Chapter 310 General Yunhai’s gift
  There are three clones here in Yangjian, so Liu Yuanchen doesn't need to distract himself from managing affairs.

All he needs to do in the human world is to practice honestly.

However, the efficiency of cultivation in the earthly world is far less than that in the underworld.

In addition to the difference in spiritual energy levels between the two sides, the underworld also has a great advantage in terms of yin energy.

Especially the Yin-Yang Spiritual Fire requires a massive amount of Yin-Yang Qi to grow rapidly.

Although there is the sun in the human world, it is divided into night and day.

The constant alternation of yin and yang can indeed maintain the balance of yin and yang in the yang world.

But the alternation of yin and yang also makes it impossible for the yin and yang qi in the yang world to always dominate.

On the other side of the underworld, there are only two situations in the sky.

One is that there is a dark moon in the sky, and the other is that there is no dark moon, and Yin energy is always dominant.

The Yin Qi accumulated over hundreds of thousands of years cannot be compared to the Yang world.

The speed of his cultivation in the human world was affected, and Liu Yuanchen came to the underworld again.

When they arrived at Panlong Mountain in the underworld, they saw Xia Longting and Xia Lingkai fishing by Panlong Lake.

Seeing this situation, Liu Yuanchen was surprised.

Is Xia Longting an animal that can live idle?

"Junior brother Xia, why did you change your gender? You can actually fish honestly."

Xia Longting looked unlucky: "I forgot to ask you when I came here if there is a brothel in the underworld.

Your huge Panlong City doesn't even have a brothel. "

“Besides Panlong Mountain and Panlong City, the resentment is too strong and I really can’t bear it.

Now I'm in the underworld, it's like being in prison. "

Seeing his unlucky look, Liu Yuanchen couldn't help laughing.

No one can control him in the world of heaven, but in the underworld he is honest.

"Yanyang is also in the underworld. His yang energy is almost endless. You can go out with him."

Xia Longting became happy when he mentioned this.

"That guy is even more unlucky than me. Being watched by his master, he spends all day either practicing or refining elixirs and weapons.

Compared with him, I am relatively carefree.

He wants to compete with me for sister Qingyue, but he is still a bit immature. "

“Seeing that Yan Yang is more unlucky than me, I feel a lot better.

It would be even better if there were a few girls accompanying me. "

Sure enough, this guy is like a dog and cannot spit out ivory.

"Seeing how anxious you are, how about I send you back to the underworld?"

Xia Longting shook his head like a rattle: "No, hiding in the underworld is only a short-term pain.

If you return to the human world and get married, you will be in constant pain.

I am not yet a hundred years old, and there are still [-] years left before the end of ten thousand years.

If you can't go to a brothel for so many years, what's the point of living? "

"Senior Brother Liu, for the sake of the statue, how about you find me some female ghosts?"

This guy didn't have enough yang energy to begin with, but he recovered a bit after becoming the Dragon King.

But compared with monks of the same level, it is still far behind.

If you really find some female ghosts for him, he will die in the underworld in a few days.

Liu Yuanchen was too lazy to pay attention to him, so he shook his head and turned to leave.


When he arrived in the underworld, the yin and yang spiritual fire in his body and the emerald light and two instruments lamp on the earth book immediately burned brightly.

Over the years, Liu Yuanchen has spent most of his time in the underworld, and the Cuiguang Liangyi Lamp has endless Yin energy available.

Not only did the lights become more powerful, but even the many damaged lampstands showed signs of recovery.

The Cuiguang Liangyi lamp itself is relatively well preserved, and there are more than a dozen nearly complete acquired treasure prohibitions inside.

The reason why no one recognized it as a spiritual treasure was because the energy inside the lampstand was exhausted and the magical effect was greatly reduced.

There is now enough energy to restore it, even to the broken parts.

Given time, this Green Light Liangyi Lamp can turn into a complete acquired spiritual treasure.

In addition, the dragon beads left by the Luochuan Dragon King also changed at this time.

This dragon ball is full of cracks and seems to be completely shattered at any time.

But now, the cracks in the dragon ball are beginning to recover, and some small cracks have even completely disappeared.

I don't know if it's because there is an extra dragon vein in the book of the earth, and the dragon ball is nourished by the dragon's energy and slowly recovers.

Or because the Luochuan Blessed Land in Dragon Ball can absorb energy from the Luochuan River Basin.

After all, the Luochuan Dragon King grew up in the Luochuan River Basin, and the energy there should also have some effect on the recovery of the Dragon Ball.

Although I can't figure out the reason, as long as the Dragon Balls are slowly being repaired, that's a good thing.

At least, the growth limit of Luochuan Paradise will be much higher in the future.

What has also changed is Panlong Mountain’s Heavenly Dao authority.

Perhaps it is because Panlong Mountain in the Yang Realm is connected to Wuyun Ridge and has stolen part of Wuyun Ridge's heavenly authority.

An obvious branch appeared on the Panlong Mountain imprint in Liu Yuanchen's sea of ​​consciousness, which was the branch mountain range connecting Panlong Mountain and Wuyun Ridge.

