Chapter 258 Peak of Condensed Yuan
The lotus seeds of the Water Moon Demon Lotus have absorbed the entire demonic black lotus. Now, there is no trace of demonic energy inside Panlong Mountain.

This demonic black lotus has been tossing inside Panlong Mountain for nearly 30 years and was finally completely cleared out.

The biggest hidden danger on Panlong Mountain has finally disappeared.

In the past, I was always worried that something might happen to this thing, so I didn't dare to leave Panlong Mountain easily.

Now all the demonic energy of the Demonic Black Lotus is in the lotus seeds, and it can be carried around with the lotus seeds.

Of course, for this lotus seed to play a greater role, it has to wait until it blooms.

Now it is just a lotus seed with restrained energy.

It can only passively absorb the format energy from the outside world, but cannot affect the outside world.

As for how to place the lotus seed, Liu Yuanchen already had an idea.

It is absolutely impossible to plant it in Dongyang Blessed Land or Luochuan Blessed Land.

Although the demonic energy has been absorbed by Lianzi, it is still unknown whether it can be completely controlled.

If it takes root in a blessed land, it may have serious consequences.

Liu Yuanchen's choice was the small universe that he created when he was practicing the Qiankun in his Sleeves.

The Small Universe is only equivalent to a spiritual realm, which can directly absorb energy from the outside world and will not delay the absorption of negative energy and spiritual energy by the lotus seeds.

Moreover, nothing exists in the Small Universe.

Even if the demonic energy gets out of control and destroys the Small Universe, it will not cause any serious losses.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen filled some soil and spring water in the Small Universe.

Then I put the lotus seeds in and waited for them to sprout slowly.

Before it sprouts, it can no longer absorb the demonic energy of Panlong Lake for cultivation.

Of course, Liu Yuanchen has a substitute.

He could have refined the dragon fetus left by Luochuan Dragon King long ago.

Now that we have the Jumanzu Shaman True Shape Diagram, refining the energy in the spiritual fetus is a piece of cake.

Just when he was about to practice, news came from the supernatural clone who had been accompanying his parents.

It turns out that my mother's health suddenly deteriorated and she is now bedridden.

Liu Yuanchen is 70 years old, and his parents are over [-].

As a monk, my father has a lot of cultivation and has always been physically strong.

As a mortal, my mother worked very hard in her early years.

Even though he took a lot of spiritual things, time is not forgiving.

In his 90s, he was still busy.

Now that my body is suddenly in trouble, it's almost certain that my end is approaching.

He passed through the incense passage and came to his own small courtyard in Dongyang Lake.

Father, elder brother and sister-in-law, Huzi and Alan, and Liu Yuanchen's clone are all waiting here.

Liu Yuanchen took his clone back into his body, walked to the bed, and asked, "Mother, I'm back to see you."

At this time, Zhang Ling's face was dark yellow, without any luster, and her white hair looked quite dry.

She said in a weak voice: "Yuan Chen, over the years... your father and I... have been a drag on you."

Liu Yuanchen naturally knew what his mother meant. They always thought it was too wasteful to put a clone here.

He forced a smile: "Without you and father, I wouldn't be where I am today.

I want to sit in Panlong Mountain myself and cannot fulfill my filial piety in front of my knees.

Putting a clone here can also make up for some of my regrets. "

Because one can become a god after death, the family does not have much sorrow.

After chatting for a few words, Zhang Ling slowly closed her eyes.

At this moment, wisps of thin gray mist lingered around her, which was her soul.

Liu Yuanchen drew out a wisp of gray mist, took out the Ten Thousand Gods List, and integrated the gray mist into the list.

Then, write the mother's name and basic information on the list of gods, as well as the canonized priesthood.

After entering the information, golden lights emitted from the list of gods.

Under the illumination of this golden light, the soul mist on Zhang Ling's body instantly surged out of her body and turned into a humanoid shadow.

Liu Yuanchen took out a golden book and jade book from the list of gods and blended it directly into the shadow.

In an instant, the shadow became solid.

Judging from the appearance, she still looks like Zhang Ling, but she has become much younger, and she looks only 40 or [-] years old.

The clothes on his body also changed into Shinto official uniforms in green and earthy yellow.

Alan said with joy: "Grandma has become younger."

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "Your grandma is now the God of Agriculture under Dongyang Shenfu, and the appearance of the God can be changed at will."

The gods of agriculture are also a system in Shinto. Some are responsible for the growth of crops, some are responsible for digging canals and diverting water for irrigation, and some are responsible for removing pests from farmland.

Zhang Ling now only has the authority to have a good harvest and is in charge of the growth of the crops.

The God of Agriculture generally takes orders directly from the City God and is in charge of agricultural affairs in a county.

In fact, there is a land lord watching down below, so the god of agriculture does not need to do much.

It has a good reputation, but there are not many live positions.

Feeling the current divine body, Zhang Ling was a little excited: "Although there are always spiritual things to replenish the body.

