Chapter 215
There are many spiritual plants on Panlong Mountain and Dongyang Blessed Land.

If there are enough resources, training hundreds of thousands of Taoist soldiers will not be a problem.

Of course, this is only theoretical.

Cultivating Tao soldiers is not something you can do with just a wave of your hands. It requires a lot of preparation.

Before each Taoist soldier can be formally formed, it needs some means to cultivate it to increase its strength.

Without these steps, the Taoist soldiers produced through sacrifice would be nothing more than a showpiece.

It's fine for farming, but if it's a head-on fight, it will basically break at a touch.

The Taoist soldiers that are successfully cultivated are similar to the golden-armored bean soldiers that were previously cultivated.

They are not wood spirits themselves, nor do they have any intelligence.

They obey orders and execute them, relying on the imprint of their divine consciousness.

Among the Dao Weapon Sacrifice Refining Methods, there are also methods suitable for the cultivation of grass and tree Dao Weapons.

As long as the Taoist sacrifice is successful, it will be enough to give them an environment with abundant spiritual energy and suitable for the growth of vegetation.

As time goes by, the strength of these Taoist soldiers will slowly increase.

Under the influence of the brand of divine consciousness, this soldier can practice some spells and even learn to form formations.

After the Taoist training is completed, and after a few more years of cultivation, the strength that can be exerted will not be inferior to the elites of the human race.

Caomu Dao soldiers also have a great advantage, that is, they have a particularly long lifespan.

Even among first-level low-grade spiritual plants, many can live for thousands or even tens of thousands of years.

After becoming a Taoist soldier, you can also gradually improve your cultivation by practicing Taoist weapons.

The higher your cultivation level, the longer your life span will naturally be.

In addition, the Taoist soldiers who have been sacrificed and refined will have a greater chance of transforming into spirits in the future than ordinary vegetation.

It is precisely because grass and tree Taoists can grow on their own, and it saves resources to cultivate.

After comprehending the Taoist sacrifice and refining method, Liu Yuanchen left Dongyang Divine Mansion and came to the mountains and forests behind.

In the entire Panlong Mountain, the most common spiritual plant is the yellow-scaled pine.

The characteristic of this tree is its rapid growth. In addition, Liu Yuanchen continuously irrigates it with spring breeze and rain, so the growth rate is even more rapid.

So far, most of the yellow-scaled pines on Panlong Mountain are over eight feet tall and as thick as an adult's waist.

Moreover, these spiritual plants have absorbed a lot of Liu Yuanchen's mana, and their strength and spiritual energy have been significantly improved.

A few yellow-scaled pines have been upgraded to the first-level mid-grade.

Liu Yuanchen selected a first-level middle-grade yellow-scaled pine, and according to the secret technique recorded in the Taoist Sacrifice Refining Method, he casually condensed a restriction.

Incorporate the restriction into the yellow-scaled pine, and then use the Armored Wood Withered Rong Technique to incorporate a stream of mana into it.

The next day, he came to the yellow-scaled pine tree again, injected a restriction into it, and then blended it with a burst of magic power.

He did this for seven days.

On the eighth day, a gray-white stream of light flew out from the center of Liu Yuanchen's eyebrows and penetrated into the trunk of the yellow-scaled pine.

After a while, the yellow-scaled pine began to shake.

Liu Yuanchen shouted softly: "If you don't wake up now, when will you wait?"

Before he finished speaking, the two larger branches of the yellow scale pine turned into two arms.

The roots were pulled out and turned into legs.

As for those tiny branches and leaves, they turned into beards and hair.

After a moment, the eight or nine-foot-tall yellow-scaled pine tree transformed into a tall and sturdy man of two-foot-tall.

On his body, he also wore an earth-yellow scale armor, which made him look extremely powerful.

This soldier looks good, but its strength is very low.

Currently, he only has the cultivation level of the late stage of Qi Yang.

Moreover, it has not been trained yet and its attack power is insufficient.

However, its physical body is still not weak, and it will not be a problem to crush most Qi-nourishing monks.

