Chapter 301: The Fifth Grade Divine Mountain

The Dragon King of Luochuan is a dragon from ancient times, and his cultivation has reached the realm of Immortal Immortal, and he is also a true god of heaven.

With his background, transforming into a real dragon is not a problem at all.

I just don’t know why, but this guy never turned into a real dragon.

Unfortunately, the classics he left behind have not yet been fully deciphered.

If we can decipher all the contents in the future, we may be able to find useful information.

However, the energy contained in his blood will definitely be of great benefit to dragon descendants like the Blue Scale Dragon King.

This bloody energy just appeared, and both eyes of the Blue Scale Demon King were straight.

As a dragon, he can clearly sense the value of the blood-colored energy.

As long as this ray of blood energy can be refined, one's own cultivation level can be instantly improved.

He took the ray of energy and bowed down: "I would like to thank you, Your Majesty."

Liu Yuanchen waved his hand, and the Green Scale Dragon King disappeared into the cave.

Later, he appeared again in Luochuan Paradise.

Liu Yuanchen's voice came: "This is a blessed place under my control. There is a lot of yang energy here. You usually practice here."

The Blue Scale Dragon King had just received a ray of blood energy and was in a state of excitement.

At this time, he suddenly appeared in this cultivation treasure place, and the series of unexpected surprises completely stunned him.

After a long time, there was a look of ecstasy on his face: "I never imagined that there is such a treasured place for cultivation in the world. My hundreds of years have really been a waste of time."

"I would like to thank you for your cultivation. I will definitely practice hard here in the future and strive to transform into a dragon as soon as possible so that I can share your worries with you."

The Luochuan Blessed Land is connected to the Luochuan River in the underworld. There is also a spring in the Blessed Land, and one can obtain river water and spiritual energy from the Luochuan River.

At this time, the concentration of spiritual energy in Luochuan Paradise has reached the level of the sixth-order low-grade, which is much stronger than Ludize, the previous territory of the Green Scale Dragon King.

In addition, this Luochuan blessed land is in the dragon ball of Luochuan Dragon King, and there is some Qianyang dragon energy in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

For dragon monsters, this kind of place is simply a holy land for cultivation.

Liu Yuanchen chuckled lightly: "No need to be polite, you can practice well here.

If you don't understand anything, just ask Yin Linzi. "

Silver Scales is the silver-scaled fish he inspired. He has been taking care of Luochuan Paradise and knows it well.

It's just that Silver Scale Zi's body is just a silver scale fish, and he doesn't have dragon bloodline, so his potential is limited.

I am afraid that I will be trapped in the state of receiving Qi throughout my life.


Liu Yuanchen also breathed a sigh of relief after handling the matter of the Blue Scale Dragon King.

He held the blood-red dragon ball fragment in his hand. The dragon ball was broken, and almost all of its essence had been lost.

At this time, you can still feel the trace of dragon energy contained in it.

He thought to himself: 'Back then, the Blue Scale Dragon King was just a spirit snake in the Qi-Napping Realm, but he was able to walk out of the small cave alive with the help of this thing.

If the clone were allowed to carry this object into the small cave sky, I wonder if he could come out alive. '
In that small cave, there was only the body of a real dragon.

This dragon ball fragment should be from the corpse of the real dragon.

The energy from the same source protected the Blue Scale Demon King, allowing him to escape.

The small cave previously discovered deep underground in Yanyang Valley contained the corpses of a group of mythical beasts.

In terms of danger, it is far above the small cave sky that appeared 600 years ago.

Even if you go in with the dragon ball fragments, you may not be able to escape death.

Losing a clone is not a big deal.

But this dragon ball fragment is the dragon ball of an ancient true dragon, and its owner was an immortal immortal during his lifetime.

If it is a complete dragon ball, it can be used to refine the acquired spiritual treasure.

Even if only a fragment remains, it is of research value.

It can also be worth a lot of money if sold to those weapon refiners.

Moreover, touching Xiaodongtian frequently may cause Xiaodongtian to be born early.

Once a large-scale anomaly occurs, it may be difficult to completely cover it up by yourself.

Although Yanyang Valley is within his own territory, the value of a small cave is extremely high, and wealth and silk are very attractive.

If General Dongyuan becomes obsessed with money, he will inevitably be in trouble.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen decided not to provoke Xiao Dongtian for the time being.

Then, he took out a bead the size of an adult's fist.

This pearl is yellow with black in the middle, and there is a black and cold air lingering on the surface.

Holding this bead in your hand, you can feel a cold air.

When one penetrates the bead with his spiritual sense, he can clearly sense the massive amount of evil energy from the earth's veins.

This is the fifth-level high-grade earth evil orb presented by the Iron-armed Ghost King. It is a real treasure of heaven and earth that is cultivated in the earth's veins.

The only fly in the ointment is that this thing was born in the underworld and was born with a strong Yin energy.

If you are an ordinary person, you will naturally not be able to use this thing.

But in my own hands, it's not a problem.

Liu Yuanchen used the secret method of rubbing the earth book to integrate the earth evil orb into the earth vein mark on the earth book.

