Chapter 254
This price did not exceed Liu Yuanchen's estimate. Twelve thousand taels of incense silver was equivalent to 1 million spiritual stones.

"Uncle Master, I spent a total of five thousand incense and silver to buy these things.

If it were sold at Hongling Mansion, how much incense silver would it be worth? "

Ling Yu looked at all the spiritual medicines: "I haven't seen many spiritual objects in Hongling Mansion. I can only talk about the situation in the big city.

If these things were placed in Luodu of Luochuan Kingdom, they should be worth 600 million spiritual stones.

If it were placed in Great Xia Yuandu, seven to eight million spirit stones would be no problem.

The average price of things in Hongling Mansion is higher than that of Luodu, but lower than that of Daxia Yuandu.

If it were placed at auction, the price would definitely be higher.

However, the auction house charges a commission.

The actual income will not be much higher. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen felt excited.

Sure enough, the profit from this trip was ten times more than the cost.

If he brings more elixirs here and sells them there, the profit can be increased at least several times.

The profits coming and going are really astonishing.

Liu Yuanchen thought that his uncle had searched for the ghost general's soul before, and he should know something about things near Panlong Mountain.

"Uncle Master, the ghost general you searched for souls before should be a subordinate of the Poisonous Dragon King of the Underworld. Have you got any other memories?"

"If the disciple wants to gain a foothold in Panlong Mountain in the underworld, he needs to know more about the surrounding situation."

Ling Yu nodded slightly: "That ghost general is indeed a subordinate of the Poison Dragon Demon King.

This poisonous dragon demon king has average strength, that is, he is in the middle stage of Fate Pattern Realm, which is similar to the middle stage of Lingtai Realm.

This Poisonous Dragon King was originally a poisonous snake but got a chance and transformed into a snake.

Its strength can only be regarded as above average among the demon clan of the same level.

After you break through to the Lingtai realm, killing him shouldn't be a problem. "

"The Poisonous Dragon King has seven ghost generals and demon generals in the Condensation Realm.

I killed one, and there are six left. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen breathed a sigh of relief.

From what I heard from Qingyan Hall, I speculated that these demon kings and ghost kings had a cultivation level equivalent to the Lingtai realm.

Now it seems that I guessed right.

The Poisonous Dragon King is at the Life Pattern Realm, and the nearby demon kings should be about the same strength.

If the gap in strength is large, it will be impossible to maintain balance.

They had already annexed each other and were at war.

"The nearby red-haired ghost king and the iron-armed ghost king are similar in cultivation and power, right?"

Ling Yu nodded: "It's almost the same, except that the Iron-armed Ghost King is slightly stronger and has ten ghost generals under his command.

His cultivation has reached the late stage of the Lingtai realm, but he has just broken through.

In terms of hard power, it is not much better than the Poison Dragon Demon King.

However, he took advantage of the geographical advantage and brought Jin'ao Lake under his command, which made him the strongest in terms of potential.

If you want to gain a foothold in Panlong Mountain, it's best not to provoke the Iron-armed Ghost King. Just deal with the Poisonous Dragon Demon King and the Red-haired Ghost King. "

Liu Yuanchen knew in his mind that the resources and products of Panlong Mountain in the underworld were far better than those in the earth.

The Wuyun Ridge in the underworld was less affected and must have richer resources.

Jin'ao Lake is located on Wuyun Ridge, so it must be a place rich in resources.

The Iron-armed Ghost King has Wuyunling as his back, and his potential in the future is definitely not small.

On the other hand, the Poison Dragon Demon King has occupied Yanze and Panlong Mountain, and [-]% of Dongyang Lake is also in his hands.

In the Yang Realm, these territories belong to the Dongyang Divine Mansion.

If you don't grab it, it will be a real loss.

"Uncle, don't worry. We will wait until the disciple breaks through to the Lingtai realm before venturing into the underworld."

Ling Yu nodded slightly: "Among the three disciples of your generation, you are the most worry-free.

You also know the stakes, so I don’t need to belabor them.

Now that you have a lot of things in your hands, it's time to make some arrangements for opening a store in Hong Ling's house. "

Liu Yuanchen shook his head: "There is no rush for now, I plan to plant these spiritual objects in the spiritual realm first.

There is no need to rush into opening a store. "

The environment within the Shinto spirit realm has many similarities to the underworld.

Moreover, the environment here is more stable and not filled with all kinds of chaotic energy like the underworld.

Coupled with the special energy in his own mana, feeding these underworld spiritual plants should not be a problem.

"Uncle Master, there is a vein of spirit stone in Jin'ao Lake in Yangjian.

Then what is there in the corresponding position of Jin'ao Lake in the underworld? "

Ling Yu said without hesitation: "The spiritual veins and mineral veins in the Yin and Yang worlds are all naturally formed, and they can generally be matched.

Of course, spiritual veins and mineral veins affected by powerful external forces are another matter.

However, they are affected by different environments in the two worlds.

