Chapter 271 Swallowing Spirit Fire Alive
After listening to Taishizu's words, Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised when he looked at the Kunyuan thick earth seal in his hand.

He was fully aware of the power of the wind and thunder stick.

When fighting against monks of the same level, he always had the upper hand.

Now that he has a stronger Kunyuan thick earth seal, which can also be used in conjunction with the mountain god's heavenly authority, his strength can be improved to a higher level.

"With this thick earth seal of Kun Yuan, I'm afraid no one can be my disciple's opponent near Panlong Mountain and below the Soul Condensation Realm."

King Qingyuan Dan stroked his long beard: "My descendants should naturally be so suppressed that the entire generation cannot hold their heads up.

Your master is good at using poison. Although he is also very powerful, after all, he is more famous for refining pills and poisons.

Your master has not made any achievements in refining pills and poisons.

On the contrary, he defeated all the powerful disciples of his generation and became famous in the human race.

Your talent in alchemy is good, and your potential in fighting is greater than that of your master.

The reputation of our lineage will all depend on you from now on, so don't embarrass me. "

Liu Yuanchen said quickly: "Master, don't worry, among the monks of the same generation, the cultivation level of those who are similar to my disciples has been left behind.

The older ones are too embarrassed to fight against the disciples. Now my name has been established. "

King Qingyuan Dan said with a smile on his face: "Yes, this is my descendant.

I heard that Tieshan and Junlan are also working under you.

As a Grand Master, I have never seen them before.

Take me to meet them, just in time to see how your Panlongshan is doing. "

The group left the Shinto spiritual realm and came to Panlong Mountain.

Liu Yuanchen used the Divine Realm of Heavenly Dao and notified Meng Tieshan and Tie Junlan to come and pay homage to the Grand Master.

Not long after, the two arrived at the main hall of Dongyang Divine Mansion.

Seeing King Qingyuan Dan sitting high on the throne, both of them bowed and saluted: "Disciple Meng Tieshan (Tie Junlan), please see Taishizu."

Now Meng Tieshan's figure has grown a lot.

It used to be just over ten feet tall, but now it is more than three feet tall.

The muscles all over his body were tangled, and his figure was several times larger than before.

Her long fiery red hair looked like a burning flame.

In terms of appearance, he still looks like a human race.

If his appearance were more ferocious, he would be a living half-demon.

Tie Junlan's situation is similar, and her height has also improved a lot, and she is only half a head shorter than Meng Tieshan.

Liu Yuanchen, who is more than seven feet tall, is considered taller among ordinary people.

In front of the two of them, he was almost like a child.

Affected by the bloodline of the Witch Clan, Tie Junlan's hair also turned platinum, shining with silver light.

Not only that, there are also strands of sharp energy hidden in the hair.

It seems that there are countless sharp swords hidden inside, which can take people's lives at any time.

In terms of body shape, she is much more restrained than Meng Tieshan. She is roughly the same proportion as a woman of medium height.

Looking at his two great-disciples with extraordinary talents, King Qingyuan Dan smiled with a smile on his face.

"Yes, in ancient times, that senior who might have been a shaman had the strength to tear apart real dragons with his hands before his bloodline was awakened.

The two of you have awakened your bloodline, and your future is limitless.

Having such a younger generation brings glory to my old face. "

Zhao Hong said quickly: "Master, these two children don't have Yuan Chen's ability to make money.

In terms of resources, they are too short.

Now they are all monks in the Condensation Realm, but they have not yet gathered together the spiritual objects to open up the spiritual realm.

They are all your great-disciples. You gave Yuan Chen good things, so you can’t not give them to these two children, right? "

King Qingyuan Dan glanced at him: "After so many years, you still have the same virtue.

As soon as I see the benefits, I want to eat more and occupy more. "

"You don't need to tell me, I have prepared good things for them both."

After that, he took out a fist-sized crystal.

This crystal is fiery red in color and almost completely transparent.

The most important thing is that there is a blood-red flame in this crystal stone.

Within the flames, bursts of blood-red mist were released from time to time.

This mist carries a strong evil aura.

It feels like facing a peerless beast.

As soon as the flame was taken out, the yin and yang spiritual fire in Liu Yuanchen's spiritual platform was trembling continuously.

"Is this spiritual fire? So overbearing!"

Zhao Hong's face was full of joy: "This is not an ordinary spiritual fire, this fire is called the Earthly Evil Blood Flame, which was bred deep in the lava.

In the process of growing up, he also absorbed a lot of evil energy from earth veins.

In terms of power, it is still superior to my sword and fire.

If this fire could be used as the source of fire, the power of the sword and weapon tribulation fire could be improved to several levels. "

"Master, back then I beat my peers so hard that they couldn't lift their heads. How much shame did I gain for you?
There is such a good thing, why don’t you take it out in advance? "

King Qingyuan Dan glanced at him: "Greedy is not enough to swallow an elephant.

