Chapter 240 Late stage of Yuan Condensation
The compass Ling Yu was talking about was naturally the embryo of a spiritual treasure.

Previously, Liu Yuanchen and Ling Yu found the remnants of the White Tiger Soul-Slaying Sword and exchanged them with Venerable Wanshan.

Ling Yu's condition was to let Venerable Wan Shan help him refine a spiritual treasure embryo.

Refining things like Lingbao has only just begun.

For this thing to really work, it will take a long time to cultivate.

In the past few years, he has spent most of his time on the Kunlun Compass.

After such a long time, the compass has finally been cultivated and can be used normally.

Of course, even if the cultivation of this compass is completed, it is still just an embryo, and it is still far from a real spiritual treasure.

Not long after, Ling Yu arrived at Dongyang Divine Mansion.

Liu Yuanchen also hurriedly greeted him: "Congratulations, uncle, for finally completing the cultivation of the spiritual treasure embryo."

Ling Yu waved his hand: "It's just a spiritual treasure embryo, on the same level as the wind and thunder stick in your hand.

At most, it can be used as a seventh-level or lower-level magic weapon, which is still far behind the Lingbao.

But in terms of power and potential, it is much stronger than the previous earth-peeping compass. "

Liu Yuanchen knew clearly in his heart that the top spiritual treasure embryos were eighth-level peak magic weapons.

This seventh-level and low-level magic weapon is not even close to half a star.

"Uncle Master, my disciple has something to ask for.

It's just that you, uncle, have been cultivating the weapon embryos before, so the disciples shouldn't disturb you. "

Ling Yu waved his hand generously: "They are all members of our own family, why are you so polite?"

"Whatever you want me to do, just say it."

Seeing how generous he was, Liu Yuanchen didn't make any more detours.

"Uncle Master, my disciple wants to build a duel venue in Panlonghufang Market."

Hearing this, Ling Yu was a little puzzled: "I have lived for hundreds of years, and I have visited almost all the famous places in the Great Xia Dynasty.

Although I am not like your master, who has been fighting with the demon clan for many years, I still know a lot about the demon clan.

I've never heard of a dueling arena. What is this? "

Liu Yuanchen chuckled lightly: "This duel arena is a way for the disciples to make money. To put it bluntly, the core of this duel arena is similar to the martial arts arena in the academy.

A large arena was set up for monks to compete.

It can be used to resolve personal grievances, or it can be used to compete purely in martial arts. "

Hearing this, Ling Yu nodded slightly: "This is not difficult, but can you make money with this method?"

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "Disciple plans to set rules, and the winner will be rewarded.

In addition, monks were allowed to place bets on winning or losing.

Dongyang Shenfu can be the banker by itself, or it can allow other monks to be the banker, and the Shenfu will take some commissions. "

Ling Yu's face showed a look of surprise: "This can solve the problem of profitability, but if you want to attract many masters to come for a duel, I'm afraid it's not that interesting."

Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "There are many ways to attract people, such as setting rules. The more consecutive wins, the more generous the rewards will be.

A hero list is set up at the entrance of the duel arena, and the [-] people with the most consecutive wins are listed on the list.

It is stipulated that monks who win ten games in a row can obtain the Meridian Strengthening Pill or even the True Yuan Pill.

Do you think it can attract monks to invest? "

Ling Yu glanced at him meaningfully: "You have quite a lot of tricks up your sleeve, but it's extremely difficult for anyone to get rid of the word 'fame and fortune'.

Come to your place to participate in a duel, you can gain fame and gain at the same time.

In particular, the Meridian Strengthening Pill and the True Essence Pill are fatally attractive to casual cultivators. "

"But monks who have the ability to win ten consecutive victories are definitely rare. You actually have to take out very few pills.

However, if this news spreads, it will definitely attract a large group of casual cultivators. "

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "That's what my disciple means, as long as you use Gumai Pill and Zhenyuan Pill to gain a reputation in the duel field.

There is no need to worry about the next thing.

Disciples can even recruit monks who perform well in the duel arena.

As long as there are many people, it will definitely bring enough profits. "

Ling Yu nodded slightly: "What you are planning is probably more than just profits, right?"

Liu Yuanchen did not hide anything: "Uncle Master Yingming, apart from making money, this disciple does have other plans.

When monks fight in the duel arena and open gambling markets, they will inevitably bring all kinds of negative energy.

These energies will become nutrients for the demonic black lotus.

This black lotus is of great benefit to the disciples' cultivation. If it is not used properly, it will be a big loss. "

Ling Yu chuckled and said: "You do have bad ideas, so that's not a bad idea.

This will not generate much negative energy and will not cause Black Lotus to grow explosively.

As it grows gradually, this demonic black lotus cannot escape from your grasp. "

"What do you want to build this duel field like, and what grade of materials and formations should you use?"

Liu Yuanchen thought for a while: "This duel field is probably a circle or oval.

