Chapter 249 Undercover Plan
Liu Yuanchen tried his best to get his parents to agree to eat the [-]-year-old flat peach.

Father's worries are indeed justified. In the previous battle at Panlong Mountain, the demon clan was defeated miserably.

In any case, he was registered with the Monster Clan.

Even if the demon clan does not take the initiative to attack Panlong Mountain, it is still possible that they are causing trouble behind the scenes.

His parents were his biggest weakness, and he might have thought of this trick and arrested his parents.

As the divine king who opened the mansion, he opened up the spiritual realm.

The deceased can be introduced to live in the spiritual realm. As long as the incense continues, the ghost can always live in the spiritual realm.

With his own list of gods, his parents can also be named gods after a hundred years.

When conferring a god, one needs to send a ray of soul to the list of gods.

As long as the list of gods is intact, even if the gods die, they can be resurrected with the power of incense.

With the divine position, there is no need to consider the issue of longevity.

Not only can I live with my deceased peers and elders, but I can also see my younger generations from time to time.

With these things around, parents don't care much about death.

For monks with excellent talents, becoming a god means becoming a lackey of the divine court and not being free.

For ordinary people and low-level monks, becoming a god is a great blessing.

His parents had already made their choice, and Liu Yuanchen couldn't say anything.

He put away the hundred-year-old flat peaches and asked about his eldest brother's family.

"Father, are my eldest brother and sister-in-law still working in Qinghe County?"

Liu Qingyun nodded: "Yes, now Huzi and Alan have already broken through the Qi Sea Realm, and are now studying in Qingdan Academy.

Huzi's talent is better and he has already broken through the late stage of Qihai.

Alan is a little worse, and is currently at the middle stage of Qi Sea.

Besides, they are all grown up, so there is no need to take care of them. Your eldest brother and sister-in-law are all working in the shop in Qinghe County. "

"They are not young anymore. It is estimated that they will have to come back to live in a few years."

Huzi has good talent and entered Qinghe Martial Arts Academy since he was a child.

In addition, the original supervisor of Qinghe Martial Arts Academy was a disciple of Bahuang Pavilion, so he received a lot of care.

In the early stages of cultivation, the skills and resources are very good.

The foundation is solid enough, the talent is pretty good, and the progress in cultivation is not slow.

At the age of 25, he had already broken through the Qi Sea Realm.

At that time, Liu Yuanchen wanted to prepare a breakthrough pill for him, but the family was already ready, so Liu Yuanchen did not persist.

Now, Huzi is already in his thirties.

With his talent, there is hope that he can enter Chihuang Academy.

Now that I have reached the late stage of Qi Sea Realm, I can only practice at a normal speed.

Of course, if you want to go one step further and join the Daxia Academy, it is completely impossible.

When he enters the Chihuang Academy, he doesn't need to do much to take over the position of head of the Liu family in Dongyang.


To spend time with your parents at home, you only need a clone.

Another clone was once again assigned by Liu Yuanchen to do something.

He wants this clone to build an intelligence system.

As for the method of construction, it is natural to use the eyes and ears.

During the Blood Sea Trial, the intelligence system was built based on the eyes and ears.

Only in this way can we be free under the eyes of the demon army, and we can also take the opportunity to capture a few demon tribes with weak defenses.

After opening the Dongyang Divine Mansion, he has been busy on Panlong Mountain.

To build an intelligence system, you need to travel everywhere.

He needs to sit in Panlong Mountain, so he doesn't have time to go to various places to cultivate ears and eyes. .

The construction of the Lingzhi intelligence system is seriously inadequate.

He didn't get any news about the demon clan starting to open up wasteland and farm in Jinyu Mountain before.

The second uncle's reminder also made Liu Yuanchen realize that he seriously lacked an intelligence system.

Now that we have a clone, it's easier to handle.

The clone possesses most of the methods of the main body, and the mana is also inherited from the main body, and naturally also carries the energy from the ginseng fruit tree.

The clones can naturally use the Jiamu Withered Glory Technique and the Spring Wind Transformation Rain that comes with the Vine Dragon Withered Glory Technique.

Let the avatar walk around and cast spring breeze and rain in various places with lush vegetation.

It won't take long for the entire Qingdan County's intelligence to escape his eyes and ears.

When the time comes, there will be no problem if we arrange for capable personnel to handle this information.


After dealing with the clone matter, Ren An from the Blood Bat Cult sent another message.

It was said that there was important information from the Blood Bat Sect and that it needed to be reported in person.

After the death of Xue Mingzi, the Blood Bat Sect sent the outstanding descendant Xue Lingzi to take charge of the affairs of the Blood Bat Sect in the Red Wasteland.

Three years ago, this Xue Lingzi took the initiative to contact Ren An.

Although I have been in contact with Ren An since then, I don't seem to trust him very much.

