Chapter 275: Deceiving the Divine Court
Everyone was a little excited after hearing Qibao Medicine Master's words.

If the Wanshou Flat Peach can be found, Bahuang Pavilion will really make a fortune.

Although it is impossible for one family to monopolize Bahuang Pavilion, not everyone can control it.

If other forces want to get a share of the pie, they must offer enough benefits in exchange for innate Yuan Qi.

In this way, Bahuang Pavilion can reap a lot of benefits.

Of course, within the Bahuang Pavilion, there must also be a distribution of benefits.

The first is Qibao Medicine Master. If he can find the Wanshou Flat Peach, he will naturally take the big one.

This innate peach root was found under the guidance of Liu Yuanchen, so he naturally benefited from it.

Liu Yuanchen quickly asked: "Master Qibao, can you really find the place where the Wanshou Flat Peach is?"

Qibao Medicine Master nodded: "Of course, I created a secret technique that can use part of the branches and leaves of the spiritual plant to find the location of the main trunk.

I have tried it with Qianshou flat peaches before and there was no problem at all. "

"Although this root has been separated from the main body for 10,000+ years, the Dao Yuan still remains. You can use this remaining Dao Yuan to find the location of the Wanshou Flat Peach."

"You also know the characteristics of innate spiritual roots. After the original trunk is destroyed, the remaining roots can come back to life as long as there is still a trace of life.

If the newly born innate spiritual roots want to restore their original state, they must absorb the Tao Yun in other broken branches and leaves.

This process will be very long, so now there is still a small amount of Tao aggregate in the roots of the tree. "

“At this time, we only need to extract the Taoist essence from the roots of the tree, and then use secret techniques to toss it around.

You can follow the Tao Yun and find the innate spiritual root after rebirth. "

"The root itself has not been seriously damaged, but the Dao aggregate has been lost a lot, which is obviously not normal.

In my opinion, the probability that Wanshou Peach is still alive is not low. "

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up.

I heard before that there is a way to find Longevity Flat Peach, which is worth cheering for.

But whether Wanshou Peach is alive or dead is still unknown.

The main value of the innate spiritual root lies in itself.

The value of the living Wanshou Flat Peach is incalculable, and the dead Wanshou Flat Peach is just a pile of high-level spiritual materials.

Knowing that the Wanshou Flat Peach is probably still alive, now there is a way to find it.

This wealth and wealth fell firmly on the head of Bahuang Pavilion.

Lord Diaolong said quickly, "Can I use this method now?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone spoke out against it.

Venerable Qibao also said quickly: "Now that there are so many experts on Wuyun Ridge, even if we find the Wanshou Flat Peach, we can't hide it from other forces.

The various forces jointly obtained the Wanshou Flat Peach, and our Bahuang Pavilion obtained the Wanshou Flat Peach alone. The gap is huge. "

Although Bahuang Pavilion cannot be monopolized, if you get it alone, you will have absolute control.

Apart from anything else, this Wanshou peach tree must be placed within the territory of Bahuang Pavilion.

If other forces want to share the benefits, they have to exchange the benefits for some innate energy and peaches.

If all forces join forces, that's another story.

Even though Bahuang Pavilion had the greatest contribution in the process of obtaining the Longevity Peach, other forces also contributed.

When distributing the Longevity Flat Peach, other forces also have some say.

By then, Bahuang Pavilion will have lost a lot of the benefits it gained.

Even where the Wanshou Flat Peach is placed, I'm afraid it won't be what Bahuang Pavilion wants.

Lord Diaolong also reacted immediately: "I am impatient, this matter needs to be considered in the long run.

No one was around to listen to our conversation. Only we knew about it and we must not let it out.

After the demon clan's ambush is over, it won't be too late for us to take action again. "

The others naturally thought so, and Venerable Qibao put the stem away casually.

Everyone left Qingshi Mountain and returned to Panlong Mountain.


More than a month has passed, and fairy lights and fragrances often appear on Guitou Mountain, but the Wanshou Flat Peach has not appeared.

