Chapter 255 God-given opportunity
It is definitely impossible for ordinary people to replace the small world with the paradise of cave.

After all, even if you are an Earth Immortal in the prehistoric world, not everyone can take the Cave Heaven Blessed Land around with you.

Liu Yuanchen can do it. After all, he has a book from the ground that can bring blessings with him.

Of course, he was reluctant to use Dongyang Blessed Land.

There are too many spiritual plants planted there, as well as the most important ginseng fruit tree.

Once any dangerous opponent is brought into Dongyang Blessed Land, the losses will be huge.

However, Luochuan Paradise can be used.

After all, the Luochuan blessed land is inside the Dragon Pearl, and the Dragon Pearl is an acquired spiritual treasure.

Even though the damage is very serious now, the three acquired treasure bans are almost intact.

At least the enemies that can be encountered now are not enough to threaten Lingbao.

Moreover, except for a Green Dragon Vine, there are not many valuable things in Luochuan Paradise now.

When you really need to use it, you can move the Green Dragon Vine elsewhere.

Luochuan Paradise is a good choice, but you should not rely too much on it.

After all, in order to unleash the true power of the universe within the sleeves, in addition to improving one's cultivation, one must also deepen one's understanding of the laws of space.

Create a small universe by yourself in advance and then reinforce it.

Although this method is relatively weak in the early stage, it is very helpful for understanding the laws of space.

Liu Yuanchen planned to take care of both. When facing a strong enemy, he would use Luochuan Blessed Land as a cover.

When encountering ordinary opponents, use the small universe you have created to fight against them.

He began to build the Small Universe according to the cultivation method of Qiankun in his sleeves taught by the Great Immortal Zhenyuan.

This Small Universe is very similar to the spiritual realm of Earth Immortal Dao, but they have different emphases.

Small Universe mainly pursues space intensity and has no requirements for growth.

Moreover, there is no need to live in the Small Universe, and there is no need to consider whether living creatures can survive.

The spiritual realm is to grow into a paradise of cave heaven, mainly pursuing growth.

It's not a big deal if the strength is weaker in the early stages.

Liu Yuanchen had already opened up the spiritual realm when he was in the Qi-nourishing realm.

Although the ginseng fruit saplings are mainly operated, he is also involved.

Later, a lot of effort was spent on spiritual growth.

Now building Small Universe can be considered as having many years of work experience.

He extracted a ball of earth-line evil energy from the earth-line mark on the earth book.

Then, he used the power of his spiritual consciousness to condense an extremely complicated restriction and injected it into the evil energy of the earth.

With the addition of the restriction, a small inner space actually appeared inside the mass of earth vein evil energy.

At the same time, the evil energy of the earth veins also gradually solidified, forming an existence similar to the spiritual space film.

Liu Yuanchen continuously aroused the evil energy of the earth veins and injected it into this small space.

As the evil energy of the earth veins increases, the space film becomes thicker and thicker, and the inner space becomes larger and larger.

In just a quarter of an hour, this small universe had grown into a spherical space ten feet in diameter.

But from the outside, this space is only the size of a dragon eye.

Such a large space is completely enough to collect people, collect magic weapons, and collect opponents' attack methods.

If you want to use the Universe in Your Sleeves to trap people, it mainly depends on the strength of the Small Universe.

Later, he condensed several inscriptions to increase the intensity of the space according to the content of the low-end version of the universe in the sleeves, and integrated them into the small universe.

With the enhancement of the inscription pattern, the entire Small Universe obviously has a thicker and more solid feeling.

Put this small universe in your sleeve and activate the magical power of the universe in your sleeve.

After trying several times, nothing happened.

After all, it is one of the top methods in the 36 Tiangang. It should be unsuccessful if it is used once.

Instead of getting discouraged, he persisted and performed it dozens of times.

Suddenly, a powerful suction force burst out, and a whirlwind blew in the room.

In an instant, the entire house was swept away, leaving only an empty shell.

Tables, chairs and some decorations all appeared in Small Universe.

Liu Yuanchen marveled in his heart: "The Qiankun in the Sleeve has just been completed, and it has such power.

After you become proficient, wouldn't it be like a joke to recruit monks of the same level? "

Moreover, after putting in so many tables, chairs and benches, the weight of Little Universe has not changed.

If this small universe were contained in a magic weapon, wouldn't it be a good storage magic weapon?

The space is built-in, so no matter how many things you put in it, it will not increase the weight. This is the storage method that the academy has been studying.


One year later, Liu Yuanchen was 62 years old.

After a year of acquisitions, Dongyang Shenfu's warehouse has accumulated thousands of Soul-Reviving Pills and Soul-Reinforcing Pills.

Due to Dongyang Shenfu's aggressive purchases, the prices of the two elixirs in Panlonghufang City have increased by more than [-]%.

Fortunately, the prices of these two kinds of elixirs are not too high, one is only 30 yuan spiritual stone.

