Chapter 280 Distributing the spoils

The idea is very beautiful, but it is still very difficult to gather more ancestral witch inheritance.

Currently, I only have the inheritance of the two ancestral witches, Wood and Fire, so I can only try to master some small fire-attribute magical powers.

At this time, King Qingyuan Dan sent a message and asked him to go to the main hall in front to discuss matters.

Liu Yuanchen went straight to the main hall and saw a group of elders sitting upright.

It is very different from the way he was before when he was intoxicated with the inheritance of Zhu Rong's ancestral witch.

After he bowed respectfully, King Qingyuan Dan smiled and said: "Now that everyone is here, it's time to distribute the spoils."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen finally remembered about the trophies.

I had previously killed monster masters in Jinyu Mountain and Duolingshan Mountain, and gained a lot of good things.

At this time, Venerable Wanshan took out two fiery red swords.

"These two long swords belong to the Fire Bird. I checked them before and they already have the prototype of the treasure ban.

If this thing is placed in other people's hands, it won't do much good.

I purchase these things according to the market price, and the spirit stones will be distributed among everyone. "

Everyone has no objection. There are unformed acquired treasures in these two long swords.

If cultivated properly, there is hope that it can become a true acquired spiritual treasure.

Of course, if you want to cultivate it properly, you have to be a real master of weapon refining personally.

If ordinary people get it in their hands, it is just a waste of a good thing.

King Qingyuan Dan also took out several storage bags and placed them on the desk.

"Except for the statue of Zu Rong, all the trophies I collected are here."

Several other masters from the ancestors took out a few storage bags and placed them on the desk.

Lord Diaolong patted the fish basket: "What should we do with these two evil beasts? Should we clean them up ourselves, or sell them to Shenting?"

An old man said quickly: "Leave this to me, our lineage is best at controlling beasts.

I will accept these two evil beasts, take out the spirit stones according to the market price, and divide them equally among my fellow disciples. "

This person is Master Yulong and Liu Yuanchen’s ancestor.

Each lineage in Bahuang Pavilion has its own means to control the bottom of the box. The lineage of Master Yulong specializes in beast control.

Venerable Duanhai looked thoughtful: "Yuan Chen said earlier that the demon clan has innate spiritual treasures. These two evil beasts are not low in cultivation, so they should know some inside stories.

Let's torture them first and ask them how the innate spiritual treasures are doing. "

When everyone heard it, they all nodded.

I have never heard of innate spiritual treasures before, so I naturally won’t worry.

But now that I know the news about the innate spiritual treasure, a big stone is weighing on my head.

The unknown is the scariest thing.

Lord Fishing Dragon took out the golden dragon and fire sparrow. The dragon fishing pole and the fish basket around his waist seemed to have a strong suppressive effect on the demon clan.

Although these two guys have woken up, their breathing is very weak.

Lord Diaolong said coldly: "Now I'll give you a chance to survive. We want to know some things about the demon clan.

If you tell the truth, you can save your life.

If you are not honest, your skin cramps and cramps will be mild. "

Hearing this, Jin Jiao snorted coldly: "How noble our dragon clan is, how can we bow to the lowly human clan?
If you want to kill, then kill, stop talking nonsense! "

Lord Fishing Dragon's sword eyebrows stood upright, his eyes emitted a cold light, and his whole body was filled with murderous intent.

Master Yulong said quickly: "Junior Brother Diaolong, leave this yellow loach to me."

After that, he took out a black rope and threw it towards the golden dragon.

The rope was like a spiritual snake, quickly wrapping up the golden dragon.

The rope got tighter and tighter, and the golden dragon screamed in pain.

Master Yulong threw another bead and blocked the mouth of the golden dragon.

The golden dragon couldn't move or roar, so it could only twitch on the ground.

Lord Diaolong glanced sideways at Fire Bird: "You have also seen the fate of the golden dragon. Should you stick to the pride of our Phoenix clan, or should you be more honest?"

Fire Bird swallowed, with a flattering look on his face.

"My lord is joking. With my meager bloodline of the Phoenix clan, I have never even been to the ancestral land of the Phoenix clan. How can I dare to call myself a Phoenix clan?

If the Phoenix Clan recognized me as a member of the clan, I wouldn’t have to live under the Dragon Clan. "

Seeing him understand things like this, Master Fishing Dragon's murderous intention calmed down a little.

"Since you know the truth, answer my question honestly. What happened to the Dinghai Pearl of the Dragon Clan?"

Hearing this, Huo Que was stunned for a moment.

Obviously, he didn't expect that the human race would know about Ding Haizhu.

He raised his eyes and took a peek at Lord Fishing Dragon, and saw his eyes full of murderous intent.

Huo Que trembled involuntarily and said quickly: "Dinghaizhu is an innate spiritual treasure of the Dragon Clan. It was severely damaged as early as more than 20 years ago.

After that, it was never taken out again.

On the contrary, it is an imitation of Dinghaizhu, which is not uncommon among the senior leaders of the Dragon Clan.