However, many masters could not restrain themselves and forced their way into Duoling Mountain in an attempt to swallow the Wanshou Flat Peach. Naturally, they died.

Everyone in Bahuang Pavilion already knew the complete inside story of this matter, so naturally they were not in a hurry.

Master Diaolong fishes by the Panlong Lake every day, while Qibao Medicine Master has nothing to do and directs the yellow-scaled pine Taoist soldiers to take care of the spiritual field.

Venerable Yishan was most interested in the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods Formation, so he and Ling Yu studied the remaining formations in the Jumang ancestor witch inheritance.

As for the others, most of them were with Qing Yuan Dan King, studying the witch patterns together, hoping to take this opportunity to understand more laws.

During this period, Zhao Hong also took the Goumang ancestral witch statue out for a walk to explore where the second ancestral witch statue was.

Bahuang Pavilion's ability to remain calm does not mean that Shenting can remain calm.

Within a few days, some masters from the Divine Court came to pay their respects.

The visitor was no stranger, it was Xia Linfeng.

Before, Ao Qing led the demon soldiers to attack Panlong Mountain, and it was he who brought the Shenting treasure to confront Ao Qing head-on.

In terms of personal strength, Xia Linfeng might not be that good.

But as a senior member of the Shenting Army, coupled with the Shenting treasures, the strength he can exert should not be inferior to that of Lord Diaolong.

Liu Yuanchen, a junior, naturally did not dare to neglect and personally invited him to Dongyang Divine Mansion.

Zhang Lingxu, Master Yishan, Master Diaolong and others also welcomed him.

After everyone sat down, Liu Yuanchen, as a landlord, naturally had to be the first to ask questions.

He bowed his hands and said, "Senior Xia, I wonder what important business you have here?"

As a divine king, Liu Yuanchen has an extraordinary status in the divine court, and is still above Xia Linfeng.

Although Xia Linfeng was extremely senior, he didn't dare to rely on others.

He returned the gift with his hands raised: "I can't bear the courtesy of the Lord God. I came here this time to ask about Duolingshan.

When Brother Guishou contacted me before, he said that Sleepy Hollow was a monster trap.

I want to take this opportunity to severely damage the demon clan and the Pantheon Religion. "

“Shenting also wants to seize this opportunity and teach the demon clan a lesson.

Manpower has been assembled and ready to take action at any time.

It's just that some senior officials didn't believe it was a trap set by the demon clan, so they sent me to inquire about the situation in Duolingshan. "

Just as Liu Yuanchen was about to explain, Master Diaolong said quickly: "I don't believe it was a trap by the demon clan, it should be God King Yantian, right?
That old guy really doesn't have much ability, he knows how to pry into privacy.

I have been deceived by the demon clan’s methods so many times, and I still don’t have a long memory. "

The Divine King naturally holds a high position of authority within the Divine Court.

But Bahuang Pavilion is not a subordinate of Shenting. Lord Diaolong himself also has the position of divine king conferred by Shenting.

In terms of status, he is no lower than the God King.

It's just that he doesn't have the right to open a mansion, and he doesn't have any power outside his own cave.

After being exposed by Master Diaolong, Xia Linfeng felt a little embarrassed, but it was hard to say anything.

Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "This is what I spied with the authority of heaven. The Dragon Clan took out the broken branches of the Wanshou Flat Peach to create various strange phenomena.

Speaking of which, God King Yantian's speculation was correct. This matter was indeed related to the Wanshou Flat Peach.

It's a pity that this is not an opportunity, but a pit of fire. "

Hearing this, Xia Linfeng had a strange expression on his face: "I have been to Panlong Mountain many times, and I know that the Lord of Heaven is already the True God of Heaven in Panlong Mountain. It's just that the wind-singing beast language in the authority of this mountain god has a limited snooping distance.

This Panlong Mountain is just a seventh-grade sacred mountain, and the authority of Heavenly Dao is not too strong.

