Chapter 281 The Reward from the Divine Court

The innate dragon fetus has many functions. In addition to deriving dragon veins, the Qian Yang dragon energy it possesses is also a rare treasure.

For demons with dragon bloodline, this pure dragon energy can improve the purity of their own bloodline.

If something like a dragon could refine this thing, its own foundation would be greatly improved.

If you want to transform into a real dragon in the future, you have to be more certain.

Liu Yuanchen attaches great importance to this innate dragon fetus, not because it can derive a dragon vein.

It's because the innate dragon fetus is not an ordinary spiritual creature, but a real innate treasure.

If the grade is high enough, you can forge the innate spiritual treasure embryo.

It's a pity that this innate dragon fetus is only a fifth-level low-grade one, which is not enough to forge an acquired spiritual treasure embryo, let alone an innate spiritual treasure embryo.

However, innate treasures will contain innate energy.

Needless to say, the value of innate Yuan Qi, whether it is the growth of spiritual treasures or spiritual roots, or the monks' breakthrough into great realms, this thing can play a great role.

If the amount is large enough, you can also use the secret technique recorded in the innate treasure refining formula to refine it into innate immortal spiritual light.

As long as the acquired spiritual treasure can absorb an innate immortal spiritual light and integrate it into the acquired treasure forbidden.

You can turn the acquired treasure ban into the innate treasure ban.

The entire acquired spiritual treasure can also become an innate spiritual treasure.

In the same way, if the acquired spiritual root can absorb an indestructible spiritual light from the innate, it can also rebel against the innate and become the innate spiritual root.

Of course, to condense an innate immortal spiritual light, a lot of innate energy needs to be consumed.

Even the innate Yuan Qi extracted from a ninth-level innate dragon fetus is far from enough.

The innate energy contained in the fifth-level low-grade innate dragon fetus is even worse.

However, as long as you can get a small amount of something like innate Yuan Qi, its value is far greater than a fifth-level weapon refining material.

Moreover, Liu Yuanchen's current cultivation level is still too low.

Even if he had enough innate Yuan Qi, his cultivation was not enough to support him in condensing the innate immortal spiritual light.

However, it is not a problem to extract the innate Yuan Qi from the innate treasure materials.

In the innate treasure refining technique, there is a method to extract the innate energy.

The most important thing is that extracting the innate energy from the innate dragon fetus will not affect its function at all.

At most, the probability of the innate dragon fetus transforming into a dragon is completely reduced to zero, and the effects of deriving dragon veins and improving dragon bloodline will not be affected at all.

Seeing this thing, Liu Yuanchen felt excited.

I really want to immediately use the secret technique in the innate treasure refining technique to extract the innate energy from this innate dragon fetus.

However, there are still so many elders from the master sect in the hall, so they cannot be moved lightly.

The inheritance of the Wu Clan can be spread, but the inheritance of Zhenyuan Great Immortal is the foundation for his livelihood and must not be leaked easily.

After deciding the ownership of the innate dragon fetus, a group of elders began to calculate the value of these spiritual objects.

Then allocate spiritual stones according to personal merit.

Although Liu Yuanchen didn't take action, he got the key information.

This war started because he was the one who instigated it.

Therefore, he got the first credit.

In addition to the previous Raging Flame Flower and Innate Dragon Fetus, he also received more than 1000 million spiritual stones.

At this time, Lord Diaolong asked: "Senior Brother Qibao, did you say before that you could find the location of the Wanshou Flat Peach tree with the help of its rhizomes?
Now that the war is over, it's time for us to give it a try. "

Hearing this, Venerable Qibao shook his head: "How long has it been? Because Shenting intervened in advance, those casual cultivators and small-power cultivators who came to try their luck have not left yet.

Master Duanhai and Master Qingyuan teamed up to destroy Jinyu Mountain and lead the flood to Jinyu City.

I estimate that the damage to Jinyu City will not be small, and Chihuang Hou Kingdom may take the opportunity to capture Jinyu City.