The soul stone veins in the underworld are likely to derive from the soul stone veins. "

Soul Stone Liu Yuanchen had heard that some places with strong yin energy might produce soul stones.

This kind of thing has the ability to improve the cultivation of spiritual consciousness, and can also be used to cultivate various Shinto and ghost cultivation tools.

However, this kind of thing is extremely rare in the Yang world, and it is still controlled by Shenting, and rarely strays outside.

Hong Ling's house occasionally sells these things.

One or two layers of soul stones can be sold for tens of thousands of spirit stones.

In the underworld, this thing can actually form mineral veins, and the amount is too terrifying.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen felt that he could not let go of the Iron-armed Ghost King.

If Jin'ao Lake is snatched away and the soul stone veins are developed, there will be no need to worry about the spirit stones.

Of course, this is just the long-term plan.

Right now, we still need to improve our cultivation and break through to the Lingtai realm as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen picked up the soul-tonifying fruit and ate it cleanly in a few mouthfuls, leaving only a black core the size of a broad bean.

When the pulp enters the abdomen, a feeling of coolness reaches the sky, and the whole person feels refreshed.

Wisps of gray mist appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Not long after, the entire sea of ​​consciousness was shrouded in gray mist.

Liu Yuanchen immediately used the Ten Thousand Spirits Refining Record and the Divine Tree Observation Method. After a short time, the gray mist condensed into gray liquid and dripped into the sea of ​​soul energy in the upper Dantian.

With such skill, the diameter of the soul energy sea increased by more than ten feet.

"It is indeed a soul-replenishing fruit. It is really useful for the soul."

Ling Yu chuckled: "You are so brave to eat a soul-replenishing fruit worth millions of spirit stones like this."

Liu Yuanchen didn't care at all: "The purpose of earning spiritual stones is to spend them, and if they are piled in the warehouse without moving, what's the point?
This soul-replenishing fruit is much larger than the ordinary soul-replenishing fruit, and its core is perfect for being used as seeds. "

After saying that, he took the fruit core and used the Yimu Peiyuan Technique.

Later, it was planted in a blessed field.

There is also Qiling Grass. He bought more than ten plants this time and selected the two strongest ones.

After performing the Jiamu Withered Rong Technique, he fell into a blessed field.

As for the other elixirs, one or two plants were left for planting.

Take care of everything else to prepare for opening a store in Hongling Mansion in the future.

"Uncle Master, I found out in the underworld that the pills there are very rare. Do you know the price of the pills there?"

Ling Yu shook his head: "Such detailed things will not be recorded in the sect's ancient books.

The ghost general I searched for souls before had no knowledge and had never even heard of elixirs. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was quite sorry.

If you know the approximate selling price of the elixir, it will be more convenient when negotiating the price.

Since I don’t know the depth, I can’t come up with something too good.At the moment, it is best to go to Iron Arm City in the underworld to ship goods, and you have to continue to use your previous identity.

The vest in the underworld is a ghost cultivator who is about to break through to the Condensation Realm.

If you take out the third-level elixir, the secret will be revealed.

It would be more reasonable to take out the second-level elixir.

The elixir commonly used by monks in the Qi Sea Realm to restore their spiritual consciousness is the Rejuvenating Pill, and the elixir used to improve their spiritual consciousness is the Strengthening Pill.

Ever since he broke through the Condensing Realm, he hasn't refined much second-level elixirs.

This time, I really don’t have the magic pills and the God-Reinforcing Pills readily available, so I have to spend some time collecting them.

Furthermore, you can't go to the underworld for a stroll every day.

If you walk a lot at night, you will always meet ghosts.

The clone is only at the late stage of Qi Sea Realm. If it runs into a ghost general, the losses will be huge.


Liu Yuanchen sealed the passage to the underworld, then left the Shinto spiritual realm and returned to Dongyang Divine Mansion.

He found Liu Qingming, the chief steward of Dongyang Divine Mansion, and asked him to stock up on the God-Reviving Pills and the God-Reinforcing Pills.

As for the clone, let him continue to wander around and cultivate more ears and eyes.

After collecting a batch of elixirs, they will be sold in batches to various shops in the underworld.

These things were done by the people below, while Liu Yuanchen focused on cultivation.

Under Panlong Mountain, the demonic black lotus became more energetic.

In the past few years, there has been a steady stream of negative energy being generated over the dueling arena.

Although it cannot be compared with the real battlefield in terms of quantity, the wins are constant.

In the past few years, the lotus seed on the demonic black lotus has grown a lot.

Just looking at the size, they are very close to mature lotus seeds.

The Water Moon Lotus cultivated with demonic energy is already in its fourth generation and can withstand more demonic energy.

But it is still far from being able to carry the entire black lotus of demonic energy.

Liu Yuanchen pulled out a wisp of demonic energy from the demonic black lotus and introduced it into the sea of ​​consciousness.