At this time, the yellow-scaled pine has completely broken away from the constraints of the land and can walk freely.

Moreover, his main spiritual wisdom comes from Liu Yuanchen's spiritual brand.

Therefore, he can basically connect with Liu Yuanchen.

When he was condensing the brand of spiritual consciousness before, Liu Yuanchen integrated some memories into it, including the cultivation method of grass and wood Taoist soldiers.

In the future, he can continue to practice to improve his strength.

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "From now on, you will be called Huang Linyi, and you will be temporarily responsible for taking care of the spiritual field in the back garden of Dongyang Divine Mansion.

I usually practice there, and I don’t need you to go to the battlefield for the time being. "

Huang Lin nodded and walked straight to the backyard of Dongyang Shenfu.

In the future, he will train more grass and tree Taoist soldiers, among which the Yellow Scale Pine Taoist soldiers will naturally be indispensable.

At that time, a yellow scale army can be formed.

Choosing this name will make it easier to call him by his name in the future.

In order to cultivate Huang Linyi, Liu Yuanchen spent eight days.

Of course, this is also because the foundation of yellow scale pine is really poor.

If he uses diamond beans to train Tao soldiers, he can complete all the steps within an hour.

Diamond beans were originally cultivated to become golden bean soldiers, and they are naturally suitable for carrying energy.

Even the process of sacrificial refining and strengthening can be completely eliminated by more than [-]%.

It's just that Liu Yuanchen didn't dare to use the precious diamond beans directly since he had just learned the Taoist Sacrifice Refining Technique.

Therefore, I tried it with yellow scale pine first.

Now it seems that the effect is quite good. If it is used to take care of the spiritual field, it is not a problem at all.


In the following days, Liu Yuanchen spent two hours every day to sacrifice the alchemy armor soldiers again.

Those golden-armored bean soldiers were all trained using incomplete versions of the bean soldiers.

It's just that he's weak, he can't practice on his own to improve his cultivation level.

Diamond beans, the top material for refining grass and wood Taoist weapons, can only be used to refine Taoist weapons of Qi Sea Realm and Condensing Yuan Realm. It is a waste of resources.

Fortunately, these diamond beans can be re-sacrificially refined and will not be completely wasted.

All you need to do is erase the previously condensed restrictions and use the Dao Weapon Sacrifice Refining Technique to refine it again.

Those diamond beans were all of the third-order low-grade, and Liu Yuanchen's own cultivation was at the early stage of the Condensing Yuan Realm.

The Tao soldiers he produced through sacrifice were all at the early stage of the Condensing Yuan Realm.

It took him more than ten days to re-sacrifice all the golden-armored bean soldiers.

It would be a pity for these golden-armored bean soldiers who were in the early stages of the Condensation Realm and could continue to grow to be used to take care of the spiritual fields.

Liu Yuanchen also took out all the golden-armored bean soldiers in Dongyang Blessed Land.

Let them follow Jin Jia and patrol Panlong Mountain.

As for the work in Dongyang Blessed Land, Liu Yuanchen trained many Huanglinsong Taoist soldiers and let them work under Xiaoyu's hands.

Although Huang Linsong's Taoist soldiers are low in cultivation, their spiritual intelligence is not low.

Under Xiaoyu's command, taking care of the spiritual field is just a piece of cake.

In the Taoist sacrifice and refining method, there is a method of sacrificing gourd Taoist soldiers.

This gourd Taoist soldier is not weak. If it is cultivated with high-grade gourds, it can also have some special abilities.

Liu Yuanchen immediately thought of the three Qibao gourd seeds given by the Qibao Master when he formally became a disciple.

Those three seeds were all fifth-level. Although he had prepared many spiritual objects for cultivating gourds, he never made up his mind to try them because his cultivation level was too low.

Now that his cultivation has broken through to the Condensing Yuan Realm, his strength has also improved a lot.

With the Dongyang Blessed Land, Ginseng Fruit Tree, and the inheritance of Zhenyuan Immortal, I should be able to cultivate the Seven Treasure Gourd.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen took out a Qibao gourd seed.

