Chapter 22 Conditions for moving the blessed land

After learning about the cultivation process of Earth Immortal Dao from Zhao Hong, Liu Yuanchen felt that the inheritance he had mastered before seemed to be missing a lot.

There is still a big gap between the complete inheritance of Earth Immortal Dao.

The Divine Tree Towering Technique is not weak. Just practicing the magic power can greatly increase the energy and blood.

The effect of enhancing qi and blood is not inferior to that of Guidance, and it does not require any additional consumption of resources.

However, this method does not include the cultivation of Gang Qi or the specific tempering of muscles and bones.

There is no mention of how to use blessed land to enhance one's own strength.

Perhaps it's because the earthly immortal way in Yuanling Realm is not exactly the same as the earthly immortal way in Zhenyuan Great Immortal.

According to what Zhao Hong said before, the Earth Immortal Way in the Yuanling Realm was developed independently and was not introduced from the prehistoric world. Some differences are normal.

At present, Qingshi Mountain Blessed Land should only be regarded as a spiritual realm.

Wuyunling's spiritual veins fluctuate greatly, which may seriously affect one's spiritual realm.

In order for the spiritual realm to grow into a blessed land as soon as possible, five more spiritual hubs need to be integrated.

Moreover, the suppressive objects of these five spiritual hubs must have some connection with the ginseng fruit saplings.

It is already a blessing to get one ginseng fruit sapling. Where can I find five more?

If you want to make the Qingshi Mountain Spiritual Realm grow into a blessed place, there is nothing you can do in a short time.

However, what he wants to know more is whether Dongtian Paradise can move.

"Deputy Hall Master Zhao, you said that after the spiritual realm grows to the blessed land, it will be less affected by the spiritual veins and spiritual pivot.

After growing into Dongtian, even if all the spiritual veins outside are destroyed, it will not have much impact on Dongtian.

In this way, Cave Heaven Paradise no longer relies on spiritual veins.

Wouldn't it be possible to break away from the constraints of spiritual veins and move around at will? "

Zhao Hong nodded: "Theoretically, this is true, but the biggest flaw of the Earth Immortal Way is that it is bound by the Cave Heaven Blessed Land.

The Paradise of Cave Heaven is not only the foundation for the enlightenment of earthly immortals, but also the prison of earthly immortals.

Once you open a spiritual realm, you cannot move for life.

Many monks have tried to move the Cave Heaven Paradise, but they have all failed. "

Liu Yuanchen was puzzled: "Why is this? Could it be that the Cave Heaven Paradise will collapse on its own without the support of spiritual veins?"

Zhao Hong shook his head: "That's not the case. As long as it becomes a blessed place and has a complete spiritual vein inside, the spiritual energy circulation can be realized.

The spiritual energy in the blessed land will not leak out easily, and it will not collapse regardless of whether it is supported by external spiritual veins.

If you just want to continue growing, you still need to absorb the spiritual energy in your spiritual veins.

Dongtian goes one step further and can completely extract energy from the void and derive spiritual energy, and does not care about spiritual veins at all. "

“But whether it is Cave Heaven or Blessed Land, its internal space is not stable enough and requires external forces to maintain it.

You can refer to storage bags, which also have a space inside.

To maintain the existence of the inner space, the outer skin of the storage bag needs to be relatively strong and have the power of the inscription.

The larger the space and the more things are packed inside, the higher the requirements for the strength of the storage bag materials and inscriptions. "

“Even the lowest level blessed land has an internal space of dozens of miles in radius.

Such a large space contains soil, water, rocks and even mountains. How much external force is needed to stabilize it?

The boundary of Dongtian Paradise is a space barrier, which is the same as the big world.

But Dongtian Paradise is an incomplete world, and its spatial barriers are too fragile to be compared with the big world.

Space barriers alone cannot maintain the stability of the entire space.

