Xiaoyao Dixian: Obtain the inheritance of Zhenyuan Immortal at the beginning

Chapter 218 New function of Book from the Earth: Executing the authority of heaven

Chapter 218 New function of Book from the Earth: Executing the authority of heaven
In addition to the six powers he originally controlled, Liu Yuanchen later also took control of the power to form fossils into soil, and took this opportunity to rise to the ninth rank.

There is also the fossil mineralization authority. After absorbing a large amount of incense power, this authority finally took shape and became a ninth-grade authority.

Although the grade is lower, this authority is linked to the growth of the mineral veins.

As the black iron veins continue to grow, or the grade increases, the grade of the fossil mineralization authority will also continue to increase.

There is a big difference between whether the authority of heaven is formed or not.

To achieve the same effect by activating the formed and unformed heavenly authority, the loss of the power of incense differs by more than ten times.

Moreover, after the formed authority of heaven comes into play, it can absorb the power of the law and slowly recover.

As for the unformed power of heaven, the energy lost can only be replenished with the power of incense, and it cannot absorb the power of laws on its own.

The difference between the two is like the difference between the officers and soldiers of the imperial court and the private soldiers of the local tyrants.

And this court is the way of heaven, and Liu Yuanchen is equivalent to the rich man under the court.

The formed authority of heaven is the officers and soldiers with serious status.

The unformed authority of heaven is a private army that has not been recognized by the court.

Both can be used to fight, but the difference is huge.

The officers and soldiers of the imperial court can receive pay and silver from the government, and if they lose money, the imperial court will replenish it.

As for the rich private soldiers, Liu Yuanchen had to spend his own money to support them. If he lost money, he would have to hire people to supplement them, which was even more expensive.

Although Liu Yuanchen knew that one more mineral vein would be of great help to the growth of a mountain.

But he didn't expect that Panlongshan would take this opportunity to advance.

For a mountain, there was no mineral vein in the first place, but now there is suddenly an additional mineral vein. This is something created from scratch.

It can be regarded as making up for one of the shortcomings of Panlong Mountain, and it plays a great role in the growth of Panlong Mountain.

If other mineral seedlings are incorporated in the future, the impact on the grade of Panlong Mountain will not be so great.

Liu Yuanchen opened the Tiandao Divine Realm to explore the situation in Panlong Mountain.

He was pleasantly surprised to find that the scope of influence of the Tiandao Divine Realm had increased.

The previous Tiandao Divine Realm could cover the entire Panlong Mountain Range.

In addition, the area within thirty miles around the mountain range is also within the coverage of the Tiandao Divine Realm.

This is normal. After all, if a big mountain is placed there, everything around it will be affected by the mountain, and naturally it will be within the scope of the mountain god's influence.

And this time Panlong Mountain advanced, the coverage of Tiandao Divine Realm expanded to fifty miles beyond the mountain range.

The northern end of Panlong Mountain is only about two hundred miles away from the Liu family's Dongyang Lake.

In the future, if Panlong Mountain is upgraded a few times, Tiandao Divine Realm may be able to include the entire Liu family.

Of course, Liu Yuanchen can also use his own authority to improve the level of Panlong Mountain.

There are many things that affect the grade of a mountain. The biggest ones include the size of the mountain, the amount of products, the number and grade of creatures, and the grade and scale of the spiritual veins.

These are the hard power of a mountain and are the most important.

In addition to these hard powers, there are also some soft powers.

For example, the status of a mountain in the minds of many living beings.

Just like Wuyun Ridge, it can be said to be the food, clothing and parents of all creatures in the Red Wasteland.

The humans in the Red Wasteland all have more or less reverence for Wuyun Ridge.

The heart of a creature can influence the way of heaven, and naturally it can also improve the level of Wuyun Ridge.

In this regard, Panlongshan is far behind.

A few years ago, this was a barren mountain with few grass roots.

Even now, the population directly under Panlong Mountain is the two villages of Mojia and Zhangjia at the foot of the mountain.

These two villages have improved very quickly in the past three years.

Mojia Village currently has more than 300 households of ordinary residents. Zhangjia Village is slightly worse, but there are also more than [-] households.

Both villages already have village land from the ninth grade, and the future population growth will be faster.

But in any case, the impact of this population on the entire Panlong Mountain rank is minimal.

If Liu Yuanchen wants Panlongshan to continue to improve its level, he must mainly work on hard power.

The Qi Gathering Stone in the Mountain God's Authority can turn the earth's Kunyuan Qi into stone.

With this method, the mountain can continue to grow.

However, the level of his authority is still too low, and using it to improve the mountain is a drop in the bucket.

To continue to improve the level of Panlong Mountain, we can only start from the number and level of creatures.

When I was in Luochuan Country, I searched the Jade Blessed Land and the Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land, and got some spiritual plants.

There are even a small number of fourth- and fifth-level spiritual plants among them, but with the current level of spiritual energy in Panlong Mountain, the fourth- and fifth-level spiritual plants can only barely survive.

On the other hand, those second and third level spiritual plants can be planted on Panlong Mountain.

There are many spiritual plants among them, and their value is not low.

