Chapter 270 Grand Master’s Meeting Ceremony

Under Liu Yuanchen's guidance, An Changsheng and others also gave up their thoughts of grabbing the opportunity.

After the three people left, Xia Longting went to Zuihua Tower as usual.

An Changsheng, on the other hand, called a few powerful monks with good connections and wandered around Wuyun Ridge all day long.

The previous heavy rain and strange smell attracted the attention of many people.

The demon clan also took action and sent people to spread the news that the Wanshou Flat Peach was about to be born.

However, in just a few days, the matter of innate spiritual roots was discussed everywhere in the Red Wasteland.

Those rumors are not nonsense, and the functions of Wanshou Flat Peach are clearly described.

Even the small forces in the local area were moved after hearing that a longevity flat peach could extend life for ten thousand years.

Among the indigenous monks on the Red Wasteland, the ones with the highest level of cultivation are a few Lingtai realm monks, and Liu Yuanchen is one of them.

In addition, they are the sect leader and supreme elder of Qingdan Sect, and the sect leader and supreme elder of Tieding Mountain.

A monk in the Lingtai realm only has a lifespan of a thousand years.

Compared with the Wanshou flat peach extending life for ten thousand years, the gap is too big.

When the Chihuang Kingdom was first established, many foreign forces occupied the territory.

And these forces have more or less connections with the major human forces outside the Red Wasteland.

The news spread in the Red Wasteland, and other places would soon get the news.

In the following period, there were many more monks on Panlong Mountain who were above the Lingtai realm.

He used the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm to sense the auras of these people, and there were even Yuanshen realm monks among them.

Some of them are not very disciplined and want to cause trouble in Panlonghufang City.

Liu Yuanchen also released more than 100 golden-armored bean soldiers to patrol Panlonghufang City.

Any monks who cause trouble will be taken down by force and severely punished.

The stronger monks cannot be easily taken down by the golden-armored bean soldiers.

If we fight in the market, it will only destroy the shops.

When encountering such a thorny person, Liu Yuanchen would directly activate the formation to suppress these unruly people.

The guy who is not even afraid of formations has his second uncle Ling Yu sitting in charge.

He himself is a cultivator at the pinnacle of the Divine Spring Realm of the Earth Immortal Dao, and is only one step away from being able to break through to the Dharma Realm.

Coupled with his status as a descendant of the Alchemy King, there are really not many monks who dare not give him face.

Under the pressure of these means, Panlonghufang City has stabilized.

The influx of a large number of foreign monks has brought a lot of troubles, but it has also brought a lot of benefits.

The income of Panlonghufang City has increased significantly.

Liu Yuanchen observed the surrounding situation through various ear and eye spiritual plants.

Not only Panlonghufang City, but also the surrounding Yannan City, Qinghe County, and Hekou Town have many foreign experts.

Yannan City is an important border defense town with experts on duty, but these people don't dare to do anything blatantly.

Qinghe County and Hekou Town were not so lucky. People fought in the streets almost every day, causing chaos.

On almost every peak in Wuyun Ridge, there is a group of people patrolling back and forth, including many experts.


After a period of time, Wuyun Ridge became increasingly lively.

There are even some foreign monks who are not afraid of death and directly cross Crouching Tiger Peak and go to the Jinyu Mountain area to check.

The result is self-evident, these people never came out alive again.

Half a year later, almost all the shops in Panlongshanfang Market were full.

There are more and more experts from outside, and the second uncle alone can no longer control the situation.

In desperation, Liu Yuanchen invited his master over.

Zhao Hong, the God of Killing at Zhennanguan back then, was extremely intimidating as he swept across all the monks of his generation.

After he showed off his momentum in Panlonghufang City, every foreign master became more honest than a quail.

Zhao Hong also liked Panlong Mountain better. At least he didn't have to be forced by his master to make elixirs every day. He could also give guidance to his disciples when he had nothing to do.

In the past six months, there have been no major problems on Panlong Mountain.

Even the Jinyu Mountain occupied by the demon clan was extremely peaceful.

Liu Yuanchen used the windy beast language every day and eavesdropped on the information about Jinyu Mountain and Duantou Mountain, but he gained nothing.

On the other hand, on the Jinyucheng side, the formation defense was much laxer.

Whenever there are any changes in the demon clan, he can get the news in a short time.

While Liu Yuanchen was inquiring about Jinyucheng, there was movement in the Shinto Ling territory.

Two monks came to the Shinto spiritual realm from the incense passage, one of them was his master.

The other person was born with white beard and white hair, but his complexion was rosy, giving him the appearance of a child with white hair and white hair.

This person's face looked quite familiar, but Liu Yuanchen couldn't remember where he had seen him before.

He quickly sent a message to his master and his second uncle, and his body entered the spiritual realm.

He bowed to Zhang Lingxu and said, "Disciple, please see your master."

Zhang Lingxu introduced: "This is my master, King Qingyuan Dan, and your great master."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen understood.

