Chapter 219 The Pantheon Cult is coming to me

After seeing the powerful ability of the Book of the Earth, Liu Yuanchen wanted to use the power of the Book of the Earth to exert all the powers of the Mountain God.

Some of the powers of the mountain gods have great potential.

Needless to say, in the Divine Realm of Heaven, it is possible to double one's strength by fighting in the Divine Realm.

In addition, the authority to educate all spirits cannot be underestimated.

Although this authority has no combat effectiveness, it can increase the cultivation speed of the plant monsters and enhance their intelligence.

In addition, Liu Yuanchen's own magic power has a hint of enlightenment function, which can make plants and trees transform into spirits faster.

The power of the previous enlightenment Wanling was not strong, and it only had a subtle influence.

You can use the book of the earth to exert the power of the mountain god, which can increase the power by dozens or hundreds of times.

The power to educate all spirits is increased by dozens or hundreds of times, and the impact is very terrifying.

In addition, Liu Yuanchen also wanted to see if he could use the power of the Book of the Earth to exert those unformed powers of heaven.

For example, in the authority of the mountain god system, the Taishan pressure is used to borrow the power of a mountain to suppress the opponent.

If this method can be used within the scope of the divine realm, it may threaten the Lingtai realm monks.

At this moment, he really wanted to try using Taishan Pressure, but unfortunately once this method was used, the movement was too terrifying.

As long as it is displayed, it is equivalent to telling outsiders that one has the authority of heaven.

It took a few years for a small Condensation Realm monk to become the True God of Heaven.

If this spreads out, many people from the human race and the demon race will stare at him.

In addition, there are fossil mineralization rights.

This authority can allow the mineral veins to grow quickly, and it is also helpful in improving the grade of the mineral veins.

Although the authority over fossil mineralization is only from the ninth level, but it is exerted by the Book of the Earth, its power cannot be underestimated.

Liu Yuanchen became more and more excited as he thought about it, but when he saw that the imprint of Panlong Mountain on the ground book was still relatively dim, he calmed down at that time.

The days are still long, and the potential of these heavenly authorities can be slowly developed.

We cannot damage the potential of the Panlong Mountain mark just for the sake of temporary pleasure.

After calming down, Liu Yuanchen calculated his losses in the past six months, and felt heartbroken at that time.

In order to make the Panlong Mountain imprint on the Book of Earth take shape as soon as possible, I invested a lot of incense power.

An ingot of incense and silver was destroyed by his own hands.

Now a calculation shows that 5000 taels of incense silver were consumed in half a year.

Six months ago, his total net worth was less than 4 taels of incense silver.

Now that I have invested 5000 taels, I am basically a pauper again.

But when I think that the Book of the Earth can make the power of Heaven's authority skyrocket, my territory can continue to expand in the future.

Liu Yuanchen felt that the incense and silver flowers were worth it.

He sighed: "Sure enough, only by charging money can you become stronger."

After that, he left Dongyang Divine Mansion and started a new day of rain work.

There is sufficient rainfall every day, and the vegetation on Panlong Mountain is becoming increasingly luxuriant.

Originally, the entire Panlong Mountain was a bare mountain with very little native vegetation.

After Liu Yuanchen settled here, he planted a large number of yellow scale pine seeds.

This thing can take root in the cracks of rocks. Even if it is not nourished by the spiritual field soil, it can grow well just by absorbing the escaped spiritual energy.

Over the past few years, those yellow scale pines have been watered by the spring breeze and rain every day, and each of them has grown extremely well.

Among the first batch of yellow-scaled pines planted that year, the shortest ones were already over ten feet tall.

These yellow scale pines continue to erode the rock and form small amounts of soil.

A few fallen leaves from the trees can also decompose into soil.

On Panlong Mountain, even where Liu Yuanchen did not deliberately create soil, there was still a small amount of soil.

Since there is soil, coupled with the abundant spiritual energy and abundant rainfall on Panlong Mountain, all kinds of weeds are naturally indispensable.

Panlong Mountain now has much more vegetation than before.

With more creatures, Liu Yuanchen, the mountain god, would naturally have more money for incense.

Now the creatures on Panlong Mountain alone provide more than one tael of incense silver every day.

The soil on Panlong Mountain is not too much, and the vegetation is relatively sparse.

In the future, the vegetation on Panlong Mountain will become denser and denser, and the power of the incense will continue to increase.

The hundreds of acres of fields that had just been condensed into soil by gathering energy were already planted with golden rice by Huanglinsong Dao soldiers.

Now, Liu Yuanchen's Huanglinsong Dao soldiers have exceeded [-].

In addition, there are more than 20 golden silk and bamboo Taoist soldiers.

These Taoist soldiers usually help take care of the spiritual fields and raise golden pheasants.

Liu Yuanchen also plans to raise more spiritual beasts in the mountains. He has his own restaurant in Panlonghufang City.

