Xiaoyao Dixian: Obtain the inheritance of Zhenyuan Immortal at the beginning

Chapter 313 2 Dutian Divine Evil Formation and the Innate Black Lotus

Chapter 313 The Great Formation of the Twelve Heavenly Gods and the Innate Black Lotus

Liu Yuanchen asked: "What happened when the magic cloud broke out? Is there any other pattern to this thing?"

Seeing his interest, Qian Long's eyes gleamed, and he looked like he was hesitant to speak.

Liu Yuanchen naturally knew what he meant, and casually threw out ten Netherworld Treasures.

At the same time, he was holding a Netherworld Tongbao in his hand.

"As long as your answer satisfies me, the Netherworld Treasure in my hand will also be yours."

Qian Long quickly put away ten large coins: "Thank you, senior, for the reward."

“Even in Linhai City, not many people know about the outbreak of the demonic cloud.

The younger one specializes in inquiring about information, and only then did he learn about it from some seniors. "

“According to what those seniors said, every seven hundred years or so, abnormalities will appear in the Demonic Cloud Sea.

That abnormal situation is called a magic cloud explosion.

Legend has it that when the demonic cloud erupts, the entire demonic cloud sea is shrouded in blood mist.

Even if the ghosts are hiding in the city, more than [-]% of them are gone.

Most of those who survived were soldiers of the Yun Navy and had various means to protect themselves.

If it were outside the city, it would be absolutely impossible to survive.

As for the specific circumstances of this demonic cloud explosion, it is not something that Xiao Xiao can know. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen's heart moved slightly.

The Iron-Armed Ghost King said before that more than seven hundred years ago, the water of the Demon Cloud Sea turned into blood.

The entire sea of ​​demonic clouds was shrouded in blood mist.

General Dongyuan personally went out to lead the army to suppress Mo Yunhai.

Now it seems that what the Iron-armed Ghost King experienced should be the outbreak of the magic cloud.

Something big happened in the Demon Cloud Sea. As long as all the ghosts living nearby are not dead, there will always be some news spread.

It is not surprising for a well-informed guy like Qian Long to get this kind of information.

"You said that this demonic cloud erupts only once every seven hundred years. Is there any basis for this?"

Qian Long shook his head: "I learned these things from the mouths of the elders.

The little devil has stayed in Linhai City for more than a hundred years, how can he know what happened seven hundred years ago? "

"I heard from the elders that the outbreak of the magic cloud occurred as many as five times.

The most recent time was more than [-] years ago.

General Yan Gu's enlightenment happened more than [-] years ago. "

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly: "So, there are indeed some rules.

It has been more than seven hundred years since the last demonic cloud erupted.

In other words, is it possible that the demonic energy will erupt again at any time? "

Qian Long responded repeatedly: "It stands to reason that it is true. As for whether this legend is true or false, I don't know.

The Enlightenment Stone left by General Yangu when he first attained enlightenment is in the lake not far south of Linhai City.

Many experts have gone to explore the Enlightenment Stone, and they all say that the stone is extraordinary.

You can go there and have a look, maybe you can gain something. "

Liu Yuanchen threw the Netherworld Tongbao in his hand to Qian Long, and took out dozens of Netherworld Tongbao and threw them to him together.

Qian Long got these Netherworld Treasures and his face immediately showed gratitude.

"Thank you for the reward, senior."

Liu Yuanchen waved his hand: "You go first. If I want to know any news in the future, I will come back to you.

If you get information about the outbreak of the magic cloud, you can also come to me, and your reward will be indispensable. "

After Qian Long thanked him profusely, he said goodbye and left.


In the next few days, Liu Yuanchen's clone stayed in Linhai City.

Visit various taverns and inns every day to inquire about things related to the outbreak of the magic cloud.

Unfortunately, he didn't have many connections in Moyunhai.

Despite all my efforts, I couldn't find any useful information.

After several inquiries to no avail, Liu Yuanchen walked out of Linhai City to see the legendary Enlightenment Stone.

Linhai City is built on a high ground on the west coast of the Demonic Cloud Sea. No more than ten miles east of the city is the Demonic Cloud Sea.

The sky-blue lake is so crystal clear that no one can associate it with the magic cloud.

Standing on the shore and looking eastward, you can see a small island more than ten miles away from the lake.

