Chapter 311 The Secret of Demonic Cloud Sea

On Panlong Mountain in the underworld, there are several uncles from my family.

If you don’t know the origin of the black crystal, you don’t need to guess, just ask your uncle.

If they don't know him, they can go to the underworld and ask their master.

Anyway, I am young and have low cultivation level.

When encountering a rare spiritual creature, it is natural to ask your elders for advice, and you are unlikely to get scolded.

As for the uncles and masters, a scolding was inevitable.

He went straight to the residence of his second uncle in Panlong City.

Before entering the house, I smelled the aroma of meat.

Entering the courtyard, I found the second uncle and the fifth uncle eating and drinking.

Uncle Fifth Master is indeed called Yi Jiuding. He really sets out nine big cauldrons for meals, all filled with delicacies.

Seeing Liu Yuanchen coming, he quickly greeted: "Yuanchen, you came just in time.

I collected several kinds of spiritual things from the underworld, combined them with the spiritual things from the human world, and made several pots of soup.

Not many people in the entire human race have this taste. Come and try it. "

Liu Yuanchen stepped forward and looked at the pot of hodgepodge in front of him.

The pale green soup in the cauldron was boiling, and strange pieces of meat came out from time to time.

Just looking at it makes me feel sick to my stomach.

However, the aroma of this pot of soup is very tempting.

Liu Yuanchen glanced at the fifth uncle: "Fifth uncle, although we have not met each other a few times, I am also your nephew.

If you let me try this thing, you don't want me to try poison, right? "

Ling Yu chuckled: "Lao Wu, I said you can't deceive Yuan Chen.

If this were Tieshan, he would have definitely been fooled. "

Liu Yuanchen looked helpless, even though he guessed correctly.

My fifth uncle is also unreliable. He has a poison-resistant constitution, so he uses himself as a poison-testing tool.

Yi Jiuding laughed, "Yuan Chen, don't listen to Uncle Qin's nonsense, this pot is full of good stuff.

This soup doesn't look good, but it's actually made from sixth-order jasper ginseng. "

After that, he took out a piece of meat from the cauldron with a spoon.

"You see clearly, this is Ganoderma lucidum, which can greatly replenish vitality, strengthen meridians, and remove erysipelas."

Later, he fished out a few more things from the cauldron, which were indeed rare spiritual objects.

Based on Liu Yuanchen's alchemy level, it can be deduced that this pot of soup is not toxic.

It's just that these things are mixed together, and they don't look as good as pearls, emeralds, and white jade soup.

However, this stuff smells delicious.

He poured some soup out of the cauldron and drank it.

As soon as this soup enters the mouth, the aroma goes straight to the brain.

After swallowing it, the soup immediately turned into a warm current and traveled throughout the body.

Wherever the warm current passes, the meridians become stronger and the muscles are filled with strength.

Even the movement of mana is a bit faster.

After thinking about it for a long time, Liu Yuanchen breathed a long sigh of relief: "Uncle Fifth Master's craftsmanship is really amazing."

After receiving the compliment, Yi Jiuding was full of pride: "That's right, I dare not say anything else.

In terms of cooking skills, no one in Bahuang Pavilion can compare with me. "

Ling Yu sighed: "Your cooking skills are indeed good, but the things you make are really unsightly."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen understood clearly that the fifth uncle was a master in the dark cooking world.

The food tastes good, but the presentation is terrible.

He didn't care about the food anymore, but took out the black crystal stone given by General Yunhai.

"This thing was given to me by General Yunhai of the Underworld. This disciple is short-sighted and can't recognize what it is, so I asked my two uncles to teach me."

Ling Yu glanced at the black crystal and chuckled: "What is the background of General Yunhai? He is so generous that he actually gave away a Life Soul Stone."

Yi Jiuding also stared at the black crystal stone for a few times: "The fifth-level high-grade Life Soul Stone is really rare.

If any auction house in the world auctions this thing, the starting price will not be less than [-] million spirit stones. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised.

For auction items, the starting price is usually much lower than the actual price.

The starting price is [-] million spirit stones, but the actual value is at least [-] million spirit stones, and the transaction price is even higher.

I had previously estimated that this thing should be worth ten million spiritual stones, but I really underestimated it.

"What is this Life Soul Stone? How come the disciples have never heard of it?"

Yi Jiuding took out a piece of meat from the cauldron, put it in his mouth, chewed it carefully, and then swallowed it.

Then he chuckled: "It's normal if you haven't seen it before. There is no such thing in the world.

If you want to find this object, you can only steal it from the underworld. "

"Human beings have three souls, heaven and earth. The destiny governs innate destiny, and the earth soul governs acquired cause and effect. The two souls of heaven and earth are always outside, and only the soul of destiny always resides in the body.

The soul of life is the source of human consciousness, wisdom, and even spiritual consciousness.

The seven souls of the human body must obey the command of the soul to maintain the operation of the entire body. "

“When a Lingtai Realm monk breaks through to the Soul Condensation Realm, he must condense the seven souls one by one.

