Chapter 214 Taoist Sacrifice and Refining Technique

A black lotus that is highly controllable and can also provide high-level magic energy.

For Liu Yuanchen, it was a natural treasure.

At this time, he just wanted to thank the Black Lotus Holy Cult for its gift.

Seeing his excited look, Zhao Hong asked: "Yuan Chen, is it because of the inheritance of the Wu clan that you can suppress the demonic black lotus at will?"

Liu Yuanchen nodded: "Yes, the disciple can refine the demonic energy into Gang Qi, and the effect is excellent."

Hearing this, Zhao Hong's eyes turned red.

"No, I must find the statue of Zhu Rong Ancestral Witch and obtain the inheritance.

Even demonic energy can be refined, it would be a pity not to learn how to do it. "

"If I can get the Black Jade Lotus Platform of the Black Lotus Sect, my cultivation speed will also reach a big level.

It’s not a big problem to catch up with your master before Chitose. "

The ancestral witch statue is good, but this thing is really hard to find.

Long before the human race established its clan, the demon clan had already wiped out the witch clan and cleaned up all traces of the witch clan.

As a result, there are no relevant records of the Witch Clan in the historical records of the human race.

With the Monster Clan cleaning up like this, it is extremely rare for the Witch Clan's treasures to survive to this day.

The statue of Jumang Zuwu in Liu Yuanchen's hand is still incomplete.

This was just scraped together using parts sourced from three places.

How easy is it to find another statue of the Zhu Rong ancestral witch?

The Black Lotus Holy Cult has been beaten up, and it is unlikely that they will cause trouble here again in the short term.

Next, the problem Panlongshan will face is the threat of the demon clan.

"Master, what is the situation over there at Crouching Tiger Peak.

It should be said that the formation that the demon clan has worked so hard to arrange should be almost completed, so there is no movement from them? "

Zhao Hong became furious when he mentioned this matter.

"Now that the demon clan has learned to master it, they probably know that we have countermeasures here.

A single dragon-shaking formation may not be able to defeat Crouching Tiger Peak.

So, they just don't do it. "

“They have only strengthened their defense forces at Jinyu Mountain and have no intention of attacking Crouching Tiger Peak.

Shenting sent people to feign attack several times. The demon clan mainly relied on strange creatures to resist the Shenting army, and their own family members did not come out at all. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen also felt a little surprised.

Crouching Tiger Peak was originally the outpost of the human race, and heavy troops were deployed.

If the demon clan wants to attack Crouching Tiger Peak, it will be a tough battle.

The Human Tribe can quickly increase its troops. If they want to conquer Crouching Tiger Peak, the casualties will be absolutely terrifying.

But now that the demon clan has deployed the Dragon-Shaking Formation in Jinyu Mountain, they have the means to directly threaten Crouching Tiger Peak.

If this method were to be used directly, Shenting would fight them head-on.

After winning the battle, do whatever you have to do.

But now the demon clan has put on a posture and refuses to attack.

The side of Jinyu Mountain is shrouded in black mist all year round, and a large number of strange creatures inhabit it.

If the human race wants to fight, they must first go head-to-head with the strange creatures.

The hard power of strange creatures is a mystery, and they can be of any level.

The human race sent people to attack Jinyu Mountain. If they encountered a ruthless character, the entire army might be wiped out.

But if they don't attack Jinyu Mountain, the demon clan will continue to attract the enemy, forming a strategic deterrent.

In order to protect Crouching Tiger Peak, the human race must deploy heavy troops on the front line to prevent the demon race from launching the Dragon Shaking Formation.

"The demon tribe's method of attracting people without causing any harm has indeed wiped out all the geographical advantages of Crouching Tiger Peak.

In order to keep Crouching Tiger Peak, we paid a high price.

If the stalemate continues like this, a large number of experts will be pinned here, and the resource consumption will be considerable. "

Zhao Hong sighed: "No, in order to protect Crouching Tiger Peak, Shenting sent more than 3 Shenting troops.