There is no need to worry about lack of sales for the raised spiritual beasts.

With these Tao soldiers watching over us, we are not afraid of the spiritual beasts doing whatever they want.

However, these Taoist soldiers have never shown their faces outside, and have always been active in the Shuiyun Covering the Sky Formation.

The patrols around Panlonghufang City are all done by golden-armored bean soldiers.

After all, everyone knows how to spread the beans and make an army.

It is not a strange thing for the golden-armored bean soldiers to appear in public.

But those grass and tree Taoists are the methods of the prehistoric world, and there is no similar method in the Yuanling world.

The public appearance of Caomu Dao soldiers will definitely cause a sensation.

More than three years have passed, and the first two diamond bean plants planted in Dongyang Blessed Land have finally matured for the first time.

Two diamond bean plants produced a total of thirty beans.

The quality of these beans is no worse than the diamond beans given by Uncle Qibao. All of them are at the level of third-level low-grade beans.

Liu Yuanchen selected the ten beans with the best quality through careful comparison and continued to plant them in the blessed land.

The remaining twenty diamond beans were sacrificed and refined into golden bean soldiers.

Now, Liu Yuanchen already has forty golden-armored bean soldiers under his command.

These bean soldiers are managed by the Wood Spirit Golden Armor. After all, they are all from the King Kong Bean. Their methods are similar and they are more convenient to manage.

Each of the golden-armored bean soldiers is at the early stage of the Condensation Realm, and forty masters of the Condensation Realm are responsible for patrolling.

Even among the big forces, it can be considered very luxurious.

Of course, the deterrence of these golden-armored bean soldiers is still very strong.

With them under control, no one in Panlonghufang City dared to cause trouble.

Because Panlonghufang City's defense force is strong and its formations are extraordinary, the spiritual veins are still growing rapidly.

More and more monks choose to stay in Panlong Mountain.

More than 5000 caves have been carved out of the mountains surrounding Panlonghufang City.

More than [-]% of the caves are permanently occupied by monks.

In order to attract more tenants, Dongyang Shenfu also gave a guarantee that if any monks broke through the realm on Panlong Mountain, the Shenfu would provide protection.

Anyone who dares to take the opportunity to cause destruction is the enemy of Dongyang Shenfu.

It is precisely because of these conditions that more and more monks come to Panlong Mountain to live permanently.

Although Liu Yuanchen is a conscientious mountain god, the rent of the cave has reached 200 yuan of spiritual stones per year.

The monks who dare to live permanently in Panlong Mountain must at least be in the Qi Sea realm.
Moreover, everyone has a certain skill and can be regarded as a talent pool.

After Liu Yuanchen completed today's rainfall, he returned to Dongyang Divine Mansion and planned to continue practicing.

At this moment, an inconspicuous cargo ship sailed down the Longyan Canal and entered Panlong Lake.

After all, Panlong Lake receives hundreds of such cargo ships every day.The ship docked at the western end of Panlong Lake. Several monks dressed as casual cultivators got off the ship and came to an inn.

There are more and more monks in Panlonghufang City, and there is more demand for accommodation.

Several inns under the name of Dongyang Shenfu have been opened, but they are still overcrowded.

Therefore, there are also other forces opening inns here.

This inn is called Xieyang Inn, and it was founded by a casual cultivator in the Condensation Realm.

It is said that this casual cultivator came from Luochuan Kingdom.

Just because it's not easy to get along there, I came to this red wasteland to make a living.

There are at least three to five hundred monks in Panlonghufang City who have had similar experiences, which is not surprising.

It is perfectly normal for casual cultivators to come and stay at the inn.

But Liu Yuanchen felt that among the few casual cultivators, there was a thin, middle-aged cultivator with a strong blood evil aura.

It was his bloody aura that caught Liu Yuanchen's attention.

Although fighting among casual cultivators is very common, among the cultivators who can survive to the peak of Qi Nourishing Realm, who has few lives in their hands?

But it is really rare to see someone with such a strong blood evil spirit.

Moreover, this person deliberately concealed his cultivation.

On the surface, he is only a monk in the early stage of Qi Sea Realm, but his actual cultivation level is in the early stage of Condensing Yuan Realm.

This person's method of concealing his aura is extremely clever. If he didn't have the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm, it would be really difficult to see through it.

Liu Yuanchen thought on a whim that there might be something wrong with this person.

I had nothing to do, so I took the time to explore.

After several casual cultivators entered the inn, they each came to a room under the guidance of the servant.

After several people entered the room, some were practicing cross-legged on the bed, while others were ordering some food.

The hot-blooded middle-aged monk lived in the most remote room in the corner.

Not long after, a monk wearing a hooded cloak came to the door of the room.

This cloak is quite extraordinary and has a strong effect on concealing the consciousness.

As soon as he arrived at the door, the monk with a strong blood evil aura immediately opened the door and invited him in.