Plus the aftermath, it will take at least a few months.

Let’s study the inheritance of the witch clan carefully first. It won’t be a problem to put off the matter of Wanshou Flat Peach for several years. "

"Yuan Chen also said before that the Dragon Clan has sent a group of reinforcements and they will arrive within a month.

If you start now, you may encounter monster reinforcements. "

Liu Yuanchen also used his eyes and ears to explore the situation in Jinyu City.

When his great master diverted the flood, it naturally caused great losses.

However, Jinyucheng is an important frontline location heavily guarded by the demon clan.

It is also guarded by elite members of the dragon clan and will not be easily destroyed by a flood.

However, without the support of Jinyu Mountain, it is difficult to stand alone.

At this time, the demon soldiers in the city were evacuating eastward.

Obviously, the demon clan is preparing to abandon Jinyu City.


After distributing the spoils, Liu Yuanchen practiced diligently in the backyard.

He wanted to deal with the spiritual stone chalcedony given to him by the Grand Master before and the innate dragon fetus he had just obtained.

It's a pity that there are too many people here, including many Tao Fei Realm powerhouses.

Once something happens to them, they can easily detect the clues.

He couldn't mess with those things, he also planned to spend time improving his cultivation.

Having stayed in the underworld for a year before, the Water Moon Demon Lotus had endless negative energy to absorb, so it naturally grew very fast.

By now, the lotus seeds in the Water Moon Demon Lotus have matured.

However, the lotus seeds have not yet absorbed the energy of the lotus roots and leaves.

Liu Yuanchen also extracted a stream of demonic energy from a lotus leaf and injected it into the immortal seed in Zhongdantian.

He first used the Shenmu Towering Technique to refine this wisp of demonic energy.

The effect is the same as before, the demonic energy has only been refined by a small half.

Afterwards, he used Jumang Ninggang Jue.

Not long after, the demonic energy was completely refined.

Liu Yuanchen was surprised. The speed of refining the demonic energy was more than twice as fast as before.

The difference between him and me is that the true form of Zhu Rong's ancestral shaman is integrated into the immortal seed.

Unexpectedly, even if I didn't run the inheritance of Zhu Rong Ancestral Witch, this true shape diagram could still play some role.

He was practicing in Dongyang Divine Mansion, and at the same time he did not forget to pay attention to the affairs in Jinyu City.

As expected, the Monster Clan completely abandoned Jinyu City, and the Chihuang Hou Kingdom also sent some people to take over.

Ten days passed, and everything was calm on Panlong Mountain.

The monks who originally came to join in the fun are now slowly leaving, and Panlonghufang City is no longer as lively as it was some time ago.

At this moment, there was another movement in the Shinto spiritual realm.

Through the Shinto clone, Liu Yuanchen discovered that Xia Linfeng appeared in the spiritual realm.

When this veteran veteran arrived, Liu Yuanchen had no choice but to go and greet him in person.

Welcoming him to the main hall of Dongyang Divine Mansion in Yangjian, several elders from Bahuang Pavilion accompanied him.

After greetings and greetings, the host and guests took their seats.

Liu Yuanchen asked: "Senior Xia, why are you here?"

Xia Linfeng cupped his hands and said: "Shenjun, I came here this time to thank Bahuang Pavilion for its help.

Without the help of your noble sect, our Divine Court would have suffered heavy losses in Duantou Mountain, and it would be impossible to uproot Jinyu Mountain and Jinyu City. "Everyone present was expressionless. Although Bahuang Pavilion had its own purpose this time, it was quite helpful.

This time, Jinyu Mountain and Jinyu City were removed, and Chihuang Hou Kingdom expanded its territory for hundreds of miles, eliminating the threat of Jinyu Mountain's Dragon Shaking Formation.

The Chihuang Hou Kingdom has received such great benefits, which cannot be explained by a single thank you.

