Chapter 241 Heroes List

Seeing this situation, Liu Yuanchen was also overjoyed.

The color of the life force in these lotus seeds changes, apparently due to the influence of demonic energy.

Moreover, this influence is so profound that preliminary integration has even been completed.

As long as these five lotus seeds can grow up and bloom and bear normal lotus seeds.

That means that Water Moon Lotus can already carry demonic energy, and this series of methods will be considered successful.

Water Moon Lotus can carry demonic energy and can coexist with the demonic energy without being affected, but it does not mean that Water Moon Lotus can control demonic energy.

It just means that Shuiyuelian already has the foundation to control demonic energy.

Although it is just the basics, there are many monks who have studied using spiritual plants to control demonic energy, and only a few can do this.

With this foundation, the probability of successfully controlling demonic energy in the future is very high.

It only takes one generation to cultivate spiritual plants step by step, and it is only a matter of time before a spiritual plant that can control demonic energy is cultivated.

Others have studied demonic energy and spent dozens of generations, but they may not be able to achieve symbiosis between spiritual plants and demonic energy.

I have only trained the third generation, and I have already begun to see results.

Liu Yuanchen also had some speculations in his mind, perhaps because his magic power came from the inheritance of Zhenyuan Immortal.

Moreover, his magic power also contains the special energy of the ginseng fruit tree.

The source of the demonic energy in the black lotus may be the twelfth-grade world-destroying black lotus.

From a root point of view, it is hard to say which one is stronger than the ginseng fruit mother tree or the twelve-level world-destroying black lotus.

However, the ginseng fruit tree in his hands is the second generation descendant of the mother tree.

In terms of heels and feet, it is definitely much stronger than the Broken Lotus Platform of the Black Lotus Sect.

What's more, the demonic black lotus under Panlong Mountain is just a ray of energy derived from the black jade lotus platform.

When these Water Moon Lotuses were infected by evil spirits, they also received the special energy of the ginseng fruit tree.

In Shuiyuelian's body, the demonic energy is suppressed and cannot cause unbridled destruction.

If you use tamed demonic energy to cultivate spiritual plants, the success rate will naturally be much higher.

Untamed demonic energy is like a hungry wolf, while tamed demonic energy is like a puppy.

Compared with the two, the latter naturally makes arousal easier.

It was originally estimated that it would take at least a hundred years before a spiritual plant capable of controlling demonic energy could be cultivated.

Now it seems that it only takes 20 to [-] years to successfully cultivate it.

He once again used the Yimu Peiyuan Technique to cultivate these lotus seeds, and then attracted a little demonic energy to blend into the lotus seeds.

Then the lotus seeds were sprinkled into the lake on the eastern edge of Dongyang Paradise and allowed to grow on their own.


Liu Yuanchen took back his consciousness and walked out of Dongyang Divine Mansion.

After clouds and rain descended on Panlong Mountain, the entire mountain was watered.

Standing on the top of the mountain, overlooking Panlong Hufang City, you can see the duel ground on the island in the middle of the lake.

At this time, the island in the center of the lake has expanded from a small circular island with a radius of one mile to a radius of more than three miles.

The extra land was naturally used to build a dueling ground and some attached shops.

From the beginning of planning to the completion of the construction of this duel field, it only took more than half a year.

Soon after that, it was put into use.

This duel ground is a circular building with a radius of two miles, and its layout is similar to the sports ground in the previous life.

All business related to the dueling arena is under the direct jurisdiction of the Executive Hall.

Liu Yuanchen also handed over the specific operational methods to Liu Qingming, the elder of the executive hall.

After the duel arena opened, the wind was released.

The monk who achieves ten consecutive victories in the duel arena will receive a Meridian Strengthening Pill.

If you can win twenty times in a row, you can get a True Essence Pill.

As soon as the news was released, countless casual cultivators participated in the duel.

The speed at which casual cultivators deliver news is always very fast.

In just a few days, the news spread throughout the entire Chihuang Kingdom.

Suddenly, more people came to participate in the duel.

After the dueling arena opened, it made millions of spirit stones in the first year. This was the net profit after deducting costs.

The net income in the second year exceeded 200 million spirit stones.

The third year is only half over, and the income is estimated to be around 300 million.

Liu Yuanchen had been busy practicing in the past few years and had not paid much attention to matters in the arena.

I just want to give you some opinions and let the executive hall figure it out on their own.

Now that the cultivation level has been broken through, it will take at least 30 to [-] years to reach the peak of the Condensing Yuan Realm.

In a short period of time, there is no need to spend too much effort on cultivation.

I happened to be in a good mood after the breakthrough, so I went to this duel field to have a look.