But as I get older, my legs and feet become less flexible, and I haven’t felt so relaxed for many years. "

Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "Mother, this divine body will never age, and you will never have inconvenience in your legs and feet in the future."

Liu Qingyun on the side looked envious: "Seeing you look like this, I want to die as soon as possible and become a god in the underworld."

Liu Yuanchen asked: "Father, mother has become a god now and will definitely go to live in the spiritual realm of Dongyang Divine Mansion.

There's no point in staying here by yourself. Why don't you go to Panlong Mountain with me? "

Liu Qingyun also nodded: "Okay, now all the errands in my clan have been handed over.

There is nothing to do if I continue to stay here in Dongyang Lake, and I have to bother the younger members of the clan to visit me often.

When I come to your place, I can help you with some work. "

Seeing that his father agreed, Liu Yuanchen was also quite happy.

"Now the fourth uncle is the chief steward of Dongyang Divine Mansion. I will arrange a position for you in the executive hall, and you will help the fourth uncle with some chores."

Liu Qingyun naturally had no objection: "I don't have much life left, so I will wait until I die to become a god. I can do anything before I die."

Liu Yuanchen looked at Liu Yuanfu again: "Brother and sister-in-law, why don't you follow me to live there in Panlong Mountain."

Liu Yuanfu shook his head: "Let's forget it, now Chengye is going to take over the family, and your sister-in-law and I want to stay with him for a few more years.

We are all mortals, and we will have to go to Dongyang Shenfu to accompany you in a few years. There is no rush. "

They wanted to continue to stay here, so Liu Yuanchen naturally couldn't force them.

At this time, he noticed that Huzi's cultivation had broken through the Condensation Realm.

It's right when you think about it, I am 70 years old.

Hu Zi, who was naughty and mischievous back then, is already over fifty.

With his talent, he should be able to break through to the Condensing Yuan Realm.

"This body's magical power is not weak, and it has also cultivated Gang Qi. What kind of Gang Qi did you learn?"

Liu Chengye is now very stable: "Second uncle, I have not joined any other sect.

The technique he practices is the Fire Dragon Burning Heaven Technique in the academy's treasure room. "

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly: "Although this technique is easy to obtain, it is definitely not weak.

Practice hard and with your talent, your achievements will be limitless.

Unfortunately, I have offended too many people in my lineage. If I take you in, I'm afraid you will be beaten every day.

I had to forcefully conquer my peers back then. If you don't have this strength, you can't join my lineage. "

“However, you are my nephew, so I have to help.

If you need any spiritual items in the future, just come to me.I still have a lot of stocks of spiritual objects that can open up the spiritual realm. "

At this moment, Liu Qinghe, the head of the Liu family, walked in.

Seeing Zhang Ling's appearance changed drastically, he cupped his hands and said, "Congratulations to my brother and sister for becoming a god."

Zhang Ling returned the gift politely.

Seeing Liu Yuanchen here, Liu Qinghe cupped his hands and said: "Shenjun, now Chengye has broken through to the Condensing Yuan Realm and has also entered the Chihuang Academy.

There is no need for him to spend too much effort on the academy side. I want to pass on the position of head of the family to him now.

I don’t know, what do you think? "

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "I have no objection. Just discuss this matter with Chengye."

Many years ago, the head of the Liu family promised to pass on the position of head of the family to Liu Yuanchen.

Because Liu Chengye has been practicing within the academy system, he has no time to care about family affairs.

Now he has broken through the Ning Yuan Realm and entered Chihuang Academy.

For students who have no hope of entering the Great Xia Academy, there is really nothing to do.

Now that he is free to manage affairs, it is time for him to inherit the position of head of the family.

After getting Liu Yuanchen's consent, Liu Qinghe resigned: "I will go back to prepare, and then I will invite the gods to come and watch the ceremony."

After he left, Liu Qingyun arranged for his tribe to burn Zhang Ling's body and bury it on a hill on the north side of Dongyang Lake.

After handling these matters, Liu Yuanchen took his parents back to Panlong Mountain through the Incense Passage.

His father worked in the executive hall, and his mother lived in a Shinto spiritual realm.


Ten years have passed and Liu Yuanchen is 80 years old.

In the past ten years, the entire Panlong Mountain has been calm.

In the Small Universe, there is a small pond with dozens of dark lotus leaves.

However, among the dozens of lotus leaves, only one black lotus like ink jade is blooming.

Apart from that, there are not even buds.

This black lotus is the Water Moon Demon Lotus that Liu Yuanchen carefully cultivated.

The lotus has a total of 27 petals, divided into three layers, which is exactly the first-grade lotus platform with three flowers and nine petals.

Unfortunately, the foundation of this black lotus is only Water Moon Lotus, and its potential is severely limited.

Apart from absorbing negative energy and converting it into demonic energy, it has no other function.

Of course, the demonic quality of the Yipin Lotus Platform is much higher than before.

After refining it, the effect of improving cultivation is much stronger than before.

Over the years, Liu Yuanchen first absorbed the energy in the spiritual fetus of Luochuan Dragon King to practice.