Here at the Dragon Clan, I just make a living.

I don’t know what happened to the innate spiritual treasure Dinghaizhu. "

Lord Diaolong asked: "Are there any other innate spiritual treasures in the Yuanling Realm?"

Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "No need to ask, the four royal families of the Monster Clan have a total of five innate spiritual treasures.

Among them, only Dinghaizhu is a middle-grade innate spiritual treasure, while the others are low-grade innate spiritual treasures.

The innate spiritual treasure of the Feng clan is the Lihuo God Pearl. When the Wanshou Flat Peach Tree was destroyed, the Lihuo God Pearl was involved.

The Dragon Clan also has a Yin-Yang Gourd, the White Tiger Clan has the Gengjin Tiger Soul Sword, and the Xuanwu Clan has the Xuanming Royal Watermark.

In terms of power, they are far inferior to Ding Haizhu. "

Hearing this, Huo Que looked at him in surprise.

Liu Yuanchen said with a joking look on his face: "Don't look, since we asked, there are other verification methods.

If you dare to lie, you will die without a burial place.

Let me ask you, what was the outcome of the Lich War? Why were the other four innate spiritual treasures of the Demon Race not used against the Human Race? "

Huo Que was even more shocked. He didn't expect that a junior from the human race knew so many things.

He pondered for a long time before slowly speaking: "The war between the demon clan and the witch clan started very long ago, I don't even know when it started.

The war ended 13 years ago. I don't know whether the Wu tribe was exterminated or fled. "

"As for the four innate spiritual treasures, it is just a legend, and few people in the demon clan know about it.

With a trace of Feng Clan blood, I have had friendships with some Feng Clan subordinates, so I know a little bit about them.

Since the end of the Lich War, the Innate Spiritual Treasure has never shown its face again.

If we want to find out the ending of the Witch Clan and the matter of the innate spiritual treasure, I am afraid we can only find the direct descendants of the four royal families. "

Liu Yuanchen sighed. He didn't expect to capture a living demon king in the supernatural power realm, and he only found out the time when the Lich War ended.

As for the whereabouts of the Wu clan, they don't know anything at all.

He suddenly thought that there was no underworld in the memory of Qingpeng Demon King.

"When was the underworld born?"

Huo Que was a little confused: "Hasn't the underworld existed since ancient times? I am not from a high background and am less than [-] years old. I don't know many secrets."

Liu Yuanchen secretly thought: 'The Demon King Qingpeng died in battle 17 years ago. There might not have been an underworld at that time.

This fire sparrow is less than [-] years old, but he believes that the underworld has existed since ancient times.

It seems that the time when the underworld was born should be after the death of Qingpeng Demon King. Seeing that nothing could be found, Master Yulong put away the golden dragon and the fire sparrow together.

After dealing with the golden dragon and fire sparrow, all that's left is to distribute the storage bags.

King Qingyuan Dan picked up a storage bag and poured the contents into the hall.

dang lang~~
A bone gun fell out of the storage bag first, with black mist lingering above the gun tip.

King Qingyuan Dan looked disgusted: "The Ghost Sect's rubbish."

In addition to the bone gun, there are also several animal skin books, which are also evil secrets.

Most of the other magic weapons were created by ghost cultivators.

Those evil magic weapons were either destroyed or recast.

To say that it was valuable, it was dozens of top-quality spiritual stones that were divided among everyone.

Finally, King Qingyuan Dan took out a square jade box from the storage bag.

There are complex inscriptions on the jade box, forming a miniature formation.

"There may be something good in this box, but it's a pity that it cannot be opened directly because of the formation.

Nephew Yishan, come and take a look. "

Master Yishan took the jade box and just glanced at it.

“There should be some kind of elixir inside, and it’s still fresh.

The main function of the miniature formation on this jade box is to preserve the medicinal properties of elixirs and spiritual fruits.

Only a very small part is actually used to seal the jade box. "

As he spoke, his fingertips, filled with spiritual light, tapped a few times on the complex inscriptions on the jade box.

Those shining inscriptions suddenly dimmed.

"This miniature formation is too simple and really not worth seeing."

Before he finished speaking, he opened the jade box, and a strong fire spirit spewed out from the jade box.

Looking carefully, I saw a fiery red elixir placed in the jade box.

This elixir also has a fiery red flower the size of a fist, exuding bursts of strong fragrance.

When Liu Yuanchen smelled the strong aroma, he felt anger rising in his heart and wanted to find someone to fight.

"This flower looks familiar. Its fragrance can also arouse people's anger. Could it be the Raging Flame Flower?"

Qingyuan Dan King chuckled: "You have some knowledge, this is indeed the Raging Flame Flower."

“This flower is relatively rare and usually grows on the banks of lava lakes, in places where fire is extremely strong.

Its fragrance can arouse the anger of living beings, and can be used to control beasts and ghosts. "

Liu Yuanchen has been reading classics in Qingdan City these years, and he still knows a lot about the Raging Flame Flower.