The total number of Yin soldiers under the command of the local city god can reach [-] to [-].

The Chihuang Hou Kingdom's army can also gather more than [-] troops.

Coupled with the masters sent by Shenting and the Great Xia Dynasty, these people would not dare to withdraw if the front line did not start fighting. "

"Most of the resources of the Chihuang Kingdom are used to prepare for war. How can there be resources to open up wasteland?
This move of the demon clan really suppressed the expansion speed of the Chihuang Hou Kingdom. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was a little uneasy.

The human race took Crouching Tiger Peak as the front line and established two strongholds at Jin'ao Lake and Yannan City behind Crouching Tiger Peak.

Since the Monster Clan occupied Jinyu Mountain, they could naturally put Crouching Tiger Peak at the forefront and establish several advance bases.

"Master, the demon tribe has established a foothold in Jinyu Mountain. Will it build a city near Jinyu Mountain in the future?"

Zhao Hong shook his head: "There is no new news from the demon clan for the time being, but it is indeed possible."

Liu Yuanchen was still a little worried: "Does the imperial court of Chihuang Hou Kingdom have any plans?"

Zhao Hong nodded slightly: "Yes, there is, but it is just to establish Yannan County and then encourage monks and mortals to move to Yannan County.

It's just that there are only a few human races in the Red Wasteland, and most ordinary people are under the control of the Immortal Cultivation Family.

It is not easy to relocate the population. "

The people who are not managed by monks in the Red Wasteland may be those towns or cities that have been established for many years.

Among them are the mortal descendants left behind by the monks, who are helpless and can only do some odd jobs in the market.

Such people can migrate out and establish villages directly managed by the government.

Just building a village from scratch consumes too many resources.

The Chihuang Hou Kingdom was newly established and was not considered wealthy to begin with.

In addition, we have to guard against the demon clan in Jinyu Mountain, so we probably won’t be able to spare many resources to relocate ordinary people.

"In this way, Chihuang Hou Kingdom may adopt the expansion model of the Great Xia Dynasty in the future.

Enfeoff some ministers and officials, give them some fiefdom, and let them run it.

In this way, the purpose of opening up wasteland can be achieved without much resources from the Chihuang Hou Kingdom. "

Zhao Hong smiled and said: "How can it be that easy? The Red Wasteland is not comparable to the hinterland of the human race, where spiritual veins are extremely rare.

Even if a bunch of nobles were enfeoffed, it would still be difficult to expand territory.

I estimate that only some big local families with little land and many people are willing to open up land for the sake of title. "

“I think your Liu family is quite suitable.

There is also Mo Lianshan's Mo family. His genius son Mo Linghai is now about to break through to the late Qi Sea stage.

With his status, if he works hard, he may not be able to get a real doctor. "

“However, there has been no movement from the imperial court of Chihuang Hou Kingdom for the time being.

It’s still unclear what the next step will be. "


Zhao Hong did not stay here for long at Panlong Mountain, and even the second uncle quickly left Panlong Mountain.

Fortunately, there is still a Divine Court Army guarding the blessed land, so there is no need to worry about the demon clan coming to attack in large numbers.

Liu Yuanchen also had a sense of crisis in his heart. Panlong Mountain had a strong enough formation, so he didn't have to worry about being breached.

However, Dongyang Divine Mansion cannot stay in Panlong Mountain forever. It also needs to expand its territory and obtain more resources.

Now that the business in Panlonghufang City is on the right track, it is imperative to expand the Dongyang Shenfu Guards.

Unfortunately, there are too few members of the Liu family, and there are not many Qi Sea Realm monks.

Only the Mo family and the Zhang family made it clear that the whole family had surrendered.

The two families together couldn't produce a few Qi Sea Realm monks.

The main role of the three families is to generate income for Dongyang Shenfu.