Didn't you also steal the earth fire that you used to condense the weapons and tribulation fire from me?

I also got this evil blood flame by chance more than a hundred years ago.

Your swords, weapons and calamity fire have been in shape for many years, and this earth evil blood flame is of little use to you.

Besides, are you sure you can control this evil spirit? "

"If I hadn't heard that Tieshan had awakened the witch bloodline and could directly absorb the evil energy from the earth's veins to practice, I wouldn't have taken out this fire."

After that, give the crystal stone to Meng Tieshan.

"The power of this flame is extraordinary. When you refine it, be careful not to be hurt by the flames."

Meng Tieshan's pair of copper bell-like eyes stared fixedly at the Disha Xueyan, and some saliva actually leaked out of the corner of his mouth.

After hearing what Grand Master Tai said, he just nodded blankly.

Then, he stuffed the crystal directly into his mouth.

He raised his neck and swallowed it.

Everyone present looked surprised. Even Liu Yuanchen did not expect that his junior brother's method of refining the Earthly Blood Flame was so simple and crude.

Zhao Hong looked worried: "Tieshan, are you okay?"

Before he finished speaking, Meng Tieshan's whole body radiated a wave of heat.

Liu Yuanchen felt as if his body had fallen into a furnace, and even his hair was curled by the heat.

He activated the earth book to form a defensive barrier on the body surface.

At the same time, the defensive formation of Dongyang Divine Mansion was activated to prevent the hall from being burned down.

Not long after, Meng Tieshan's body ignited with blood-red flames.

Liu Yuanchen was worried that something was wrong with him, but after using the Tiandao Divine Realm to investigate, he found that he was not damaged at all.

Not only that, his aura is constantly improving at this time.

His original cultivation level had just broken through to the middle stage of the Condensing Yuan Realm.

At this time, his aura has reached the late stage of the Condensing Yuan Realm, and is still rising.

The aura of this evil blood flame is extremely strong, and it naturally contains a lot of energy.

As long as you can bear it, this spiritual fire is an excellent treasure.

It is not impossible to take this opportunity to break through to a greater realm.

Of course, if you can't bear it, you will be burned to the point of being burned to ashes.

Liu Yuanchen thought that he did not have the guts to swallow the spiritual fire directly.Even my own master probably wouldn't dare to be so forceful.

That is to say, my junior brother has the blood of the Witch Clan and can bathe in the lava lake as early as the Qi Sea Realm.

After the breakthrough in cultivation, the ability to control flames has also improved to a higher level.

Since he dared to swallow the evil blood flames, he should be somewhat confident about controlling the spiritual fire.

No one dared to make a sound for fear of affecting Meng Tieshan.

Half an hour later, the flames pouring out of Meng Tieshan's body became less and less.

After a while, the flames completely disappeared, and even the heat on his body returned to normal.

His aura was much stronger than before, and he was very close to the peak of the Condensing Yuan Realm.

Moreover, there is also a blood-red flame mark between the eyebrows.

The flame mark was still flickering, really like a small flame burning.

Zhao Hong quickly asked: "Tieshan, how do you feel now? There is nothing wrong with you, right?"

Meng Tieshan felt the changes in his body: "Master, my disciple is fine. Now my Yuan Gang Qi Sea has grown to a diameter of one hundred feet.

It won't take long for me to reach the peak of the Condensing Yuan Realm. "

Zhao Hong was still a little worried: "What about Earth Evil Blood Fire?"

Meng Tieshan pointed at the center of his eyebrows, and merged into the immortal body in my sea of ​​consciousness.

Only then did Zhao Hong feel relieved. He had seen the power of the Ancestral Witch Immortal Seed before, so it shouldn't be a problem to suppress the spiritual fire.

"You are too reckless. The power of the earth evil blood and fire is so powerful that even a master cannot completely ignore it.

You can just take it and refine it slowly. It would be too dangerous to eat it alive. "

Meng Tieshan looked confident: "Master, don't worry, not long ago, a secret technique that swallowed flames appeared in the disciple's memory.

If you swallow the spiritual fire directly, you won't suffer any harm.

As long as it is a masterless spiritual fire, it can be used to improve your cultivation. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was also a little surprised.

According to the news from Qingsha, some shamans with higher witch bloodlines will indeed awaken some of the shaman bloodline inheritance.

But there are very few witches like that. Even in the era of the Lich War, usually only witches whose parents are from the witch clan can awaken.

It is almost impossible for shamans who have passed down the tradition for several generations to awaken their bloodline inheritance.

Unexpectedly, my junior brother's witch clan bloodline was so strong.

Hearing this, Zhao Hong smiled broadly: "If we can invade the Feng Clan's territory in the future, you should be able to benefit greatly."

At this time, Ling Yu couldn't sit still.

The two nephews have received benefits, but my own disciple has not yet received the benefits.

"Master, Junlan is also your great-disciple, so we can't favor one over the other."