He only asked about some trivial matters on Panlong Mountain. He neither assigned a task nor asked him to obtain important information.

Even the reward promised by Xue Mingzi had not been given to Ren An.

There is important information this time, it may be a test of Ren An by Xue Lingzi.

Liu Yuanchen did not dare to neglect and asked him to come over immediately.

Ren An is now the manager of the Formation Hall. In addition to refining the Formation Disk, he spends the rest of his time working in the west courtyard of Dongyang Divine Mansion.

After Liu Yuanchen sent the message, he arrived at the main hall of Dongyang Divine Mansion within a short time.

"Subordinates, please see the Lord God."

Liu Yuanchen waved his hand: "No need to be polite, what tasks does Xuelingzi have for you to do this time?"

Ren An replied: "Back to Shenjun, Xue Lingzi asked me to take a temporary leave and go to Jinyu City to prepare to break through to the Lingtai realm.

He said that he would send someone over to temporarily take over the affairs of Xieyang Inn. "

"My subordinates are suspicious. Xue Lingzi has already suspected that I have abandoned the dark side and turned to the bright side.

He wanted to lure me to Jinyu City and then kill me. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen started thinking.

When the demon clan attacked Panlong Mountain before, the Blood Bat Sect and the Demon God Sect were the pawns, and the losses were extremely heavy.

As the only survivor among the top members of the Blood Bat Cult, it would be absolutely impossible for Ren An not to be suspected.

Under normal circumstances, Xue Lingzi should assign Ren An several important tasks.

Through Ren An's performance, we can judge whether he is still loyal to the Blood Bat Cult.

But now he directly asked Ren An to go to Jinyu City to break through the Lingtai realm. This is definitely not a normal situation.

There are only two possibilities for deceiving Ren An to go to Jinyu City.

The first is to have determined that Ren An is a traitor, so he can be tricked into killing him directly.

The second is to call Ren An over and use various means to determine whether he has rebelled.

Ren An didn't have a good choice. If he didn't go to Jinyu City, it would mean he had rebelled.

If you go, your life will be in danger.

"Xue Lingzi's move is quite interesting. He can test whether you are rebelling just by saying something.

The Blood Bat Cult is a real evil cultivator, and they use many methods such as searching for souls, right? "

Ren An nodded: "This kind of method is not lacking in any force in the Pantheon Religion.

I have great doubts. They will definitely use such methods on me.

I, a Condensing Yuan Realm monk, cannot resist the Condensing Soul Realm monks. "

The methods used against souls are generally extremely overbearing.

Ren An's defection to Dongyang Divine Mansion must not be hidden under these methods.

Liu Yuanchen had a flash of inspiration: "Then he sent someone to take over the Xieyang Inn in your place. What does that mean?"

Ren An shook his head: "My subordinate has only met Xue Lingzi a few times, and there is no close friendship.

His subordinates really don't know what his methods are. "Liu Yuanchen pondered for a long time: "A mere Xieyang Inn is nothing to the Blood Bat Sect.

If he is sure that you have rebelled, he will just ask you to go back to Jinyu City. There is no need to send anyone over. "

"You took leave of absence from Panlong Mountain, and there will be no one to take care of Xieyang Inn.

If you come back a few years later, it will seem a bit abrupt. "

"If someone helps you look after the Xieyang Inn, it will look more normal when you come back in a few years."

"I speculate that Xue Lingzi is not sure that you have rebelled, but is just a little suspicious.

I asked you to go to Jinyu Mountain to test whether you have rebelled.

He sent someone over to explain that he has considered asking you to come back. "

"So, he probably won't use methods like soul searching on you, but will use methods such as ecstasy and mind-searching."

The soul-searching method is extremely rough, forcibly invading the target's sea of ​​consciousness and digging out their memories one by one.

As long as this method is used, the soul will inevitably suffer heavy damage.

To cast the soul-searching secret technique, the spiritual consciousness of the caster must be far better than that of the one being cast.

Ecstasy and interrogation are much gentler.

It usually puts the target in a hypnotic state, in which case the target has no ability to think.

No matter what others ask, he will answer truthfully based on what he knows.

Methods such as ecstasy and mind-searching have relatively little impact on the soul and will not leave permanent damage.

Ren An was relieved to hear that he would not be searched for his soul.

However, he is still worried: "Even the ecstasy and mind-searching techniques are not easy to deal with.

If I go there, won't it be like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth? "

Liu Yuanchen thought for a moment and asked, "You said last time that the Blood Spirit Son was at the Soul Condensation Realm.

The inheritance of my Bahuang Pavilion is far superior to that of the Blood Bat Sect.

I can ask the elders of the sect for some methods to see if they can help you overcome the ecstasy and mind-searching techniques. "

"You go down first, and then notify me after Xue Lingzi sends someone over."


After Ren An left, Liu Yuanchen came to the cave of the Second Master Uncle in Houshan again.