There is nothing special about the shape of this gourd seed. It is similar to a human's front teeth, except that it is shining with seven-color light.

Liu Yuanchen used the Yimu Peiyuan Technique to inject a burst of mana into the gourd seeds.This spell is relatively low-level, and ordinary elixir masters would have changed their spells long ago.

But Liu Yuanchen felt that this spell was pretty good. When cultivating spiritual plants, what really worked was his own magic power.

As for the various spells in Shen Nong Shu, they are just a bonus.

As the quality of your own mana increases, the power of these spells will naturally increase.

After absorbing the mana, the vitality in the gourd seeds became obviously active.

Liu Yuanchen planted it near the ginseng fruit tree, and also buried seven kinds of fourth-level spiritual materials nearby, gathering together the seven attributes of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements.

These spiritual materials are commonly used to cultivate spiritual plants, which are also necessary for cultivating multi-treasure gourds.

Everything that should be done has been done to the best. Whether this gourd can grow seven kinds of gourds depends on its destiny.

After instructing Xiaoyu to take good care of the gourd seeds, Liu Yuanchen's consciousness exited Dongyang Blessed Land.

Afterwards, he returned to the backyard of Dongyang Shenfu and continued to complete his daily practice.


Two and a half years later, Liu Yuanchen is 46 years old.

During this time, he has been practicing with the help of the demonic black lotus.

There is an endless supply of wool to harvest, and the speed at which one's cultivation level increases is naturally extremely terrifying.

As early as half a year ago, the true essence in his Dantian Qi Sea had reached a diameter of one foot, which was also a sign of breaking through the middle stage of Yuan Condensation.

Liu Yuanchen is now a solid mid-level Yuan Condensation monk.

However, in terms of Gang Qi, he is still lagging behind.

Right now, the sea of ​​Gang Qi in his lower dantian has reached a diameter of 110 feet.

The Gang Qi Sea of ​​Earth Immortal Dao monks is much more difficult to cultivate than the Mana Qi Sea, and its upper limit is also a hundred feet in diameter.

If you want to break through the limits, you must have the help of geniuses and earth treasures.

And that demonic black lotus can be regarded as a treasure of heaven and earth.

Unfortunately, this black lotus only has one flower and nine petals, and its grade is not too high.

With the help of the power of this thing, Liu Yuanchen could only expand the Gang Qi Sea to a diameter of 110 feet.

He also tried to go further, but the energy supply was somewhat insufficient.

Without the blood sea trial, it would be a bit worse after all.

Besides, he didn't want to waste too much time.

After all, Gang Qi cultivation already lags far behind mana and spiritual consciousness.

If you can't catch up, you will be in a lot of trouble when you break through to the Lingtai realm.

The Three-Yuan Spirit Platform, which is the strongest among monks in the Lingtai Realm, requires Yuan Gang, Zhen Yuan, and Soul Yuan to reach a balanced state.

If the Gang Qi cultivation level cannot keep up, it will take a long time to reach the peak of the Condensing Yuan Realm.

At this time, Liu Yuanchen was sitting cross-legged in a small courtyard in the backyard of Dongyang Shenfu.

The Gang Qi sea in the lower dantian has not expanded at all for more than a month.

Now, Liu Yuanchen plans to break through the realm and condense Yuangang.

Gang Qi is derived from its own energy, and its own control is very strong.

When breaking through, no external assistance is needed at all.

Liu Yuanchen held his breath and concentrated, and after adjusting his condition, he pulled out a ball of fist-sized evil energy from the black lotus of evil energy next to the underground spiritual veins.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the immortal seeds have turned into the ginseng fruit tree and the witchcraft true form diagram of Jumangzu.

The demonic energy poured into the sea of ​​consciousness and was instantly absorbed by Jumang Zu Sha Zhen Sha Diagram.

At the same time, Liu Yuanchen began to run Jumang Ninggang Jue.