And where it is connected to the branch, there is a dim shadow that seems to be there but not there.

Judging from the shape of the shadow, it should be Wuyun Ridge.

This is not the first time Liu Yuanchen has seen this situation.

Previously, with the help of Luochuan Blessed Land, the authority of the Water God was gathered.

Now, in his sea of ​​consciousness, there are imprints of the waters within Luochuan Paradise.

Beyond this mark, there is also the dim shadow of Luochuan River.

This shows that his authority has some influence on Luochuan River.

Now there is a mark of Wuyunling around the Panlong Mountain mark, which is obviously the same thing.

If he could make the dim shadow of Wuyun Ridge become as solid as the mark of Panlong Mountain, he would become the mountain god of Wuyun Ridge.

Liu Yuanchen looked at the Wuyun Ridge in the underworld, and thought to himself: 'If it is the underworld, we can also use the power of gathering energy to form stone to condense a branch of Panlong Mountain to connect Panlong Mountain and Wuyun Ridge.

Panlong Mountain in both the Yin and Yang worlds are exerting their strength at the same time, and the speed at which they can steal the power of Wuyun Ridge should be much faster. ’

‘There is a guy from the Demon Clan who steals the power of Wuyun Ridge. I can’t take advantage of him in the real world.

If we find another way in the underworld, the probability of winning can be greatly improved. ’

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen did not hesitate at all, and immediately used the power of gathering energy to turn into stone, condensing several mountains to the east of Panlong Mountain.

The position and shape of these mountains are exactly the same as the branches of Panlong Mountain in Yangjian.

Panlong Mountain in the Yin and Yang realms maintains the same shape, which is also good for controlling power.


One year passed quickly, and Liu Yuanchen was ninety-three years old.

In this year, he also connected Panlong Mountain and Wuyun Ridge in the underworld.

He also used the secret method of rubbing the Earth's Book to draw a spiritual vein from the Wuyunling ancestral vein and extend it to Panlong Mountain.

Just like in the Yang world, he tried it on Wuyun Ridge in the underworld and obtained part of the heavenly authority of Wuyun Ridge.

"It seems that the magical power clone No. [-] can no longer be idle. He must come to the underworld to do things."

At this moment, a dark cloud flew from the east and landed at the foot of Panlong Mountain.

The dark clouds dispersed, and an old man in blue robe appeared.

The old man bowed towards Panlong Mountain and said, "Wei Yun, who is under the command of General Yunhai, has been ordered to come and pay homage to General Panlong."

Liu Yuanchen used the Tiandao Divine Realm to sense the old man's situation.

This person is also a ghost, and his cultivation is at the late stage of the Condensing Yuan Realm.

With this kind of cultivation, it is not a problem at all to serve as a ghost general under some demon kings.

However, this guy claimed to be under the command of General Yunhai. Around Panlong Mountain, most of the things that can be related to the Sea of ​​Clouds are the Sea of ​​Demonic Clouds, which is thousands of miles away to the east.

Even in the Red Wasteland of Yangjian, the Sea of ​​Demonic Clouds is an extremely wealthy place. The large lake covers an area of ​​thousands of miles and has two third-level high-grade spiritual veins.

There are many spiritual fields developed around the Demonic Cloud Sea.

At that time, the Moyun Sect did not completely capture the entire Moyun Sea, but it could span thousands of miles and fight back and forth with the Qingdan Sect.

The red wasteland of the underworld is far richer than the earth.

The Demonic Cloud Sea here is even more important.

General Dongyuan would naturally not let such a treasure land go unused, so it was natural for him to ennoble the general to garrison it.

When the avatar was originally sent to do business in the underworld, it was only to deal with the forces near Panlong Mountain.

This General Yunhai has never been heard of at all.

I wonder why this guy sent an envoy here?
  However, he and General Yunhai should both be under the command of General Dongyuan.

Speaking of which, they can be considered colleagues.

Although Moyunhai and Panlong Mountain are thousands of miles apart, they can still be regarded as neighbors.

It is not strange that General Yunhai sent someone to congratulate him after he was awarded the title of General Panlong.

Although it came a little late, it was not a big deal.

At this time, a Nine Ghost Bamboo Taoist soldier walked down the mountain and led Wei Yun to the cave on Panlong Mountain.

Wei Yun entered the cave and quickly bowed to Liu Yuanchen and saluted: "Wei Yun is walking under the command of General Yunhai and has met the general."

Liu Yuanchen waved his hand: "No need to be polite, I only do business near Panlong Mountain, but I have never visited Demon Cloud Sea.

I wonder why General Yunhai sent you here? "

Wei Yun chuckled lightly: "It's not a big deal, my general is stationed in the Demon Cloud Sea, thousands of miles away from Panlong Mountain.

I just heard recently that General Dongyuan conferred the title of General Panlong.

The two families are also considered neighbors, so my general sent me to visit them. "

After that, he also took out three jade boxes.

"This is my general's wish, please accept it."