Liu Yuanchen was too lazy to play around with him: "Senior Xia, I'm afraid you're not just saying thank you for coming this time, right?"

After hearing this, Xia Linfeng smiled awkwardly: "To be honest, I did have other things to do when I came here this time.

In order to thank God Lord for his help, the Great Emperor personally ordered to reward God Lord heavily. "

The Great Emperor of Shenting is also the main founder of the Shinto cultivation system and the ancestor of the Xia family.

Although he is not the only founder of the Shinto system, and the other founders also hold high positions in the Divine Court, the Great Emperor cannot cover the sky with one hand.

However, as long as the Great Emperor harms the interests of others without knowing it, other big bosses will not fight him.

Bahuang Pavilion and Shenting have a cooperative relationship, and they will not listen to the announcement.

However, the Divine Lord is also a member of the Divine Court in name, so he still has to take the face of the Divine Court into consideration.

Liu Yuanchen stood up and bowed his hands in salute: "It turns out to be the divine decree of the great emperor. The lesser god is respectfully listening to the holy teachings."

Xia Linfeng didn't dare to ask for help, so he just handed him a golden scroll.

Liu Yuanchen opened the scroll and took a look, with a playful smile on his face.

"The Great Emperor is really wise. He assigned the part of Wuyun Ridge to the east of Yujin Mountain to Dongyang Divine Mansion."

There is a large spiritual vein on Wuyun Ridge, and its value is indeed not low.

It's just that the most valuable Jin'ao Lake is not under my control.

Other mineral veins and other things also have owners.

Moreover, there is black fog shrouding the east of Crouching Tiger Peak all year round, which ordinary people cannot suppress at all.

In fact, the only mountains that can be controlled are the more than a thousand miles from Yujin Mountain to Crouching Tiger Peak.

Before Liu Yuanchen said anything, Venerable Wanshan sneered: "The Great Emperor is indeed smart enough. Someone from the Demon Clan has obtained the power of heaven from the Wuyun Ridge branch.

As long as the dragon clan is willing to pay a high price, the power of heaven can cover the entire Wuyun Ridge.

At that time, the Divine Court will not be able to canonize gods within the scope of Wuyun Ridge's influence. "

"The purpose of handing over this mountain range to Yuan Chen is to use Yuan Chen's power of heaven to help you resist the true god of heaven of the demon clan.

If you want Yuan Chen to take action on this matter, your divine court should come to ask for help.

In the end, you took this thing as a reward to reward everyone in Bahuang Pavilion for our contribution. It was a good plan. "

This time the demon clan was hit hard, and Shenting owed Bahuang Pavilion a favor.

If you want Liu Yuanchen to help prevent disaster, you owe him a second favor.

As a result, Shenting changed the second favor into a reward and used it to repay the first favor.

Not only did he achieve his goal, but he also wiped out the relationship between two people.

King Qingyuan Dan sneered: "Although our Bahuang Pavilion is not as good as the Shenting and the Great Xia Dynasty, my great disciple cannot be bullied by others."

Xia Linfeng wiped his sweat subconsciously, but forgot that he was a god, had no body, and would not sweat at all.

"Everyone has misunderstood. The Great Emperor did not allow the Divine Lord to fend off disasters in vain. There are other rewards, but it is difficult to say them clearly."

"The Lord God is already the true god of heaven. If he can connect Panlong Mountain and Wuyun Ridge, he can exert the authority of heaven on Wuyun Ridge.

In time, he might become the mountain god of Wuyunling. "

"Wuyunling is the ancestral lineage of Yuanling Realm, and the mountain god of Wuyunling has a very high status."

What he said is correct. Panlong Mountain is connected to Wuyun Ridge and becomes a branch mountain range of Wuyun Ridge.

As the true God of Heavenly Dao in Panlong Mountain, Liu Yuanchen can use the authority of Heavenly Dao to influence Wuyun Ridge.

