Xiaoyao Dixian: Obtain the inheritance of Zhenyuan Immortal at the beginning

Chapter 220: Official appointment in the opening ceremony

Chapter 220: Official appointment in the opening ceremony
When his master came, Liu Yuanchen suddenly had a backbone.

He recounted everything that had happened before in detail.

Zhao Hong nodded slightly: "Using blood-colored bats to break the ban on the jade slips is indeed the method of the Blood Bat Cult."

Liu Yuanchen was more worried about the strength of the owner of Xieyang Inn. He was only at the middle stage of Condensing Yuan Realm.

However, the Blood Bat Sect is still a well-known force, and there may be many ways to hide their cultivation.

Even if there is a heavenly realm, it may not be able to see through all disguises.

"Master, I learned from their conversation that as long as the shop owner does this, he may become a sinecure elder."

“The elder of the Blood Bat Sect named Xue Mingzi can go head-to-head with Uncle Cheng.

The strength of this shop owner is not similar to him, right? "

Zhao Hong shook his head: "Cheng Jiao is at the Yin Shen realm of Shinto, which is the sixth realm of Shinto. It is the same realm as before I broke through.

Xue Mingzi is the second elder of the Blood Bat Sect. His strength ranks among the top three within the Blood Bat Sect.

Even the most powerful elders are not as good as him. "

“The idle elders of the Blood Bat Sect are worthless. As long as their cultivation reaches the late stage of the Lingtai Realm and their potential is not weak, they can become idle elders.

This guy who is about to become an idle elder is at the early to mid-level of the Lingtai realm at best.

If you reach the late stage of the Lingtai realm, you don't need to take risks and you can directly become a sinecure elder. "

"If this person has made considerable contributions in his early years, it is possible for him to become a sinecure elder even if he does not have Lingtai realm cultivation."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen breathed a sigh of relief.

If this person is only at the Condensing Yuan Realm, then there is nothing to be afraid of.

Relying on one's own hard power, one can not fall behind.

If the Earth Book is used to exert the power of Shinto, coupled with the home advantage of being in Panlong Mountain, it is not impossible for the Lingtai realm monks to fight hard.

Zhao Hong asked again: "By the way, when was the Xieyang Inn opened?"

Liu Yuanchen thought for a while: "When Panlong Hufang Market opened, the store was rented.

The Xieyang Inn had been opened long before the Longyan Canal was opened.

Roughly speaking, it must have been four or five years.

As for whether there were any replacements along the way, I don’t know. "

Besides practicing, he also likes to patrol the entire Panlonghufang City.

He has some impressions of the approximate opening times of various shops in the market.

Zhao Hong nodded slightly: "So, the Blood Bat Sect has long been eyeing Panlong Mountain.

It's just that your second uncle often stayed in Panlong Mountain, so they didn't dare to take action. "

“Now that your second uncle and I don’t stay here often, it’s difficult for the demon clan to make progress in Crouching Tiger Peak and Yannan City.

So, they plan to take action. "

Although Liu Yuanchen felt unhappy about being treated as a soft persimmon, it was also a fact.

Panlong Lake's family fortune is not small, and a small Condensing Yuan Realm monk like him will definitely not be able to hold it.

If it weren't for the protection of his own master, there would be many forces within the human race who would want to seize this industry.

"I had some issues with the Blood Bat Cult in the early years. Now that I have the opportunity to deal with them, I can't let this opportunity pass me by."

Zhao Hong said with a smile: "When that old guy Xue Mingzi threatened Senior Brother Cheng with your people, he didn't take our Bahuang Pavilion seriously.

Do you want to take action for the master and wipe out the inn? "

Liu Yuanchen shook his head: "If you take action directly, at most you will kill a few Blood Bat Cult monks.

There may be other evil cultivators lurking in the city, and I want to catch them all. "

“Furthermore, the Blood Bat Cult worked hard to lurk in, but I found out without any flaws.

In this way, Panlong Mountain will definitely attract the attention of experts.

The fact that the disciple holds the authority of heaven may be exposed. "

“Once the demon clan knows this, their goal will change from attacking Panlong Mountain to dealing with me.

By then, both my parents' side will be in danger. "

Wherever the true God of Heaven sits, most of the conspiracies and tricks are ineffective.

If the demon clan wants to take Panlong Mountain, they will definitely find a way to get rid of Liu Yuanchen.

To get rid of the True God of Heaven, you have to find a way to lure him out of your own territory.

In this case, they will definitely take advantage of the Liu family.

Liu Yuanchen continued: "Just kill a few monks from the Blood Bat Sect, and neither the Monster Clan nor the Ten Thousand Gods Sect will feel any physical pain.

The disciple planned to lure them to attack Panlong Mountain and teach them a painful lesson.

In this way, the demon clan will not dare to have any ideas about Panlongshan for a long time. "

Zhao Hong nodded slightly: "The method is good. You have always had your own opinion. Whatever you want to do, just do it.

If something goes wrong, I will take care of it for you.