After the Water Moon Demon Lotus sprouts and grows a few lotus leaves, the demonic energy is extracted for practice.

After ten years of hard training, his cultivation finally reached the peak of the Condensing Yuan Realm.

At this time, there was no trace of turquoise in the sea of ​​​​green in his middle dantian, and it was all jade-white true energy.

The same situation exists for the Gang Qi Hai in the Lower Dantian.

All the Gang Qi has disappeared and transformed into Yuan Gang, which is like sapphire.

Jumang's ancestral shaman's inheritance and refining of Luochuan Dragon King's spirit fetus and demonic energy can produce a large amount of powerful energy.

Over the years, his cultivation speed in Gang Qi is slightly faster than his cultivation speed in mana.

In addition, the sea of ​​soul energy and energy in the sea of ​​​​consciousness between his eyebrows is also growing extremely fast.

After his mother passed away, he placed the two supernatural clones in the underworld to collect various spiritual objects.

If the two clones act together, they will naturally collect much more spiritual objects.

The precious spiritual objects in the underworld have some effect on the soul.

With sufficient support from spiritual objects, the cultivation speed of Soul Yuan is naturally extremely fast.

Now, the sea of ​​soul energy and energy in his sea of ​​consciousness has grown to 110 feet.

He has not used any special means to practice, but with the help of many underworld elixirs and fruits, the sea of ​​soul energy and energy has still exceeded the limit of one hundred feet.

"My energy, energy, and spirit have already reached the peak of Yuan Condensation. I still have to ask my master and ancestors if there is any hope of going further."

Thinking of this, he summoned the two magical clones back from the underworld and let them sit in Panlong Mountain.

As for himself, he left Panlong Mountain and came to Qingdan City County Sheriff's Mansion.

At this time, Zhang Lingxu was teaching Zhao Hong how to make alchemy step by step.

Liu Yuanchen didn't dare to disturb him and just watched quietly from the side.

After a muffled sound, the alchemy furnace overturned and the furnace cover was blown off.

Obviously, this is a furnace explosion.

Zhang Lingxu was furious: "What an idiot! He is already a seventh-level alchemist, and he can even explode a furnace while making alchemy.

Your master is the Alchemy King, your teacher is the Alchemy King, and Yuan Chen can also become the Alchemy King in the future.

Four generations and three generations of Alchemy Kings, don’t you feel embarrassed to be caught in the middle? "

Zhao Hong remained silent, acting like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water.

Liu Yuanchen hurriedly stepped forward to rescue the master: "Disciple, see the master, see the master."

As soon as he saw Liu Yuanchen, Zhang Lingxu immediately turned from anger to joy: "It's Yuan Chen who is here."

He stared at Liu Yuanchen for a long time, but could not see his specific cultivation level.

"Your breath gathering technique has become stronger. I can't even see your realm clearly."

In the past few years, Liu Yuanchen has not relaxed his practice of Dead Wood Immortality Kung Fu.

By now, the dead wood level has been practiced to perfection, and the escaping aura has been reduced by [-]%.

As long as you can spend a few years of effort, you can try to cultivate at the rotten wood level.

It's just that he has been focusing on improving his cultivation, and has not understood the artistic conception of the rotten wood level.

"Back to my master, this disciple is now at the peak of the Condensing Yuan Realm."

Hearing this, Zhao Hong looked proud: "Although my talent for alchemy is not strong, my ability to train disciples is not weak.

Top geniuses need to be around a hundred years old to break through to the Lingtai realm.

Where can I find an 80-year-old at the peak of the Condensation Realm? "

Zhang Lingxu glanced at him coldly: "A good seedling like Yuan Chen can be cultivated by anyone.

How much does it have to do with you that he has grown to this point? "

Liu Yuanchen was afraid that his master would quarrel with him again: "Master, this disciple is here to ask if there is any way to reach the peak of the Condensing Yuan Realm?"

Zhang Lingxu nodded slightly: "Of course, for example, the Three Treasures Hong Furnace can be used to refine the essence, energy and spirit to make it go further.

It's just that this Three Treasures Hong Furnace has very little effect on people like you, and the improvement is probably less than one percent.

After all, you have already expanded your Qi Sea once when you were at the peak of the Qi Sea Realm.

It is now impossible to expand further.

However, it is extremely difficult to improve the quality of True Yuan, Soul Yuan and Yuan Gang. "

“The most important thing is that the conditions here at Chihuang Academy are insufficient and cannot support the operation of the Three Treasures Furnace.

If you are willing to go to Luochuan Academy, I can use my connections to ask them to open the Three Treasures Furnace for you. "

Liu Yuanchen made some calculations in his mind and felt that it was not a good deal.

I am not a student of Luochuan Academy, so I will inevitably get into trouble if I go there to borrow the Three Treasures Furnace.

Moreover, this improvement is really too little.

For this improvement that is less than [-]%, it is better to break through directly if it costs the master's favor.

What's more, the Luochuan King's lineage has targeted him openly and secretly.

Going to Luochuan Academy is really a bit dangerous.

(End of this chapter)

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