Chapter 23 The Lion's Big Opening

The fourth eldest son of the Chen family is named Chen Changning, and he is also a distant descendant of the Chen family.

The families in the Red Wasteland are basically the same. The main line controls the power of the family. The most popular ones drink spicy food, while the children from distant branches have to fight for their soup.

Distant children with poor talents will work as long-term workers for the family throughout their lives.

The family usually provides some resources for talented children from distant branches to be sent as disciples to medium and large forces.

Chen Changning is considered to be a talented and distant descendant. He received the support of his family and became a member of the Qingdan Sect.

He has been doing pretty well over the years. Although he has not been able to break through to the Qi Sea Realm, he is still comfortable and relaxed working in Shennongtang, which has been run by the Chen family for many years.

But now that the Chen family is in crisis, when someone should make a sacrifice, it is naturally the descendants of the distant branch who will bear the burden.

When he heard that Chen Zongming asked him to commit suicide, Chen Changning's originally gloomy expression suddenly lost any trace of life.

" there really no other way?"

Chen Changshan sighed: "At this point, what else can we do?
If there is irrefutable evidence pointing to you, taboo methods such as soul searching can be used at will.

Can you keep a secret in front of a monk in the Ning Yuan Realm?

Fourth brother, either you commit suicide and take the responsibility.

Or, the family's nearly thousand-year legacy in the sect will be uprooted. "

"Our Chen family occupies a large area of ​​fertile land. Who among the surrounding families wouldn't drool after seeing it?
Without the support of the clansmen in the sect, it would not take long for the family to be destroyed. "

Chen Changning knew that he had no way to survive, and sighed: "I have two sons and one daughter, and one of the sons has no immortal seed. I can just let him fend for himself.

If you have a son and a daughter with fairy seeds, they will be taken care of by you, third brother. "

"Don't worry, your eldest nephew and niece will be able to enjoy the treatment of the main lineage's children from now on.

I will also protect my second nephew who does not have immortality.

Their descendants as monks were all descendants of the main line within five generations. "

After hearing this, a smile appeared on Chen Changning's gloomy face.

"Thank you, third brother."

After that, he walked out of Chen Changshan's cave in despair.


Liu Yuanchen took Zhang Yi's flying boat and headed towards the sect's meeting hall at the top of Qingyang Peak.

Along the way, Liu Yuanchen felt happy.

Zhang Yi was so angry that it was enough for the Chen family to drink a pot.

However, he was still working on his emotions.

Recalling the scenes of being bullied by the Chen family in Songyun Peak before going to Yujin Mountain, Liu Yuanchen clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

At the same time, there were faint tears in his eyes.

There were five parts of anger, three parts of grievance and two parts of unwillingness on his face.

Soon, Feizhou arrived at the top of Qingyang Peak.

Zhang Yi took Liu Yuanchen into the meeting hall.

At this time, there was only one middle-aged monk in the main hall, sitting high on the main throne.

He was wearing a blue robe, and his hair was only wrapped in a bun with a Xiaoyao scarf. There was not a trace of mana fluctuations coming from his body.

Holding an animal skin book in his hand, he looked like a scribe with no training.

However, to be able to sit in the main seat of the meeting hall, this person's status is definitely not low, at least he must be the deputy sect leader or the chief elder.

Zhang Yi bowed and saluted: "Disciple, please see your master."

Zhang Yi is the disciple of the sect leader, and the middle-aged man in front of him is Qingyang Sanren, the sect leader of the Qingdan Sect.

Liu Yuanchen also quickly followed suit and saluted: "Liu Yuanchen, a disciple of the Pill Hall, comes to see the sect master."

The middle-aged monk raised his head and glanced at the two men: "I already know what happened, and I have ordered the Punishment Hall to investigate the matter thoroughly.

Within one day, we will give you a satisfactory answer.

Leave the wreckage of the flying boat and the corpse of the Green Spirit Bee behind, and retreat first. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was stunned.