Whether it's Guantou Mountain or Jinyu City, they are more than a thousand miles away from here. How can we spy on the situation there. "

Liu Yuanchen planned to use the power of Bahuang Pavilion to enhance his own strength.

Things about the authority of heaven will also be revealed in the future.

"I stayed in the underworld for some time before and obtained the authority of heaven in Panlong Mountain in the underworld.

There is something magical about the combination of the heavenly authority of Panlong Mountain in the Yin and Yang realms.

The senior has a high level of cultivation and must be able to sense the level of authority on Panlong Mountain like mine. "

Xia Linfeng's face was full of surprise. He really didn't expect that Liu Yuanchen could obtain the power of heaven in the underworld.

Shenting has been running the underworld for many years, but it has not been able to do this.

Liu Yuanchen was only over 80 years old, but he became the true god of heaven in the underworld.

Even if it is a coincidence, it should not be underestimated.

The human race has never obtained the authority of heaven in the underworld, and no one knows how effective this authority can be.

Perhaps, Liu Yuanchen can reach some agreements with the higher-ups of the underworld in the future and have a special status in the underworld.

After thinking for a long time, he raised his hand and said: "The Lord God is indeed a genius.

In this case, the information provided by the Lord God is naturally correct.

I came here this time to discuss the cooperation between the two companies with Bahuang Pavilion. "

"The demon tribe has set up their formation at Duolingshan Mountain, which is a good opportunity to inflict heavy damage on them.

How the two families should act still needs to be discussed. "

Before Liu Yuanchen could speak, Zhang Lingxu hurriedly said: "Although there are many people ambushed by the demon clan, the masters from the human clan definitely have the advantage.

It's better to let us Bahuang Pavilion monks kill all the Duantou Mountain first, and then the Shenting army goes straight to Jinyu Mountain and destroys the Dragon Shaking Formation set up by the demon clan.

As long as Jinyu Mountain can be captured, Jinyu City will not be able to hold on for long without any support. "

Upon hearing this, Xia Linfeng's expression changed slightly, and he felt a little unsure.

The demon tribe set up their formation at Duolingtou Mountain, which must be the most dangerous place.

Jinyu Mountain was originally a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, but its defense at this time was much weaker than that of Guillotine Mountain.

Bahuang Pavilion could have completely ignored the matter, but instead took the initiative to attack the most dangerous Duan Tou Mountain.

Gradually, Xia Linfeng had some guesses in his mind.

'Could it be that the Wanshou Pantao thing is true, and Bahuang Pavilion deliberately released false news to distract our Shenting army.

The disciples of Bahuang Pavilion invaded Duantou Mountain, hoping to monopolize the Wanshou Flat Peach. '

Thinking of this, Xia Linfeng felt that he had guessed the truth of the matter.

He cursed secretly in his heart: "This Bahuang Pavilion looks like it is indifferent to the world, but in fact it is a group of treacherous villains."

Bahuang Pavilion must not get involved in the matter of Duolingshan.

Regardless of whether this Wanshou Flat Peach is real or fake, I, the Divine Court, will take possession of it. '

He cupped his hands and said, "Thank you very much, Lord Alchemy, for your kindness. However, our Divine Court is the co-leader of the human race, so it is our Divine Court who should take the lead in dealing with the demon clan and the Ten Thousand Gods Sect.

If Bahuang Pavilion is allowed to face the demon clan alone, wouldn't it appear that our divine court excludes dissenters? "

Zhang Lingxu waved his hand quickly: "That's wrong. This was done voluntarily by me, Bahuang Pavilion, and was not arranged by Shenting."

Naturally, Xia Linfeng refused to let go: "Duplicate Mountain is dangerous, and many human forces are also heading towards it.

Although Bahuang Pavilion is powerful, it cannot command the heroes.

Our Divine Court is the co-leader of the human race, and many forces are willing to listen to the Divine Court's dispatch, which is suitable for attacking Tuantou Mountain. "

Hearing this, Zhang Lingxu showed an anxious look on his face: "Duo Tou Mountain is dangerous, and I'm afraid there will be heavy casualties in the Divine Court."