It is said to be a small island, but it is actually more like a huge reef.

The reef is more than ten feet above the water, occupying a water area of ​​more than a hundred feet in radius.

Liu Yuanchen rose into the sky and flew over the Enlightenment Stone.

Looking down at the Enlightenment Stone, I saw that the stone looked like a huge turtle shell.

After careful inspection, no signs of life were found.

The entire Enlightenment Stone is blood-red and looks quite eerie.

The roots of the stone are connected with the underground rock formations, and it can be regarded as a small mountain.

Liu Yuanchen landed directly on the Enlightenment Stone. There were already several ghost cultivators sitting cross-legged and meditating nearby, as if they wanted to understand something from the Enlightenment Stone.

It's a pity that everyone frowned and seemed to have gained nothing.

Liu Yuanchen also imitated their example and sat cross-legged in meditation at the corner of the Enlightenment Stone.

Not long after sitting down, he sensed something strange in the Enlightenment Stone.

In his induction, there were countless mysterious energies flowing slowly underground in the Enlightenment Stone.

Moreover, during the flow of this mysterious energy, a very small amount will come out of the ground and come to the surface of the Enlightenment Stone.

He is very familiar with this kind of mysterious energy. The heavenly authority, the minor magical powers, and the magical powers passed down by the three ancestral witches that he obtained before all contain similar energy.

What the three have in common is that they all contain the power of law.

Obviously, the Enlightenment Stone also contains the power of law.

At this time, Liu Yuanchen suddenly realized: 'No wonder someone was able to comprehend the power of laws in this Enlightenment Stone before. It turns out that this Enlightenment Stone is a real thing.

As long as you can capture the power of those escaping laws and understand it some more, you may be able to master a certain law. ’

‘Even if I am not cultivated enough to directly understand the laws, I can still take this opportunity to understand some small magical powers. ’

Looking at the Enlightenment Stone under him, Liu Yuanchen shouted in his heart: 'This stone is destined for me! ’

Unfortunately, Pluto attaches great importance to this place and even sent General Yunhai, whose strength is unpredictable, to take charge here.

I have Bahuang Pavilion as my backer. I won’t walk sideways in the underworld, but I’m not afraid of anyone looking for trouble.

However, Pluto is obviously not among them.

Moreover, Hades may be a master of the witch clan.

Behind him, there is a witch clan whose strength is unknown.

As long as the Wu Clan could retain some vitality back then, Bahuang Pavilion was totally unqualified to compare with them.

If the Wu clan is offended, the entire Bahuang Pavilion won't be able to beat them.

No matter how good this enlightenment stone is, you can only look at it, it must not be touched.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen consciously put away the idea of ​​occupying the Enlightenment Stone.

At the moment, I can only use this Enlightenment Stone to try to understand something.

No matter how bad it is, it can still enhance the small magical powers and heavenly authority that one already has.

Anyway, if you stay on this Enlightenment Stone, you don't have to pay. It's a guaranteed profit without losing money.

He continued to meditate on the Enlightenment Stone, and soon he felt a surge of power pouring into his body.     This is simply a clone, even if it dies, it won't be a big deal.

He didn't stop it, but allowed the power to seep into his body.

I don't know how much time passed, but a ball of blood-colored energy appeared in the clone's sea of ​​consciousness.

Moreover, this ball of bloody energy is still expanding.

Eventually, this bloody energy occupied his entire sea of ​​consciousness.

Just when Liu Yuanchen was considering whether to abandon this clone, the blood-colored energy suddenly changed.

In the energy like a sea of ​​blood, broken pictures began to emerge one after another.

The cracked earth, the ravines filled with blood, the dead giant on the ground, the incomplete claws of the beast, the broken weapons...

Obviously, the various scenes in the picture should be on a battlefield.

Unfortunately, these images are not coherent.

Each picture exists for a very short time. In one breath, dozens of broken pictures can flash by.

Soon, the clone couldn't hold on any longer.

Even Liu Yuanchen, who was thousands of miles away, felt a dull pain in his head at this time.

He mobilized the power of the Book of Earth and Immortal Seeds and input it into the clone's body, trying to suppress the blood-colored energy in the clone's sea of ​​consciousness.

The Dragon King of Luochuan's dragon ball poured into his body with the power in his spiritual fetus and all kinds of filthy air.