The treasures used in establishing the spiritual realm are mainly a medium for monks to control the spiritual realm, and can only provide very little power to maintain.

Because the spiritual realm is connected to the earth, most of the power is provided by the earth.

But if you want to move the Cave Heaven Blessed Land, you must leave it away from the earth, and you will not be able to obtain the power of the earth.

All the power to maintain the Cave Heaven Paradise must be provided by its own space barrier and the suppressive treasures inside. "

“There have been many Earth Immortal monks who tried to move the Cave Heaven Blessed Land.

The result is the same, the suppressive spiritual object is shattered, and the entire Cave Heaven Paradise follows closely behind. "

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly: "If the suppressive treasure is strong enough to carry the power of the Cave Heaven Paradise, can I move the Cave Heaven Paradise at will?"

Zhao Hong sighed: “Many people have tried this speculation a long time ago.

Some people use the eighth-level magic weapon as the foundation to open up a spiritual realm, grow it into a blessed land, and then move the blessed land.

After holding on for several hours, the magic weapon collapsed. "

“Although this attempt failed, it was not without value.

At least it proves that as long as the suppression of spiritual beings is strong enough, there is still hope to move the cave heaven and blessed land.

It was just a newly formed blessed land, and even the eighth-level magic weapon only lasted a few more hours.

To support a cave to move at will, I am afraid that the entire Yuanling world cannot find such a powerful treasure.

After this attempt, the Earth Immortal Dao monks gave up on this path and no longer focused on suppressing the treasures. "

Liu Yuanchen's heart moved slightly. His ginseng fruit sapling was the fruit of the mother tree.

As the second generation of heaven and earth spiritual roots, his future growth potential is far from comparable to those magic weapons.

Can the grown ginseng fruit trees maintain the power of the entire blessed land?
If he could, wouldn't he be able to take the Cave Heaven Paradise around with him in the future?
Unfortunately, what I have opened up now is only a spiritual realm, which requires spiritual veins to provide the spiritual energy needed for growth. Once it leaves the spiritual hub, it will collapse instantly and cannot move at all.

Liu Yuanchen asked again: "Dongtian Paradise is just the prototype of the world, and it is not complete in itself.

Since the complete big world can exist without relying on external forces, then Dongtian goes one step further and grows into a complete world. Can it be moved at will? "

Zhao Hong nodded slightly: "This is one of the current efforts of Earth Immortal Dao, but those masters of Earth Immortal Dao who have cultivated Dongtian have never been able to find a way to make Dongtian one step further."

“Beyond that, there are some people who are looking for other ways.

They feel that the complete world can maintain its own stability because the space barrier is strong enough.

In other words, as long as the space barrier of the cave is strong enough, it can maintain its own stability.

This group of people has been studying how to improve the strength of space barriers, but they have achieved very few results.

Even the researched storage magic weapon is not stable enough. "

Liu Yuanchen shook his head slightly and laughed at himself: "I am really too busy thinking about these things.

Wuyunling's spiritual veins are only at the fourth level, and there have been no Lingtai realm monks in the entire Red Wasteland for thousands of years.

With my talent, I may not have a chance to break through to the Lingtai realm in this life.

I am afraid that in this life I will never have the opportunity to leave the Red Wasteland and come into contact with the Earthly Immortal Way, let alone move to the Cave Heaven Blessed Land. "

Zhao Hong waved his hand: "There is no need to underestimate yourself, Earth Immortal Dao monks have little demand for immortal seeds.

In the early days of the Earthly Immortal Way, many masters did not have immortal seeds at all and could grow up by taking various spiritual substances.

There are immortal species, which means less consumption of spiritual items. "

Liu Yuanchen's eyes lit up: "So, a monk like me, who has strong Qi and blood but weak immortality, is the most suitable person to follow the earthly immortal path?"

Seeing that he intended to follow the Earthly Immortal Path, Zhao Hong beamed with joy: "It is indeed very suitable. If you decide to follow the Earthly Immortal Path, I can accept you as my disciple in the future."

Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised: "Are you also an Earth Immortal monk?"

Zhao Hong looked proud: "Of course, I have opened up my own blessed land."

"Didn't it mean that Earth Immortal Dao monks are bound by the blessed land and cannot leave the blessed land at will? You will never put your blessed land in Wuyun Ridge, right?" Liu Yuanchen was a little confused.

Zhao Hong chuckled: "Of course not, my blessed place is not in the Red Wasteland. You should have guessed that I come from outside the Red Wasteland. It's best not to leak this matter."

Of course, even if it is leaked, no one in the Red Wasteland can do anything to me.

The top leaders of some forces also know my identity. "

Liu Yuanchen naturally did not dare to reveal that this deputy hall master Zhao could open up a blessed land, and he was at least a monk in the Lingtai realm, or even higher.

In the entire Red Wasteland, there are no Lingtai realm monks on the surface.

I am a small cultivator in the Qi-nourishing realm, but I am not good enough for others to slap me in the face.

"Don't worry, Deputy Hall Master, I will definitely keep my mouth shut."

Zhao Hong nodded slightly: "The Earth Immortal Dao monks are bound by the Cave Heaven Paradise, but they are not completely unable to leave.

It's just that in places where the immortal world is prosperous outside, there are too many ways to find the paradise of cave heaven.

If you don't guard the blessed land of Cave Heaven, once someone takes advantage of it, the foundation for enlightenment will be destroyed.

I have people watching over my blessed place, so I don’t have to worry. "

Liu Yuanchen's eyes were filled with fascination: "I have been practicing the Qi Dao technique, will it have any impact on my future cultivation of the Immortal Dao?"

Zhao Hong shook his head again: "No, the three realms of the human race have the same origin, and there is no difference between the Qi-nourishing realm and the Qi-sea realm.

The real difference is when you break through the Condensing Yuan Realm.

Although the third realm of the three realms is called the Condensing Yuan Realm, it is actually not the same thing.

The Yuan Condensing Realm of practicing Qi Dao uses mana to condense the true energy.

The Yuan Condensing Realm of Earth Immortal Dao uses Qi and blood to condense Yuan Gang.

The Soul Condensing Realm of Shinto uses spiritual consciousness to condense soul essence.

Since the Condensation Realm, the three paths have gradually separated.

After reaching the Qi Sea Realm, it is completely too late to modify the cultivation method. "

“However, it’s not a bad thing to practice the secret technique of Gang Qi in advance, as long as the Qi and blood are strong enough.

At least when breaking through the Qi Sea realm, having Gang Qi will be of great benefit.

Whether it is the prototype of Xuegang or Yuangang, it is better than nothing. "

Liu Yuanchen's eyes lit up: "What are the benefits of Xue Gang in breaking through the Qi Sea Realm?"

Zhao Hong took out a jade slip: "The advantage is that Gang Qi can be used directly instead of the power of Qi and blood.

You have practiced the secret art of Blood Gang, so you should know why Gang Qi is stronger than Qi and blood.

This is a little secret technique of using Gang Qi to replace Qi and blood. Take it and have a look. "

Liu Yuanchen took the jade slip and said, "Thank you, Deputy Hall Master Zhao."

Zhao Hong took out another jade talisman and said: "These are small things, things that cause trouble to Shennong Hall. You ask the hall master to help you seek justice. I am too lazy to bother with these things.

If the compensation is not paid, you can use this jade talisman to contact me again.

When the time comes, I will go to Shennongtang to talk to them in person. "

After that, he left the cave directly.

Liu Yuanchen did not stay in the cave, but wore tattered Taoist robes and went straight to Qingdan Peak.

On the way, I picked up the carved feather flying boat with only its skeleton left and carried it on my shoulders.

He also collected some burned-to-death Qingling Bees and walked all the way to Qingdan Peak, brewing emotions along the way.