Liu Yuanchen naturally did not believe everything Wei Yun said.

People must ask for something when giving gifts, and no one will give gifts without any reason.

This gift from General Yunhai is most likely because he is greedy for the spiritual things in the world and wants to exchange what he has.

Now that some experts from the Bahuang Pavilion are stationed in the underworld, if General Yunhai has evil intentions, he is just seeking death.

With confidence in his heart, he was naturally not afraid of General Yunhai.

"In that case, I will accept General Yunhai's kindness."

"Your general must also know my details, but I know nothing about your general."

Wei Yun chuckled lightly: "As a true god of heaven, the general has a noble status, and my general also yearns for him.

It can be said that the two families are ministers of the same palace.

It has been more than five thousand years since my general was conferred by General Dongyuan and commanded the Sea of ​​Demonic Clouds. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen's heart trembled.

Even a veteran ghost king like the Iron-armed Ghost King is less than a thousand years old.

Having been a guard general for more than five thousand years, General Yun Hai's cultivation should be much higher than his own.

At least he must be at the Soul Condensation Realm, and maybe even at the sixth realm of Yuanshen Realm.

If you don't have the support of your master, dealing with him is like seeking the skin of a tiger.

“It seems that General Yunhai is still my senior.

Ordinarily, I should send someone to visit Demon Cloud Sea, but I was rude. "

"I wonder if General Yunhai has any other advice?"

Wei Yun was relieved when he saw that Liu Yuanchen was not putting on airs.

As a direct descendant of the great power of the human race, and as a true god of heaven, he is fully qualified to look down on the generals guarding the underworld.

"I don't dare to say that I have given you advice, but I heard that the general comes from the Yang world and that his goods can connect the Yin and Yang worlds.

The Sea of ​​Demonic Clouds is also a prosperous place with many specialties. I want to exchange some spiritual things from the underworld with the general. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen understood clearly.

General Yunhai's plan did not exceed his expectations.

When doing business, there is mutual benefit, and there is no difficulty for both parties.

"These are all trivial matters, as long as they are spiritual objects from the underworld that are needed in the world of the underworld, I can accept them.

General Yunhai needs spiritual objects from the underworld, and I will try my best to find them as long as I can. "

At this point, the matter of receiving the envoys is over.

Naturally, Liu Yuanchen cannot argue about the specific matters of cooperation between the two companies.

As the oldest veteran of Panlong Mountain in the underworld, Qing Sha naturally did his part.

After sending Wei Yun away, Liu Yuanchen took out the three jade boxes.

When I opened the first jade box, I saw a small grass measuring one foot long inside.

The grass was completely gray, with some gray mist surrounding it.

Liu Yuanchen just took a breath of the mist, and suddenly felt sadness in his heart.

He immediately understood that this grass was called Tianwei grass.

The mist it emits can evoke sadness in the hearts of living beings.

A monk in the Soul Condensing Realm needs to rely on the power of the Seven Emotions to condense the Seven Souls.

And this Heavenly Weeping Grass can just activate the power of 'sorrow' among the seven emotions, so as to condense the stinky lungs among the seven souls.

For Liu Yuanchen, the value of this frightening grass is not bad, but it can save a lot of effort in collecting spiritual objects.

Then he opened the second jade box.

Inside was a spiritual plant that was only half a foot tall, and its entire body was pale white.

On the leaves, there are ghastly white faces.

Just one glance made Liu Yuanchen feel a sense of fear in his heart.

As a spiritual medicine master and an alchemist, he naturally knows the power of this herb.

This grass is called ghost-faced grass, and it is a spiritual plant unique to the underworld.

It can arouse fear in the hearts of living beings, arouse the power of "fear" in the seven emotions, and use it to condense the sparrow yin in the seven souls.

Then, he opened the third jade box.

I saw a strange-shaped crystal inside, completely dark, but still quite transparent, like dark glass.

He probed his consciousness into the crystal and found that it contained an energy related to the soul.

A ray of energy was integrated into the consciousness, which made the ray of consciousness released by Liu Yuanchen grow several times.

Obviously, this crystal contains the power to strengthen the soul.

Moreover, this crystal stone has a very strong ability to strengthen the soul. If it were sold at Hong Ling Mansion, tens of millions of spirit stones would be impossible to obtain.

There are many spiritual objects that can strengthen the soul, but he really doesn't recognize this crystal.

Things related to the soul must not be touched rashly.

It won't be too late to deal with it once we find out what this crystal is.

Putting away the three jade boxes, Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "This General Yunhai is really a thoughtful person.

In the future, when I reach the Soul Condensing Realm, I will need spiritual plants such as the Heavenly Crying Grass to condense the seven souls. "

A monk has reached the peak of the Lingtai realm, which means that the Qi training in Qi training and transformation into a god has reached perfection.

Next, we need to prepare for the transformation into a god.

At this stage, the main thing is to increase the strength of the soul and condense the soul.

Although I don’t know the name of the black crystal stone, it must have some effect on condensing the soul.

(End of this chapter)

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