Seeing that he was anxious, Xia Linfeng became more and more proud: "You treacherous villain, you must be anxious now that I have seen through your plan." '

Immediately he stopped talking nonsense: "This time all the monster masters are setting up an ambush at Duantou Mountain, so the Jinyu Mountain side must be empty.

I, Shenting, will be able to hold off the masters of the demon clan by attacking Duantoushan.

At that time, I will help all fellow Taoists to capture Jinyu Mountain. "

Zhang Lingxu was silent for a long time, and then sighed helplessly: "In that case, let Shenting attack Tuantou Mountain, and I, Bahuang Pavilion, attack Jinyu Mountain."

After a few more pleasantries, Xia Linfeng said goodbye and left.

Zhao Hong couldn't help but laugh: "This Xia Linfeng is not a good bird. He always wants to take advantage, but he was deceived by us."

Liu Yuanchen also smiled and shook his head: "Master, Master didn't tell a single lie. It was Xia Linfeng who took the initiative to request the attack on Duantou Mountain.

We only agreed out of desperation. Even if the Divine Court suffers heavy losses, it is none of our business. "

Xia Linfeng was fooled this time not because he was stupid, but because Shenting was suppressed by Liu Yuanchen's intelligence superiority.

In addition, Shenting has always been distrustful of the power of Daxia Academy.

If Shenting had accurate information, or trusted Bahuang Pavilion's information, they would naturally not be fooled by this.

Liu Yuanchen asked: "Master, can you confirm that the second statue of the ancestral shaman is in Jinyu Mountain?"

Zhao Hong patted his chest: "Aren't you still worried about doing things for the master? A few days ago, I took the Jumangzu witch statue and walked around that area for a long time.

Through the unusual movements of Jumangzu Wu, it can be roughly determined that the thing pulling the statue of Jumangzu Wu is located in the Jinyu Mountain area.

After Shenting takes action, we will attack Jinyu Mountain.

No matter whether we can capture Jinyu Mountain or not, we must get the second statue of the ancestral witch. "


At this time, Venerable Yishan asked: "Yuan Chen, you just said that you have become the true god of heaven in the underworld. Is this true?"

Liu Yuanchen nodded: "Of course it's true, the Panlong Mountain in the world is just a seventh-grade sacred mountain.

Without the help of the authority of the underworld and heaven, how can I raise the authority of educating all spirits to the sixth level? "

Hearing this, Venerable Yishan nodded slightly: "So, you have a place to stay in the underworld.

I don’t know, what do you plan to do with Panlong Mountain in the underworld in the future? "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was delighted.

Since he became the mountain god of Panlong Mountain in the underworld, he naturally wanted to build a city in Panlong Mountain and attract the forces of the underworld to do business.

It’s just that the situation in the underworld is unclear, and building a city is not an easy task.

Venerable Yishan is extremely powerful and is one of the few great masters of formations in this world.

If he could take action and build a formation in Panlong Mountain in the underworld, he wouldn't have to worry about any danger there.

“The disciple plans to build a city on Panlong Mountain in the underworld and sell some spiritual objects from the underworld.

Then purchase various spiritual objects from the underworld and sell them in Hongling Pavilion. "

Hearing this, Venerable Yishan showed joy on his face: "In this case, I can help build the city.

My few useless disciples and disciples usually have nothing serious to do.

I want them to do something in Panlong Mountain in the underworld. I wonder what you think. "

Liu Yuanchen was overjoyed: "This is really a sleepy person who gave me a pillow. The disciples and grandsons of Master Yishan went to Panlong Mountain in the underworld to work."

In the future, Lord Yishan will definitely support him, and this time he succeeded in hugging someone else. '

"The disciples are short of manpower. Master Yishan is willing to let all the uncles, uncles, and brothers come to help. That would be the best thing."

(End of this chapter)

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