No wonder it looks so familiar, but I can't remember where I've seen it before.

It turned out to be his great master. When he was in Nanxue Palace in Luochuan Kingdom, the master took out the photo beads given by his great master in order to resist the oppression of his master.

At that time, I just took a quick look and left some impressions.

The first time he met the Grand Master, Liu Yuanchen also had to pay homage: "Disciple Liu Yuanchen, see the Grand Master."

King Qingyuan Pill quickly helped him up and looked at him carefully, with a smile on his face.

"As expected of my great-disciple, he is not only a talented person, but also has excellent talent.

He was able to condense the Three-Yuan Spiritual Platform in his early 80s. This talent was rare in the entire human race. "

Liu Yuanchen also said a few words modestly: "Grandmaster Taizu is very grateful, and the disciple also used a lot of foreign objects."

King Qingyuan Dan smiled and said: "The reason why relying on external objects is not as good as practicing hard is because relying too much on external objects will affect the foundation of cultivation.

If you want to go further in the future, the difficulty will be much higher. "

"Although you are covered by a secret technique, you can still tell that your aura is calm.

As long as it does not affect the foundation, it is appropriate to use some spiritual objects.

All the powerful physical masters in ancient times were inseparable from the assistance of high-level spiritual beings. "

At this time, Zhao Hong and Ling Yu also came to the Shinto spiritual realm.

After saluting, everyone came to the Dongyang Divine Mansion in the Ling Territory.

After sitting down, King Qingyuan Dan smiled and said: "Speaking of which, this is my first time meeting this kid Yuan Chen.

As the Grand Master, I have to give him some greeting gifts. "

Zhao Hong had a bad smile on his face: "Yuan Chen has obtained part of the inheritance of the ancient earthly immortal way, and the resources to open up the spiritual realm are ready.

The Xuanhuang Stone and Kongming Stone he collected back then were enough for the spiritual realm to grow into a blessed place.

He doesn't need any spiritual items for the time being, and you don't have to spend any money on them. "

On the surface, he didn't want Qing Yuan Dan King to give him any benefits, but what he actually meant was that he wanted Qing Yuan Dan King not to fool ordinary spiritual objects.

If you want to give a meeting gift, it must at least be a spiritual object that is useful for the Blessed Land to advance to the cave heaven.

King Qingyuan Dan sighed: "Among my disciples and disciples, you, Zhao Hong, are the most cunning.

When you first started, I personally taught you.

You always eat and occupy more of various resources.

Now that I have the cave heaven and have cultivated to the realm of Dharma, I still have the same virtue. "That's all. My great-disciple is extremely talented and has inherited the immortal path from ancient times."

In the future, this lineage will still rely on him to support its appearance.

As the Grand Master, I can't help but give you some benefits. "

After that, he took out a fist-sized jade-white stone egg.

This was not the first time Liu Yuanchen had seen this thing. It was the spiritual stone chalcedony.

Last time, I used the White Tiger Soul-Slaying Sword to get an eighth-level spiritual stone chalcedony from Master Wanshan.

Now, the spirit stone chalcedony has become the third spiritual vein of Dongyang Blessed Land.

Moreover, the grade of the spiritual vein has reached the fourth low-grade level, which is the same as the main spiritual vein.

The spiritual stone chalcedony in front of me is of a lower grade.

It's a pity that Liu Yuanchen's cultivation level is too low to accurately judge the grade.

Even so, the value of this thing cannot be underestimated.

He quickly refused: "Grand Master, this gift is too valuable. This disciple dare not accept it."

King Qingyuan Dan waved his hand: "What is this thing? It's just a piece of seventh-grade low-grade spiritual stone chalcedony.

Your master came to my place to enjoy the autumn breeze when he had nothing to do. Taking advantage of his young age, he took away any good things he saw.

What he took from me was more than enough to exchange for three or four of these spiritual stones and chalcedony.

It's a pity that you have to take root in the Red Wasteland and can't stay in Daoshan Mountain all the time. "

"I seldom walk outside now. I spend most of my time enlightening myself and wanting to take a further step on the path.

Although this kind of thing is precious, it doesn't have much value in my eyes.

If you younger generations need it, just take it and use it. "

Zhao Hong also interjected: "Yuan Chen, please accept it, your Grand Master is so rich that this little thing is nothing.

When I have the opportunity in the future, I will take you to visit Daoshan Mountain.

We can visit the caves of the ancestors one by one and collect nine spiritual veins. "

Zhang Lingxu also chuckled: "Yuan Chen, please accept it, your Taishizu is now at the peak of Tao Fei Realm.

Even eighth-level spiritual objects have very little effect on him.

This seventh-level spiritual creature was just a plaything in front of his old man. "

Master and Master both said so, and Liu Yuanchen did not refuse any more.

After accepting the spirit stone chalcedony, he bowed and saluted: "Disciple, thank you Grand Master for this generous gift."