He changed into the clothes of a casual cultivator and came to the north gate of the duel ground.

I saw a stone tablet more than ten feet high in front of the north gate.

On the top of the stone tablet, there are three characters "Hero List" engraved on it.

Under these three characters, there are names of people formed by the convergence of auras. These are the top [-] monks in the duel arena.

This record is calculated based on the overall score of wins and losses. Points are added for a win and points are deducted for a loss.

There will be more bonus points for a winning streak, and of course more points will be deducted for a losing streak.

This method is also Liu Yuanchen's reference to the ranking gameplay of some games in his previous life.

It is used to stimulate people's desire to win, and the effect is very good.

Behind each name on the list is the number of wins and losses, as well as the monk's basic information.

If you dig in with your spiritual sense, you can also view the photos of this person's every battle.

Of course, it costs money to view battle photos, which is also one of the city's incomes.

This hero list is also a magic weapon, and its main function is to save the monk's combat information.

Liu Yuanchen looked up at the top of the list and saw that the man's name was Li Heng.

The above introduction shows that Li Heng is in the middle stage of Condensing Yuan Realm and has won eight consecutive victories.

His total number of games is fifteen, with thirteen wins and two losses.

He was born as a student of Chihuang Academy and a monk of Houtu Sect.

Li Heng and Liu Yuanchen were old acquaintances. They were also classmates when they were at Nanxue Palace in Luochuan Kingdom.

When they participated in the trial of Ten Thousand Monsters Blessed Land, they fought side by side.

I just didn't expect that this guy would come over to compete for the hero list.

Needless to say, he is very capable and has every hope of winning ten consecutive games.

However, there is no guarantee of success.

After all, the battle in the duel arena requires a battle of equal cultivation levels.

Cross-border battles require active application, and both parties have no objections before the war can begin.

Li Heng has good talent, but there are not many people in the academy system who can compete with him.

At this moment, several monks were surrounding the hero list, seemingly copying the information on the list.

Liu Yuanchen was a little curious and asked a monk: "Fellow Taoist, you copied the contents of this list. I wonder what they are used for?"

The monk just waved his hand: "I'm busy, you can ask others."

At this time, a young monk said with a smile: "Junior brother Liu is really in a good mood, and he even came here to watch the fun in the white dragon fish suit."

Liu Yuanchen turned around and saw that it was Wan Yutang.

"Senior Brother Wan, are you here to see the fun too?"

Wan Yutang shook his head: "Of course not, I'm here for business.

The hero list you created has quite a reputation now.

Even Daxia Shenchao Yuandu got the news. "

"I heard that there are talented students from various schools coming here to compete for the No. 1 spot on the hero list." "Geniuses from all over the world gather together, and business here is particularly easy.

Therefore, I often visit here. "

This was also within Liu Yuanchen's expectation. He started this thing just to attract more people.

Now that the reputation is established, profits will naturally increase.

"Then they copied this hero list to promote the hinterland of the Great Xia Kingdom?"

Wan Yutang nodded: "Yes, originally my Wanbao Chamber of Commerce announced the hero list in Yuandu every month.

At the end of the month, the hero list will be printed and sold in Yuandu.

Being on the hero list at the end of this month is equivalent to being recorded in history.

After more than two years, it has become a routine. "

"Many forces recruit talents and will try their best to select people on this hero list.

In order to show their strength, some forces will also send people to enter the hero list.

You should also know the current number one Li Heng, the number one genius of the Houtu Sect’s generation.

His inclusion on this list was supported by the old guys from the Houtu Sect. "

"Geniuses from all forces come here to compete in martial arts, which saves them the trouble of internal fighting. All forces are happy to see the results."

"As for other people copying the hero list, it is also to sell it for money.

Regardless of whether it is the end-of-month hero list, it has a strong reference value. "

This was beyond Liu Yuanchen's expectation. Co-authoring a hero list has become a platform for all parties to show their strength and compete for face.

However, as various forces compete with each other, the investment will naturally not be small.

As a result, Dongyang Shenfu's income will be even greater.

“I was tossing around this duel field and the hero list just to earn some spiritual stones.

I didn't expect that this little trick would cause so much trouble.

By the way, with so many forces in the human race, aren’t there other places that can follow suit? "

Wan Yutang smiled and said: "Of course there are imitations, but no imitators can compare with the list of heroes in Panlong Lake.

Dongyang Divine Mansion was the first to come up with the hero list, and its name is the most resounding.

Everyone competes to be first in order to become famous.

The list of heroes created by other forces is much worse than yours.

How meaningful is it to top the list there? "

"As far as I know, Luochuan Country has created a hero list.

