Chapter 276

Seeing that Liu Yuanchen agreed to allow his descendants to work in Panlong Mountain, Master Yishan was in a good mood.

"My disciples and grandsons are your subordinates.

If anyone oppresses you because of your age, feel free to take out the token I gave you and beat them to death. "

Seeing this situation, others were also very excited.

Doing business in the Yin and Yang Realms, the profits are really too great.

When other forces outside the Divine Court engage in this business, they occupy a territory in the underworld and obtain resources through plunder.

This method is very costly, but it still yields huge profits.

Liu Yuanchen became the mountain god of Panlong Mountain in the underworld, and it was only natural for him to gain a foothold in the underworld.

The creatures in the underworld won't be too hostile to him, and the fight shouldn't be too fierce.

In this way, the cost of maintaining the underworld stronghold will not be too high, and the net profit will naturally be greatly increased.

Lord Diaolong also said quickly: "Yuan Chen, I also have a few useless disciples and disciples who only hang out in Daxia Academy all day long.

They have been asked to study things like martial arts and secret techniques, but there has been no progress. "

"Instead of wasting time at Daxia Academy, it's better to go to Panlong Mountain to do something."

Liu Yuanchen was already happy. Each of these masters from his ancestors was a representative of a faction in Bahuang Pavilion.

Behind each of them, there is a large network of connections.

As long as he brings these people to Panlong Mountain, he will complete the binding of interests with these factions.

If anything happens in Panlong Mountain in the future, it will not only be a matter for the Danwang lineage, but also a matter for the entire Bahuang Pavilion.

"Master Diaolong, don't worry. Although Panlong Mountain is not big, it won't be a problem to accommodate some people."

Hearing this, Master Diaolong said with a smile on his face: "That's good, my attitude is the same as Senior Brother Yishan.

My disciples and grandsons are here, they are your subordinates, and they will listen to your orders.

If you dare to be disobedient, you can deal with it as you please without asking me for instructions. "

Later, several other monks from the ancestors expressed their opinions and asked their juniors to come over and do things.

At this point, nearly half of the factions within Bahuang Pavilion have boarded the ship of Dongyang Divine Mansion.


After everyone expressed their stance, Lord Diaolong asked: "The demon clan has created two visions, attracting a lot of manpower.

Normally, it’s time to close the net over there, why is there still no movement? "

Venerable Yishan also nodded slightly: "It is indeed a bit strange, Wuyunling's great spiritual vein is only at the fourth level now.

Even if the demon clan is very clever, they can at most use various secret techniques to create a seventh-level formation.

This method of using low-level spiritual veins to forcefully activate high-level formations still has many limitations. "

"There are so many Tao Fei Realm masters from the human race, and the seventh-level formations are just paper.

If it continues like this, the demon clan may be able to cast the net, but they may not be able to close it. "

"Once the human race masters find out that they have been cheated, they will definitely kill the demon race.

Jinyu Mountain and Jinyu City will definitely not be protected, and even the Demonic Cloud Sea may be turned upside down. "

Everyone was a little confused, wondering what kind of medicine the demon clan was selling in the gourd.

Qibao Medicine Master smiled and said: "Yuan Chen, can't you use the windyin beast language to spy on the situation in Jinyu City? Just eavesdrop a little more."

Liu Yuanchen also nodded slightly and used the windy beast language to eavesdrop on the situation in Jinyu City.

With the experience of eavesdropping many times in the past, this time it was not difficult to find the location of Jinyucheng's meeting hall.

At this time, he heard Qin You's voice again.

"Your Majesty, our informant who is ambushing in the Shinto spiritual realm has received news that a master from the Divine Court is heading to Panlong Mountain.

The subordinates speculated that Shenting and Bahuang Pavilion were discussing the next step. "

The prince pondered for a long time before asking: "How many people are there now at Panlong Mountain? Is there any unusual movement?"

Qin You quickly replied: "Hui Shizi, several groups of masters from the Bahuang Pavilion have arrived at Panlong Mountain.

Now, there should be more than a dozen Taoist Realm masters over there.

As for Dharma Realm masters, there are at least thirty. "

"As for the unusual movement, it was only a while ago that a dozen masters from Bahuang Pavilion suddenly went to Qingshi Mountain.

After staying there for a while, he returned to Panlong Mountain.

After that, the experts from Bahuang Pavilion stayed on Panlong Mountain and never left again. "

The prince asked again: "Do you know what they did in Qingshi Mountain?"

Qin You said without hesitation: "Hui Shizi, the spies from the Demon God Sect went to investigate and found nothing unusual."

"What a waste!" The prince shouted angrily, "Those idiots from the Demon God Sect can't even find out this bit of information.

Is it possible that a dozen Dharma Realm and Dao Fei Realm masters from Bahuang Pavilion came to Qingshi Mountain just for a ride? "

Then there was a burst of angry gasping, and after a dozen breaths, the gasping calmed down.

