Chapter 259 The Sanyuan Spirit Platform Appears

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen didn't plan to borrow any more Three Treasures Hong Furnace.

In the process of his own cultivation, he used many precious spiritual objects.

Coupled with the good inheritance, the quality of the true essence, soul essence, and Yuangang is probably far superior to that of the average monk at the peak of the Condensation Realm.

If you want to go further without breaking through the big realm, it will be more difficult.

Borrowing the Three Treasures Hong Furnace, the effect may be much weaker than the master expected.

"In this case, this disciple will not take any other path, let's just break through like this."

Zhang Lingxu said with a smile: "You are going to condense the Three-Yuan Spirit Platform to ward off the catastrophe. Are you ready?"

Liu Yuanchen shook his head: "My magic weapon's defense power far exceeds that of the same level of magic weapon, and I also control the power of heaven.

Surviving the catastrophe should not be a problem. "

Zhang Lingxu just chuckled: "As long as you are sure, you have been focusing on cultivation for these years.

The materials for the Three Lights Lingyuan Pill have been kept here for a long time, and you didn't come to make the pill.

Now that it's time to make a breakthrough, you should make elixirs, right? "

Liu Yuanchen was full of confidence: "Master, this disciple is ready and can start the furnace to refine the Three Treasures Lingyuan Pill at any time."

Hearing this, Zhang Lingxu looked curious: "Your cultivation level has improved so quickly. Do you still have time to refine elixirs?"

Liu Yuanchen casually took out a few pills. These pills were like purple jade.

However, not a trace of spiritual energy escaped.

Zhao Hong looked surprised: "This is the Three Treasures Gu Yuan Pill, a real fourth-level pill. These pills are all good quality pills."

The Three Treasures Gu Yuan Pill is an elixir used by monks in the Lingtai realm to improve their cultivation. It can promote the growth of the Lingtai.

Liu Yuanchen smiled: "This disciple has not slacked off in alchemy these years.

The rate of refining Soul Yuan Dan is close to [-]%. "

"So, the disciple tried to refine the fourth-level elixir."

"There is a shortage of elixirs in the Red Wasteland, so my disciple asked the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce to purchase a batch of elixirs such as the Three Treasures Gu Yuan Dan.

After refining dozens of furnaces, the elixir success rate has reached [-]%, and these high-quality elixirs have been refined. "

Zhang Lingxu's face was full of joy: "He is indeed a good candidate for alchemy. Refining fourth-level elixirs at the Condensing Yuan realm is already quite difficult.

It is already quite difficult to achieve a [-]% rate of elixir formation.

I didn't expect you to be able to refine high-quality elixirs. This talent is far superior to that of your master. "

“The difficulty of refining the Three Treasures Solid Yuan Pill is about the same level as that of the Three Lights Lingyuan Pill.

With your current alchemy skills, the success rate of refining the Sanguang Lingyuan Pill should not be less than [-]%.

Once you become proficient, it is not impossible for the elixir success rate to exceed [-]%. "

After that, he took out a storage bag: "Here are the medicinal materials needed for the Sanguang Lingyuan Pill, as well as the pill recipe."

“General fourth-level elixirs are not much different from third-level elixirs.

But the Sanguang Lingyuan Pill is special, possessing the power of the sun, moon and stars.

During the refining process, changes in weather conditions need to be considered.

In the future, there will be more things to pay attention to when refining higher-grade elixirs.

Refining these three light spirit essence pills is the best start.

You should work hard and try to refine a good elixir. "

Liu Yuanchen bowed and said: "Thank you, Master, my disciple will definitely refine the high-quality elixir of Sanguang Lingyuan Dan."

Zhang Lingxu nodded: "Go ahead. The environment in Qingdan City is far inferior to Panlong Mountain. You'd better go there to make alchemy."

“When you are about to break through, send us a message.

When the time comes, I will personally protect you. "


Liu Yuanchen said goodbye to his master and master, and returned to Dongyang Divine Mansion.

Opening the storage bag, I saw jade boxes placed inside.

In each jade box, there is a kind of medicinal material.

In addition, there is a thick animal skin book with more than a hundred pages.

After looking through it, I was sure that all the recipes recorded in the animal skin book were the prescriptions for the Sanguang Lingyuan Dan.

Among them are not only the elixirs needed to make elixirs, but also the methods for preparing each elixir.

In addition, there are also the experiences and insights of the ancestors of past generations in refining this elixir.

Just take the things recorded in this animal skin book and sell them on the market.

Those alchemists without serious teachers will definitely rob them like crazy.

The elixir processing techniques recorded in it can be regarded as the secret secrets of a small alchemy sect.

There are dozens of such tips introduced in the entire animal skin book.

Liu Yuanchen couldn't help but sigh, practicing cultivation still requires a backer.

Apart from anything else, getting the inheritance really saves a lot of effort.

There is nothing special about the treatment methods for most elixirs of Sanguang Lingyuan Dan.

Only the three main ingredients require a lot of attention when refining the essence.