I heard that it was supported by King Luochuan. Currently, his influence is relatively small and he can only fool some casual cultivators. "

Liu Yuanchen sneered in his heart: This King of Luochuan really has trouble with me.

Back in Zhennan Academy, my information was leaked inexplicably.

I suspected them at that time, but I didn’t expect that they are still causing trouble now.

This King of Luochuan was probably beaten by his master, and he was also a petty person.

If you have the opportunity in the future, you must teach him a lesson.

At this moment, Li Heng's name on the hero list flashed for a few times before falling to second place.

His eight-game winning streak was gone, and his overall record became [-] wins and three losses.

Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised: "My duel field has really attracted experts. There are not many people who can defeat Li Heng."

Wan Yutang smiled and said: "This is not surprising, all the forces have sent outstanding disciples.

Although Li Heng's talent is not weak, he is far from invincible at the same level. "

"Speaking of which, I have to thank you.

As soon as your duel ground opened, Wanbao Chamber of Commerce's business here has improved a lot.

The profit of this store last year has exceeded the total profit of all stores in Tieding County.

If this continues, it won't be long before the profit of this Panlong Lake store will exceed that of the entire Qingdan County.

When I bought a piece of land on the island in the middle of the lake, I really made a lot of money. "

Liu Yuanchen was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that this duel field could bring such huge benefits.

On second thought, it seems normal.

After all, the monk participated in a duel, his magic weapon was damaged, and he needed elixirs when he was injured.

Next to it is the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce store. The quality of the magical artifacts and elixirs is nothing to say. How can the business be bad?
Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "In that case, you have to give me a discount when I go to Wanbao Chamber of Commerce to buy spiritual items."

Wan Yutang was also extremely generous: "This is a small matter. If you come to buy anything from now on, you will get a [-]% discount."

At this moment, arrogant shouts came from the duel arena: "Who else?"

Moreover, this shout was quite familiar to Liu Yuanchen.

Using the Tiandao Divine Realm to investigate, it was found that this person was an acquaintance, and it was An Changsheng, the prince of An Kingdom.

"If An Changsheng doesn't treat him well as his Prince An, why would he come here to join in the fun?"

Wan Yutang said with a smile: “He aspires to be the best in the world, so it’s strange that he just comes to join in the fun.

Just in time, let's go in and see the excitement. "

Liu Yuanchen had no objection, and the two of them spent ten spiritual stones each to enter the duel.

Tickets to the duel arena are also an important source of income.

Initially, Liu Yuanchen did not plan to charge admission fees.

But not long after the duel arena opened, it became more and more popular.

The huge dueling arena is always packed.

In order to control the number of people entering the duel arena, the ticket price can only be increased repeatedly.

Even so, there are still many monks willing to watch the battle.

There are some who don't care about a few spiritual stones, and there are also some monks who want to record the battle scenes in the duel and sell them for money.

After taking a seat at a high place, Liu Yuanchen took a look at the situation on the field.

I saw that the center of the duel field was divided into nine areas.

Each area corresponds to a small realm, and the realm of the monks participating in the battle is from the peak of Qi Nourishing Realm to the peak of Condensing Yuan Realm.

The auditorium is high up and every area can be easily seen.

Among the crowd, there were monks shouting: "Yang Molin, the genius of Tianji City, fights against An Changsheng, the prince of Anguo.

The odds are now one to one, so all fellow Taoists have placed their bets. "

This person's cultivation level is not low, he is in the late stage of Condensing Yuan Realm.

Beside him, there were several monks who used magic weapons to emit spiritual light, condensing a light screen to show the odds of betting.

The clothes of these people clearly indicate that they are members of the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce.

Liu Yuanchen glanced at him: "Senior Brother Wan, your Wanbao Chamber of Commerce really takes advantage of every opportunity.

Is this business also taken over by you? "

Starting a gambling business brings in money very quickly.

Of course, if you lose, you will lose money quickly.

There is no one under Dongyang Shenfu who is good at this job.

Therefore, Liu Yuanchen wanted to take this job out and Dongyang Shenfu would get some benefits.

Although the profit is much less, it is a steady profit without loss.

Wan Yutang's expression did not change: "Of course, your Dongyang Divine Mansion allows others to open the betting market.

I act according to the rules, and [-]% of the income from each game will be given to Dongyang Shenfu.

We will give you no less in dividends, so don’t turn your back on us. "

When he heard that he could get [-]% of his income, Liu Yuanchen naturally had no objection.

“This job is not easy to do, and I’m not sure I can do it well.

Leave it to you Wanbao Chamber of Commerce, it can be considered a win-win cooperation. "

(End of this chapter)

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