The seven souls themselves are hidden everywhere in the human body. If you stimulate the seven souls with the seven emotions, you can certainly make the seven souls manifest.

But if you really want the seven souls to manifest obediently on the spiritual platform, you must first control the life soul and use the life soul to control the seven souls. "

“When the life soul manifests on the spiritual platform, it means that it has officially broken through to the Soul Condensation Realm.

And this life soul stone is an auxiliary spiritual object that triggers the manifestation of the life soul. "

"This thing is a rare thing in the world of the world, and not everyone can afford it.

Generally, monks who break through the Soul Condensation Realm usually use the Soul Gathering Grass as a guide. "

“But you get what you pay for.

If you use soul-gathering grass, the possibility of failure is relatively high.

Once it fails, the life soul will suffer some damage.

If you want to break through again, you need to cultivate for a long time and be assisted by spiritual objects that nourish your soul.

Using Life Soul Stone as a guide, the success rate of controlling Life Soul will be much higher.

Moreover, even if it fails, it can ensure that the life soul is not damaged. "

Liu Yuanchen, the soul-gathering grass, knew that this thing was in Hong Ling's house and could be seen occasionally.

Although cultivation is extremely difficult, the immortal way of the human race has flourished, and there are countless skilled elixir masters.

There are many spiritual medicine masters who can grow soul-gathering grass, so the price is not high. One or two million spiritual stones can buy one.

However, with the Life Soul Stone in hand, it is natural to look down on the Soul Gathering Grass.

Although the price is much more expensive, spiritual stones are nothing compared to precious training time.

He looked at the Life Soul Stone in his hand, which was only the size of a baby's fist: "Is this Life Soul Stone enough for me?"

Ling Yu chuckled: "For ordinary people to break through the Soul Condensation Realm, this Life Soul Stone is more than enough.

But for you, it's not easy to say.

You have forged the Three-Yuan Spiritual Platform. Under the continuous nourishment of this spiritual platform, the strength of your soul far exceeds that of ordinary monks.

To draw out the life soul, more spiritual objects are consumed.

If you want stability, prepare more Life Soul Stones. "

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly. Although the Life Soul Stone was precious, it was only a fifth-level treasure of heaven and earth.

As the true god of heaven in the underworld, he was also canonized as a guard general.

It shouldn't be difficult to get more Life Soul Stones by spending a little more money.

If that doesn't work, you can also take out some precious spiritual objects from the underworld and ask General Dongyuan to exchange them.

"That being said, I have to make plans early."

After that, he filled up another bowl of Fifth Master Uncle's dark cuisine.

Not to mention, this thing looks really ugly, but it tastes really good.

…    While the main body was eating and drinking, the supernatural clone No. [-] was not idle either.

He went straight to Iron Arm City to visit the Iron Arm Ghost King.

If you want to do business with General Yunhai, you must know yourself and your enemy.

Although the Iron-Armed Ghost King is only a ghost king in the late stage of the Lingtai Realm, he is not young and has extraordinary knowledge.

If you want to find out the details of General Yunhai, asking him to inquire is obviously a good choice.

When the clone arrived at Iron Arm City, it went straight to the residence of the Iron Arm Ghost King, who also hurriedly came out to greet him.

After the two of them took their seats, Liu Yuanchen casually took out a jade box.

"I came here to ask for advice on something this time. I would like to ask Fellow Taoist Iron Arm to accept some local specialties from the underworld."

The Iron-Armed Ghost King did not refuse: "Thank you, General, for the generous gift. I wonder what the General wants to ask?

The subordinates must tell everything they know and tell them everything. "

Liu Yuanchen also got straight to the point: "I want to know the news about General Yunhai."

Hearing this, the Iron-armed Ghost King glanced at Liu Yuanchen thoughtfully.

Apparently he felt that he had evil intentions against Mo Yunhai.

Liu Yuanchen waved his hand: "Don't think nonsense, it's just that General Yunhai sent people to do business with me.

I still know nothing about General Yunhai.

Therefore, I would like to get some information from here. "

"If I really want to capture the city, do I still need to inquire about General Yunhai?"

Hearing this, the Iron-armed Ghost King also nodded slightly.

I was also a human being during my lifetime, so I still have some understanding of the situation in Bahuang Pavilion.

If Bahuang Pavilion were determined to take action, it would be a piece of cake to destroy General Dongyuan.

Attacking a small General Yunhai is even more effortless.

After confirming that Liu Yuanchen had no intention of attacking Mo Yunhai, a smile appeared on his face again.

"So that's the case. This subordinate is overthinking it."

“As for General Yunhai, my subordinates know a thing or two about him.

He is very mysterious, although he is nominally a subordinate of General Dongyuan.

But in fact, General Yunhai did not listen to General Dongyuan's orders. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was quite surprised.

General Dongyuan is the leader of the party conferred by Hades. Even though General Yunhai can govern a wealthy place like Moyunhai, his strength should be far behind.

Ordinarily, he is not qualified to challenge General Dongyuan.