In this way, it would indeed be much easier to become the True God of Heavenly Dao in Wuyun Ridge.

He had this idea before, but his cultivation level was too low and he might not be able to control the situation.

Now that the Demon Clan has the True God of Heavenly Dao who can influence Wuyun Ridge, Liu Yuanchen has a strong competitor and the chance of success is very small.

Moreover, Panlong Mountain is five to six hundred miles away from Wuyun Ridge.

To connect the two together, you need to consume a lot of incense power.

Xia Linfeng continued: "In the process of connecting Panlong Mountain to Wuyun Ridge, Shenting will repay three times the incense and silver consumed.

In addition, all businesses of Bahuang Pavilion in Chihuang Plain are tax-free.

Dongyang Lake Township can be upgraded to Dongyang County, and officials and gods will be canonized by the Divine Lord. "

Naturally, these things would not be written in the divine edict, otherwise the divine court would lose all face.

The Panlong Mountain Range extends for five to six hundred miles. If calculated based entirely on Shinto authority, millions of taels of incense and silver would probably be consumed.

Shenting gave three times the incense silver, which is 2000 million incense silver.

Liu Yuanchen has the book in hand, so he can save this incense and silver.

When human forces do business in the Red Wasteland, the Red Wasteland Kingdom will naturally collect taxes.

The tax rate is about [-]% of the total sales. Although it doesn't seem like much, the net profit of the business is also not much.

For some businesses with small profits but quick turnover, a [-]% tax can take away most of the profits.

If all Bahuang Pavilion's business is tax-free, there will be a big advantage in terms of price, and business will be easier to do.

This alone is enough for Bahuang Pavilion to make huge profits in Chihuangyuan.

Moreover, this benefit is permanent. As long as Shenting does not fall, Bahuang Pavilion can continue to enjoy it.

As Wuyunling's great spiritual veins gradually improve, profits will increase.

Dongyang Lake Township was upgraded to Dongyang County, and Liu Yuanchen had an additional county official staff under his command, as well as a spiritual staff.

Everyone in Bahuang Pavilion had happy faces, and they were obviously very satisfied with this condition.

King Qingyuan Dan took out the two statues of the ancestral witches and said: "The Shenting is somewhat sincere, but I still want the Shenting to help."

“This is the statue of the ancestral witch of the Wu Clan, which contains the inheritance of the Wu Clan.

There are a total of twelve ancestral witches in the Wu Clan, but we in Bahuang Pavilion have only collected two statues, which is far from enough.

Shenting and the Great Xia Dynasty have great hands and eyes. If you can help us collect the statues, I, Bahuang Pavilion, will be grateful. "

Xia Linfeng's pupils shrank: "In the past few days, I have heard rumors that there was a war between the Witch Clan and the Demon Clan in ancient times, and the two sides fought for millions of years.

After the Wu Clan was defeated 13 years ago, the Demon Clan became the overlord of the Yuanling Realm.

Even our human race’s physical heritage comes from the Witch Clan.

Is it possible that these rumors are true? "

Liu Yuanchen chuckled lightly, and green light flashed all over his body.

A three-foot-tall shadow of the Goumang ancestor shaman enveloped him.

Qingyuan Dan King chuckled: "Fellow Taoist should know whether it is true or false.

I can also tell you in advance that not everyone can achieve the inheritance from this ancestral witch statue.

If Shenting can obtain inheritance by its own ability, our two families can exchange the inheritance of ancestral witches.

If not, our two families will study the inheritance of ancestral witches together. "

Xia Linfeng felt the evil aura emanating from the shadow of Goumangzu Wu, and he was already [-]% convinced.

The energy fluctuations of this ancestral witch's shadow are obviously not strong, but they have a strong intimidating effect.

Even if you face a real dragon, you won't feel this way.

Just a phantom condensed by a junior monk can have such momentum. This ancestral witch must be a powerful person whose cultivation is beyond his own imagination.

(End of this chapter)

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