Chapter 312
  Although the Iron-Armed Ghost King said that he had no evidence, Liu Yuanchen still took it seriously.

The underworld was formed [-] years ago, and the invasion of extraterrestrial beings was more than [-] years ago.

Moreover, the resources of the underworld are no less than those of the earth, and there are a large number of heavenly materials and earthly treasures that nourish the soul.

Coupled with the overwhelming resentment in the underworld, it will be of great benefit to Black Lotus. How can the alien creatures let go of the underworld?
  If extraterrestrial beings can invade the earth, they can also invade the underworld.

Although there are no reliable ruins or legends in the underworld, those legends from seven hundred years ago are not necessarily groundless.

In addition, there are also invasions of alien beings in the upper world, and it is almost certain that the underworld has indeed encountered invasions of alien beings.

One hundred and thirty thousand years ago, Pluto was able to repel the all-out attack of the demon clan and kill countless demon masters.

In the small cave sky over Yanyang Valley, there are a large number of corpses of demon masters.

It can be seen that the strength of the underworld is quite good.

The rising star of the human race has been fighting against the monster race for many years, but has not been able to occupy the entire Yuanling Continent and can repel the invasion of extraterrestrial beings on its own.

The underworld has a profound foundation, and it should be easier to repel extraterrestrial beings.

The invasion of alien beings happened more than [-] years ago.

Strange phenomena can still appear on the other side of the Demonic Cloud Sea.

It can be seen that there were so many masters who died in the Demonic Cloud Sea.

Those extraterrestrial beings are somewhat related to the Black Jade Lotus Platform.

Then there might be something related to the Black Jade Lotus Platform hidden in this sea of ​​demonic clouds.

By suppressing the demonic black lotus himself, he can continue to gain many merits.

If you can find a treasure similar to the Black Jade Lotus Platform in the Sea of ​​Demonic Clouds, you will really make a lot of money.

Even if it is just a fragment, the Water Moon Demon Lotus can absorb its essence and grow further.

By then, the merits gained by suppressing the Black Jade Lotus Platform will also increase a lot.

Moreover, there are not only dangers in the Demon Cloud Sea, but also great opportunities.

Otherwise, Pluto can completely hand over the management of Demon Cloud Sea to General Dongyuan, and there is no need to appoint another guard general himself.

Obviously, the higher-ups in the underworld attach great importance to Moyunhai.

It was previously speculated that the higher-ups in the underworld were probably the witches who escaped from the earth.

Even the Witch Clan values ​​this place, and the opportunities within it must not be underestimated.

Now that I have come to the underworld, I must get a share of this great opportunity.

Of course, this is on the premise that there is no life-threatening danger.

The greater the opportunity, the greater the risk.

Relying on one's Lingtai realm cultivation, rashly getting involved is not much different from committing suicide.

However, he still has a clone.

If you send the clone over, the main body can also know the situation on the other side of the Demonic Cloud Sea.

Even if there is danger, the worst case scenario is to abandon the clone.

As long as the main body is safe and sound, it doesn't matter how many clones you lose.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "So, this red wasteland really doesn't stop.

More than seven hundred years ago, something happened to the Demonic Cloud Sea. More than six hundred years ago, a small cave appeared in Yanyang Valley. "

The Iron-Armed Ghost King shook his head: "That's not entirely true. There is not much connection between the two things. It is purely a coincidence.

In the past five or six hundred years, there has been no major turmoil in the Red Wasteland.

Usually, some demon kings and ghost kings attack each other, and even the guarding generals in various places cannot be alerted. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly.

A glimpse of the leopard in the tube can be seen.

The red wasteland in the underworld also suffered great damage, but it was not as serious as in the upper world.

But even so, the Red Wasteland is still considered a remote place in the underworld.

Such a place can remain relatively stable, which shows that Pluto has extremely strong control over the entire underworld.

It can be inferred from this that Pluto and his subordinates are extremely powerful and can easily wipe out the underworld.

But for so many years, why has Pluto only guarded the underworld and not expanded to the upper world?

Liu Yuanchen was puzzled, but he didn't know where to look for the answer.

As for the Iron-Armed Ghost King, he had no hope.

Although his knowledge is far better than that of ordinary ghost kings, in the underworld, he has only just escaped from the bottom.

He is not qualified to know about Pluto.

However, he should know something about General Yunhai.

If he wants to go to Moyunhai to watch the excitement, he still needs to understand the personal strength of General Yunhai and the strength of his subordinates.

"I wonder how strong General Yunhai is and how many masters he has under his command?"

The Iron-armed Ghost King shook his head: "General, you are making things difficult for your subordinates.

Back then, I was just a centurion in the Dongyuan Army, and everything I knew came from rumors in the army.

