authority of the divine court.

The Divine Court is recognized by Heaven, and the canonization of the Divine Court is close to the canonization of Heaven.

Heavenly Dao has agreed, and a mountain will naturally not resist. "

"Senior Brother Liu, you don't have an express canonization from the Divine Court. If you want to control Panlong Mountain, you still need a Shinto magic weapon."

Seeing that he really knew how to deal with it, Liu Yuanchen felt a little excited.

"Senior Brother Xia, how should we operate?"

Xia Lingkai smiled and said: "It's simple to say, to establish a divine domain, firstly, it must be recognized by Panlong Mountain, and secondly, it must be able to mobilize the power of Panlong Mountain.

Use the spiritual objects produced on Panlong Mountain to refine the embryo of a magical weapon.

Then buy some Shinto authority from the mountain god and integrate these Shinto authority into it.

From now on, I only need to use this Shinto magic weapon to exercise Shinto authority on Panlong Mountain.

It won't take a few years to gain recognition from Panlong Mountain. "

"This Shinto magic weapon is made of materials from Panlong Mountain. Coupled with the power of Shinto authority, it can naturally mobilize part of the power of the entire Panlong Mountain."

"At that time, the entire Panlong Mountain will become your divine domain."

At this time, Liu Yuanchen had some clues.The authority of Shinto is close to the authority of Heaven. To establish the divine domain using Shinto means not only needs to be recognized, but also needs to be able to mobilize the power of Panlong Mountain.

The same should be true for the authority of heaven. He has been recognized by Panlong Mountain, but he has not yet had the means to mobilize Panlong Mountain's power.

Xia Lingkai said that the materials produced in Panlong Mountain should be used to refine a Shinto magic weapon.

Then this magic weapon will be the medium to mobilize the power of Panlong Mountain.

"I have read many classics. Some demon clans can condense the power of heaven. Are the methods they use similar to this?"

Xia Lingkai shook his head: "The demon clan's method of obtaining the power of heaven is somewhat similar to the method I mentioned, but it is very different.

Obtaining the authority of heaven also requires the recognition of one side of heaven and earth.

And those demon clans are all natives, and they belong to that world.

After they are recognized by heaven and earth, it only takes a few hundred years to condense the authority of heaven. "

"If Senior Brother Liu has the patience to practice in Panlong Mountain for hundreds of years, he should have hope."

Liu Yuanchen suddenly realized that no wonder Luochuan Dragon King's content of condensing the power of heaven did not involve sacrificing magical weapons.

It turns out that people rely on time to accumulate the power of heaven.

At the level of the Luochuan Dragon King, he already had unlimited longevity.

Even if he takes a nap, he can sleep for decades. Hundreds of years are nothing to him.

Liu Yuanchen naturally couldn't bear such a long time.


After chatting for several hours, Wan Yutang and the other three left Panlong Lake.

There is no brothel here, so Xia Longting naturally doesn't want to stay here forever.

After they left, Liu Yuanchen secretly made plans in his heart.

"What I want is the authority of heaven, and the method of using divine magic weapons should work.

However, in order to gather the authority of Heavenly Dao, it still needs the authority of Divine Dao to transition, which is too troublesome.

This path cannot be copied, but you can use it as a reference when it comes to magical weapons. "

"It's too troublesome to refining a magic weapon and spend time cultivating it."

"My Book of the Earth has the potential to control the earth. As a medium to mobilize the power of Panlong Mountain, it shouldn't be a problem."

“The most important power on Panlong Mountain is the spiritual veins, followed by the dragon veins.

Although the ground line is also nearby, it only passes through Panlong Mountain and is not owned by Panlong Mountain.

If the imprint of Panlong Mountain's spiritual veins could be left on the Book of Earth, this problem might be solved. "

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen made up his mind to leave the mark of Panlong Mountain on the ground book.

A few days ago, my uncle returned to Qingdan City for business.

With the formation arranged by his uncle, he can conceal the detection from outsiders.

There are ten spiritual hubs in Panlong Mountain, seven of which are in Dongyang Divine Mansion.

Liu Yuanchen walked to a small room in the backyard and turned on the concealing formation in the room.

I saw a deep pit in the house, and streams of mist kept coming out of it.

At the bottom of this deep pit is a spiritual pivot, and it is an attributeless spiritual pivot with a balanced five elements.