The only way left is to recruit casual cultivators and refine more golden-armored bean soldiers.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen planted all the remaining diamond beans in the blessed land.No matter how long the growth cycle is, as long as the planting area is large enough, it won't be a problem.

After planting all the diamond beans in his hand, Liu Yuanchen also started practicing again.

From the demonic black lotus in the spiritual vein, a wisp of demonic energy was extracted and began to be refined.

Not long after, this demonic energy was completely refined.

Just when Liu Yuanchen was about to draw out another wisp of demonic energy, the immortal light in the sea of ​​​​consciousness flourished, and the scene of Zhenyuan Immortal preaching appeared again.

There should have been a sermon when I was in the late stage of the Qi Sea Realm, but it did not appear.

After breaking through the Condensation Realm, he had already given a sermon.

Now his cultivation is still at the early stage of the Condensing Yuan Realm, but he has given a second lecture.

Judging from this meaning, what was lacking before can be made up for.

Liu Yuanchen gathered his mind and listened carefully to the sermon of Immortal Zhenyuan.

The order of the sermon is still the same as before, starting from the opening of the cave and the blessed land.

Although he has heard these contents countless times, he is still listening carefully.

After a long time, it was finally the turn of the new sermon.

The new content this time is the method of Taoist sacrifice.

Liu Yuanchen became excited when he heard that it was from the Taoist Army.

He still knew something about Dao soldiers.

The so-called Tao soldiers are soldiers trained using Tao methods.

Tao soldiers can be divided into four types, one of which is grass and tree Tao soldiers.

As the name suggests, it uses plants and trees as raw materials to make Taoist weapons.

There are many types of grass and wood Taoist soldiers, and the more famous method is to spread beans to form soldiers.

The content of this sermon includes the complete version of the magical power of sowing beans and forming soldiers.

This is one of Tiangang's 36 magical powers, a truly great magical power.

With Liu Yuanchen's current strength, he simply cannot fully unleash his power of spreading the beans into an army.

But this kind of great magical power, even if it can display some superficial skills, the Taoist soldiers refined through sacrifice should not be underestimated.

At least, they are stronger than the bean soldiers cultivated by spreading the beans into soldiers in the academy system.

In addition to spreading the beans into soldiers, there are other types of grass and wood Taoist soldiers.

As long as they are living plants, they can be used to sacrifice the Taoist weapons of plants and trees.

Gourd soldiers, bamboo soldiers, and pine tree soldiers can all be made through sacrifice.

The reason why sowing beans and forming soldiers is the most famous is because bean soldiers are easier to cultivate and stronger.

The method of cultivating Taoist weapons that Immortal Zhenyuan is best at is the grass and tree Taoist weapons.

After all, he is the ancestor of the earthly immortals and has the authority to teach all spirits.

He has jurisdiction over many spiritual plants and trees.

It is also easy to sacrifice and refine Taoist soldiers with grass and wood.

Liu Yuanchen is naturally most interested in these grass and tree Tao soldiers. In the future, it should not be a problem to train more Tao soldiers and play with plants against monsters.

The second type of Taoist weapon is the dead creature Taoist weapon.

This kind of Taoist soldiers use inanimate things as raw materials to sacrifice and refine the Taoist soldiers.

For example, if you cut out paper into a human being, the paper man can also be sacrificed using the Taoist method.

There is also the use of stones and other things to sacrifice Tao soldiers.

The strength of the Taoist soldiers who have been sacrificed through these means should not be underestimated.

However, this kind of Taoist soldier has a big flaw, that is, it has no growth potential.

After all, it is a dead thing and cannot absorb energy by itself to grow.

Whatever comes out of the sacrifice will most likely always be what it is.

If you want to take it further, you need to consume a lot of resources to cultivate it.

With those resources, it is better to use them to sacrifice the Taoist soldiers of grass and trees.

There are many factors that influence the strength of the dead body Taoist soldiers.