How can I understand people like General Yunhai? "

Liu Yuanchen didn't care: "The rumors in the military are not necessarily false, you just say it.

Whether it's true or not, I don't blame you. "

Seeing that he wanted to know, the Iron-armed Ghost King did not refuse.

"Rumors say that more than five thousand years ago, when General Yunhai first took office, he made it clear that he would not listen to General Dongyuan's orders.

General Dongyuan was furious and wanted to attack Moyunhai. "

"Later, General Yunhai visited Dongyuan City in person, and General Dongyuan never mentioned launching troops against Mo Yunhai again.

Moreover, he had repeatedly warned his subordinates not to provoke General Yunhai. "

“As for what happened at that time, everyone has their own version.

There are also rumors that General Unkai and General Dongwon fought against each other, and there was no winner between the two. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen's heart trembled, and his assessment of General Yunhai's strength improved to another level.

On this side of the underworld, those who can become guard generals must at least be in the Soul Condensation realm.

Previously, he thought that General Yunhai was at the Soul Condensation Realm, or at the Yuanshen Realm.

To be awarded the title of general, the minimum level must be at the magical power level.

If General Yunhai could compete with General Dongyuan five thousand years ago, his current cultivation level would definitely not be lower than the level of supernatural power.

The realm of ghost cultivators is the same as that of Qi Tao monks.

The supernatural power realm is the seventh realm, which is equivalent to the Dharma realm of Earthly Immortal monks.

The Iron-armed Ghost King continued: "General Yunhai is not under the control of General Dongyuan, and may be a close associate of Hades.

Outsiders have no way of knowing how many soldiers and masters he has under his command. "


After getting the desired news from the Iron-armed Ghost King, Liu Yuanchen's magical clone did not stay long.

After exchanging pleasantries for a few words, he left directly.

The supernatural clone did not return to Panlong Mountain, but came to Wuyun Ridge and headed east along the mountain range.

My curiosity was aroused by what happened over the Demon Cloud Sea, so I had to go and have a look no matter what.

The Wuyun Ridge in the underworld is not shrouded in black fog all year round like in the upper world.

However, the energy here is still very chaotic, and the strong evil energy of the earth veins can clearly be felt.

Obviously, the wars in ancient times also had a great impact on the underworld.

The earth veins connected to Wuyun Ridge may have been severely damaged.

If not, with the foundation of Wuyunling's great spiritual veins, Hades would definitely establish his capital here.

The supernatural clone was walking on Wuyun Ridge, and he could clearly feel that the surrounding vegetation had some closeness to him.

This feeling was similar to the original planning of Panlong Mountain's Heavenly Dao, but it always felt that there was a layer between them.

Perhaps, this is because he only stole part of Wuyunling's authority but did not really get Wuyunling's recognition.

This is just the beginning. In the future, the clones will often come here to use spring breeze and rain to help the vegetation grow.     As time goes by, you will naturally get more recognition.

Liu Yuanchen was walking on Wuyun Ridge and soon encountered a small city.

Between Panlong Mountain and Demonic Cloud Sea is a relatively barren land.

Even though the red wasteland of the underworld is much stronger than that of the underworld, it does not have the spiritual veins to rise to the surface.

The demon king and ghost king here can only build the city on Wuyun Ridge.

But the evil energy in the earth veins on Wuyun Ridge is so strong that ordinary creatures cannot bear it.

Therefore, the forces under these demon kings and ghost kings are relatively weak.

Either he is a bare commander, or he has only a few subordinates, and they all have little ability.

Liu Yuanchen couldn't expand his territory, and he didn't want to recruit these grass-headed kings, so he naturally wouldn't take action against these cities.

He bypassed the city and continued eastward.

After bypassing more than a dozen small cities along the way, a piece of sky-blue water appeared in front.

The water area covers a radius of more than ten thousand miles, with streams crisscrossing the surrounding area, and small islands dotted throughout the lake.

The cultivation level of this magical clone has reached the late stage of Condensing Yuan Realm, and its range of perception is very large.

You can see cities built on many islands.

There is also a city on the shore of the lake, and you can even see people busy there.

Among such a large lake in the Red Wasteland, there is only one Demonic Cloud Sea.

At this moment, a blood-red mist emerged from the lake.

The mist continued to rise, gathering into a strange blood cloud two to three thousand feet high in the sky.

The blood cloud kept changing, and soon it turned into a headless giant covered in blood.

The demons and ghosts who live by the sea of ​​demonic clouds seem to have become accustomed to these strange demonic clouds.

Only a few people looked up at the magic cloud, and then continued to work on their hands.

Most people didn't even bother to raise their heads, as if they didn't notice the magic cloud in the sky at all.

Liu Yuanchen couldn't help but sigh: "It is indeed a sea of ​​demonic clouds. This cloud is really evil."