In the middle is a low flat ground, surrounded by a formation.

The auditorium is built in the shape of a circular staircase, allowing all spectators to see clearly what is going on on the field. "

The architectural style described by Liu Yuanchen is similar to the stadium in previous lives.

Anyone who can stay on Panlong Mountain is basically a monk.

Their eyesight is much better than that of ordinary people, and they can see clearly even from two to three miles away.

This duel field can be made larger to provide sufficient space for the monks participating in the duel.

"As for the grade, the materials and formations of this duel field must be able to withstand at least a full blow from a monk in the early stage of the Spirit Platform Realm."

Such standards can ensure that monks in the Condensation Realm cannot destroy the formation.

Among the human race, the highest one who is willing to come out to make a living is the Condensation Realm monk.

The monks who can cultivate to the Lingtai realm either have some background or have a way to make a lot of money.

This kind of person will not come to the ring to fight.

Ling Yu nodded slightly: "This is not difficult, but you can only pay the construction cost yourself.

After all, your duel arena is not a necessary facility, and neither the Divine Court nor the sect will bear it for you.

As for this formation, I can help you set it up for free. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "Thank you for your help, uncle, my disciple plans to build the duel venue on the island in the center of Panlong Lake.

In terms of area, a two-mile square is about the same.

The current island in the middle of the lake is definitely not big enough. The disciples will use the power of heaven to continuously expand the area of ​​the island in the middle of the lake.

Just tell me how many resources you need.

Dongyang Divine Mansion has accumulated some savings in the past few years, and it is more than enough to build a duel ground. "


After negotiating with his uncle about the arena, Liu Yuanchen breathed a sigh of relief.

At least, there is no need to worry about the growth of the Demonic Black Lotus for the time being.

He penetrated the Dongyang Blessed Land with his spiritual consciousness, and used the demonic energy to cultivate the Water Moon Lotus. The lotus seed he obtained had already grown leaves.

Affected by the demonic energy, the leaves of the Water Moon Lotus also underwent obvious changes.

There is nothing special about the lotus leaves of normal Water Moon Lotus, that is, they are green lotus leaves.

Compared with ordinary lotus leaves, it has a little more water spirit.

As for the current Water Moon Lotus, the lotus leaves are dark green, and there is still a trace of black energy hidden in the veins of the leaves.

Liu Yuanchen sensed the vitality in the Water Moon Lotus and found that the Water Moon Lotus was full of vitality.

Moreover, the green ocean in Water Moon Lotus's body was mixed with wisps of demonic energy.

The two get along well with each other, and there is no demonic energy eroding their vitality.

Of course, it cannot be said that the Water Moon Lotus has been integrated with the demonic energy.The reason why the demonic energy did not erode the vitality was because there was too little demonic energy and it was not enough to have a big impact on the vitality.

If more demonic energy is injected, it will be difficult to say.

After all, demonic energy is inherently aggressive.

No matter whether they encounter living creatures or ordinary spiritual things, they will find ways to infect them.

Once this demonic energy takes over, it's going to be bad.

Right now, this Water Moon Lotus can coexist with a small amount of demonic energy.

This situation made Liu Yuanchen overjoyed.

After all, this is the second generation of Water Moon Lotus. Even if it can only barely survive under the erosion of demonic energy, it is already quite difficult.

And this Water Moon Lotus should be immune to the influence of demonic energy.

The Water Moon Lotus is a perennial spiritual plant. This Water Moon Lotus can grow more lotus seeds with demonic energy.

In order to cultivate spiritual plants that carry demonic energy, a steady stream of experimental materials is provided.

In this way, when cultivating three generations of Water Moon Lotus in the future, you can increase the strength.

Liu Yuanchen extracted a wisp of demonic energy from the demonic black lotus underground in Panlong Mountain and blended it into the Water Moon Lotus.

Then, he used the Armor Wood Withered Rong Technique on it, blending it into a ball of green mana to balance the wisp of evil energy.


All matters of Dongyang Divine Mansion are managed by dedicated personnel, so there is no need for Liu Yuanchen to worry about it.

In the following days, Liu Yuanchen focused his main energy on cultivation.

More than three years have passed, and Liu Yuanchen is 53 years old.

At this time, he was sitting cross-legged in a quiet room in the backyard of Dongyang Shenfu.

He continuously pulled out wisps of demonic energy from the ground and introduced it into the sea of ​​consciousness.

After refining the ginseng fruit tree fairy seeds and the Jumangzu witchcraft true shape diagram, the evil energy was quickly transformed into a large amount of mana and gang energy.

In the middle dantian, the 120-foot-diameter sea of ​​​​qi is constantly making waves.

Groups of mist-like mana are constantly blending in.

At the bottom of the mana sea is a ball of jade-white energy nearly ten feet in diameter.

These energies are Liu Yuanchen's true essence.