Hoarding these things only cost hundreds of thousands of spirit stones.

With sufficient supplies, Liu Yuanchen sent his clone again to go to the underworld.

The clone once again brought five thousand incense and silver. In addition, he also brought fifty pills for restoring the spirit and fifty pills for strengthening the spirit.

The clone passed through the underworld passage in the Shinto spiritual realm and entered the underworld again.

Arriving at Panlong Mountain in the underworld, Liu Yuanchen found that the scene in front of him changed drastically.

It turns out that Panlong Mountain is also lush and lush with vegetation.

But this time, Panlong Mountain has turned into a bare mountain.

There are dead branches and leaves everywhere, as well as a lot of gravel.

The original vegetation was completely dead.

Only the spiritual veins in the mountain were still at the fourth level, which made Liu Yuanchen feel a little relieved.

Apparently, a war broke out on Panlong Mountain in the past year.

Moreover, the strength of the two warring parties is not too high.

Although Panlong Mountain suffered a lot of losses, it was not to the extent of breaking bones.

In this situation, Liu Yuanchen was happy to see the outcome.

Panlong Mountain was beaten to a white ground, so that he could take the opportunity to cause trouble.

In order to obtain the heavenly authority of Panlong Mountain in the underworld, Panlong Mountain must be recognized.

In the human world, he could be recognized by Panlong Mountain in a very short period of time.

It was because Panlong Mountain was completely bare at the time, with only a few plants and trees.

There are only a few plants and trees, but they are not spiritual plants.

Most of the spiritual plants on Panlong Mountain were planted by myself.

After careful cultivation by the spring breeze and rain, it will naturally be easily recognized by those plants and trees.

Panlong Mountain in the underworld was originally full of vegetation and had survived for countless years.

If you want to be recognized by these plants and trees, it can't be achieved by a few rains.

A blank piece of paper is easy to draw on, so the best option is to flatten it and start over.

If you do it yourself, you will definitely be hostile to Panlongshan, and you may never get Panlongshan's approval.

Now that someone has become this villain for him, this is simply a God-sent opportunity.

If he knew who this villain was, Liu Yuanchen would definitely thank his eight generations of ancestors.

Just buy some low-level spiritual plant seeds and plant them on Panlong Mountain, and the rest will be easy.

Liu Yuanchen walked downstream along Panlong Lake, trying to find the original village.

When they arrived, they only found ruins.The land outside the village is also covered with weeds similar to barnyard grass.

He sighed softly: "Wherever the war burns, people are living in dire straits!
A good village was just gone. "

Liu Yuanchen casually picked some seeds of weeds. Although these weeds could barely be regarded as first-order spiritual plants, they were obviously very capable of surviving.

If planted on Panlong Mountain, it will surely grow quickly.

The avatar is using the art of transforming spring breeze into rain, and these weeds will definitely recognize him.

The heart of living beings can affect the heart of heaven and earth.

In a few years, Panlongshan in the underworld will also have the surname Liu.

After collecting these wild grass seeds, use Yimu Peiyuan Technique to cultivate them.

Then he returned to Panlong Mountain and spread the seeds as evenly as possible on the mountain.

Then use the spring breeze to turn into rain to water the entire Panlong Mountain.

Although the clone and the main body are separated by yin and yang, Liu Yuanchen's main body can still continuously transmit energy.

With the main body as the energy source, the clone naturally does not have to worry about running out of mana.

After moisturizing the entire Panlong Mountain, Liu Yuanchen said that the trip was worthwhile.

Then, he headed straight towards Iron Arm City.

Not long after, Iron Arm City was already in sight.

After a year, this Iron Arm City has undergone considerable changes.

More fields were opened around the city, and many new villages were established.

Even so, there are still many ghosts similar to refugees around Iron Arm City.

Liu Yuanchen walked straight into the city and saw more ghosts wandering around the city.

He didn't waste any time and walked straight into Qingyan Hall.

The fat shopkeeper I met last time was patrolling the store.

Seeing him come in, he immediately put on a flattering expression: "Master, you are here.

A year has passed, I wonder how you are doing? "

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "It's not bad, Qingyantang's elixir is really effective, and the cultivation level has been slightly improved.

I came here this time to sell some things that I can’t use for the time being and buy some elixirs. "

Upon hearing this, the shopkeeper quickly said: "Sir, please follow me to the third floor. Let's talk slowly."

When they reached the third floor, Liu Yuanchen asked: "When I came here, I found that the fields and villages around Iron Arm City had increased a lot."

"Even in this Iron Arm City, there are many ghosts in tattered clothes. I wonder what happened here?"

The shopkeeper sighed: "The war is in chaos, and it is normal for some ghosts to be running around."

Liu Yuanchen asked again: "Who is this?"

The shopkeeper didn't hide anything: "Who else could it be? The Poisonous Dragon Demon King and the Red-haired Ghost King.