Soon, this earth evil orb was integrated into the earth vein mark on the earth book.

And the only black mark on the book of ground is also changing rapidly.

Originally, this mark was just a thin black line, but now it is continuously widening.

An hour later, the thin line had grown to half an inch wide.

In the mark, one can clearly feel the continuous surge of evil energy from the earth veins.

This earth vein mark was left when he first broke through the Qi Sea Realm.

It continuously draws energy from the earth veins, nourishing Dongyang Blessed Land, Luochuan Blessed Land, and Cuiguang Liangyi Lamp.

Even the growth of the book of the earth is indispensable for the role of this earth vein mark.

It hasn't changed much in decades.

At this time, Liu Yuanchen felt that this earth vein mark had condensed into an entity and had become a real earth vein.

The earth vein evil energy flowing through it was more than ten times that of before.

He probed his spiritual consciousness into Dongyang Blessed Land, and the black evil energy pouring out of the first spiritual hub was ten times more than before.

Fortunately, today's ginseng fruit trees are more than two feet tall, and their ability to refine evil spirits is no longer what it used to be.

As soon as the massive amount of evil energy poured out of the first spiritual hub, it was completely absorbed by the ginseng fruit tree.

Then, streams of pure spiritual energy escaped from the branches and leaves of the ginseng fruit tree.

The concentration of spiritual energy in Dongyang Blessed Land is also rising rapidly.

The concentration of spiritual energy in Dongyang Blessed Land has been maintained at the level of the fifth-level low-grade with the help of the evil energy of the earth veins introduced by the book on the ground.

It took such a short time for the earth vein mark on the earth book to turn into reality, and the spiritual energy concentration had reached the fifth level of the middle grade.

If he continues at this rate, it is not impossible to advance to the sixth level.

'Unfortunately, Dongyang Blessed Land is still just a blessed land and cannot carry the earth's veins.

Otherwise, the earth vein mark on the earth book can be rubbed into the blessed land.

In this way, the growth rate of Blessed Land will be even higher. '

Ever since Liu Yuanchen broke through to the Lingtai realm, Blessed Land has been growing continuously.

Currently, the diameter of Dongyang Paradise has reached over fifty miles.

Now that the earth vein imprints on the earth book have become real, the energy they provide is far greater than before, and the growth rate of the blessed land should also reach a higher level.

'The earth veins turn virtual reality into reality, which can continuously provide energy to the blessed land.

The space barrier of the blessed land is also integrated with Wujin Stone, and its strength is definitely sufficient.The only drawback of the current Dongyang Paradise is that it is a bit small.

However, as long as there is enough energy, the growth rate is very fast. '

'With the secret method of rubbing from the land book, as long as you buy the fifth-level spiritual stone chalcedony or spiritual vein jade zhi, you can add an extra spiritual vein to the blessed land.

There are already four spiritual veins in the blessed land, and there is also a spiritual vein in the earth book, which has not been imprinted yet.

Added together, there are five spiritual veins.

Only four more spiritual veins are needed, and nine spiritual veins are completed. '

'Perhaps the current level of spiritual veins is too low to support the growth of the blessed land into a cave.

But with the gathering of nine spiritual veins, the growth rate of Dongyang Blessed Land can be greatly increased.

I share weal and woe with Dongyang Blessed Land. Dongyang Blessed Land is growing rapidly, and my own cultivation speed can also reach a higher level. '

The price of the fifth-level spiritual vein jade is not high, you can get it for 200 million low-grade spiritual stones.

If you add the four together, you won't need 1000 million low-grade spiritual stones. This amount of spiritual stones is just a drop in the bucket.

You can also buy a few more, which is said to increase the number of spiritual veins on Panlong Mountain.

Now that he has received the full support of Bahuang Pavilion, there is a group of experts from Bahuang Pavilion on Panlong Mountain in Yangjian.

Even if there are some doubts in your actions, you are not afraid of deliberate calculations.

What kind of force dares to pry into their secrets, even if they risk their lives?

There are a group of old guys on Panlong Mountain who have nothing to do all day long to understand the laws.

Even if the Dragon King goes, there is no way he can leave without leaving a few dragon scales behind.

Thinking of this, he ordered his Shinto avatar to purchase the spirit stone chalcedony and spirit vein jade in the Hong Ling Mansion.

Afterwards, Liu Yuanchen returned his attention to the earth vein marks on the earth book.

There is indeed a lot more evil energy in the earth veins in this mark, but the yin energy has also become extremely rich.

In the hands of others, this would be a big problem.

Fortunately, there is also a green light Liangyi lamp on the ground book. At this time, the black flame on the lampstand is particularly strong.

A large amount of Yin Qi is absorbed by the flame and blended into the Jade Light Liangyi Lamp.

In front of the acquired spiritual treasure, the extra yin energy is the life that serves as nourishment.

After all this trouble, Liu Yuanchen took out another jade dragon sculpture.

The whole body of this dragon is carved from mutton-fat white jade, and it also has a hint of yin energy.

This object is the spiritual object presented by the Ghost King of Yushan - the Xuanyin jade mine seedlings.