King Qingyuan Dan stroked his long beard and laughed a few times: "Zhao Hong, this little guy Yuan Chen knows etiquette better than you."

Then, he asked: "I heard Ling Xu say that as long as the power of the 49 laws is gathered together, the Cave Heaven Paradise can go one step further and become a small world. Is this statement credible?"

This statement comes from the sermon of Zhenyuan Immortal, so it is naturally credible.

"Don't worry, Taishizu, this is the saying in the ancient Immortal Dao inheritance, so there should be no problem.

However, if Dongtian wants to be promoted to a small world, it cannot only rely on laws, but also consider the origin.

If the source is not strong enough, no matter how many laws there are, they will only be castles in the air. "

Seeing how confident he was, King Qingyuan Dan's face became even more joyful.

"The origin is not a problem, I am already seven thousand years old, and it has been more than 5000 years since the cave was formed.

Although a large part of the original power in the cave sky feeds back to the larger world, it can also accumulate a lot of original power itself.

My accumulation over the past few thousand years, coupled with the many spiritual objects I have collected in the past that increase the origin of the cave sky, should be enough for the foundation. "

After the blessed land grows into a cave, some of the space barriers will transform from rocks into sky.

It can absorb the light of the sun, moon and stars from the big world, and it can also continuously absorb energy from chaos and transform part of the innate energy.

Although Dongtian is just an unformed world, it also has the functions of many worlds.

It can absorb the energy of chaos and transform it into innate energy.

However, these innate Yuan Qi are difficult to refine.

And these innate Yuan Qi will become the origin of Dongtian.

As a vassal of the Big World, Dongtian needed the energy for its early growth to come from the Big World.

After being able to extract energy from the void on its own, it will naturally feed back to the larger world.

Therefore, part of the origin of Dongtian will also be taken away and used for the growth of the big world.

King Qingyuan Dan continued: "Unfortunately, I have been learning from Qi training these years and focused on certain laws.

Although there are a few extremely powerful laws, 49 laws have not been collected yet.

Thousands of years are just a waste of effort. "

Liu Yuanchen also consoled him: "Grand Master Tai, this is not a waste of effort.

With the power of 49 laws, it can barely become a small world.

If you want the small world to continue to grow in the future, you need to upgrade the laws to a higher level.

The efforts you have expended before will only have little effect in the process of advancing further into the cave, and will be of more use in the future. "

King Qingyuan Dan waved his hand: "I have lived for so many years, and I have long looked away.

There is no regret in training your master as a disciple.

I just know the path to immortality and feel a little sad when I think of wasting my time in the past.

It's not that difficult to gather 49 rules before I'm buried. "

After saying that, he took out another yellow jade seal and handed it to Liu Yuanchen.

Liu Yuanchen waved his hands repeatedly: "Grand Master, you have already given me a spiritual stone chalcedony."

King Qingyuan Dan smiled and said: "One code is another code, you are my eldest great disciple and grandson, and you are also the person in charge of this lineage from now on.

When I meet you for the first time, I naturally want to give you a greeting gift.

As for this Kunyuan thick earth seal, it is a thank you gift for your help in solving my doubts. "

“You have pointed out the path to eternal life for me, which is a great kindness.

According to the rules of the spiritual world, I should treat you as a teacher.

But you are the direct great-disciple of my lineage, and I cannot mess with the hierarchy.

If you don't give me a thank you gift, you're breaking the rules. "

He had said so, so Liu Yuanchen naturally couldn't refuse. He couldn't really let Grand Master Tai salute him.

"Since it is the rule of the world of immortality, the disciples do not dare to break the rules, so they accept this Kunyuan thick soil seal."

King Qingyuan Dan smiled and said: "I heard from your master that you are now the True God of Heaven and can use some overwhelming means.

This Kunyuan thick earth seal can also activate the Kunyuan energy of the earth.

It can be attacked and defended, and has extremely strong suppressive power.

The top of Mount Tai is also inseparable from the earth. The formation on Panlong Mountain is also the Kunyuan thick earth formation.

With this big seal, both the defensive formation and the power of Mount Tai can be greatly improved in the future. "

Liu Yuanchen took the Kunyuan thick earth seal in his hand and looked at it carefully.

I saw that the seal of the Kunyuan thick earth seal was a yellow jade unicorn, and the seal was surrounded by reliefs of mountains, rivers and plains.

He used his spiritual sense to probe into it, but found no traces of the weapon.

The energy contained in this big seal is stronger than the wind and thunder stick.

"Is this a spiritual treasure embryo?"

Qingyuan Dan King nodded slightly: "That's natural, this is used to reward the kindness of solving doubts.

How can an ordinary magical weapon be obtained?
This spiritual treasure embryo was used by me to strengthen the Cave Heaven Paradise in my early years. You should be able to use it.

This Kunyuan thick earth seal can be regarded as a seventh-level high-grade spiritual treasure embryo, and its power is much stronger than the wind and thunder stick. "

(End of this chapter)

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