I have been brewing for such a long time, and now I am filled with anger. I want to grab two knives, go to Songyun Peak, and chop him for three days and three nights.

His face still maintained an extremely complicated expression, and his muscles were a little stiff.

After all the preparations, I just bowed and was sent away without even a chance to speak?
Although Liu Yuanchen was unwilling to give up, Zhang Yi had already bowed and resigned, so he could only leave with him.

After the two of them walked out of the hall, Qingyang Sanren put down the animal skin book in his hand with a smile on his face.

“This little guy is really interesting, but it’s a pity that the immortal seed is so bad.

Since Zhao Hong likes him, he will be trained by Zhao Hong.

Having learned Zhao Hong’s inheritance is a benefit to our Qingdan Sect. "


The next morning, the disciples who went on the expedition left.

Liu Yuanchen did not go to the elixir hall to refine elixirs, but cultivated in the cave.

Because of his injury yesterday, Zhang Yi was granted three days' leave to allow him to recuperate.

At this moment, a voice came from outside the cave: "Yuan Chen, I'm here to see you."

The owner of this voice was none other than Liu Qingyuan. Liu Yuanchen closed the formation and walked out of the cave gate with difficulty.

I saw Liu Qingyuan standing outside the cave, with two monks, a man and a woman, behind him.

The man Liu Yuanchen is quite familiar, it is Chen Changshan.

The woman in front of him was wearing a long blue palace dress, a golden crown with a phoenix pattern on her head, and a cold face.

Although Liu Yuanchen was not familiar with this person, he knew him.

Her name is Ye Lingshuang, and she is the current deputy head of Shennong Hall.

Her grandmother is from the Chen family, and the Ye and Chen families are also family friends.

Her grandfather was just an ordinary inner disciple. In order to please the Chen family, he married a less talented female cultivator from the Chen family.

However, his father was very talented and quickly became the sect's idle elder.

Ye Lingshuang is even more talented and possesses a second-grade top-grade immortal seed.

Less than a hundred years old, he is already a monk in the Ning Yuan Realm and has become the deputy head of Shennong Hall.

If nothing else happens, she will definitely have a place among the seven elders in the future.

The rise of the Ye family is inseparable from the early support of the Chen family.

Therefore, the Ye family has become one of the Chen family's backers.

Now that the Chen family is causing trouble, and Shennong Hall is involved, Ye Lingshuang has to come out to clean up the mess.

"Eighth uncle, nephew... is inconvenienced, cough cough..."

At this time, Liu Yuanchen's arms and legs were tightly wrapped in cloth.

Even his head was wrapped in several circles of cloth.

Yesterday, I was attacked by Qingling Bee. Although I was not seriously injured, I still had a lot of scratches on my body when I fell.

After returning from the meeting hall, he used his spiritual consciousness to check his body over and over again. If there was any wound, he would wrap it up with a piece of cloth.

Liu Qingyuan saw him like this and quickly came up to help him: "Yuan Chen, why are you injured so seriously?"

"Huh...huh..." Liu Yuanchen was so breathless that he could not speak. Liu Qingyuan was worried that he would not be able to breathe and die on the spot.

Liu Qingyuan helped him back to the stone couch. Liu Yuanchen lay on the stone couch and panted for a long time before he said feebly: "The Green Spirit Bee cultivated by Shennong Hall is indeed worthy of its reputation.

The nephew was first bitten by a green spirit bee, and then fell from a height of more than ten feet.


Ye Lingshuang and Chen Changshan also walked into the cave. Seeing Liu Yuanchen's half-dead state, their faces turned dark.

After a long time, Liu Yuanchen stopped coughing.Chen Changshan came over with a smile on his face: "Xiannephew Yuan Chen, I wonder how you are feeling?"

Liu Yuanchen also replied angrily: "I'm sorry to disappoint Manager Chen. My disciple is determined to die. If you don't take action personally, I'm afraid I won't die."