For example, the dragon heart fruit obtained in the Jade Blessed Land has a strong effect in replenishing qi and blood.

It has a great auxiliary effect on physical cultivation and earthly immortal monks.

There is also the cloud pine obtained from the Ten Thousand Monsters Blessed Land, which is itself a third-level spiritual wood and is an excellent material for building flying boats.

Dozens of this thing have multiplied in Dongyang Blessed Land.

It is also a good choice to transplant a few saplings to Panlong Mountain.

If it is said that it has the greatest influence on Panlong Mountain, it should be the hundred-year-old Pan Peach.

Although this thing is not of high grade, it is a real acquired spiritual root and has an ancestor with innate spiritual roots.

Innate spiritual roots, innate spiritual treasures, and innate gods are all the darlings of heaven.

Their existence is due to the blessings of heaven and earth, and is not comparable to ordinary spiritual plants.

When this hundred-year-old flat peach grows up, the level of Panlong Mountain will also increase accordingly.

Although the hundred-year-old flat peach plant was not born in Panlong Mountain, it has acquired spiritual roots and will be accepted wherever it goes.

After some investigation, Liu Yuanchen discovered that the spiritual veins had also undergone new changes.

The original spiritual veins were forcibly controlled by Ling Yu using formation techniques.

Once there is a problem with the formation, the spiritual energy in the spiritual veins will leak out from the cracks in the rocks.

Later, Liu Yuanchen had the power of heaven to gather energy and turn it into stone, so he repaired the cracks in the rock.

Even if there is no formation restriction, the spiritual vein will not change its path.

This time when Panlong Mountain was promoted, not only the grade of the spiritual veins increased, but the length also increased.

The original spiritual vein only extended from the bottom of Panlong Lake all the way north to the backyard of Dongyang Shenfu.

Now this spiritual vein extends on its own, extending to the main peak of Panlong Mountain, and then extends southward.

Judging from this posture, the scale of this spiritual vein will become larger and larger in the future, and there may even be branch spiritual veins.

The grade and scale of the spiritual veins are also of great benefit to the improvement of the grade of the sacred mountain.


After checking the changes in Panlong Mountain, Liu Yuanchen also focused on the book on the ground.

Since becoming the True God of Heavenly Dao in Panlong Mountain, he has been able to mobilize the power of various Heavenly Dao authorities and integrate them into the Book of the Earth.

Moreover, an extremely vague imprint of Panlong Mountain gradually formed on the ground book.

It's just because the power of heaven's authority is too weak, even if a lot of incense power is consumed, the mark of Panlong Mountain on the Earth Book is still not clear.

After that, Liu Yuanchen was not in a hurry to improve the Panlong Mountain mark.Now that Panlong Mountain has become a seventh-grade sacred mountain, the grade and quantity of authority have been improved, and the effect will be better.

It would be better to spend more incense power to make the Panlong Mountain imprint on the Book of Earth take shape as soon as possible.

Previously, he sold the small white jade sword that Captain Mojin found and obtained 120 million incense money, which is 1 taels of incense silver.

Half of it was to be given to Captain Mojin, and Liu Yuanchen did not withhold it.

In addition, it was also discovered that the demon clan and evil cultivators were doing things in Jinyu Mountain, and the Black Lotus Holy Sect was doing things secretly.

These two achievements are also rewarded by the Divine Court.

Moreover, the reward was relatively substantial, with a total of 3 taels of incense silver given.

In addition, Shenting also specially rewarded a set of God King Luanjia.

This thing is of no use to Liu Yuanchen, so it is better to turn it into incense and silver.

The current incense silver in hand is close to 4 taels. Part of it is reserved for the expenses of the Shinto system, and the rest can be invested in the book of earth.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen drew a ray of energy from the phantom of Panlong Mountain in the sea of ​​​​consciousness and integrated it into the book of the earth.

Soon, the shadow of Panlong Mountain on the ground book became obviously clearer.

Liu Yuanchen was excited. It turned out that after several days of hard work, there was no such obvious clarity.

Only then did a ray of energy lead to such an obvious change in the Panlong Mountain mark.

The improvement in Panlong Mountain’s level is really of great use.

He collected his mind and once again drew a large amount of energy from the phantom of Panlong Mountain in the sea of ​​​​consciousness and injected it into the book on the earth.

When the Panlong Mountain Phantom consumed too much energy, Liu Yuanchen took out the incense silver, turned it into the power of incense, and blended it into the Panlong Mountain Phantom.

After absorbing the power of the incense, the energy in the virtual shadow of Panlong Mountain increased rapidly.

He drew out his energy again and kept pouring it into the book.

Such continuous investment regardless of consumption has a very significant effect.

The imprint of Panlong Mountain on the ground book is no longer a vague outline, but becomes clearer and clearer.

Even the details of the Panlong Mountain mark are becoming more and more complete.


Another half a year passed, and Liu Yuanchen reached the age of 47.

He once again injected the power of Panlong Mountain's heavenly authority into the Book of the Earth.

At this time, the imprint of Panlong Mountain on the Book of Earth looked no different from the shadow of Panlong Mountain in Liu Yuanchen's sea of ​​consciousness.