Before he finished speaking, the headless giant turned into a blood cloud again.

The blood cloud slowly dissipated and soon disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.

However, within a few hundred breaths, another demonic cloud was formed, giving birth to a strange dragon covered in blood and with its scales in pieces.


The magical clone changed its body shape and turned into the appearance of an ordinary ghost cultivator, heading straight towards the sea of ​​demonic clouds.

Soon, he came to a large city in the west of the Demonic Cloud Sea.

Looking at the plaque above the city gate, this city is called Linhai City.

In front of the city gate, there are elite ghost soldiers holding the handle.

However, there are many demons and ghosts coming in and out of the city gate.

There are those with advanced cultivation, some with Qi Sea realm cultivation, and there are even many ordinary ghosts with no cultivation at all.

Seeing this situation, Liu Yuanchen also went to the city.

Moreover, he was not blocked. He just handed over some money and got a token to enter the city, and then entered the city easily.

When he entered Linhai City, he naturally wanted to find out some information here.

Before he could find a suitable place to pry for information, a kid stepped forward.

"This senior must be coming to Haicheng for the first time, right?

The little ghost Qian Long has stayed here for nearly a hundred years, and he knows every plant and tree in the city like the back of his hand.

Whatever business your senior needs to do, the kid can help you make the connection. "

This kind of broker is very common in the markets of the world.

Their cultivation is not very good, but they are well-versed in people and have some connections in the city or city.

They usually earn commissions by guiding foreign monks and soliciting customers from various shops.

There are also some brokers who even cooperate with Jie cultivators to spread false news and lure the cultivators into a trap.

Liu Yuanchen is just a clone here, so he has nothing to fear.

"You are quite discerning, it is indeed my first time to come to Yunhai City.

I have long heard that the magic clouds in the Demonic Cloud Sea are extremely strange, so I came here to have a look.

Before that, it’s better to find a place to stay. "

Upon hearing this, Qian Long's eyes immediately lit up.

"Senior, you have found the right person. The kid has been staying in Linhai City for nearly a hundred years. I know all the legends about Demon Cloud Sea."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen became interested.

Although many of the various legends are nonsense.

However, there are also many legends that hide the historical truth.

This kid knows all kinds of legends, so it will be easy to handle.

Liu Yuanchen casually patted the storage bag on his waist: "That's good, I'm not short of money.

As long as your legend is useful to me, your benefits will be indispensable. "

Under the leadership of Qian Long, he stayed in an inn.

After settling in, Liu Yuanchen took out a bunch of incense money.

"As long as the legend you tell is reliable, I will reward you with ten Netherworld Treasures for each story.

I want to know what the demonic cloud outside is and how it was formed. "

Qian Long said quickly: "Senior, there are too many stories related to this.

If I were to talk about it, I wouldn't be able to finish it in ten days and a half, so I'll just pick out some well-known ones and talk about them. "

"It is rumored that in ancient times, there were creatures competing with Hades for the underworld, and the two sides fought here.

Pluto was powerful and killed many invading enemies.

Of course, the masters under Pluto also lost a lot. "

"After all, those masters are so powerful that they will not stop even after they die, turning the underworld upside down."

"In desperation, Pluto set a seal in the Sea of ​​Demonic Clouds and sealed all the bodies of those masters underground in the Sea of ​​Demonic Clouds."

“Since then, this sea of ​​demonic clouds has gradually subsided.

However, those masters who died in battle had so much resentment, how could they easily suppress it?

The power left behind by those masters can often flow out of the Sea of ​​Demonic Clouds through the seal.

And those demonic clouds were transformed by the power of masters who died in battle.

It contains the supreme law. If you can understand a trace of the rule from the magic cloud, your cultivation will advance by leaps and bounds. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen became interested.

This rumor is somewhat similar to what I learned before.

"So, there is a master who has understood the law in that magic cloud?"

Qian Long nodded repeatedly: "That's natural. A million miles south of this red wasteland, there is a Yangu general.

Back then, like his predecessors, he also traveled to this Demonic Sea of ​​Clouds.

Encountering a demonic cloud explosion by chance, he understood the law from a demonic cloud.

Since then, his cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds.

In just a few hundred years, he had cultivated from the Soul Condensation Realm to the peak of the Divine Power Realm, and was named a general by Pluto.

Outside Yunhai City, there is still the Enlightenment Stone left by General Yan Gu.

The next time the magic cloud breaks out, it shouldn't be far away. "

Liu Yuanchen didn't care whether the Yangu general's deeds were true or false. He noticed the magic cloud erupting.

Listening to the meaning of the little devil's words, it seems that the appearance of the magic cloud follows a certain pattern.

(End of this chapter)

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