Qingyuan Dan King chuckled: "You were also led astray by Zhao Hong.

Among you senior fellow apprentices, you have never fought or fought for anything, but now you have learned to fight for it. "

"Don't worry, they are all my great disciples, I won't treat anyone badly."

After that, he took out a piece of silver metal the size of a bowl.

In an instant, the entire hall was enveloped by a sharp aura.

Fortunately, the defensive formation that was opened before has not yet been closed, and the defensive barrier of the Earth Book is still there.

Otherwise, the loss will be too great.

Liu Yuanchen took a closer look: "Is this Geng Jin?"

King Qingyuan Dan nodded: "Yes, this is Geng Jin.

It's a pity that the grade is a bit lower, only the eighth grade. "

"Junlan and Tieshan are both of the witch bloodline. Tieshan can practice with the help of flames, and Junlan should also be able to practice with the help of Gengjin."

"It's a pity that metallic flames only exist in legends. I don't have the ability to find them, so I can only use this piece of Geng gold to make up for it."

Tie Junlan quickly bowed and saluted: "Disciple, thank you Grand Master."

After that, she took the Geng gold.

Strangely enough, as soon as this Geng Jin came into her hands, her sharpness instantly subsided.

At the same time, the aura throughout her body was slowly improving.

Qingyuan Dan King nodded slightly: "My guess is indeed correct. This Geng Gold will indeed be of great benefit to your cultivation."

After that, he took out two more storage bags and handed them to Meng Tieshan and Tie Junlan respectively.

“Here are some small things that open up the spiritual realm and cultivate a blessed place.

You two are not good at management, and it will take a lot of effort to collect these spiritual objects.

With these things, your path will be smoother. "

According to the rules of Bahuang Pavilion, Master will not prepare any resources for his disciples.

However, disciples can go to the ancestors of past dynasties to fight against the autumn wind.

As long as you are thick-skinned enough, you will definitely survive.

With these things, the path of the two of them will be much smoother.

The two of them thanked each other continuously: "Thank you, Grand Master."

King Qingyuan Dan waved his hand: "No need to be polite, these things are treasures to you, but they are just playthings to me."

He looked at Liu Yuanchen again: "Yuanchen, I heard that Tieshan and Junlan can awaken the bloodline of the witch clan. Can they rely on the statue of the Jumang ancestral witch?
Moreover, you also obtained some inheritance from the statue of the ancestral witch.

I am a monk with dual attributes of wood and fire, so I should be able to practice some.

If I could learn from the laws of the ancient powerful, it would be much easier for me to understand the laws. "

Liu Yuanchen directly took out the statue of Jumangzu Wu: "Disciples can practice the inheritance of Jumangzu Wu by relying on the immortal seeds to suppress the true form of Jumangzu Wu.

If your immortal seed can also be suppressed, there should be no problem.

If it cannot be suppressed, there may be a risk of backlash. "

Qingyuan Dan King nodded slightly: "In this way, this inheritance cannot be practiced casually, and can only be learned from."

After saying that, he mobilized his magic power and injected it into the statue.

Suddenly, the statue flashed with dazzling cyan light.

However, these rays of light did not condense the image of Jumang Zuwu.

Liu Yuanchen was a little puzzled. His Taishizu was a powerful person at the peak of Tao Fei Realm, but he failed to elicit the image of Ju Mang Zu Wu.

I was able to do this when I was in the Condensing Yuan Realm.

Is it possible that this statue still recognizes someone?

Or maybe his magic power contains the energy of the ginseng fruit tree, which can shake the statue.

Ordinary mana roots are not strong enough to activate the statue of Jumang Zuwu.

Just when he was wondering, the statue of Goumang Zuwu suddenly started to tremble.

King Qingyuan Dan looked curious: "What's going on? I feel a force pulling the statue to the east-south direction."

Liu Yuanchen explained: "This is not the first time this has happened. When the disciples just finished piecing together the statue, there was a force pulling the statue.

The disciples estimate that there are other statues of ancestral witches in the east-south direction.

It's just that that side is probably the territory of the demon clan, and the disciples have never dared to go and investigate. "

Hearing this, Zhao Hong's eyes widened: "There are other statues of ancestral witches? You can really keep your composure. If I had known about this earlier, I would have gone for a walk that day.

If they can find the statues of the Ancestral Witch Zhu Rong or the Ancestral Witch Lishou, Tieshan and Junlan will be able to inherit the inheritance of the witch clan. "

Liu Yuanchen looked helpless: "There is nothing we can do about it, this direction points directly to the Jinyu Mountain area.

If you get too close and trigger the hidden ancestral witch statue, it may fall into the hands of the demon clan.

The Lich War happened over 10,000 years ago, and after so many years, the statue of the ancestral witch has not been found.

Don't act rashly for the time being, the statue of the ancestral witch will not be exposed. "

(End of this chapter)

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