Chen Changshan's face stiffened, and then he smiled again: "What did you say, nephew? How could I wish you to die?"

What he said was true. If Qingling Bee had killed Liu Yuanchen before, no one would have stood up for a dead man.

But Liu Yuanchen was not dead, and Zhao Hong and Zhang Yi were there to protect him.

Now everyone knows that it was the Chen family who tried to harm him.

Once Liu Yuanchen dies, the Chen family will be nothing but shit.

Now the Chen family is more concerned about Liu Yuanchen's health than the Liu family and hopes he will recover soon.

Chen Changshan hit a wall and couldn't say anything else. He turned to look at Ye Lingshuang beside him.

A smile appeared on Ye Lingshuang's pretty face, which was as cold as frost.

"The Punishment Hall has found out the whole story. Chen Changning, who was in charge of Qing Ling Bee, made a mistake and released Qing Ling Bee.

Chen Changning committed suicide out of fear of crime. He left a suicide note before his death and took all the responsibility for the crime. "

“This time the child was seriously injured, and I, Shennongtang, are also responsible.

If you need any compensation, Shennongtang will do our best to satisfy it. "

Liu Yuanchen felt a chill in his heart. The Chen family was quite cruel.

He failed to harm himself and even let a clan member commit suicide and take the blame.

With no evidence to prove, there is Ye Lingshuang as a backer.

There is absolutely no hope of dragging other members of the Chen family into trouble, so we can only pay more compensation.

As an inner disciple of the Pill Hall, Liu Yuanchen could not take Chen Changshan, the manager of the Shennong Hall, seriously, but he could not be rude to Ye Lingshuang.

As the deputy head of the Shennong Hall, she is a real elder with real power and has the right to participate in the sect's decision-making.

It is too easy to put small shoes on an inner disciple.

Ye Lingshuang came out as guarantee. She could raise conditions, but she could never make things deadlocked.

Otherwise, Shennongtang will be offended to death.

With my small body, I can't withstand the pressure of the Second Hall of Qingdan Sect.

Although he did not stand up, he still raised his hands and said, "Deputy Hall Master Ye said something serious. This time, the Chen family caused me to be seriously injured, and the carved feather flying boat worth 1000 yuan of spiritual stones was also damaged.

My request for compensation is also from the Chen family and has nothing to do with Shennongtang. "

Ye Lingshuang's cold voice sounded again: "No matter what, I, Shennongtang, am also responsible, and this Eagle Feizhou Shennongtang is here to compensate.

As for the injury, what compensation does Liu Xiaoyou want? "

She was able to lower her stance so low, not because she really thought it was Shennongtang's responsibility, but mainly because Zhao Hong still had thousands of Green Spirit Bees imprisoned in his hands.

If Liu Yuanchen couldn't be compensated satisfactorily, those Green Spirit Bees would have to drink. They were thousands of Spirit Bees in the later stages of swallowing spirits.

Although they are just ordinary green spirit bees, they still need to eat honey before they reach adulthood.

When you reach adulthood, you just need to eat some pollen, but when you break through the realm, you also need to eat a lot of honey.

Including the time cost, a Green Spirit Bee in the late stage of swallowing spirits is worth at least five or sixty yuan of spirit stones.

If all these Qingling Bees became Zhao Hong's food, Shennongtang would have to drink from the northwest wind for a year to make up for the losses.

Once Qingling Bee suffers heavy losses, honey production will be significantly reduced in the future, and Songyun Peak's elixir production will also be affected.

These losses add up to tens of thousands of spiritual stones.

Now is the time of the war. Once the production of elixirs is reduced, everyone in Shennongtang will suffer.

Especially the hall master and deputy hall master, a name that has no way to control the subordinates cannot escape.

With this name, you can't expect to improve your status within the sect in the future.

Although the Ye family and the Chen family have a close friendship, they cannot sacrifice their own futures to help the Chen family.

