Chapter 274 Longevity Peach Roots
Generally speaking, the net worth of a spiritual medicine master is far lower than that of an alchemist of the same level.

After all, if the elixir master wants to accumulate wealth, he needs to grow elixirs and then sell them.

It takes a long time for elixirs to grow.

However, Qibao Pharmacist is not an ordinary elixir master, but a leading figure among elixir masters.

He can use some low-grade gourd vines to cultivate an eighth-grade seven-treasure gourd.

It should be noted that cultivating Duobao gourds is extremely difficult.

If his method of cultivating the Seven Treasure Gourds was used to cultivate other spiritual plants, he might be able to cultivate a bunch of eighth-level spiritual plants.

In addition, the value of other spiritual plants he cultivated cannot be underestimated.

If you can't go one step further and become a true Immortal Immortal.

When the deadline of ten thousand years comes, the body must be integrated into the cave.

Although it is considered a different kind of immortality, it can never leave the cave.

Such longevity is really meaningless.

At that point, all spiritual plants and spiritual objects have no value.

After inheriting the mantle, you can obtain most of its property and inheritance.

The mantle of a top elixir master is no less valuable than the Alchemy King.

Just when Liu Yuanchen was about to refuse, Zhang Lingxu spoke first: "Senior Brother Qibao, you can't steal my disciple.

This child's alchemy talent is extremely high, and it will be easy for him to become the Alchemy King in the future.

If you take him away, my loss will be great. "

Qibao Medicine Master waved his hand: "Junior Brother Zhang, am I that kind of person?
In the worst case, let Yuan Chen recruit a few more disciples in the future, and find a disciple with good talent in Shen Nong Technique, who can be regarded as my great-disciple.

In this way, no one’s inheritance will be lost.

Among mortals, this kind of thing seems to be called double-eating. "

Upon hearing this, Zhang Lingxu had no objection.

"As long as you don't steal my disciple, you can say anything.

I don't care about the next generation's affairs.

If he really has the time to train him, even if he has dozens of disciples, I can't control him. "

Liu Yuanchen wanted to refuse, but his master had already agreed, so he couldn't speak again.

He had to cup his hands and say, "In that case, I would like to thank Master Qibao."

Qibao Pharmacist casually took out an animal skin book: "This is some of my experience in cultivating diamond beans.

Just relying on the special energy contained in your magic power, you can exert an effect that is no less than mine.

If you learn this lesson thoroughly, the quality of the diamond beans you grow should reach a higher level. "

Liu Yuanchen was naturally very happy. Although the existing King Kong Bean was already not weak, who wouldn't want to make his subordinates stronger?
The quality of the diamond beans is higher, and the golden armored beans soldiers trained will have a much stronger foundation.

Coupled with the Taoist sacrifice and refining method, the future of the golden armored bean soldiers will be even brighter.

Liu Yuanchen took the animal skin book and bowed again: "Thank you, Master Qibao, for this generous gift."


Venerable Yishan seemed to suddenly remember something and asked Zhang Lingxu: "Junior Brother Guishou, you said before that Senior Uncle Qingyuan is studying the inheritance of the witch clan.

I usually like to collect various classics, but I have never heard of the Wu Clan. What is the origin of this Wu Clan? "

Liu Yuanchen has already planned to release part of the Wu clan's inheritance, and there is no point in hiding it now.

Moreover, King Qingyuan Dan also said that he must first build momentum and then release the inheritance.

The monks from Bahuang Pavilion in front of them all have extraordinary status.

As long as you tell them about the Witch Clan, it will be of great benefit in building momentum.

Liu Yuanchen briefly talked about the grievances between the Witch Clan and the Monster Clan, and even told some things about the Twelve Ancestral Witches and the Dutian Shensha Formation.

Finally, he specifically mentioned the connection between the witch clan and the Longevity Peach.

"Long before the birth of our human race, the Witch Clan fought against the Monster Clan.

The Wanshou Flat Peach was originally in the hands of the Wu Clan and trained many masters for the Wu Clan.

In order to defeat the Witch Clan, the Demon Clan attacked and destroyed the Wanshou Flat Peach. "

After hearing this, Master Yishan's eyes shone.

He is a great master of formations, so naturally he is very interested in formations.

After hearing the legend about the Twelve Capitals' Divine Evil Formation, I was naturally very interested.

"Does the Twelve Capital Heavenly Divine Evil Formation really exist?"

Liu Yuanchen nodded: "It does exist, and not only that, the Wu Clan used the Twelve Heavenly Divine Evil Formation to kill the first Dragon Emperor of the Dragon Clan.

At the same time, even the Dragon Clan's clan treasure was severely damaged by the formation. "

After hearing this, Master Yishan rubbed his hands excitedly.

"Didn't you get some inheritance from the witch clan? Do you think there are twelve heavenly gods and evil formations among them?"

Before Liu Yuanchen could reply, Zhang Lingxu said quickly: "There is a part that Master is studying.

We plan to put the superficial contents of the Wu Clan's inheritance into the inheritance system of Daxia Academy.

The most exquisite part is our Bahuang Pavilion’s internal research.