At this time, the diameter of the true energy sea has reached more than nine feet and nine feet.

As long as the diameter of the True Yuan Qi Sea reaches ten feet, the cultivation will reach the late stage of the Condensing Yuan Realm.

True Yuan is transformed from mana. To cultivate True Yuan, one must slowly improve the quality of mana.

At this time, Liu Yuanchen continued to integrate mana into the sea of ​​​​qi.

He continued to run his skills, compressing and refining the newly condensed mana, turning it from mist into liquid.

Finally, the liquid mana merged into the air sea.

The Qi Sea has reached its extreme level and cannot be improved any further.

As more mana is incorporated, some mana will be converted into real energy.

Of course, this is the general case.

Now that Liu Yuanchen's cultivation level has reached the threshold of the late stage of Condensing Yuan Realm, it is very difficult to increase his true Yuan even a little bit.

The threshold blocks the way forward. There are only two ways to cross the threshold.

One is to jump over, the other is to step over.

The former is to use the power of some elixirs and spiritual objects to provide greater breakthrough power and forcefully break through.

The latter is the foundation for continuous improvement. The foundation is like a stepping stone. As long as there are enough stepping stones, no matter how high the threshold is, you can always pass it.

The former is eager for quick success and is overdrawing its own potential.

The latter is the long-term solution, and it is a steady approach.

Liu Yuanchen worked tirelessly to run the skills and improve the quality of his magic power over and over again.

The higher the quality of mana, the stronger the foundation.

In order to cross this threshold as soon as possible, except for making clouds and rain on Panlong Mountain, he spent all his time on cultivation.

A month passed quickly, and the magic power in Liu Yuanchen's body became more viscous.

It is already very difficult to continue compressing and refining.

Every time the skill is run, a ray of mana condenses into true energy and merges into the sea of ​​true energy.

Although it is very difficult, the sea of ​​true energy is still expanding steadily.

Suddenly, this strenuous feeling disappeared without a trace.

As long as the technique runs for a week, a large amount of mana will be converted into true energy.

Liu Yuanchen was delighted, it seemed that he had crossed the threshold.

He collected his mind and continued to run his skills, generating more true energy.

In this process, there is no need to absorb too much spiritual energy. The magic power fed back by the blessed land is enough, and the entire Panlong Mountain is extremely peaceful.

The practice lasted for three full days, and the speed of converting mana into true energy slowed down significantly.

Only then did Liu Yuanchen stop running his skills, and his spiritual consciousness explored the sea of ​​energy in his middle Dantian.

I saw that the true energy sea at the bottom of the mana energy sea had reached a diameter of twelve feet.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the recent breakthrough, the diameter of the true energy sea increased by two feet in just three days.

Later, he probed his spiritual consciousness into Dongyang Blessed Land to see the changes in the spiritual veins in the blessed land.

After his own cultivation breakthrough, the spiritual energy generated by the main spiritual vein and the third spiritual vein in the blessed land became more and more intense.

Liu Yuanchen understood clearly in his heart: "Sure enough, my cultivation determines the upper limit of the grade of the spiritual veins in the blessed land.

As my cultivation level increases, the upper limit of the spiritual vein level in the blessed land will also increase accordingly. "

He sensed the second spiritual vein again. A few years later, this spiritual vein was still a first-order mid-grade.

To talk about progress, it means that it is not far from the first-order top grade.

After all, it has no root spiritual veins, and its early growth rate is really annoying.

When the energy in the spiritual vein jade tree recovers a little, I will condense another earth spirit seed and integrate it into this second spiritual vein.

With the Earth Spirit Seed, the growth rate of this spiritual vein should be much faster.

Then, he focused on the Seven Treasure Gourd Vine.

Within a few years of planting, the gourd vine has grown four to five feet long.

The leaves have also grown a lot, and each leaf is shining with seven-color aura.

Liu Yuanchen was also quite happy. The leaves of the gourd vine can have seven colors of spiritual light, which means that this gourd vine has gathered together the seven energies of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements.

As long as subsequent cultivation is done properly, there is the potential to grow gourds with seven different attributes.

However, this Seven Treasure Gourd is a fifth-level spiritual plant.

The higher the level of the spiritual plant, the longer its growth cycle.

If you want to wait for this thing to bear fruit, you may have to wait for how many years.

Then, he set his sights on the waters on the eastern edge of the blessed land.

At this time, the area of ​​​​water has reached a radius of one mile.

In the center of the water area, there are more than a dozen dark green lotus leaves.

Among the lotus leaves, there are two black lotus flowers and a dry lotus pod.

There were five full seeds in the lotus pod, which were fully mature at this time.

Liu Yuanchen took out the five seeds and sensed the vitality in them.

In these lotus seeds, the vitality is as deep as the ocean.

It's just that the color of this vitality is not quite right. It's no longer turquoise, but rather dark green.

(End of this chapter)

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