Among them, the medicinal properties of Chiyang Wushen are purely yang. When tempering its medicinal properties, it must be chosen on a sunny day.

The action started at si o'clock and ended before three quarters noon.

Because this is the time when Yang Qi is the strongest in the day, and Yang Qi is still rising.

The pure yang medicinal properties of Chiyang Wu Shen can be strengthened by the weather.

After three quarters of noon, Yang Qi begins to weaken and Yin Qi gradually develops, which will affect the medicinal properties of Chiyang Wu Shen.

In the same way, the Yin-type Yuehua Yuzhi also needs to be tempered on a sunny day or a full-moon night to refine its medicinal properties.

The action started at the first quarter of Hai hour and ended before three quarters of Zi hour.

This period of time happens to be when Yin Qi is at its strongest, and Yin Qi continues to rise.

The pure yin medicinal properties of Yuehua Yuzhi can be strengthened by the weather.

Three moments later, Yiyang regenerates. The interference of Yang Qi will affect the medicinal properties of Yuehua Yuzhi.

The star pattern fruit itself does not differentiate between yin and yang, and has the function of balancing yin and yang.

It needs to be started in the evening when the sun has not set, the moon has risen, and the stars appear.

The tempering must be completed before it gets completely dark.

Otherwise, the imbalance of yin and yang between heaven and earth will affect the function of the star pattern fruit to balance yin and yang.

After the three elixirs have been refined to produce their medicinal essence, they must choose the moment when the sun rises and the moon sets in the early morning to turn them into elixirs.

Refining the Three Lights Lingyuan Dan requires too strict timing.

Usually it is not possible to refine all the medicinal properties in one day. Once time is delayed, a spell must be cast to lock the essence of the elixir that has been tempered.

Wait for the right time to appear before proceeding to the next step.

Fortunately, there are many sunny days in the Red Wasteland, so it shouldn't be too difficult to find the opportunity to temper the medicinal properties.

After simulating the alchemy process several times in his mind, Liu Yuanchen began to make the elixir.

Early that morning, he ran to the top of Panlong Mountain, closed the water clouds covering the sky, and used the sunlight to temper the medicinal properties of Red Sun Black Ginseng.

At the beginning of the day, Liu Yuanchen took out a ginseng that was about one foot long.

This ginseng is completely black with streaks of crimson flames on it. It is the Red Yang Wu Ginseng.

This red sunflower root also had three seeds, all of which were properly collected by Liu Yuanchen.

When Dongyang Blessed Land grows into Dongtian in the future, this kind of seed can still be used.

As long as the weather is chosen well, the process of tempering the medicinal properties is not complicated, and this level can be easily passed.

Next, the tempering of Star Pattern Fruit and Moon Flower Yuzhi went relatively smoothly.

However, when the elixir was finally being prepared, the medicinal properties of Chiyang Wushen and Yuehua Yuzhi conflicted, and the whole batch of elixir was scrapped.Although it failed, it also accumulated some experience.

Fortunately, the master gave me more elixirs, twenty copies in total.

After summing up experience and lessons, the second batch of pills was made into two pills.

One of them is a substandard elixir, and the other is an ordinary elixir.


Half a year later, Liu Yuanchen finally refined all the elixirs.

The last batch of elixirs produced not only six elixirs, but also two high-quality elixirs.

In the past six months, he has not slacked off at all in his cultivation.

However, there was no slight improvement in cultivation.

Obviously, his cultivation has reached the limit of the Condensing Yuan Realm.

Cultivation cannot be improved by just relying on ordinary means.

Now that the Sanguang Lingyuan Pill has been refined, as well as high-quality elixirs, it's time for a breakthrough.

Liu Yuanchen sent a letter to his ancestor and master, informing them of his preparations for a breakthrough.

Not long after, the two of them followed the incense passage and arrived at the Shinto spiritual realm.

Liu Yuanchen entered the Shinto spiritual realm to greet him: "Disciple, see the master, see the master."

Zhang Lingxu waved his hand: "How is the refining of the Three Lights Lingyuan Pill going?"

Liu Yuanchen took out two elixirs that were like mutton-fat jade: "The disciple refined the No. 20 elixir and made six elixirs. Among them, two good-quality elixirs were produced."

Zhang Lingxu nodded with satisfaction: "This alchemy talent is much stronger than your master.

It was only when he reached the late stage of the Lingtai realm that he refined the high-quality Sanguang Lingyuan Pill. "

Zhao Hong stood aside and looked at his nose and nose, as if he didn't hear anything.

Liu Yuanchen asked: "Master, this disciple has been practicing hard in the past six months, but his cultivation has not improved at all.

Now that we have the help of the high-quality Sanguang Lingyuan Dan, we should be able to break through to the Lingtai realm, right? "

Zhang Lingxu stroked his long beard: "If you don't rely on any special means, you have reached the limit of the Condensation Realm, and it is really time to break through."


After some guidance from Zhang Lingxu, Liu Yuanchen came to an open space at the top of Panlong Mountain.