Liu Yuanchen also has a lot of experience in using mineral seedlings.

Previously, I obtained black iron ore seedlings from Black Rock Mountain in the Yang Realm.

Just burying the ore seedlings into the body of Panlong Mountain in Yangjian allowed it to grow from an eighth-grade sacred mountain to a seventh-grade sacred mountain.

The black iron ore seedling is only the second level, which can advance the Panlong Mountain in Yangjian.

And this Xuanyin Spirit Jade Ore Seedling is a real fifth-level spiritual object.

There are no mineral veins on Panlong Mountain in the underworld.

As long as the Xuanyin Spirit Jade ore seedlings are integrated into the mountain and a Xuanyin Spirit Jade vein is derived, Panlong Mountain's advancement is inevitable.

At that time, the power of the mountain god that he controls will be able to reach a higher level.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen immediately used Mountain Escape and escaped hundreds of feet deep underground in Panlong Mountain.

Sure enough, there is a ley line here too.

This earth vein is like a long black river, flowing slowly underground.

Compared with the earth veins in the Yang world, the only difference is that there is almost no Yang energy in the evil energy of the earth veins, and the Yin energy is extremely strong.

He took out the Xuanyin Lingyu ore seedlings and placed them next to the earth veins.

The jade dragon's head extends right into the earth's veins and can continuously extract energy from the earth's veins.

Subsequently, Liu Yuanchen once again exerted his power of fossil mineralization.

The energy on Panlong Mountain was stimulated and continuously gathered into the ore seedlings.

The ore seedlings seemed to come alive, and the dragon's head was swallowing up the cows in the earth's veins.

Wave after wave of evil energy from the earth veins continued to pour into the body of the white jade dragon.

The ore seedling, which was originally only about a foot long, now stretches its body continuously.

An hour passed, and the white jade dragon had grown to more than three feet long.

With the earth veins providing energy, the consumption of fossil mineralization power is not too great.

He continued to exert his power of fossil mineralization to help the ore seedlings grow.

Three days have passed, and the imprint of Panlong Mountain on the Book of Earth has become dim.

Apparently, the energy in it has been almost exhausted.

The ore seedlings, driven by the power of fossil mineralization, absorbed a large amount of evil energy from the earth's veins.

At this time, the ore seedlings no longer looked like the dragon they had been before.

Looking over with the authority of Tiandao Divine Realm, I saw a white jade vein stretching for more than ten miles under Panlong Mountain.

Liu Yuanchen felt a burst of joy in his heart: "On Panlong Mountain in Yangjian, there is only a black iron vein more than a hundred feet long, which can advance the sacred mountain."

In Panlong Mountain in the underworld, there is an extra vein of Xuanyin Spirit Jade that is more than ten miles long. It is still created from scratch. I don’t believe that the sacred mountain will not be promoted. '

At this moment, an astonishing momentum erupted from Panlong Mountain.

All the vegetation on the mountain bowed their heads, and even the Nine Ghost Bamboo Taoist soldiers knelt on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the entire Panlong Mountain Range began to shake slightly.

As time went by, the shaking on the mountain became more and more violent.

Moreover, the height of the entire mountain is slowly increasing.

It was as if there was a huge force that lifted Panlong Mountain up like a carrot.

Debris keeps rolling down the mountains, and even the flat land around the mountains is constantly rising.

There were cracks on the ground in the distance, as if pulling out carrots had brought up the surrounding soil.

The vibrations spread around, and the water of Panlong River continued to emit large amounts of bubbles, as if boiling.

If such a scene appeared in the underworld, it would probably cause many casualties to mortals and monks.

Ling Yu flew out of Panlong City and landed next to Liu Yuanchen: "Yuanchen, what are you doing here?
The movement in Panlong Mountain seems to be about to advance. "

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "Previously, the Ghost King of Yushan presented a Xuanyin jade seedling, and the disciple placed the seedling underground in Panlong Mountain.

After a few days of using the power of fossil mineralization, there is an additional mineral vein in the mountain, and the sacred mountain will naturally be upgraded. "

Ling Yu chuckled: "I'm willing to give it up. It shouldn't be a problem to sell the fifth-level low-grade Xuanyin jade mine seedlings for tens of millions of spirit stones.

Judging from the movement of Panlong Mountain, there is a [-]% chance that it will grow into a true fifth-grade sacred mountain. "

Liu Yuanchen didn't take it seriously: "Advancing the sacred mountain will be of great benefit to the disciples.

This is a means to increase the foundation, and resources should be spent on this kind of place. "

Time passed quickly, and one day later, the shaking of Panlong Mountain finally stopped.

At this time, the height of Panlong Mountain reached more than [-] feet.

Even the length of the mountain reached over three hundred miles, an increase of a full hundred miles.

Ling Yu praised: "It is indeed a fifth-level sacred mountain. From now on, you will be a true god of the fifth level of heaven.

In the Shinto system, the fifth level can be called the master of one party. "

Liu Yuanchen didn't take it seriously: "With the current conditions in Panlong Mountain, growing to the fifth level is already close to the limit.

It may be difficult to go further. "

(End of this chapter)

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