As for those mid-stream inheritances, we invite some close forces to study them with our Bahuang Pavilion.

However, before that, momentum still needs to be built. "

Everyone here is an old fox who has lived for thousands of years. As soon as they heard these words, they knew the plan of King Dan's lineage.

However, this method will be of great benefit to the entire Bahuang Pavilion, and everyone is naturally willing to cooperate.

Venerable Yishan said with an anxious look on his face: "In that case, I will stay in this red wasteland for a while.

Junior Nephew Yuan Chen’s Dongyang Divine Mansion is nice, I will stay here. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen felt happy.

Venerable Yishan is the great master of formation. With him here, Panlongshan's reputation will be greatly improved.

If he could be allowed to take action and help improve Panlongshan's defensive formation, the harvest would be huge.

“Master Yishan is willing to live here, which is an honor for this disciple.

When the Dongyang Divine Mansion was built, the sect also provided resources.

This Dongyang Divine Mansion originally had a share in the sect.

All the disciples of Bahuang Pavilion can live here permanently. "

Venerable Yishan chuckled: "This little guy can talk, much better than Zhao Hong did back then.

It just so happened that Ling Yu was also in Panlong Mountain, so I gave him some advice when I had time. "

In addition to Master Yishan, Qibao Medicine Master is also very interested in what Liu Yuanchen just mentioned.

"Yuan Chen, you know a lot about the Wu Clan. I wonder if the Wanshou Pantao is dead?"

Liu Yuanchen shook his head: "Master Qibao, you are making things difficult for me.

Disciples can know these things only from incomplete ancient inheritance.

As for the Wu Clan, I don’t know much.

Even the disciples couldn't tell whether the Wu clan perished or escaped.

Whether this Wanshou Flat Peach is dead or alive, I am afraid only the top leaders of the Lich and Lich clans can tell clearly. "

Qibao Medicine Master also sighed: "It's a pity. If I can get some broken branches and leaves of the Wanshou Peach, I can deduce whether the Wanshou Peach is dead or alive."

The Wanshou Flat Peach was destroyed 17 years ago.

Even though a lot of broken branches and leaves were blown up in the initial explosion, they were first burned by the Feng Clan's Lihuo God Pearl, and then the Wu Clan cleaned up the mess.

Now that 10,000+ years have passed, there may not even be any dregs of the Wanshou Flat Peach left in the Red Wasteland.

Qibao Medicine Master asked again: "By the way, Yuan Chen, you are a local monk in the Red Wasteland. Have you discovered any ancient trees in the Red Wasteland?"

Liu Yuanchen thought for a moment, then shook his head.

“The Red Wasteland is extremely desolate, and apart from Wuyun Ridge, there is not much vegetation.

If you really want to find ancient trees, you can only go east of Wohu Peak in Wuyun Ridge.That side is shrouded in black fog all year round, and there may be ancient trees remaining.

It's just that that side is controlled by the demon clan and cannot go there for the time being. "

Qibao Medicine Master sighed: "That's a real loss, there isn't even an ancient tree.

By the way, Red Wasteland has experienced ancient wars and discovered the White Tiger Soul-Slaying Sword before.

There are no living ancient plants and trees, so there should be some dead ones, right? "

Liu Yuanchen thought for a long time, and finally thought of a dead ancient plant.

When the spiritual realm had not grown into a blessed place, he searched for the spiritual hub in the underground caves of Qingshi Mountain.

As a result, a wooden spirit hub was found and integrated into the spiritual realm.

The third spiritual hub in Dongyang Paradise is now formed with the help of the roots of that ancient tree.

That wooden spiritual hub was formed by connecting the roots of an ancient tree with its spiritual veins.

At that time, he wanted to take away the ancient tree roots, but it might affect Wuyunling's great spiritual veins.

In addition, the roots of the ancient tree are embedded in the rock, and it is too big to be taken away entirely.

Later, the blessed land was moved away, and the roots of the ancient tree were never taken care of again.

The matter of the ancient tree roots was forgotten by him.

Now that Master Qibao mentioned the dead ancient tree, Liu Yuanchen remembered the roots of the ancient tree.

"This disciple really thought of an ancient tree root that has been dead for many years, and the entire root is like jade.

The tree roots drilled through the rock formations and connected with the spiritual veins, forming a wooden spiritual hub with some water spiritual energy. "

Hearing this, Qibao Medicine Master's eyes shone.

“Being able to drill through rock formations and plant roots in spiritual veins is definitely not ordinary.

Where is that thing? Take me to see it. "

Liu Yuanchen was also a little surprised, the Patriarch Qibao was too impatient.

"Master Qibao, you have just come here, there is no need to be so impatient, right?

Otherwise, you can rest for some time on Panlong Mountain first, and then look at the roots of the ancient tree. "

Qibao Medicine Master waved his hands repeatedly: "I am a dignified Dao Fei Realm monk, and I don't need to rest.

The news that the Wanshou Flat Peach was about to be born attracted many monks.

This group of people can't wait to turn the entire Wuyun Ridge upside down, and among them are the masters of the big forces.