First, it was refined with ginseng fruit tree fairy seeds, and then with Jumangzu Wu Zhenxingtu.

Not long after, this mass of demonic energy was completely refined.

At the same time, both Zhen Yuan and Yuan Gang have improved a lot.

At this moment, the immortal seeds of the ginseng fruit tree emitted thousands of rays of blue light, gradually condensing into the scene of Zhenyuan Immortal giving a sermon.

Liu Yuanchen felt excited, and there was another sermon in the late stage of the Ning Yuan realm.

All the previous sermons were about increasing potential and expanding power, without any means of fighting.

At this time, he no longer expected to have any means of fighting. Anyway, he got it for nothing. As long as it can be effective, it is very good.

He listened to the sermon attentively, hoping to gain new insights from it.

Much later, a new sermon appeared.

The newly added sermon content immediately aroused Liu Yuanchen's interest, because this sermon started from space.

The signature method of Immortal Zhenyuan is to hold the world in his sleeves.

And this Universe in the Sleeve is obviously related to the way of space.

After Zhenyuan Daxian talked about space, he extended it to the growth of the world.

In the void, countless world prototypes are born every moment.

At the same time, countless world prototypes were annihilated.

These prototypes of the world are like bubbles in the water.

The initial form of the spiritual realm of Cave Heaven Paradise is a kind of prototype of the world.

Some of these world prototypes, by chance, can temporarily escape the ending of annihilation due to luck, extract energy from the void, and continue to grow.

Among the births and deaths of countless world prototypes, some worlds may be lucky enough to grow into small worlds.

The small world can be called a complete world and can exist stably for a long time in the endless void.

This kind of small world has its own way of heaven and can give birth to living beings.

The small world goes one step further and is the small world.

In the Small Thousand World, innate immortal spiritual light can be cultivated, and immortal gods, innate spiritual roots, innate spiritual treasures and other things can be born.

The Small Thousand World goes one step further and is the Middle Thousand World.

The Middle Thousand World goes one step further and is the Great Thousand World.

From the Small Thousand World to the Great Thousand World, the main reason is that the number of immortal spiritual lights increases and the upper limit of the cultivation level increases.

It is mainly a quantitative change, not a qualitative change.

As for the Great Thousand Worlds, Immortal Zhenyuan did not talk about it anymore.

Later, Immortal Zhenyuan went from the world level to the Paradise of Cave Heaven.

This Cave Heaven Paradise can be regarded as a world, but it is incomplete.

Its world level is lower than the small world, but higher than those world prototypes that can be destroyed at any time.

The prototype of the world wants to grow into a small world, and there are many difficulties in the process.

Out of 100 million prototypes of the world, one small world may not come out.

The function of Cave Heaven Paradise is to add two more transitional stages, which reduces the difficulty of growth.

After hearing this, Liu Yuanchen also understood that Dongtian would continue to grow and become a small world.

Raising the world level is nothing more than meeting two conditions.

The first is to build the way of heaven. A world without the way of heaven cannot exist on its own and can only rely on other worlds.

No matter how big it grows, it can only be regarded as a cave.

The second is that there must be enough energy and the source must be strong enough.

Having your own way of heaven is the recognition of the great road, and the origin is the material foundation. Both are indispensable.

The Earth Immortal Dao native to the Yuanling Realm has no idea what Dongtian will transform into if it continues to grow.

If you don’t know the goal, you naturally don’t know how to proceed.

Next, Immortal Zhenyuan continued to talk about how to create the prototype of the world.

When the cultivation level is low, the method of creating the prototype of the world is to open up the spiritual realm.

When your cultivation level is high, you can use some magical means to activate the laws of space.

No preparatory conditions are needed, a space is created directly.

Later, Immortal Zhenyuan also told about the fastest way to create space - the universe in one's sleeves.

This method is also very top-notch among the 36 magical powers of Tiangang.

Immortal Zhenyuan used this method to capture Sun Wukong, just like picking something out of a bag.

Simply speaking, this calmness is much better than using Wuzhishan to suppress Sun Wukong.

Liu Yuanchen suppressed his excitement and memorized the content of the sermon.

After Immortal Zhenyuan finished his sermon, he quickly went to understand the universe in his sleeves.

The use of the Universe in the Sleeve requires a lot of cultivation and understanding of the way of space.

If your cultivation level is high enough, you will also have enough understanding of the way of space.

The moment the spell is cast, a large space can be created. This space is called the Small Universe.

Use this small universe to capture your opponent.

When Immortal Zhenyuan used this method, the intensity of the small universe he created was naturally extremely high.

As long as he wanted to, not even Da Luo Jinxian could break through the Small Universe.

People with weak foundations like Liu Yuanchen simply cannot create a small universe in an instant.

We can only open up a small universe in advance and use some means to strengthen it.

When casting the spell, people or objects are included in the Small Universe.

Of course, if you are not afraid of breaking bottles and cans, you can even use Cave Heaven Paradise instead of Small Universe.

(End of this chapter)

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