At the same time, several layers of anti-prying formations in the room were instantly opened.

The cloaked monk took off his hat: "Manager Nie, I didn't expect you to come in person."

Manager Nie chuckled lightly: "I don't want to come either. According to my wishes, just send messages and communicate directly.

But the elder was worried that there were means of intercepting messages on Panlong Mountain, so he asked me to come in person. "

After that, he took out a jade slip from the storage bag he carried with him.

"Guard Ren, the elders' orders are all in there, take a good look at them.

It is of great importance, so destroy it immediately after reading it. "

Manager Ren took the jade slip and carefully exited the room.

Liu Yuanchen heard the content of their conversation clearly.

"There is indeed something wrong with this person. If it is a force on the human race's side, there is no need to be sneaky."

It is not that there are no shops opened by other human forces in Fang City, such as Wanbao Chamber of Commerce and Tianji City, which have shops here.

Even some forces that are not easy to deal with Bahuang Pavilion also have shops in Panlonghufang City.

This is also an unwritten rule within the human race. When facing the threat of the demon race, personal grudges must be put aside.

Panlong Mountain is also considered the front line. Anyone from the human race who dares to deal with personal vendettas here will definitely be spurned by the entire human race.

It is precisely because of this that during the years Liu Yuanchen stayed in Panlong Mountain, no fellow monks from other forces came to challenge him.

Because the challenge is to resolve personal vendettas, and it is taboo to resolve personal vendettas in Panlong Mountain.

“These people are sneaky and definitely not from the human race.

They are obviously from the human race, but they are not from the human race. They can only be forces under the command of the Ten Thousand Gods Religion.

These bastards didn't take advantage of Crouching Tiger Peak and Yannan City, and now they're coming for me. "

"It's a pity that the elder's plans are all in the jade slips, and the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm cannot directly pry into them."

In desperation, Liu Yuanchen had no choice but to spend more time staring at Manager Ren.

The man left the accommodation area in front of the inn and returned to a cabin in the backyard of the inn.

Then, he activated several layers of formations to prevent prying eyes, and then took out the jade slip.

I saw a ball of blood-colored light condensed in his hand. The light kept changing and finally turned into a blood-colored bat.

Ordinary anti-spying formations are completely ineffective against Tiandao Divine Realm.

Liu Yuanchen could see this bloody bat clearly.

In the past, he often went to the collection room of the academy to read various classics.

He has some understanding of all the famous forces in the Pantheon Religion.

This bloody bat is a common method used by the Blood Bat Cult.

Liu Yuanchen sneered: "It's not that enemies don't get together, the Blood Bat Sect once took action against me.

The elders of the Blood Bat Sect once threatened Uncle Cheng with my family. This is a bad relationship.

I don't have any deep grudges, and I don't want to cause any trouble to you.

Unexpectedly, the Blood Bat Cult came to my door. "

I saw Steward Ren integrating the shadow of the bloody bat into the jade slip, and the jade slip returned to normal with a flash of blood.

It looks no different from ordinary jade slips.

Then, he put his spiritual consciousness into the jade slip to check its contents.

At this time, the expression on his face was extremely wonderful.

First there was a look of pride on his face, then a slight frown on his face, and finally a look of bitterness on his face.

He sighed softly: "It's really not easy to be an elder! Even if you are a sinecure, you have to pay for it with your life.

Is it so easy to figure out the formation of Panlong Mountain and the formation of Bahuang Pavilion? "

“I came to this place because of my qualifications as an idle elder.

It's good now that I was given such a heavy task.

Even if you can complete the task, you will most likely have to risk your life.

If you lose your life, how can you be an elder? "

After saying that, he crushed the jade slip in his hand and put the scraps into his storage bag.

Liu Yuanchen thought for a long time: "The Blood Bat Sect wants to find out about the formation, and obviously wants to break the formation.

If you destroy the Panlong Mountain formation, you can't come here to wish me a happy birthday. You must occupy Panlong Mountain.

There are many disputes on the front line, and it is only a matter of time before Panlongshan is targeted. "

“Even if any manager is killed, it won’t have a decisive effect.

At most, the Blood Bat Sect will be embarrassed, and there may be other evil cultivators who will send people to cause trouble.

If the demon clan and evil cultivators are not allowed to receive a severe beating, I am afraid they will not stop. "

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen took out the Bahuang Pavilion disciple token and sent a message to his master.

If you want to give the Monster Clan a serious beating, Panlongshan's strength will definitely not be enough.

There must be top experts on duty to prevent him from being beheaded by the masters of the Monster Clan and the Pantheon Cult.

Not long after, Zhao Hong appeared in the Shinto spiritual realm.

Liu Yuanchen quickly entered the Shinto spiritual realm and invited him to the Divine Mansion.

Zhao Hong asked: "You sent a message saying that the Blood Bat Sect is planning to attack Panlong Mountain. What is going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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