If you go late, the good stuff will fall into the hands of others. "

After that, he dragged Liu Yuanchen out.

Liu Yuanchen had no choice but to take the Seven Treasures Master to Qingshi Mountain.

Zhang Lingxu also chuckled: "Since Senior Brother Qibao is so enthusiastic, let's go and see the excitement together.

Maybe, the ancient tree roots are somewhat related to the Longevity Flat Peach.

Zhao Hong stayed behind to look after the house, and I went to watch the excitement. "

Although Zhao Hong was not happy, he could only stay in Panlong Mountain, while everyone else rode the clouds and headed south.

More than a dozen monks above the Dharma Realm realm were dispatched together, and the aura soared into the sky.

The casual cultivators who were trying their luck everywhere sensed this momentum and stayed away from him.

Don't mess with any big boss and be beaten to death by a hair of the big boss.

The group of people soon arrived at Qingshi Mountain. The foreign monks who were trying their luck on Qingshi Mountain were also frightened and fled in all directions.

Qibao Medicine Master asked: "Yuan Chen, where are the roots of that ancient tree?"

Liu Yuanchen pointed to the cave halfway up Qingshi Mountain: "You can find it by entering the underground from this cave."

Qingshi Mountain has been ravaged by foreign monks for a long time, and the big rocks that originally blocked the cave have been thrown away.

Under the leadership of Liu Yuanchen, everyone entered the underground cave.

Inside the cave, there are many traces of monks fighting.

Relying on his memory, he quickly led everyone to the place where Mu Lingshu was.

Along the way, there are marks left by the monks everywhere.

Even the area near Mu Lingshu was visited by monks.

Moreover, a lot of the roots of the ancient trees on the Mu Ling Shu had also been cut off and taken away.

A large pit with a diameter of more than ten feet was left in the Mu Ling Shu.

Just because this stem is deeply embedded in the rock, most monks cannot dig it out completely.

Underground, there are still many ancient tree roots.

Liu Yuanchen pointed to the big pit: "The roots of the ancient tree are here."

Qibao Medicine Master pointed his sword with his right hand and headed towards the big pit.

A ray of green light flew out and landed in the pit.

The green light turned into a sapling and grew up in the pit.

Soon, the sapling grew into a big tree.

The sound of cracking rocks kept rising, and the big tree sprouted thick roots.

The roots penetrate into the rock formations, crush the rocks around the ancient tree's rhizome, and wrap the ancient tree's roots.

After more than a hundred breaths, Qibao Medicine Master stretched out his hand to grab it, and the big tree transformed by the green light quickly shrank and flew back to his hand.

Roots still entangled the rhizome of the ancient tree and uprooted it.

I saw a white jade pillar rising slowly from the ground and falling into the hands of Qibao Medicine Master.

This white jade pillar is five or six feet long, about the thickness of an adult's wrist.

Previously, the roots of this ancient tree went deep into the ground and were at least a thousand feet long.

"Is this a way to get everything you want?"

Qibao Medicine Master chuckled: "It's almost the same. It's a spell learned from the large and small Ruyi inscriptions commonly used on flying boats."

Before he finished speaking, he casually formed an extremely complex inscription and injected it into the roots of the ancient tree.

Suddenly, two streams of light emitted from the roots of the ancient tree.

One of them is turquoise, and the other is aqua blue.

In just a moment, the two streams of light condensed together and turned into the shadow of an ancient tree.

Although the shadow is very dim and blurry, it is certain that the shadow of the ancient tree is the Wanshou Peach Tree.

Venerable Wanshan took a breath of cold air: "The spirituality in the roots of this tree can actually condense the shadow of the Longevity Peach Tree. Is it possible..."

Qibao Medicine Master nodded: "Yes, this ancient tree rhizome should be a root of the Wanshou Flat Peach.

10,000+ years have passed, and the roots have been continuously washed by the spiritual energy and have become jade.

But the Tao Yun of Wanshou Flat Peach still has not completely dissipated. "

At this time, Liu Yuanchen felt heartbroken: "I didn't expect that the roots of the ancient tree discovered when I was looking for the Lingshu turned out to be the roots of the Wanshou Flat Peach."

Even if the roots of the innate spiritual roots do not retain the innate immortal spiritual light, they are still the best materials for refining acquired spiritual treasures.

If you had gotten this stem early and exchanged it for two or three pieces of spiritual stone chalcedony, it would not have been difficult.

I missed the best treasure. '

"Master Qibao, this place is more than a thousand miles away from Duan Tou Mountain. How could the roots of the Wanshou Flat Peach reach here?"

Qibao Medicine Master chuckled: "You still have little knowledge, the vitality of spiritual roots is extremely strong.

In my cave, there is a Thousand-year-old flat peach. The rhizome can spread to two or three thousand miles away from the main root.

The Wanshou Flat Peach is an innate spiritual root, and it is not surprising that the roots spread thousands of miles. "

"With this rhizome and some secret techniques, I can determine whether the Wanshou Flat Peach is still alive.

If he is still alive, he has a chance to find the original body of Wanshou Peach. "

(End of this chapter)

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