This flower can be used in evil ways, and naturally it can also be used in righteous ways.

The next realm after the Lingtai Realm is the Soul Condensation Realm, and the main training goal of the Condensation Soul Realm monks is to condense the seven souls scattered in the body.

The so-called "seven souls" are corpse dog, fuya, bird yin, swallowing thieves, non-poison, removing filth, and smelly lung.

As for the methods of condensation, they can be divided into two main types.

One is nourishment. The seven souls are in charge of a certain organ of the human body. All you need to do is use various precious elixirs to nourish the corresponding organ.

When the organs are strong to a certain level, the corresponding soul can naturally be condensed.

The second is to refine the heart in the mortal world, because the seven souls correspond to the seven emotions, and the seven emotions can also stimulate the seven souls and promote the cohesion of the seven souls.

Although the supplement method is safer and brings greater benefits, it consumes too many spiritual materials.

This method was mainly used by ancient physical monks.

Later, the spiritual things in the world gradually dried up, and many necessary and precious elixirs were almost extinct, so this method gradually declined.

In order to save spiritual objects, monks in the Soul Condensation Realm mostly choose to use the method of refining their hearts in the world of mortals to condense the seven souls.

Although the cost of refining the mind in the world of mortals is low, it can easily affect the Taoist mind and the speed is relatively slow.

It usually takes a long time to travel around the world of mortals and feel the seven emotions in the world of mortals.

Since the method is flawed, it is natural for monks to try to improve it.

The speed of refining the mind in the world of mortals is too slow, so some people use illusions, illusion formations and other means to assist in refining the mind.

Unfortunately, illusions and illusion formations are not real after all. It is very difficult to cause the monks' seven emotions to fluctuate.

Therefore, some monks use some elixirs and elixirs that affect emotions to coordinate illusions and illusions.

The role of this angry flame flower is naturally to arouse the monk's angry emotions and help condense the non-poison in the seven souls.

Venerable Yishan looked at the Raging Flame Flower: "Although this flower is of some value, it is no longer useful to us.

Yuan Chen is currently at the Lingtai realm, and he will be able to use this thing when he breaks through to the Soul Condensation realm in the future. "

A mere Raging Flame Flower is indeed worthless in the eyes of these Dharma Realm and Dao Fei Realm bosses.

No one had any objections, and King Qingyuan Dan handed the Raging Flame Flower and the jade box to Liu Yuanchen.

"The raging flame flower machine is still there. If it is planted in a place with strong fire aura, it should still survive."

Liu Yuanchen is naturally not worried. There is a fire spirit hub in Dongyang Blessed Land, which can continuously produce fire spirit energy.

Feeding this angry flame flower should not be a problem.

Afterwards, everyone opened other storage bags one by one, and found several valuable spiritual treasure embryos.

These things would not be worth much in the hands of others.

Venerable Wanshan accepted the embryo and used the spirit stone to compensate others.

In total, everyone received more than ten masters' storage bags, and a total of seven spiritual treasure embryos.

King Qingyuan Pill picked up a wooden box and opened it, a strong Qianyang Dragon Qi escaped.

Everyone looked intently and saw a palm-sized golden dragon-shaped stone sculpture among the pile of treasures.

The rich Qianyang dragon energy is emanating from this dragon-shaped stone sculpture.

Although Liu Yuanchen is younger and has less experience, he has seen this thing before.

"Is this an innate dragon fetus?"

Venerable Yishan chuckled: "You do have some knowledge, you actually know this thing.

That's right, this thing is the treasure cultivated in the dragon's veins - the innate dragon fetus. "

"The appearance of this dragon fetus is very close to a real dragon.

If it can be cultivated in the great dragon veins for thousands of years, maybe a real dragon can be raised. "

“It’s a pity that once this thing leaves the place of its birth, its dragon energy will leak out and its rank will decline.

It is no longer possible to transform into a real dragon again. "

Venerable Wanshan picked up the innate dragon fetus: "Originally, this innate dragon fetus should be a good material for refining spiritual treasures.

Unfortunately, this dragon fetus is only a fifth-level low-grade one.

Used to refine weapons, it is simply a waste of natural resources.

At most, it can be placed in a blessed land to cultivate a dragon vein and increase the luck of the blessed land.

With the presence of dragon veins, the spiritual veins in the blessed land can grow much faster.

In the future, it will become a cave, and the difficulty will be reduced.

As for the cave sky, it makes no difference whether it exists or not. "

After that, he handed this thing to Liu Yuanchen: "We were able to get these things this time, thanks to Yuan Chen's intelligence collection.

It's better to give this thing to Yuan Chen, he will need it in the future. "

No one had any objections, and the innate dragon fetus fell into Liu Yuanchen's hands.

Venerable Wanshan also specifically reminded: "Yuan Chen, just put this thing directly into the spiritual hub of the spiritual realm. Don't worry about the rest. It will grow a dragon vein on its own."

(End of this chapter)

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