I'll ask your second uncle to come over in a few days to help you calm down.

Although his strength is far inferior to mine, crushing the old dog Xue Mingzi to death is not a problem. "

This is what Liu Yuanchen was waiting for. It is easy to play tricks and tricks, and it is not difficult to make things happen.

However, it is not easy to get out of trouble after doing something.

There is absolutely no problem in hiding the strength and identity of his master and ancestor.

“Master, it’s best to say hello to Marquis Chihuang about this matter.

Once a war breaks out, the Shenting Army and the Red Desolate Army will still need to cooperate to defeat the demon clan. "

Zhao Hong waved his hand: "This is all a trivial matter. Chi Huanghou and I are also old acquaintances. Just say hello to him."

Liu Yuanchen calculated in his mind that Chi Huanghou and his master were peers and old acquaintances.

I guess it’s impossible to get to know each other without fighting.

Now that he has his own disciples to help him, and after informing the Marquis of Chihuang, he can get help from the Shenting Army and the Chihuang Army.

With all parties joining forces, even if the demon clan comes to attack in large numbers, they can still withstand it.

Zhao Hong also specially reminded him: "I have to remind you that there is still a black lotus with demonic energy under Panlong Mountain.

Once there is a large-scale killing on Panlong Mountain, the various negative energies generated are the best tonic for the Demonic Black Lotus.

Although you have ways to suppress it, you still have to be careful.

If the demonic black lotus finds an opportunity to infect the entire Panlong Mountain, you will suffer a big loss. "

The Demonic Black Lotus really needs to be guarded against, after all, it is an unstable factor.

Later, Liu Yuanchen looked at the demonic black lotus next to the spiritual veins.

At this time, the demonic black lotus is still withered and dull.

Except for the two black lotuses that can still stand upright, the lotus leaves and lotus roots are in a half-dead state.

His magic power cultivation has broken through to the middle stage of the Condensing Yuan Realm, and his Gang Qi cultivation has also reached the Condensing Yuan Realm. His ability to absorb and refine demonic energy has been greatly enhanced.

Just to meet the daily needs of cultivation, this demonic black lotus was tortured to death.

It's not difficult to stop it from causing trouble.

Before the monster clan comes over, give Black Lotus more strength.

Take away as much demonic energy as you can, as long as you don't play to death.


After his master left, Liu Yuanchen also started his own plan to cause trouble.

The Blood Bat Sect's manager, Ren, wanted to find out the formation on Panlong Mountain.

After that, look for opportunities to destroy the formation and create conditions for the demon clan to attack the mountain.

If he is not allowed to come into contact with the formation, the demon clan will not easily activate it.

The demon clan made no move, and even if he wanted to take advantage, he had nowhere to take advantage.

All we have to do is find a way to give the steward a chance to come into contact with the Formation Eye.

The Caotai team of Dongyang Shenfu has already been set up.Whether it is the alchemy talisman array or daily operations, there are dedicated monks to manage it.

Finally, the fourth uncle Liu Qingming took over the overall management.

Dongyang Shenfu has just been established, and there is a lot of room for improvement in the future. Everyone is working hard in the same direction, and there are not many internal conflicts.

This improvised team was able to operate smoothly.

However, this grass-roots team also has huge flaws.

Whether it is Liu Qingming, Zhang Jingming and others.

Their identities are all managers of Panlonghufang City.

Over in Hekou Town, Jin Manting's identity is only the chief steward of Hekou Town.

In other words, the identity of these people is just the shopkeeper, not the officials under Dongyang Shenfu.

As a result, there will inevitably be restrictions when recruiting people.

Especially now that Panlonghufang City is becoming more and more lively, the original Caotai team lacked talents and prestige.

When managing various affairs, some monks were dissatisfied.

When order needs to be maintained, it must be suppressed by the Panlong Lake patrol entrusted by the imperial court of Chihuang Hou Kingdom.

Liu Yuanchen had long wanted to form a shogunate, and all affairs in his territory would be managed by the shogunate.

In this way, all the people under his command will have official status, and their prestige will be greatly improved.

When recruiting people in the future, you can also use your official position as a bargaining chip.

Thinking of this, he arranged the existing manpower under his command.

There are many daily affairs in the city, and a trustworthy and capable person is needed to take charge.

Liu Qingming is the most suitable person for this matter. He has been the elder of the Liu family for decades.

Now he has been the chief steward of Panlonghufang City for several years and has proven his ability.

Although my relationship with the main line of the Liu family is not very good, when it comes to confidential matters, the Liu family is the most trustworthy.

As a member of the Liu family, no matter whether the relationship is good or bad in private, the interests have long been bound.

If Liu Yuanchen provokes a master and wants to destroy the entire Liu family, the enemy will not let the Liu family go just because of a bad relationship.

After roughly thinking about the manpower arrangements, Liu Yuanchen recruited all the managers under him.

Two days later, everyone under his command gathered in the main hall of Dongyang Shenfu.

