Chapter 248 Mirage Tea Tree
Liu Yuanchen extracted a force of heavenly authority from the phantom of the Luochuan River and integrated it into the book of the earth.

Sure enough, an extremely faint shadow appeared on the book on the ground.

Although the specific appearance cannot be seen clearly, the general outline can be seen, which is the Luochuan River.

Seeing this situation, he was quite surprised.

It took a lot of effort to extract the power of Heavenly Dao from Panlong Mountain and leave a mark on the Book of Earth.

Especially before Panlongshan was promoted, there were only six kinds of eighth-level authority. After several days of hard work, the mark could not be significantly deepened.

And this Luochuan River mark only absorbed the power of Heaven's authority once, and it is much clearer than the original Panlong Mountain mark.

Liu Yuanchen was not surprised when this happened.

After all, among the powers of heaven, there is already the seventh-level authority left by the Luochuan Dragon King.

Moreover, these powers were condensed in the Luochuan River Basin.

With the function of Luochuan Blessed Land, it should be possible to obtain energy from the Luochuan River.

The higher the level of authority, the better the effect will be.

He once again extracted energy from the phantom of Luochuan River and blended it into the book of the earth, making the mark more obvious.

At the same time, the shadow of Luochuan River in the sea of ​​consciousness became a little dim.

Then, he took out an ingot of 20 taels of incense silver.

A stream of gray-white energy was extracted from it and blended into the phantom of Luochuan River.

Nourished by the power of incense, in the shadow of Luochuan River, the power of heavenly authority was filled again.


In the Chihuang Academy of Qingdan City, Liu Yuanchen's clone was reading classics in the collection room.

As a palace of Chinese learning, Chihuang Academy’s various knowledge-based classics and various inheritances are not comparable to those of County Academy.

At first, in order to decipher the inheritance left by the Dragon King of Luochuan, Liu Yuanchen spent several years in the storage room of the County Academy.

After breaking through the Ning Yuan Realm and entering the Guoxue Palace, he was busy with the Dongyang Divine Palace.

I didn’t stay too long at the Guoxue Palace.

Now that he had clones, Liu Yuanchen asked one of them to stay in the Chinese Academy of Sciences Palace for a long time.

In addition to reading various classics, he also learned some fighting spells.

For example, the thick earth evil seal that can cooperate with the power of the mountain god Taishan to suppress evil has a very strong suppressive effect.

Although this spell is not very powerful, it is good at both offense and defense.

If you have the leisure, you can sacrifice and refine a thick earth seal magic weapon.

The combination of magic weapon and spell can exert considerable power.

Of course, Liu Yuanchen was not interested in magical weapons.

With the cooperation of the authority of Mount Tai, the thick earth suppressing evil seal can mobilize the power of a mountain, which is stronger than any magical weapon.

Within the scope of the Heavenly Dao Divine Domain in Panlong Mountain, no one in the Lingtai realm can stop him.

Weaker Lingtai realm monks may not be able to withstand it.

At this time, he was holding a demon clan book and reading it with gusto.

Over the years, his research on demon literature has not relaxed.

There are still many things in the classics left by the Dragon King of Luochuan that have not been translated.

In particular, the True God of Heaven who became Luochuan Blessed Land also inherited the legacy of Luochuan Dragon King.

Luochuan Blessed Land has established a connection with Luochuan River through the secret technique of holding mountains and rivers.

If all the Luochuan Dragon King's inheritance can be deciphered, it should be of great benefit to the future growth of the Water God's authority.

At this moment, he suddenly received a message from his master, asking him to go to the county governor's house.

Liu Yuanchen's clone immediately left Chihuang Academy and came to the backyard of the Sheriff's Mansion.

I saw my master was enjoying tea. He was like a quail, making tea honestly at the side.

Apparently, it had just been cleaned up.

Liu Yuanchen bowed and saluted: "Disciple sees the master, sees the master."

Zhang Lingxu nodded slightly: "No need to be polite, I'm going back to Taoshan Mountain.

I have already brought you the Three Lights Lingyuan Pill and the Hundred-year-old Flat Peach. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was filled with joy.

The presence of hundred-year-old flat peach can extend the life of parents for hundreds of years.

"Thank you, Master!"

Zhang Lingxu waved his hand: "It's a trivial matter."

After that, take out two peaches.

This peach is not big, just about the size of an adult fist.

The whole peach is yellow-white, with only a slight red tip.

There are wisps of brilliance flowing on the whole peach, which has a somewhat magical flavor.

Liu Yuanchen took the peach: "Master, this disciple will take the hundred-year-old flat peach to Dongyang Lake for a trip."

Zhang Lingxu chuckled: "Why are you so anxious, kid?"

"This time I returned to Daoshan. In addition to the spiritual objects you need, there are also some other spiritual plants.