He was appreciated by Hall Master Zhang before, but now he was almost killed. If he didn't go to Hall Master Zhang, he would definitely feel uncomfortable.

He even thought that he had climbed onto Zhao Hong's high tree and no longer took him seriously.

Regardless of whether it works or not, you have to go to Hall Master Zhang and cry.

The result of the complaint is not important, the main thing is human nature.

Liu Yuanchen came to the main hall, threw the remains of the flying boat on the ground, and took out some burned Green Spirit Bees.

The emotions that had been brewing all the way burst out, and he burst into tears and cried: "Master, the disciples of Shennong Hall are bullying others too much. Please ask the master to make the decision for the disciples."

Zhang Yi looked at his miserable state: "Liu Yuanchen, why are you like this?"

"Today at noon, the disciples were at Chunfeng Tower to support the expedition clan members. When they returned, they were besieged by Green Spirit Bees near the cave.

The flying boat with eagle feathers used for the journey was completely destroyed, and the disciple almost fell to death.

After landing, the Green Spirit Bee chased after him, and the disciple was bitten in many places on his arms.

If Deputy Hall Master Zhao hadn't happened to be passing by nearby and came to the rescue, the disciple's life would have been in danger. "

“The disciples who manage Qing Lingfeng at Shennong Hall have always been members of the Chen family.

The Chen family and the disciple's family have a feud. Today at noon in Chunfeng Pavilion, the Chen family's disciples had a conflict with my clan. "

"After Deputy Hall Master Zhao rescued me, he also said that there was a bee-inducing smell near my cave. The Chen family must have wanted to kill me."

Regardless of whether there is irrefutable evidence, let’s first lay out all the conflicts between the Chen family and the Liu family.

Something went wrong with the Liu family, and the Chen family was the most suspect.

What's more, it's the Chen family that manages Qingling Bee.

Those with high interests are suspicious. Things in the world of immortality never require evidence.

Zhang Yi's face was ashen. The good young man he valued was almost killed. This was a slap in his face.

"Let's go, follow me to Qingyang Peak to find the sect leader.

Our elixir hall has never been bullied like this before. If we don’t regain our position, I will have no shame to be the leader of this hall again. "


In Chen Changshan's cave in Songyun Peak, the three Chen family members all had pale faces.

Chen Zongming said: "Third uncle, my nephew is incompetent. He failed to get rid of Liu Yuanchen, but he was caught."

Chen Changshan waved his hand: "That's all, the army was in danger, so the failure was excusable.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Hong bumped into him and took all the Qingling Bees away.

No matter how much we argue, we can't escape safely. "

"Liu Yuanchen has taken Qing Lingfeng's body and the wreckage of his flying boat to Qingdan Peak to file a complaint.

With Zhang Yi's temper, he will definitely pursue this matter to the end.

Once it is proven that our Chen family deliberately murdered Liu Yuanchen, the family's nearly thousand-year legacy in the clan will be completely destroyed. "

The middle-aged monk who had been standing by the side silently said, "Third brother, I understand what to do.

Qing Ling Bee has always been under my management, but now that it has caused a big problem, only I can bear the responsibility. "

Chen Zongming shook his head slightly: "If someone else had rescued Liu Yuanchen, Fourth Uncle, you would have been expelled from the Qingdan Sect at most.

But Zhao Hong is extremely mysterious and proficient in alchemy.

We can't hide it from him at all by luring bees away.

Even if you take the initiative to take responsibility, you still cannot shoulder this burden. "

"Unless he committed suicide in the cave before the sect sent someone to investigate, and left a suicide note saying that he made a mistake and let Qingling Bee go.

There is no evidence of death, and it is just in time for a war. The sect will settle the matter.

In order to deal with the soul-calling methods, this matter should be done sooner rather than later, and I would like to ask my fourth uncle to make a decision as soon as possible. "

(End of this chapter)

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