The green-faced ghost under the poisonous dragon demon king will go to Panlong Mountain to collect spiritual objects, but will never come back.

After searching for the Poisonous Dragon Demon King to no avail, he suspected that it was the red-haired Ghost King or the Iron-armed Ghost King who did it. "

"He sent people to inquire, but the Iron-armed Ghost King denied it.

Coupled with the difference in strength, the One-Horned Ghost King did not dare to touch him. "

“And the envoy sent by the Poisonous Dragon Demon King to inquire about the Red-haired Ghost King was swallowed alive by the Red-haired Ghost King.

This stirred up a hornet's nest, and the two families started fighting. "

"The Poison Dragon Demon King has been at a disadvantage because he lost a ghost general.

Panlong Mountain was turned into a piece of white ground, and Dongyang Lake also suffered heavy losses. "

"The Poisonous Dragon Demon King is outnumbered. Please ask the Iron-armed Ghost King to make peace, and then this war will end."

"As the price of defeat, the Poison Dragon Demon King abandoned Panlong Mountain.

This Panlong Mountain has now become a buffer zone between the three families, and none of the three families can occupy it. "

After hearing this, Liu Yuanchen had some understanding of the whole story.

This situation now is extremely beneficial to me.

The poisonous dragon demon king vomited out Panlong Mountain, and none of the three families occupied this place.

If he causes trouble on Panlong Mountain in the future, no one will care about him.

When the body breaks through the Lingtai realm, it will be recognized by Panlong Mountain in the underworld.

When the time comes to dominate the mountain and become king, there will be no problem.

"So, this poisonous dragon demon king has suffered a big loss.

On the contrary, the Iron-armed Demon King did not directly participate in the battle and always stayed out of it.

Not to mention anything else, just by gathering the ghosts, you can make a lot of money. "

The shopkeeper smiled and said: "Who says it's not the case? Neither the Poisonous Dragon Demon King nor the Red-haired Ghost King took advantage in this battle.

On the contrary, it was a big war and many subordinates were killed.

The Iron-Armed Ghost King gathered many ghosts, but many of them gathered in the city, which was quite a headache. "

Liu Yuanchen was a little puzzled: "The ghost doesn't need to eat, so what's the problem here?"

Hearing this, the storyteller showed surprise, but quickly covered it up.

He thought to himself: "Sure enough, he is a child from a big family, but he doesn't know that ghosts also need to eat."

He chuckled: "Young master, you don't know, this ghost also needs to eat.

If you don't eat for a long time, you won't starve to death, but you will feel extremely hungry.

Driven by this hunger, the ghost may also do all kinds of bad things. "

“In addition, the energy in the underworld is mixed, and if you don’t eat, all kinds of mixed energy will invade your body.

As time goes by, he may turn into a ghost with no intelligence at all.

A very lucky few can take this opportunity to practice and become ghost soldiers.

Those who are unlucky will sooner or later lose their souls. "

“There is clean yin energy in food.

Eating food regularly can help the ghost resist these mixed energies.

As long as there is not much chaotic energy in the body, it will not turn into a vicious ghost. "

Liu Yuanchen really didn't know that there was such a thing in the underworld. Those ghosts in the Shinto spiritual realm did not need to eat at all.

The shopkeeper asked in a low voice: "Young master said that he wants to sell some things that are not needed for the time being. I wonder what they are?"

Liu Yuanchen casually took out a pill bottle and said, "Shopkeeper, let's see how much spiritual stones this thing is worth."

The shopkeeper casually took out an elixir bottle, and a medicinal scent immediately came out.

He just sniffed it and revealed an intoxicated look: "I never expected that the young master would have such a treasure.

This elixir is called Gushen Dan. After taking it, it can enhance the strength of ghost cultivators.

Why would Young Master sell such elixirs? "

Liu Yuanchen pretended not to care: "We don't need these pills now."

The shopkeeper nodded as if understanding: "In that case, the shop can accept this item.

For one God-Reinforcing Pill, I can give you four hundred Underworld Treasures. What do you think? "

Liu Yuanchen asked: "How many Mingdu Tongbao can be exchanged for one tael of incense silver? I have always used incense silver and have never seen Mingdu Tongbao."

The shopkeeper's face showed a look of astonishment: "Young Master is of noble birth, so naturally he has never seen anything like this."

After that, he took out a round copper coin with a square hole: "This is the Mingdu Tongbao. One tael of incense silver can be exchanged for a hundred Mingdu Tongbao."

Liu Yuanchen took a quick look and found that the Mingdu Tongbao was exactly the same as the incense money. Even the shape was exactly the same.

The price of one God-Reinforcing Pill is about thirty spiritual stones.

If you sell 400 Mingdu Tongbao, that would be [-] yuan of spiritual stones, which is more than ten times the profit.

(End of this chapter)

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