Your Panlong Mountain has abundant rainfall, water clouds cover the sky, and is shrouded in clouds and mist all year round. It is a good place to plant spiritual tea trees. "

After that, he took out a small tea tree about one foot tall and said: "This is the unique mirage cloud tea on Dao Dao Mountain, and its origin can be traced back to the ancient tea tree of Dao Dao.

Wendaocha is the strongest spiritual plant under the spiritual root, and can be called a sacred tree.

This Mirage Cloud Tea did not inherit the same qualities as the Ancient Dao Dao Tea, but after drinking it, it also had the effect of improving one's understanding for a short time.

Drinking this tea regularly can also improve your spiritual consciousness. "

"The real magical effects of this tea don't stop there. You can only experience it when you reach the Soul Condensation Realm."

There is nothing magical about this tea tree, only the top buds emit wisps of mist.

This mist condenses and never disperses, always hovering around the terminal buds.

Wisps of mist condensed together, transformed into dragon shapes, and finally penetrated into the top buds.

The mist released by a small tea tree sapling can condense into the image of a mirage without external help, which is truly extraordinary.

The land in the Red Wasteland is barren and spiritual energy is lacking. There is no force that specializes in growing tea trees.

If this mirage dragon tea can be cultivated, it can seize the opportunity.

Liu Yuanchen looked happy and quickly took the tea sapling.

"Thank you, master."

Zhang Lingxu nodded slightly: "How is your alchemy skills now?"

Although Liu Yuanchen often stayed in Luochuan Blessed Land in recent years, he really didn't waste time on alchemy.

The success rate of the Condensing Yuan Pill used to improve cultivation in the Condensing Yuan Realm has reached over [-]%.

As for other third-level elixirs, he had not refined them much.

After all, third-level elixirs are rarely seen on the market.

He also obtained the Yuan Condensing Pill from the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce.

"The disciple has refined the Yuan Ning Dan and has an [-]% success rate.

As for the other third-level elixirs, they have not been refined yet. "

Zhao Hong smiled and said: "Yuan Chen, your talent for alchemy is not very high!

But it doesn't matter, just take your time. "


Before he could finish his words, he was kicked out by Zhang Lingxu.

It wasn't until he hit a wall that he finally stopped.

Zhang Lingxu said angrily: "You know nothing! Yuan Chen broke through to the Condensing Yuan Realm in his early 40s. In just over ten years, he has already reached the late stage of the Condensing Yuan Realm.

Moreover, he is also a fellow practitioner of the Third Path.

He spent a lot of effort to ambush the demon clan before.

Not only that, Panlong Mountain has become increasingly prosperous under his management.The annual income of a mere Panlonghufang City has exceeded that of Qinghe County. "

“Third-level elixirs are relatively rare in the Red Wasteland.

Even so, he still increased the success rate of Ning Yuan Dan to [-]%. "

"What about you? I will teach you how to make alchemy step by step.

As early as nearly 30 years ago, you were able to refine seventh-level elixirs.

Now that you have achieved a breakthrough in cultivation, what is your rate of becoming a pill? "

Zhao Hong got up and said, "Back to Master, my disciple's elixir success rate has just reached [-]%."

Zhang Lingxu snorted coldly: "You still have the nerve to say that you are just idle all day and don't focus on refining alchemy.

You still want to become the Alchemy King, so don’t embarrass me and your master. "

Zhao Hong once again stood aside and made tea like a quail.

Zhang Lingxu changed into = with a smile on his face: "Yuan Chen, from now on, spend more time on alchemy.

With your alchemy talent, it won't be long before you can try to refine the Three Lights Lingyuan Pill. "


Liu Yuanchen's clone left Qingdan City with two hundred-year-old flat peach and mirage tea saplings.

Take the Incense Passage all the way back to Panlong Mountain and hand the Mirage Tea Sapling to Liu Yuanchen.

The main body held the tea sapling, casually performed the Jiamu Withered Rong Technique, and injected a ball of mana into it.

The roots of the tea sapling left the spiritual soil and stayed in the storage bag for a long time before entering a deep sleep state.

Although the vitality is strong, it is not too active.

At this time, with Liu Yuanchen's magic power, the ocean of vitality began to boil.

Many leaves released wisps of mist, converging into a mirage several feet long.

Liu Yuanchen probed his consciousness into the mist mirage, and broken images suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Suddenly, a picture expanded rapidly, encompassing his consciousness.

This is a not particularly high mountain, and there is a quite ancient tea tree on the mountain.

Two old men were sipping tea under the tree, one of them was his master.

Then, the scene in front of him shattered.

Another broken picture appeared, wrapping his consciousness.

At this time, Liu Yuanchen found himself harvesting golden silk rice on Yujin Mountain.

He remembered this scene clearly. It was exactly the scene when he had just left the Qingdan Sect Mountain Gate and went to Yujin Mountain to avoid disaster.

The picture was broken again, Liu Yuanchen quickly withdrew his consciousness, and all the broken pictures in front of him disappeared.