This piece of land was specially prepared by him for overcoming the tribulation, and there was no vegetation around it.

After sitting down cross-legged, he began to adjust his condition.

More than ten days have passed, and the entire body's condition has reached its peak.

The time had come for a breakthrough, so he took out a high-quality Sanguang Lingyuan Dan and swallowed it.

When the elixir enters the abdomen, it instantly turns into three strands of energy, which are integrated into the upper, middle and lower dantian.

With the influx of three energies, the three seas of energy that were originally calm now surged violently.

Liu Yuanchen operated the secret technique of condensing the spiritual platform, and the mana poured out from the three seas of qi, and finally gathered in the middle Dantian.

Not long after, the three masses of green, white and gray liquid merged into a liquid the size of a longan in the center of the middle Dantian.

Under the guidance of Liu Yuanchen's secret technique, more and more liquids poured in and continued to merge together.

Although the three have all been refined, they are not the same energy after all, and have extremely strong repulsive forces with each other.

At this moment, a ray of jade-white energy surged out, like a chain, tightly trapping the three energies together.

Three months have passed, and the liquid formed by the fusion of Yuan Gang, Zhen Yuan and Soul Yuan has now turned into a ball of gray energy.

It's just that this energy is very similar to the energy cultivated by the Dead Wood Immortality Technique.

Liu Yuanchen was making a breakthrough and did not dare to have other ideas.

At this time, the sea of ​​qi in his upper, middle and lower dantians were all empty.

All Yuan Gang, Zhen Yuan and Soul Yuan have been integrated into this gray liquid.

The diameter of this gray liquid exceeds a hundred feet, and there is still a long way to go before it can condense into a spiritual platform.

Liu Yuanchen continued to use the secret technique of the Condensing Spirit Platform to compress the gray liquid.

Sure enough, the gray liquid kept shrinking.

More than a month later, this gray liquid was compressed to a diameter of about ten feet, and could no longer be compressed.

But this thing is still far from being condensed into a spiritual platform. At this moment, the medicinal properties of the Sanguang Lingyuan Pill appeared again.

I saw a jade-white energy enveloping the gray liquid.

Liu Yuanchen tried to use the secret technique again to compress the gray liquid.

With the help of the elixir, the gray liquid slowly shrank again.

At the same time, the liquid became more and more viscous.

More than a month later, the gray liquid finally turned into a solid.

At this time, a jade platform with a diameter of only about three feet appeared in Liu Yuanchen's middle dantian.

This jade platform is shaped like a futon, and is gray-white in color. It looks quite transparent.

This is the spiritual platform, but the current spiritual platform is not yet fully formed.

At this moment, Liu Yuanchen's whole body was shrouded in a green light.

The light gradually gathered, condensing into a sapling about an inch tall.

The sapling looked exactly like the ginseng fruit tree when it was young. Then, the sapling continued to absorb the green light and grew rapidly.

After just over a hundred breaths of time, the sapling grew to a height of more than ten feet.

However, the big tree did not stop growing, but grew faster and faster.

A green cloud also appeared in the sky.

Waves of mysterious energy fell from the clouds and merged into the big trees.

After the big tree grew to a height of more than a hundred feet, it finally stopped growing.

Then, the big tree blossomed and produced thirty fruits as big as babies.

The fruity fragrance overflows, covering the entire Panlong Mountain.

In Panlonghufang City, many monks looked up at the towering trees on the top of the mountain.

A stream of fruity fragrance poured into the body, and everyone felt refreshed, as if they were a few years younger.

Meng Tieshan took a greedy breath: "This fruit looks quite extraordinary. It would be great if I could eat one!"

Zhang Lingxu chuckled and said: "This is your senior brother's immortal seed. He condensed the spiritual platform and the power of law contained in the immortal seed manifested, which is why this vision happened.

Just look at it, don’t even think about eating it.

It's just that I've read all over the books, but I haven't heard of this kind of spiritual fruit, and I don't know where it comes from. "

At this moment, a god with a bird's body and a human head, and two dragons on his feet descended from the sky and landed on the towering tree.

Then, the towering tree gradually shrank, and finally turned into a green stream of light, sinking into Liu Yuanchen's chest.

That stream of light poured into his middle dantian and landed on the spiritual platform.

The stream of light disappeared, leaving mysterious lines on the spiritual platform.

The combination of these lines is exactly the image of the ginseng fruit tree and Jumang Zuwu.

This mysterious pattern is also famous, it is the trace of the law manifested.

The rules that show traces on the spiritual platform will be quite easy to understand in the future.

The green light did not disappear, but enveloped the entire spiritual platform.

After the traces of the law's manifestation appeared, the spiritual platform changed rapidly, from gray-white to jade-white.

At the same time, the spiritual platform continued to shrink, finally only about one foot in diameter.

The stream of light completely submerged into the spiritual platform, like a spring water, constantly flowing inside the spiritual platform.

The spiritual platform at this time is the real three-yuan spiritual platform.

(End of this chapter)

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