Chapter 302 Nine Meridians Blessed Land
The level of the sacred mountain mainly depends on the hard conditions of the mountain.

The size of the mountain range, the grade and quantity of the spiritual veins, the grade and quantity of the mineral veins, and the grade and quantity of the creatures on the mountain are all hard conditions.

In addition, there is soft power.

The so-called soft power mainly refers to the status of the sacred mountain in the minds of living beings and its status in the entire world.

For example, Wuyun Ridge is originally the ancestral lineage of Yuanling Realm.

It is also the source of life for many creatures in the Red Wasteland. All the people in the Red Wasteland have some respect for Wuyun Ridge.

The more creatures there are in the Red Wasteland, the higher the level of the sacred mountain in Wuyun Ridge will be.

In terms of hard power, Panlongshan is ordinary.

In terms of soft power, it is even worthless.

If Panlong Mountain becomes a first-class sacred mountain, even if it takes thousands of years, it is probably not possible.

However, there is room for trickery here.

By connecting Panlong Mountain with Wuyun Ridge and becoming a part of Wuyun Ridge, Panlong Mountain can act like a fox and share the soft power of Wuyun Ridge.

On the other side of Yangjian, Shenting asked Liu Yuanchen to connect Panlong Mountain and Wuyun Ridge.

In fact, this is also of great benefit to him.

After the two mountains are connected, Panlong Mountain's sacred mountain level will continue to rise for a period of time.

As for how far he can grow, it depends on how much authority he can steal from Wuyun Ridge.

After all, there are also people from the Demon Clan who are stealing the power of Wuyun Ridge in Yangjian, and the two sides have to compete with each other.

At this time, in Liu Yuanchen's sea of ​​consciousness, the phantom of Panlong Mountain was also constantly changing.

The authority of Panlong Mountain in the Yin and Yang realms is integrated into one. Because Panlong Mountain in the underworld is of higher grade, it is dominated by the sacred mountain in the underworld.

Panlong Mountain in the Underworld has advanced, and even the shape of the mountain has undergone considerable changes.

The heavenly authority of Panlong Mountain will naturally change with the changes of the mountain.

More than an hour later, the phantom of Panlong Mountain finally stopped changing, and its shape was exactly the same as the advanced Panlong Mountain.

There is a very deep connection between Panlong Mountain in the Yin and Yang realms, and the two share the same heavenly authority.

Panlong Mountain in the underworld has advanced, and Panlong Mountain in the human world will also grow rapidly in the future.

However, the Panlong Mountain in the world of the world is dragged up by the Panlong Mountain in the underworld, so the process is much gentler.

It won't cause the earth to shake like before.


After dealing with the troubles caused by Panlong Mountain's advancement, Liu Yuanchen continued to practice in seclusion in the cave.

But not long after the meeting, the book from the ground shocked him again.

In order to make Xuanyin Lingyu grow quickly, he constantly used the Book of the Earth to exert his power of fossil mineralization.

When the veins were forming, the Panlong Mountain in the Book of Earth became extremely dim, and the energy in it was almost exhausted.

According to past experience, after the mark on the earth book becomes dim, it can continue to absorb the evil energy of the earth veins and recover again.

This process usually takes three to five days.

However, this time was an exception.

It only took less than half a day from energy depletion to complete recovery.

The imprint of Panlong Mountain on the land book has not changed yet.

The only thing that has changed is the earth vein mark on the earth book.

This mark turned virtual into reality and became a real earth vein, providing more than ten times more earth vein evil energy than before.

The recovery of Panlong Mountain's mark requires absorbing the earth's evil energy.

The earth book provides more earth vein evil energy, and the recovery time of the Panlong Mountain mark will naturally be shorter.

Seeing this situation, Liu Yuanchen was also overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, the Earthly Evil Orb given by the Iron-armed Ghost King could have such a great effect.

On the other side of the Yangjian, Shenting was begging him to connect Panlong Mountain and Wuyun Ridge.

The two mountains are five to six hundred miles apart. It would take a lot of time and resources to use the power of gathering energy to form stone to connect the two mountains.

Even if there is help from the local book, it will still take a lot of time.

Now, the recovery speed of Panlong Mountain's mark is nearly ten times faster, and the construction period of connecting Panlong Mountain and Wuyun Ridge can be shortened to about one-tenth of the original time.

Not only that, after the two mountains are connected in the future, they can also use the land book to do things on Wuyun Ridge.

In this way, it would be easier to steal the power of Heavenly Dao in Wuyun Ridge.

Over at Panlong Mountain in the Yang Realm, Divine Power Clone No. [-] has never been idle.

The clone can draw on the power of the original body, including the spirit, energy, heavenly authority, and the power of the earthly book, but the energy it mobilizes is not much.

Continuously exerting the power of gathering energy to turn into stone, mountains were condensed on the south side of Panlong Mountain.

In the past two years or so, a total of twenty or thirty hills have been condensed, making Panlong Mountain extend nearly a hundred miles due south.

About one-sixth of the project connecting Panlong Mountain and Wuyun Ridge has been completed.