This was also specially prepared by Ling Yu. Liu Yuanchen could use this spiritual hub when he opened up the spiritual realm in the future.

He took out the book from the sea of ​​consciousness and put it into the deep pit.

Not long after, Di Shu took Dongyang Blessed Land and Longzhu Blessed Land and disappeared without a trace.

With a thought in Liu Yuanchen's mind, he entered Dongyang Blessed Land.

The spiritual realm was directly connected to the spiritual hub, and a large amount of spiritual energy poured out from the first spiritual hub.

The Xuanyin Ghost Willow that was planted next to the First Spiritual Hub is now growing well.

He used his spiritual consciousness to investigate and found that roots had grown on the willow branches.

After sensing the entire blessed land, I found that Qingsha guy is still relatively honest now.

Especially for Xiaoyu, he simply obeyed her words.

Seeing that this guy didn't cause trouble, Liu Yuanchen was relieved.

He looked at the two diamond bean seedlings. They had already bloomed before the Dongyang Divine Mansion was established.

After such a long time, the flowers have faded and small pods have grown.

It will probably take a few years for the pods to mature.

The speed at which King Kong bean sprouts grow on their own is incomparable to the speed at which Jin Jia's beans grow quickly.

Liu Yuanchen did not stay in the blessed land for too long and left the blessed land soon.

When Panlonghufang City was first established, Liu Qingming could not control the situation by himself, and many things required his intervention.

Once outside, Liu Yuanchen found that the spiritual energy level on Panlong Mountain had improved slightly.

The ability of Blessed Land and Earth Book to extract spiritual energy is so outstanding.

However, many monks in the city did not find it too strange.

After all, Panlong Mountain was just a barren mountain before, but suddenly there was a third-level spiritual vein.

Now there is a slight change in the spiritual energy level, which is not a big deal.

Three months have passed, and the entire Panlonghufang City has become increasingly lively.

With the name of Bahuang Pavilion in charge, no one comes here to cause trouble.

Liu Yuanchen came to the small house in the backyard again and entered the blessed land.

He took out the book from the ground and found that there was indeed a light white mark on the book.

Obviously, this is the imprint of Panlong Mountain's spiritual veins.

In the past three months, the level of the spiritual veins has only improved slightly, and has not yet reached the third-level mid-level, so it has not attracted much attention.

Liu Yuanchen controlled the Book of Earth and the Blessed Land and broke away from the Lingshu.

In an instant, clouds of mist surged out of the spiritual hub again.

Liu Yuanchen collected the book from the earth into the sea of ​​consciousness and went to the top of Panlong Mountain to sit cross-legged and meditate.

Feeling the movement of the spirit of Panlong Mountain, at the same time, his spiritual consciousness penetrated into the book on the ground, and continuously extracted spiritual energy from the imprint of Panlong Mountain's spiritual veins.

After an unknown amount of time, he suddenly felt a mysterious force pouring out of the mountain and converging into his body.

Not long after, the mysterious power gathered in the sea of ​​consciousness and slowly condensed into the shadow of a mountain range.

The shadow of this mountain range is only three inches long and looks quite illusory. Its shape is almost exactly the same as Panlong Mountain.

Liu Yuanchen used the power of his spiritual consciousness to wrap up the phantom, but found that he seemed to be hanging high in the sky, overlooking the entire Panlong Mountain.

With the help of this shadow, he could clearly sense all the changes on Panlong Mountain.

He could clearly sense even the rock cracks in the mountain.

This situation was recorded in the classics left by the Dragon King of Luochuan.

When he first gathered the power of heaven, the situation was exactly the same as Liu Yuanchen's experience at this time.

Liu Yuanchen was extremely excited, and the power of Heavenly Dao in Panlong Mountain was condensed.

Having condensed the power of Heavenly Dao in Panlong Mountain, he is also the mountain god of Panlong Mountain.

Moreover, he is the true god of heaven who has the authority of heaven and is not subject to any restrictions, which is not comparable to the incense god enshrined by the divine court.

Even if Shenting canonize Panlong Mountain Mountain God again, without Liu Yuanchen's consent, there is no way he can settle down in Panlong Mountain.

Even if he agrees and Shenting has successfully canonized the Mountain God, he can deprive him of his divine status at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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