Liu Yuanchen had a smile on his face: "This disciple is not very talented. If he wants to break through the Qi Sea realm in the future, he will need the help of elixirs.

Otherwise, the Chen family will come up with an auxiliary elixir to break through the Qi Sea Realm? "

He also knew in his heart that it was impossible for the Chen family to come up with so many pills.

If the price is high and the money is paid on the spot, the Chen family will definitely have to make a counter-offer.

Only by opening your mouth first can you get a price you are satisfied with.

Hearing this, Chen Changshan was furious: "Liu Yuanchen..."

"Cough cough cough..."

Before he finished speaking, Liu Yuanchen started coughing.

Looking at this posture, it seems that if Chen Changshan's voice is louder, he can be shocked to death.

Liu Qingyuan was also on the sidelines: "Manager Chen, what do you mean?
Knowing that Yuan Chen was injured, he couldn't get too excited.

By scaring him so loudly, are you trying to silence him? "

Ye Lingshuang also glanced at him, and Chen Changshan had no choice but to hold back his anger.

He tried to lower his voice: "Liu Xiaoyou, an auxiliary elixir to break through the Qi Sea realm usually requires more than five thousand spirit stones.

Now that the war has begun, the price of elixirs has skyrocketed, and even 1 yuan of spiritual stones may not be possible.

Although our Chen family is pretty good among small forces, we still cannot produce so many spiritual stones at once.

Moreover, these elixirs are strategic resources and are extremely difficult to sell. "

Liu Yuanchen looked indifferent: "That's it, then there's nothing I can do about it.

Deputy Hall Master Zhao said before that if there was no explanation, he would drink Qing Ling Bee. "

Ye Lingshuang came out to smooth things over: "It's difficult to raise an auxiliary elixir, so let's let the Chen family compensate for one elixir."

Hearing this, Chen Changshan looked much better.

There are four kinds of auxiliary elixirs. The cheapest blood jade elixir costs only about one thousand spirit stones.

"My Chen family is willing to give you a blood jade pill."

Liu Yuanchen sneered: "I don't need an auxiliary pill, but at least give me a pulse-strengthening pill."

Among the auxiliary elixirs for breaking through the Qi Sea Realm, Gumai Dan is the most valuable and the one that Liu Yuanchen needs the most.

After all, other elixirs are meant to make up for one's own shortcomings. If one's own Qi, blood, magic power, and spiritual consciousness are strong enough, there is no need to use these elixirs.

Only Gumai Pill is used to save life and cannot be replaced at all.

Chen Changshan shook his head: "We, the Chen family, can't do anything about this. All the major forces attach great importance to Gumai Pill, and few of it is spread outside.

If small forces want the Meridian Strengthening Pill, they usually collect the medicinal materials themselves and find an alchemist to refine it. "

"You can also give me a piece of the pulse-strengthening elixir."

Chen Changshan shook his head again: "No, Songyun Peak does have a ready-made elixir, but who dares to touch it?"

Liu Yuanchen thought in his heart that what he needed most was the Pulse Strengthening Pill, and the second was the Concentration Pill to quickly replenish his consciousness.

Since you can't get the Strengthening Pulse Pill, let's get the Concentration Pill first.

“If you don’t have the Pulse-Consolidating Pill, you should at least give me a Concentrating Soul Pill.

In addition, I have to give me some seeds of various elixirs for refining auxiliary elixirs.

Your Chen family has been rooted in Shennong Hall for thousands of years, let alone that you can't come up with something like this.

If it doesn't work, there's no need to talk. "

Liu Yuanchen has already made two concessions, and there is no reason to make any more concessions.

Ye Lingshuang also looked at Chen Changshan, waiting for him to make a decision.

Shennongtang wipes the Chen family’s butt, but the Chen family also needs to know what’s going on.

Chen Changshan gritted his teeth: "Okay, I'll give it!"

(End of this chapter)

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