Not long after, streams of blue aura overflowed from the Ju Mang Zu Wu Zhen shape diagram.

He introduced these Gang Qi into the Lower Dantian and blended them into the ocean of Gang Qi.

At this time, the Gang Qi has become a little thicker, which is also a sign that it is about to break through the Condensation Realm.

After absorbing this Gang Qi, the Gang Qi naturally increased a lot.

Ordinarily, the Gang Qi Sea should increase a bit.

But his Gang Qi Qi Hai has already reached its limit, and it has exceeded the limit by ten feet.

Now it is not easy to push the limits further.

It is difficult to expand the sea of ​​Gang Qi, and the quality of Gang Qi can only be slowly improved.

Liu Yuanchen continued to extract Gang Qi, and at the same time, he also extracted light red mist from the Heart Meridian and blended it into the blood to increase the power of Qi and blood.

This light red mist is derived from the dead wood longevity technique, and it has the function of improving qi and blood.

Under the stimulation of Ning Gang Jue, the power of Qi and blood is continuously transformed into Gang Qi.

With a steady stream of energy replenishment, the Gang Qi becomes thicker and thicker.

More than ten days have passed, and Liu Yuanchen's Gang Qi has become very close to the state of honey.

If the mana reaches this level, it can be considered as condensing true energy.

But Gang Qi is different. After it condenses into Yuan Gang, it is already very close to a solid.

At this time, more viscous Gang Qi began to appear at the bottom of the Gang Qi Sea.

Liu Yuanchen knew that a breakthrough was imminent, so he continued to integrate Gang Qi and stimulated qualitative changes in Gang Qi.

More than ten days passed, and a faint "gurgling" sound sounded in the lower dantian.

I saw a drop of nearly solid cyan liquid condensed at the bottom of the lower dantian air sea.

It seems that this cyan droplet, like sapphire, is none other than Yuan Gang.

Immediately afterwards, a faint "gurgling" sound continued to sound, and nearly solid droplets continued to form.

After half a day, a "green jade mirror" with a diameter of more than one foot was formed at the bottom of the air sea.

Subsequently, Jumangzu Wu Gang Qi seeds also sank to the bottom of the Qi sea and fell into the green jade mirror.

In an instant, the sapphire mirror began to boil.

All the energy is constantly pouring into the Gang Qi seeds.

An hour passed, and the sapphire mirror completely disappeared.

At the bottom of the sea of ​​Gangqi, there was only a Jumang Zuwu about one foot tall.

The Gang Qi seeds have undergone another qualitative improvement, and are now completely composed of Yuan Gang.

When the Gang Qi seed combines with Yuan Gang, it is no longer a Gang Qi seed, but should be called the prototype of the Dharma.

At this point, Liu Yuanchen's Gang Qi cultivation finally broke through to the Condensing Yuan realm.

When Gang Qi is condensed into Yuan Gang, the monk's strength will make a huge leap forward.

Liu Yuanchen mobilized the energy of the prototype of the Dharma, and a layer of green light suddenly appeared around his body.

This green light gathered together, and it was faintly and deliberately seen that it was the image of Jumang Zuwu.

Of course, his prototype of Dharma is still too weak.

Even if it is mobilized, it can at most be used to slightly increase the momentum when casting various spells to frighten the enemy.

As for the improvement of spell power and defensive capabilities, they are nothing but better than nothing.

The Vine Dragon Ku Rong Gong that Liu Yuanchen obtained before contained the application method of Yuan Gang.

Yuan Gang can be directly condensed into objects, such as Yuan Gang turning into wings or even horses.

Gang Qi is the energy generated by the monks themselves and is extremely controllable.

He just thought, and a layer of green light on his body immediately gathered behind him, forming a pair of wings more than one foot long.

Liu Yuanchen walked out of the hut and came to the courtyard.

The wings behind him flapped fiercely, and the whole person slowly rose into the air.

He flapped his wings and flew straight ahead, while simultaneously performing the Black Eagle Wind Control Technique.

The whole person turned into a green light and shot forward quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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