Now the earth veins in the earth book have become real, and the energy they provide has been greatly increased.

The remaining work will probably not take more than a few years.

Subsequently, Liu Yuanchen continued to extract energy from the phantom of Panlong Mountain in the sea of ​​​​consciousness and injected it into the mark of Panlong Mountain on the ground book.

After spending tens of thousands of taels of incense and silver, the Panlong Mountain mark on the Book of Earth was raised to the level of the fifth-grade Heavenly Dao authority.

With the help of the Book of the Earth, the power of heaven is exerted, and the power is much stronger than before.

The original earth book controlled by Immortal Zhenyuan should be closely connected with the ancient land.

Once a certain mountain range advances, the imprint on the Earth Book will also increase accordingly.

The imitation book of the earth does not have this function, whether it was the promotion to Panlong Mountain in the Yang world earlier or the promotion to Panlong Mountain in the underworld this time.

The imprint of Panlong Mountain on the Book of Earth did not change accordingly.

I don’t know whether it’s because the imitation Di Shu is not of sufficient level, or because the imitation Di Shu was cultivated in Dongyang Blessed Land and is not closely connected with the Yuanling Realm.

Perhaps it is because his cultivation level is too low and he cannot yet understand all the mysteries of the Book of the Earth.


Liu Yuanchen used the secret method of rubbing the book on the earth to rub a spiritual vein in the book on the earth into Dongyang Blessed Land.

This spiritual vein was formed by integrating the seventh-level low-grade spiritual vein jade zhi sent from Shenting into the book of the earth.

After more than two years of growth, it is now a fourth-level mid-grade spiritual vein.

If you rub it in the blessed land, it should be able to grow in a very short time.

At this point, there are already five spiritual veins in Dongyang Blessed Land.

Needless to say, the first spiritual vein is the main spiritual vein of Dongyang Blessed Land.

In the future, Dongyang Blessed Land will grow into a complete world, and this main spiritual vein will become the ancestral vein of Dongyang Realm in the future, and its grade will definitely be the highest.

The third spiritual vein is directly transformed from the eighth-level spiritual stone chalcedony. It grows very fast and is always on par with the main spiritual vein.

The fourth spiritual vein was rubbed from the Book of the Earth. It is now at the top level of the third level and is not far away from the fourth level.

Only the second spiritual vein, because it is a truly rootless spiritual vein, grows slowly.

Even with the help of earth spirit seeds, it has only just reached the third level.

Liu Yuanchen has made up his mind to get Dongyang Blessed Land together with nine spiritual veins as soon as possible.

Having nine spiritual veins is a mandatory condition for the blessed land to grow into a cave.

It doesn't mean that after gathering nine spiritual veins, the blessed land will become a cave in an instant.

In addition to the number of spiritual veins, it also depends on the grade of the spiritual veins, the strength of the space barrier, and the accumulation of the blessed land's own origin.

Defects in any aspect will result in the Blessed Land being unable to be promoted to Cave Heaven.

In most blessed lands, after gathering nine spiritual veins, it will take a long time to accumulate before they can be promoted to cave heaven.

Such a blessed land is called the "Nine Meridians Blessed Land".

Nine spiritual veins complete the blessed land, so the growth rate of the nine-meridian blessed land is far beyond that of ordinary blessed lands. …

A month later, Liu Yuanchen's Shinto avatar purchased the spiritual stone chalcedony and spiritual vein jade in Hongling Mansion.

In just one month, many such spiritual objects were purchased.

Perhaps it was because Shenting was obstructing it, but not one of the seventh-level ones was purchased.

Only two pieces of the sixth-level spiritual stone chalcedony and spiritual vein jade were purchased.

I bought more than ten fifth-level spiritual objects.

Liu Yuanchen only needed four spiritual objects that could derive spiritual veins, so that Dongyang Blessed Land could collect nine spiritual veins.

The extra spiritual objects are purely to deceive others.

However, these extra spiritual veins are also useful.

It is used to perform the secret technique of earth spirit transforming into dragon, improve the level of spiritual veins, and can also be directly integrated into the earth book.

After all, the more spiritual veins there are in the Book of the Earth, the more powerful the Book of the Earth is.

He selected four of the best quality spiritual objects and incorporated them into the Book of the Earth.


Two years later, Liu Yuanchen was 88 years old.

After two years of growth, the four spiritual objects originally integrated into the Book of the Earth have derived four spiritual veins.

As early as a year ago, these spiritual veins had grown to the fourth-level mid-level.

With such a spiritual vein, it is possible to use the secret method of rubbing the book of the earth to print the spiritual vein in the blessed land.

In this year, he has already rubbed three spiritual veins in Dongyang Blessed Land.

However, the secret method of rubbing the Book of the Earth does not consume the power of the Book of the Earth, but consumes the power of the earth.

Dongyang Blessed Land is still just a blessed land, and the energy inside is not enough to support the formation of several spiritual veins at the same time.

The previous rubbing of three spiritual veins has prevented Dongyang Blessed Land from growing even a little bit for a year.

Even the spiritual energy level in the blessed land has dropped significantly.