"Uncle Master, I have something to ask for your help."

Ling Yu was deducing the formation diagram. He looked up at Liu Yuanchen.

"What trouble did you get into this time?"

Liu Yuanchen showed an honest smile: "Uncle, what you said, I squatted on Panlong Mountain all day long.

If you don't go out the door or take a step toward the second door, how can you get into trouble? "

Then, he told what happened to Ren An.

Ling Yu glanced at him: "You are quite brave, you are addicted to using the spies from the Blood Bat Sect."

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "If this matter is successful, I can place an important informant within the Blood Bat Sect.

In the future, it will be much easier for the sect to destroy the Blood Bat Sect. "

"Uncle Master, your formation skills are extremely high. No one in our lineage can compare with you.

The little tricks of the Blood Bat Cult are nothing in front of you.

Isn't it a piece of cake to deal with the Blood Bat Cult's psychological questioning skills? "

This flattery made Ling Yu feel quite comfortable.

"Yes, although you are not an honest child, you still have good vision.

Unlike your master, everything is solved with fists.

Except for alchemy, he doesn't pay attention to any means. "

“He must be helpless to deal with the Blood Bat Cult.

But in the eyes of your uncle and me, this is just a piece of cake. "

After that, he took out a white square jade pendant.

"This is the sixth level awakening talisman, which can be collected into the sea of ​​consciousness.

The little bastard Xue Lingzi is only at the initial stage of soul condensation. Any method he uses such as the ecstasy spell will be suppressed by this awakening talisman. "

Liu Yuanchen asked tentatively: "Can it prevent soul searching?"

Ling Yu nodded: "Of course you can, and it will be done once and for all."

"Ren An put this awakening talisman into the sea of ​​consciousness. Once the sea of ​​consciousness is forcibly invaded by some energy, the awakening talisman will automatically detonate.

Ren An will definitely die, and the guy who uses the Soul Searching Technique can't even think of escaping. "

Liu Yuanchen gave a thumbs up: "Uncle Master's methods are really good!"

With this awakening talisman, Ren An's role can be maximized.

If you can hide it from Xue Lingzi, you will have many spies in the future.

If you can't hide it from Xue Lingzi, then take him away.


A month later, Ren An came to report again.

"Shenjun, a man from the Blood Spirit Son Sect has arrived. He is also a steward and has cultivated in the late stage of the Condensing Yuan Realm.

Moreover, this steward asked me to recommend him to work in the Divine Mansion. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "So, Xue Lingzi is not sure that you are rebelling.

I'm letting you go this time, maybe just to confirm whether you are reliable.

In this way, the possibility of him using the Soul Searching Technique on you is very small. "

After that, he took out the sixth level awakening talisman.

"This is the sixth-level awakening talisman refined by the elders of my sect. You should know its function.

Put this awakening talisman into the sea of ​​consciousness, and methods such as ecstasy will be useless to you. "

“However, this awakening talisman cannot cope with the Soul Searching Technique.

The rest depends on your acting skills.

If you can hide it from Xue Lingzi, you will survive.

If you can't hide it from Xue Lingzi, then you are out of luck. "

Ren An took the Awakening Talisman as if he was grasping a life-saving straw.

He wanted to say goodbye and leave, but he hesitated.

Liu Yuanchen saw his appearance and chuckled: "Just say what you want to say."

Ren An paused and said: "If this subordinate is exposed this time, he will definitely die.

The divine king has the right to open a mansion and confer gods, can he let his subordinates leave their names on the list of gods?

In this way, even if the subordinates die at the hands of the Blood Spirit Son, they will not be completely destroyed. "

To leave a name on the list of gods, you need to integrate a ray of soul into the list of gods.

As long as this ray of soul is there, even if his soul is expelled, there is still a chance to reunite.

Of course, this process requires a lot of incense power.

Ren An's formation methods are still good, and even if he dies, he can continue to create value.

Anyway, there is no limit on the number of gods on the list of gods. It is not a big deal to have one more minor god.

Let him take risks, and naturally he must be given some protection.

"Okay then, I will make you the eighth-grade Yin Bing Xiaowei.

You have the basics of formations. It shouldn't be difficult to help the Yin soldiers master the battle formations in the future. "

Hearing this, Ren An's face was filled with joy, this was a serious preparation.

He quickly took out a wisp of gray-white mist from the sea of ​​consciousness and handed it to Liu Yuanchen's hand.

This is just a ray of his soul, and it is also necessary to become a god.

Liu Yuanchen took out the List of Ten Thousand Gods and integrated this ray of soul into it.

Write on the Ten Thousand Gods List: Dongyang Shenfu Yinbingzheng Eighth Grade Colonel Ren An.

"You still have to communicate with the Blood Bat Sect, and you cannot have the aura of Shinto on you.

I won’t give you this golden book and jade book for the time being. "

(End of this chapter)

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