For example, the strength of the sacrificer has a great influence on the strength of the Taoist soldiers.

Just like Liu Yuanchen's current cultivation level, no matter how many resources are spent, the Taoist soldier's strength is about the same as mine.

As for Zhenyuan Immortal, one of the most powerful men among the ancient saints, they could just pick up a stone and turn it into a Taoist soldier, and they could defeat the top masters in the Yuanling world.

In addition, there is also the issue of Taoist raw materials.

The stronger the material, the stronger the power the Taoist soldiers can carry.

Although the growth rate of the dead weapon is relatively poor, it can be used in conjunction with the puppet technique.

Refining the puppet sacrifice into Taoist soldiers should be able to exert considerable combat power.

The third type of Taoist soldier is the Yinhun Taoist soldier.

This method is a bit like the method of evil cultivators, in which the ghosts are cooked and then allowed to practice some special skills.

However, the ghosts who were sacrificed and refined into Tao soldiers could still be reincarnated.

As far as the Yinhun itself is concerned, there is no loss in being sacrificed and refined into a Taoist soldier. On the contrary, it has gained powerful strength.

Therefore, the method of sacrifice and refining of Yinhun Taoist soldiers cannot be regarded as the inheritance of evil cultivation.

This kind of Taoist soldier has good growth potential, but its shortcoming is also obvious, that is, it has no physical body.

Facing some thunder or yang attribute means, it is very likely to be killed instantly.

However, this method of sacrificing the Yin Soul Taoist Soldiers is extremely suitable for use in sacrificing the Shinto Yin Soldiers.

After being canonized by Shinto, Shinto Yin soldiers have some resistance to thunder and yang attribute methods.

In the future, we still need to sacrifice and train more Yinhun Dao soldiers. After all, the power that Dongyang Divine Lord wants lies in Shinto.

The majestic king who founded the mansion has few masters of the underworld under his command, so it would be embarrassing to tell anyone about it.

Moreover, this Yinhun Taoist soldier can also be combined with the paper human Taoist soldier.

The two complement each other's strengths and can exert considerable strength.

The fourth type of Taoist soldiers are living Taoist soldiers.

This kind of Taoist soldiers cannot be said to be produced through sacrifice, but through cultivation.

Living Taoist soldiers practice some special skills, and when combined with some pills, the speed of practice will be extremely terrifying.

Of course, there is a price.

These methods of cultivation are all about seeking speed, regardless of foundation and understanding.

The result can be imagined. After cultivating to a certain level, the Taoist soldier's cultivation level can no longer improve.

This living Taoist soldier does not necessarily require living people, some demons can also be used.

It's just that the demon clan's intelligence is low and their cultivation is limited by their bloodline, so the training effect is much worse.

The training speed of Taoist soldiers is achieved by piling up resources.

Based on this alone, Liu Yuanchen would not choose to cultivate living Taoist soldiers.

Because the Dao Soldier Sacrifice Refining Method involves a lot of content, this sermon will naturally have a lot of content.

After a long time, the sermon ended completely.

Liu Yuanchen was in a good mood: "This method of cultivating soldiers is really timely! We are short of people, so we can train some soldiers."

Although there were golden-armored bean soldiers before, they were cultivated from incomplete soldiers and the bean soldiers could not continue to grow.

Moreover, the reproduction speed of King Kong beans is too slow, making it difficult to expand the army.

Now that we have the method of cultivating grass and tree Tao soldiers, we can definitely cultivate a group of grass and tree Tao soldiers first.

There are yellow-scaled pine trees everywhere on Panlong Mountain, as well as thousands of acres of golden-leaf bamboo, which can be used to plant some bamboo and pine trees.

Even if the potential is a bit low, it is definitely enough for now.

From now on, the golden-armored bean soldiers will be the elite, and the ordinary grass and tree Tao soldiers will be the cannon fodder.

It won't take long to cultivate an army.

(End of this chapter)

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