Liu Yuanchen knew in his heart that it was completely impossible to make the mark of Panlong Mountain clearer.

He thought to himself: "Now, there is a clear imprint of Panlong Mountain on the Book of Earth.

It is said that the Book of the Earth has the potential to control the earth, and can even change the landscape and the direction of spiritual and earth veins.

Under the current circumstances, the book from the ground should have some influence on Panlong Mountain. "

Thinking of this, he penetrated a ray of spiritual consciousness into the Panlong Mountain mark on the earth book.

Suddenly, he felt that he was above the Nine Heavens, overlooking the entire Panlong Mountain.

He had felt this feeling when he had just become the True God of Heavenly Dao in Panlong Mountain.

At that time, the phantom of Panlong Mountain appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness, which was the heavenly authority of Panlong Mountain.

He just used his spiritual consciousness to wrap the authority of that day, as if he was overlooking the entire Panlong Mountain.

He thought to himself: "Using the Panlong Mountain seal on the earth book feels the same as using the Panlong Mountain's authority of heaven.

Could it be that in the future, using various means to activate the marks on the earth book can play the same role as the way of heaven. "

Thinking of this, he activated the Panlong Mountain mark on the earth book.

I want to use the power of gathering energy to form earth to expand the spiritual field in the back garden of Dongyang Shenfu.

In an instant, waves of khaki energy appeared at the edge of the spiritual field in the back garden.

These energies are very familiar to Liu Yuanchen. They are the energy of the earth.

After more than a hundred breaths, the khaki energy slowly dissipated.

The scope of the spiritual field expanded outward by more than ten feet.

All in all, these spiritual fields have increased by hundreds of acres.

If one uses Shinto authority to condense so much soil, at least hundreds of taels of incense and silver will be consumed.

Even with the power of heaven, the consumption of incense silver can be halved at most.

At this time, Liu Yuanchen sensed the phantom of Panlong Mountain in the sea of ​​consciousness.

There is no loss of authority and energy in it and there is no need to replenish it.

It is impossible to gather hundreds of acres of spiritual land without any cost.

Since this price is not borne by the Panlongshan Shinto authority, it can only be borne by the Book of Earth.

He focused on the book on the ground again, and sure enough, the mark of Panlong Mountain on it became obviously dim.

At the same time, Liu Yuanchen sensed waves of evil energy rushing toward the Panlong Mountain mark.

After absorbing a large amount of evil energy from the earth's veins, the mark of Panlong Mountain is slowly recovering.

At the current rate, it will only take a day or two to return to normal.

Liu Yuanchen was overjoyed and used the Earth Book to execute the mountain god's heavenly authority without consuming the power of incense.

As for the lost power, it can be completely replenished by the evil energy of the earth veins.

There is an earth vein under Panlong Mountain, and it has also left a mark on the earth book. There are as many evil spirits as there are in the earth vein.

Gathering gas to form soil and gathering gas to form stone are roughly the same thing. This method can condense a large amount of soil, and naturally it can also condense a large amount of rock.

In this way, with the help of the Book of the Earth, one can continuously exert the power of gathering energy to form stones and increase the size of Panlong Mountain.

Panlong Mountain becomes thicker and longer, and its rank will increase. Liu Yuanchen's authority will naturally increase.

As authority increases, you can continue to cultivate the Panlong Mountain mark on the Book of the Earth and enhance the ability of the Book of the Earth.

The enhanced ability of the Book of the Earth will allow Panlong Mountain to expand faster.

In this way, a virtuous circle is formed.

The level of Panlong Mountain and the strength of Liu Yuanchen, the mountain god, will increase rapidly like a snowball.

Liu Yuanchen recalled the relevant classics he had read before and his own experience.

If a living being wants to gain the authority of heaven, it must first be recognized by the heaven and earth.

Then use the spiritual objects of this world to sacrifice and refine a treasure, and use this treasure to condense the authority of heaven.

For example, the dragon ball of the Luochuan Dragon King is a treasure used to control the power of the Luochuan River.

This kind of treasure is called the magic weapon of authority, and it has the ability to mobilize the authority of heaven.

It's just that this ability is similar to the master's own ability, so it won't be too strong.

Liu Yuanchen originally left the imprint of Panlong Mountain's spiritual veins on the earth book, thereby condensing the power of heaven.

In this way, the Book of the Earth is Panlong Mountain's magic weapon of authority, and it originally has the ability to mobilize the authority of heaven.

In addition, the Book of Earth itself has the potential to control the earth. The combination of the two makes this ability so powerful.

The power of exerting the mountain god's heavenly authority with the help of the Book of the Earth is a hundred or a thousand times more powerful than Liu Yuanchen's urging of the heavenly authority.

Liu Yuanchen sighed in his heart: "The Earth Book Sacrifice Refining Technique is only a part of Zhenyuan Immortal's inheritance, but it can play such a big role.

Immortal Zhenyuan is indeed one of the strongest masters among the saints in the prehistoric world. The entire Yuanling world is probably just an ant in front of him. "

(End of this chapter)

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