Liu Yuanchen was the first to speak: "I invite you here this time because I have something big to announce.

Our Dongyang Shenfu will establish a shogunate today, and a hall master will be established in the shogunate to take charge of various affairs. "

Hearing this, everyone was a little excited.

It has been more than 20 years since the Great Xia Dynasty entered the Red Wasteland. Everyone still has some understanding of the system of the Great Xia Dynasty and the Divine Court.

The Kaifu Shenjun Yi is the same as the God King, and has the power to independently establish the divine domain and enshrine the gods.

In the human world, you also have the right to establish a shogunate and appoint officials yourself.

The position of the Kaifu Divine Lord is usually reserved for the sect leaders of various powerful forces.

His nominal status is no less than that of ordinary monarchs of vassal states.

Liu Yuanchen's official appointment in Kaifu was similar to the official appointment in a vassal state.

They were just bureaucrats of the Shenjun Shogunate. They did not have any power within the Daxia Shenchao system, but they had status.

Liu Yuanchen continued: "Liu Qingming, you have been working hard in managing Panlonghufang City these years.

You are indispensable for Panlonghufang City to be what it is today.

I make you the head of the standing hall and the head of all halls. "

Hearing this, Liu Qingming suppressed his excitement, stood up and saluted, "Thank you, Lord God."

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly and continued: "Meng Tieshan, you will be the master of the weapon refining hall."

Meng Tieshan was only interested in weapon refining, and he didn't understand anything about management.

"Brother, I don't care about people."

Liu Yuanchen waved his hand: "It's okay, just be responsible for refining the weapons. You can give guidance to other weapon refiners when you have time.

As for daily management, you can ask the executive hall leader to arrange a few people for you. "

Meng Tieshan naturally didn't have any objections as he didn't have to manage trivial matters by himself.

"Tie Junlan serves as the master of the formation hall."

Although she is also a witch, her emotional intelligence is much higher than Meng Tieshan, and managing various affairs is not a problem.

She had no objection to Liu Yuanchen's canonization.

"Zhang Jingming serves as the head of Fulu Hall."


"Jin Manting serves as the head of the Trade Hall, and the Shenfu's stores in Panlonghufang City and Hekou Town will be managed by you."


"Hu Maozhong is the master of the transportation hall. You will manage the transportation of goods in Dongyang Shenfu and the protection of the goods."


“As for the Pill Hall, there is currently no suitable hall master in Dongyang Divine Mansion.

Let the executive hall take care of it first and arrange a few stewards to maintain daily operations. "

Liu Qingming bowed and obeyed the order: "As ordered, I will definitely take care of the affairs of the elixir hall."

Liu Yuanchen continued: "Also, Lingzhi's matter should not be underestimated.

I plan to open up some fields around Panlong Mountain, so I will temporarily set up a Shennong Division, with Liu Chengming as the chief manager. "

Liu Chengming is also Liu Yuanchen's nephew who has not yet entered the fifth server. He has always been with Liu Yuanchen and is responsible for welcoming and sending him off.

He is an earth attribute monk, so managing the spiritual field is not a problem.

Liu Chengming also bowed and saluted in a decent manner: "I obey my orders."

Liu Yuanchen continued: "There are also financial matters, and a financial hall should also be set up.

But now there is a shortage of manpower, so we will first set up a Finance Department, which will be temporarily managed by the Standing Hall. "

His organization is a bit like the three provinces and six ministries system in ancient times.

However, the three provinces were not established, and the decision-making power was vested in Liu Yuanchen, so the Standing Hall played the role of the Prime Minister of the Shangshu Province.

In the future, when you have more territory under your control, you can also set up official positions in the local areas.

Liu Qingming spoke again and added: "Sir, the business of the restaurants and inns in Panlonghufang City is also good.

Especially those spiritual chefs who helped earn a lot of spiritual stones should have a management organization. "

Liu Yuanchen nodded: "Yes, let's establish a Lingchu Division first.

If any spiritual chef does well, he can be appointed as the chief steward of the spiritual chef department. "

Liu Qingming reminded again: "Sovereign Lord, how should the salaries of officials at all levels under the Divine Palace be distributed?"

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen laughed at himself, thinking that he had been negligent.

The so-called "getting promoted and getting rich" means that as your official position increases, your salary will naturally increase.

“The scale of Dongyang Divine Mansion is still relatively small now, so the salary is set at a lower level.

The leader of each hall receives 200 yuan of spiritual stones per month, and the deputy hall leader receives 150 yuan.

Senior managers of each department receive 100 yuan of spiritual stones per month, while ordinary managers receive 50 yuan of spiritual stones per month. "

"Ordinary staff in various departments and departments will receive ten spiritual stones per month.

Alchemists can receive a salary after refining a fixed number of elixirs every month.

If you refine more elixirs, you can get a commission.

Other weapon refiners, talisman masters, formation masters, etc. also receive the same treatment.

The number of monthly tasks and the amount of commissions are determined by the executive hall leader based on the actual situation. "

(End of this chapter)

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