The mist mirage also got into the mirage tea saplings and disappeared.

Liu Yuanchen breathed a long sigh of relief: "It is said that the mirage sprayed by the mirage dragon can create illusions. This mirage dragon tea can get this name because [-]% of the fog produced also has the effect of mirage."

“A mere sapling, a third-level spiritual plant, has already produced such a magical effect.

If it is allowed to grow up, this mist mirage dragon may give rise to even more powerful illusions. "

He casually planted Mirage tea saplings in the back garden of Dongyang Shenfu, where there were also clouds and mist, and a spiritual spring providing spiritual energy.

For Mirage Dragon Tea, this environment is perfect.

As for the clone, he went to Dongyang Lake with two hundred-year-old peaches.

The clone arrived at Liu Yuanchen's small courtyard, and his parents were both there.

Although my father is a monk, he is over eighty and has an obvious aging look.

His hair has turned gray and there are many wrinkles on his face.

He looks like an ordinary person in his 60s or [-]s.

My mother is a mortal. After she is over eighty, her hair is already full of white hair and her face is full of wrinkles.

Fortunately, he often takes various spiritual things sent by Liu Yuanchen, and his body is still relatively strong.

Although there are ordinary people who live to be a hundred years old, most of them are people with extraordinary physical talents.

The vast majority of mortals can only live five to sixty years at most.

Seeing the clone falling from the sky, Liu Qingyun was full of surprise: "Why are there two Yuan Chen?"

Liu Yuanchen originally had two clones. When he had just condensed the clones, he sent one of them to move around Dongyang Lake.
Firstly, it is to guard against sneak attacks by the demon clan, and secondly, it is often to take care of parents.

At this time, the clone was cooking in the fire room.

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "Father, these two are my clones.

My true body is stationed at Panlong Mountain and I cannot leave at will.

By chance, I got a secret technique of clone.

After the sacrifice was made, a clone was sent to perform filial piety. "

Liu Qingyun waved his hands repeatedly: "You have to take care of a lot of things now, and these clones can also help deal with some things if they stay with you.

Although your mother and I are old, we are not old enough to need anyone to take care of us. "

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "Father, don't worry, now the fourth uncle and the eighth uncle are working at Panlong Mountain.

With their help, I don't have any chores to deal with. "

After that, he took out two hundred-year-old flat peaches: "Father, mother, this is the life-extending treasure I found for you, called the hundred-year-old flat peach.

A mortal who eats one can extend his life by a hundred years.

Father, you are a monk, so the effect of this flat peach is somewhat inferior.

But after taking it, it will extend your life by 80 to [-] years, so there should be no problem. "

Upon hearing this, Liu Qingyun shook his head repeatedly: "Although I have never seen much of the world, I also know a lot about the world of immortality.

As a means of extending life, I have only heard of the Life Extension Pill.

Although that thing is not ordinary, it can only extend your life by ten years at most. "

"I heard that one life-extending pill can be worth fifty or sixty thousand spiritual stones."

“This flat peach of yours can extend your life for a hundred years, and I’m afraid it’s worth hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones.

Dongyang Divine Mansion also needs spiritual stones, why waste so many spiritual stones on us? "

Liu Yuanchen shook his head: "I asked my master for this. He planted several flat peach trees and didn't need me to spend the spirit stones.

You can rest assured, I also planted a peach tree on Panlong Mountain.

In a few decades, it should be able to bear fruit. "

Zhang Ling also quickly said: "I have lived for more than eighty years, and I have lived enough.

Those familiar people back then are all dead now.

On your natal side, your cousin also passed away a few years ago.

Apart from our family, I have no relatives. "

"Your father still has to take care of family affairs. I'm at home alone with no one to talk to."

“I heard that people who die in our clan will come to you.

It's interesting to be accompanied by those old neighbors and relatives. "

Liu Yuanchen didn't expect that his mother would be so open-minded about life and death.

Liu Qingyun continued: "Since you joined the Qingdan Sect, your mother and I have not been able to help you with anything. On the contrary, you often send various spiritual objects back."

"Your mother and I have also looked away. Anyway, after death, we will live in your spiritual realm, which will save you from worrying about it all day long."

Seeing that his parents didn't want to eat the hundred-year-old flat peach, Liu Yuanchen was quite helpless.

"These hundred-year-old flat peaches are of no use to me. Since I brought them all, you can eat them."

Liu Qingyun waved his hand: "I have also heard about some things about the demon clan. Your mother and I have always been your weakness while we are alive.

If the demon clan uses the two of us to threaten you and make you betray the human clan, wouldn't you be in a dilemma?

Both your mother and I have lived enough. We should die as soon as possible and go to your Shinto spiritual realm to enjoy our blessings and save you from worrying about us. "

"These two flat peaches are worth a lot of money, you can sell them.

Hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones are not a small amount, and they will always have some effect on you. "

(End of this chapter)

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