Unless General Yunhai has a profound background, which makes General Dongyuan quite afraid.

"Could it be that General Yunhai has a particularly strong backer behind him?"

The Iron-Armed Ghost King complimented: "The general is wise, this General Yunhai's background is indeed quite profound.

It is said that he has some background in the underworld.

More than five thousand years ago, he took office as the general guarding the Demon Cloud Sea.

However, it was not General Dongyuan who conferred him the title of General Yunhai, but Pluto. "

Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised. The king of Hades directly conferred the title. This was already the etiquette of canonizing a general of the underworld.

In this way, this guy really has a great background.

However, the Sea of ​​Demonic Clouds can indeed be considered a prosperous place in the Red Wasteland.

But the underworld was also affected by the series of wars in ancient times.

In the entire underworld, Demon Cloud Sea is still a remote place.

General Yunhai's background reaches the sky, and he can definitely place his territory in those wealthy places.

But this guy came to Moyunhai as a guard general, obviously he had an agenda.

"Is there something over there in the Demonic Cloud Sea that can attract General Yun Hai, who has a background as high as the sky, to take over the position, and he has been there for five thousand years?"

The Iron-armed Ghost King looked hesitant, as if he knew something but didn't dare to say it.

Seeing this situation, Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "If you know something, just tell me.

Although my cultivation level is not high, my backing is quite strong.

Even if you offend General Dongyuan, I can still protect you.

There is always a place for you on my list of gods.

Even if you can't stay in the underworld, you can still serve as a god under my Dongyang Divine Mansion. "

"I govern a county in the Yang Realm, and there is a large area of ​​unclaimed land around it that I can expand at will.

With Taoist Brother Iron Arm's ability, he is more than capable of prodding and prodding as a county god.

In the future, when my territory becomes larger, it is not impossible for me to become the Lord of the County and City. "

The Iron-Armed Ghost King was quite moved, but still did not agree to join Dongyang Divine Mansion.

However, he didn't hesitate anymore.

"Since the general can protect his subordinates, then the subordinates will dare to tell some confidential things."

"General, do you know why this sea of ​​demonic clouds is called the sea of ​​demonic clouds?"

Liu Yuanchen didn't know much about Moyunhai. Not to mention the underworld, he never left Panlong Mountain too far.

The Demonic Cloud Sea on the Yangjian side was first occupied by the evil cultivator Demonic Cloud Sect.

After the Great Xia Dynasty entered the Red Wasteland, the evil cultivators of the Ten Thousand Gods Sect settled in the Sea of ​​Demonic Clouds and confronted the Great Xia Dynasty.

Later, the demon soldiers under the Dragon Clan directly occupied the Demonic Cloud Sea.

In all these years, I have never been to the Sea of ​​Demonic Clouds.

"I really don't know much about the Demonic Cloud Sea. I only heard that strange colorful clouds often appear there, looking like demons, hence the name Demonic Cloud Sea."

The Iron-Armed Ghost King nodded: "That's right. Strange colorful clouds do often appear in the Demon Cloud Sea, and most people think so."

“Before I became the Ghost King, my subordinate served in the Dongyuan Army.

Seven hundred years ago, a strange phenomenon appeared in the Sea of ​​Demonic Clouds.

All the water in the Demonic Cloud Sea turned into blood.

The evaporated blood mist enveloped the entire sea of ​​demonic clouds. "

"General Dongyuan personally led his troops to support, and his subordinates are also among the reinforcements."

"My subordinates are of low cultivation and did not participate in the battle inside the Demonic Cloud Sea. They only formed formations on the outside.

A few days later, Moyunhai suddenly returned to normal.

It was just that most of the masters led by General Dongyuan were lost. "

“At that time, there were rumors in the army that tens of thousands of years ago, there were alien beings that invaded the Yuanling Realm.

There was a big battle on the other side of the Demonic Cloud Sea.

The masters who died in that battle are still affecting Mo Yunhai to this day.

The vision from seven hundred years ago was the influence of the remaining power of the masters who died in the battle. "

“Rumors also say that the Demon Cloud Sea is both a dangerous place and a great opportunity.

The reason why General Yun Hai is stationed in Demon Yun Hai is because he has taken a fancy to the opportunities there. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen seemed to have thought of something.

He quickly asked: "There were also invasions of alien beings in the world of the underworld. Is this the same thing as the invasion of alien beings in the underworld?"

The Iron-Armed Ghost King shook his head: "This subordinate doesn't know. There were many similar rumors at that time, many of which were quite outrageous.

If we really want to investigate, no one can find any evidence.

The rumor told by my subordinates already sounds relatively normal. "

“The evidence is conclusive that the Yuanling Realm was invaded by alien beings more than [-] years ago.

Tens of thousands of years after the alien beings were defeated, their remnants, the Black Lotus Sect, are still active everywhere. "

“Here in the underworld, there are very few legends about the invasion of alien beings.

As for traces or residual forces, they are even unheard of. "

"My subordinate's words are just nonsense and should not be accurate."

(End of this chapter)

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