The Crown Prince's voice sounded again: "How many people are coming from Shenting?"

Qin You hesitated for a moment and then slowly said: "The Shinto spiritual realms of Panlong Mountain and Crouching Tiger Peak are not open to the public.

My spies can only detect traces of the Shenting Army in several spiritual realms such as Qinghe County, Yannan County, and Hekou Town.

Now it can be confirmed that during this period, Crouching Tiger Peak has at least [-] more elite Shenting troops.

As for how many masters there are, the spies can't tell. "

"Your Majesty, in the opinion of my subordinates, we should close the Internet cafe as soon as possible.

If this continues, there will be more and more masters from the human race.

We simply cannot compete with them based on our power in the Red Wasteland. "

The prince also pondered for a long time: "We still have acquired spiritual treasures in our hands. Even if the human race has more masters, we can still cope with it.

Now that we are closing the net, the risk is still too great.

My father asked Your Majesty for help before, and the first batch of reinforcements will arrive within a month.

By then, no matter how many masters come from the human race, we will be able to catch them all. "

"If we can take the opportunity to kill a large number of human masters, we can destroy the Red Wasteland and sweep the entire Red Wasteland."

"At that time, the entire Red Wasteland will become the fiefdom of your forces."

Hearing this, Qin You's voice trembled slightly: "Thank you for your cultivation, Your Majesty, thank you for your cultivation, Your Majesty.

The subordinates will definitely do their best to destroy the human race. "


Liu Yuanchen listened to their conversation word for word.

"On the side of the demon tribe, Ao Zhenting has asked the Dragon King for help. Within a month, the demon tribe's reinforcements will arrive.

According to Qin You, the strength of the human race they detected has exceeded the strength of the demon race in the Red Wasteland.

However, the Dragon Clan can still compete with our human race with the power of the Lingbao.

When the demon tribe's reinforcements arrive, they can defeat the human race. "

Hearing this, Zhao Hong quickly said: "In this case, we'd better solve the problem of Duolingshan before the demon clan reinforcements arrive.

If it continues to be delayed, this incident on Sleepy Head Mountain may very well turn into a decisive battle between the human race and the dragon race. "

"Although the human race is fighting against the dragon race alone, the chance of winning is very high.

However, the loss to the human race is definitely not small.

Especially our Bahuang Pavilion may suffer heavy losses. "

Others also think it makes sense. It is a good thing that the human race has won a great victory, but Bahuang Pavilion cannot be used as cannon fodder.

Moreover, even if the human race defeats the dragon race in the Red Wasteland, it will not gain much benefit.

After all, the human race is not too strong in the Red Wasteland to expand to the Eastern Region.

The Dragon Clan was wiped out, and that was what the Feng Clan and Xuanwu Clan had picked up, and the Human Clan would not get much benefit.The best option is to severely damage the Demon Clan before the Demon Clan's reinforcements arrive.

Zhang Lingxu nodded slightly: "I'll send a message to Xia Linfeng and tell him about this.

There can be no further delay now and action must be taken as soon as possible. "


After learning the news, Shenting quickly responded.

The two parties agreed to officially start the process in five days.

Shenting quickly mobilized manpower, walked through the incense passage, and assembled towards Chihuang Hou Kingdom.

There is no distance limit when walking the incense path in Shenting, but it requires a lot of incense power.

In an emergency, it only takes a day or two to cross tens of millions of miles without affecting combat effectiveness.

In terms of troop deployment speed, Shenting has a huge advantage.

Five days came soon, and everyone on Panlong Mountain gathered at Dongyang Divine Mansion.

As soon as Shenting's side started to attack Tuantou Mountain, they immediately set off to attack Jinyu Mountain in a detour.

Liu Yuanchen sent out the supernatural clone No. [-] to also stay in Dongyang Divine Mansion.

The statue of Jumang Zu Shaman is the focus of this trip, and it has already been handed over to Taishi Zu Qingyuan Dan King.

As for Liu Yuanchen's true body, it is hidden in the Shinto spiritual realm.

Divine Power Clone No. [-] has been assigned to Chihuang Academy in Qingdan City.

Once the war here fails, the main body has two retreats.

Not only can he escape directly into the underworld, but he can also change his body to Qingdan City by changing his body.

A ray of red light pierced the clouds and illuminated the eastern sky.

The sun rose slowly, and on the Wuyun Ridge due south, the black fog quickly receded.

Golden light illuminated the entire sky, and all the black fog to the west of Crouching Tiger Peak dissipated.

After the black fog retreated to the extreme eastward, a loud noise came from the southeast.

The ground was shaking slightly, and everyone looked from a distance on Panlong Mountain.

I saw thunder and golden light flashing constantly on the edge of the black fog on Wuyun Ridge.

Qingyuan Dan King chuckled: "The Shenting side is taking action, we can't just watch, are you all ready?"

Everyone had a determined expression on their faces and did not respond.

King Qingyuan Dan nodded with satisfaction, then turned into a ray of green light and rose into the sky.