After several months of recovery, the spiritual energy level of Dongyang Paradise has now been raised to the sixth level of low-grade.

Only then did Liu Yuanchen feel relieved and continued to use the secret method of rubbing the Earth Book to add the last spiritual vein to Dongyang Blessed Land.

At this time, a spiritual vein on the earth book emits a dazzling light.

The light directly penetrated the space barrier of Dongyang Paradise and shone in the first spiritual hub.

Then, the light continued to gather and turned into a jade-white dragon.

However, the quality of this dragon is relatively poor. It only has one horn and its tail is still bare. It can only be said that it is barely a dragon.

This spiritual vein is formed from the fifth-order high-grade spiritual stone chalcedony. In terms of foundation, it is incomparable with the seventh-order and eighth-order spiritual stone chalcedony.

The appearance of the manifested dragon's shadow is also quite different.

The head of the dragon's phantom stretched into the first spiritual hub, constantly devouring all kinds of energy coming out of the spiritual hub.

Nourished by so much energy, the dragon's shadow became more solid.

About half an hour passed, and the phantom of the dragon had become extremely solid, like a real white jade dragon.

Soon, the white jade dragon seemed to have eaten and drank enough, and it lay straight on the ground, and its body slowly sank into the ground.

In the end, the entire white jade dragon disappeared completely, and the ninth spiritual vein also appeared in Dongyang Blessed Land.

When it was first formed, this spiritual vein was only a first-level low-grade one.

However, this nascent spiritual vein did not stop growing.

The First Spiritual Hub has now grown into a large lake. At this moment, fist-sized bubbles are constantly popping up in the entire lake.

These bubbles came one after another, and the whole lake seemed to be boiling.

Even the surface of the water was covered with a thin layer of mist.

Each water bubble carries a large amount of evil energy from earth veins.

If it were in the past, these earthly evil spirits would have to be absorbed and refined by the ginseng fruit trees, and in the end only pure spiritual energy would remain.

At this time, these earth vein evil spirits just appeared and disappeared instantly.

Liu Yuanchen used his spiritual consciousness to track and found that these earthly evil spirits were absorbed by the spiritual veins in the blessed land.

Spiritual veins that have not reached the fourth-level mid-level are growing rapidly at this time.

In particular, the newly formed ninth spiritual vein grew from a first-order low-grade to a second-order low-grade in just one hour.

The size of the entire spiritual vein has also grown from two to three feet long to more than 30 feet long.

He also discovered that the mana that the blessed land fed back to him every hundred breaths disappeared without a trace.

The spiritual energy absorbed by the Book of Earth through the Earth Vein Mark and the Spirit Vein Mark was all drained away by Dongyang Blessed Land.

Even the Cuiguang Liangyi lamp that had been placed on the floor book became very dim at this time.

Half a month passed, and the spiritual veins in Dongyang Paradise finally stopped.

At this time, all the spiritual veins in the blessed land had grown to the fourth level.

The spiritual energy level in the blessed land, instead of improving, is constantly declining.

At the same time, something unusual happened in the sky of Blessed Land.

In order to let the spiritual realm integrate with the spiritual pivot as soon as possible, he used a lot of black and yellow stones.

Xuanhuang stone contains both the pure air of heaven and the turbid air of earth.

The turbid air has long been absorbed by the spiritual realm and has become part of the blessed land.

The pure air of the sky was never absorbed by the blessed land, but gathered directly above the blessed land, forming a light blue "sky" with a radius of dozens of feet.

Of course, the sky is just an empty shadow formed by the pure air of the sky.

Behind this layer of shadow, there is still a space barrier made of rocks.

At this time, the cloud of pure heavenly energy was constantly surging.

In Liu Yuanchen's perception, the space barrier at the top of the blessed land is constantly absorbing the fresh air of the sky.

At the same time, that space barrier is also constantly changing.

First there were jet-black rocks, which slowly turned into light blue.

Moreover, the rocks are constantly softening.

Another half month passed, and all the fresh air from the sky disappeared.

A piece of light blue sky about four feet in diameter appeared at the top of the blessed land.

The sky at this time is no longer what it looks like.

He took the Divine Power Clone No. [-] into Dongyang Paradise to explore the situation in that area of ​​the sky.

The clone flew below that piece of sky and reached out to touch it.

What you feel is not a solid rock, but like a thick layer of cotton.

The sky is extremely soft, yet very tough.

No matter how hard the clone exerts its strength, the hand cannot penetrate deep into the sky.

If you sense it carefully, you can also find that there is an extremely chaotic energy in the sky, slowly seeping in.

Liu Yuanchen was overjoyed. The main difference between Cave Heaven and Blessed Land is that energy can be extracted from the void.

Now the sky in Dongyang Paradise is filled with chaotic energy.

Obviously, this sky already has some cave-like function.

'No wonder some ancient books on the Earthly Immortal Way say that the Nine Meridians Blessed Land is the embryonic form of the Cave Heaven and will definitely grow into the Cave Heaven.

The Nine Meridians Blessed Land can already extract a trace of energy from the void.

As long as the sky grows big enough, it will be a cave sky. '

(End of this chapter)

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