Then, dozens of rays of light of different colors continued to rise from Panlong Mountain and headed straight to the southeast.

Just as Zhao Hong was about to set off, Liu Yuanchen's magical clone No. [-] quickly grabbed him: "Master, my clone will also go and see the excitement."

Zhao Hong looked disgusted, but he still picked up Liu Yuanchen's clone.

Then, the whole person turned into a dazzling flame and headed southeast.

The people in Bahuang Pavilion did not rush straight towards Duantou Mountain, but went south over Wuyun Ridge.

They made a big circle in the south of the mountain, bypassed Duantou Mountain, and went straight to Jinyu Mountain.

After all, Zhao Hong had just broken through to the Dharma Realm, so compared to other elders, his speed was still much slower.

When he arrived at Jinyu Mountain with Liu Yuanchen, the masters from the Taishi ancestors in front had already started working.

I saw Qingyuan Dan King transforming into a towering tree, with streams of green light constantly emitting from the tree.

The stream of light is like seeds, which quickly take root and sprout as soon as they fall to the ground, and grow into a new big tree.

In just over a hundred breaths, the small Jinyu Mountain was surrounded by big trees, and even the black mist was dispersed.

Not to be outdone, Zhang Lingxu came to the east of Jinyu Mountain.

He waved his hand and scattered the blue light all over the sky. As soon as the green light fell to the ground, it grew into green leaves and purple flowers.

This grass is Zhang Lingxu's immortal seed - Heart Eclipse Grass.

Even those who are strong in the Dao Fei Realm do not dare to underestimate the poison of Heart Corroding Grass.

Not long after, the Heart-Eclipse Grass grew into a large area, emitting bursts of purple mist.

Zhang Lingxu cast another spell, causing a gust of wind to blow due east.

Wherever the purple mist went, strange creatures fell dead one after another.

Seeing the lively fight among many elders, Zhao Hong became anxious at that time.

"With you being such a sluggish person, I didn't even catch the first wave of attacks.

If your clone dies, your main body will not be affected, right? "

Liu Yuanchen shook his head: "It only takes a lot of effort to recreate the original body. I'm not afraid of any number of deaths."

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Hong kicked him away: "If you're not afraid of dying and wasting my time, I can just fly here by myself."

Then, he transformed into a giant flaming ape that was more than a hundred feet tall.

The fiery red long stick in his hand instantly grew to more than a hundred feet long, and the weapon was burning like a fire.

He jumped up high and slammed down towards Jinyu Mountain.

After a muffled sound, Jinyu Mountain shook violently. ,

Then, defensive barriers rose up one after another, covering the entire Jinyu Mountain inside.

Venerable Yishan looked disdainful: "How dare you use such crude means to embarrass someone?"

After saying that, a large white jade seal appeared out of thin air and instantly expanded to several hundred feet in size.

The white jade seal slammed down, and several defensive barriers instantly turned into pieces and fell to the ground.

He controlled the big seal to keep smashing it down, but within a few dozen breaths, all the defensive barriers collapsed, leaving Jinyu Mountain exposed.

At this moment, countless towering trees condensed by King Qingyuan Pill penetrated their roots into the mountain.

The mountain is constantly cracking and roots are digging deep into the cracks in the rock.

The sound of rocks breaking is endless.

Liu Yuanchen used his clone to use the windy beast language to spy on what was happening underground in Jinyu Mountain.

Sure enough, in the underground space, the monks of the Pantheon Cult who were guarding the formation were in chaos.

"Aren't they attacking Tuantou Mountain? Why did they come to Jinyu Mountain?"

"This group of people is too strong. With so many layers of formations, they can't even survive a hundred breaths."

"Brothers, run away quickly, we just can't defend Jinyu Mountain."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen quickly sent a message to King Qingyuan Dan: "Grand Master, they want to escape!"

Before he finished speaking, a golden light flew out from Jinyu Mountain and flew due east.

A thin thread flew out, and at the end of the thin thread, there was a silver hook about a foot long.

At the other end of the thin line is a dark bamboo pole.

And this bamboo pole is in the hands of Master Diaolong.

This bamboo pole should be his magic weapon - the dragon fishing pole, known as the nemesis of the dragon clan.

The silver hook just caught the golden light, the thin thread stretched straight, and the bamboo pole was bent.

The Dragon Fishing Master sighed softly: "It's a pity that my dragon fishing rod has not been used for a hundred years, and today I only caught one dragon."

After that, he swung the stick suddenly, and the golden light gathered into a golden dragon.

This golden dragon has scales, beards and horns, and is not much different from a real dragon except that its claws only have three fingers.

His cultivation level is also quite good, and his aura is slightly stronger than that of Zhao Hong. He is obviously a great demon in the supernatural realm and is expected to transform into a real dragon.

But hanging on the hook, he didn't even have the strength to struggle.

The whole body was as straight as a dead loach.

(End of this chapter)

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