As a result, they were easily suppressed by the Book of Earth, and the energy in them was absorbed to form the blood dragon mark.

Although the power in the body is evil, it is not as good as the energy contained in the dragon ball in terms of quality and quantity.

After a moment, an earthy yellow light first appeared in the clone's sea of ​​consciousness.

Then, earth-yellow light poured into the sea of ​​consciousness of the clone, and condensed into a virtual shadow of the earth book.

The blood-colored energy in the clone's sea of ​​consciousness stabilized in a very short period of time.

Those broken images that kept flashing were also frozen in the sea of ​​blood.

A large swath of turquoise light also followed, pouring into the sea of ​​clone consciousness.

The green light condensed the appearance of the ginseng fruit tree, and even the three ancestral witches on the branches appeared intact.

The ginseng fruit tree only absorbed a small amount of blood energy and did not show any abnormality.

But the three ancestral witches didn't stop, each one showed their true form and devoured the bloody energy crazily.

After a while, there was not much blood-colored energy left in the clone's sea of ​​consciousness.

The broken picture that was originally flickering also changed at this time.

These images come together to form a continuous image.

Liu Yuanchen looked at the image carefully and saw a black lotus falling from the sky, releasing countless black mist.

Judging from the appearance of this black lotus, it is almost exactly the same as the demonic black lotus.

The only difference is that the petals of the black lotus in the picture are divided into six layers, totaling fifty-four.

Obviously, this is the second-grade black lotus.

On the earth, there are countless strange creatures, with human body, tiger head, ribs and wings, etc., they can only be regarded as ordinary.

Under the blessing of the demonic energy, these creatures seemed to be going crazy, running wildly across the vast wilderness, and the whole earth was shaking violently.

Wherever the army went, countless mountains collapsed and turned into rubble all over the ground.

Not long after, a heavily-formed army appeared in front of these creatures.

Among this army, there was a group of humanoid creatures with blue hair, wearing blue armor, and flying blue flags.

On the flag, there is an image of Ju Mang Zu Wu painted on it.

Among this army, there are eleven other images of ancestral witches.

Obviously, this is the army of the Wu clan.

As for whether they are pure blood witches or witches, it's hard to say.

The army controlled by the demonic black lotus rushed straight over.

The two armies fought together, and at first they were evenly matched.

However, the demonic black lotus was suspended in the air, constantly absorbing all kinds of negative energy generated by the war.

At the same time, it continued to release demonic energy to replenish energy for those weird creatures.

Under the influence of Black Lotus, the strange creatures became more and more courageous as they fought.

On the contrary, the Wu Clan army was clearly at a disadvantage.

The masters in the Wu Clan army kept attacking the black lotus, but they always hurt the black lotus.

At this moment, twelve light pillars of different colors burst out from all directions on the battlefield.

Among the pillars of light, there were twelve extremely majestic men.

Energy surged throughout their bodies, and under their guidance, the twelve beams of light slowly turned into the shadows of the twelve ancestral witches.

The twelve ancestral shamans' virtual shadows figured it out and trapped the black lotus tightly.

Suddenly, the shadows of the twelve ancestral witches gathered together and turned into a simple shadow of a large axe.

The big ax was swung gently, and the ax blade was pointed directly at Black Lotus.

  There were constant crisp sounds, and wherever the ax blade touched, the heaven and earth were split open.

A dark crack split the dim sky and desolate earth in half.

Most of the strange creatures controlled by Black Lotus were killed or injured by this axe.

Even the black lotus was not spared. Under the ax blade, the entire lotus platform collapsed.

Fifty-four petals turned into fragments and flew apart.

Without the blessing of Black Lotus, the strength of those strange creatures is greatly reduced.

The Wu Clan army became more and more courageous as they fought, and soon they were completely wiped out.

And the twelve majestic men who condensed the shadow of the ancestral witch also fell to the ground helplessly, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

Then, the picture slowly disappeared, turning into blood-colored energy again, blending into the shadow of the ginseng fruit tree.

Liu Yuanchen was shocked in his heart: 'The scene I just saw was the Twelve Capital Gods Formation? ’

Legend has it that the Twelve Ancestral Witches join forces to perform the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods Formation, which can directly condense Pangu's true body.

Its power is so powerful that not even the heavens dare to challenge it.

It wasn't until Hou Tu's ancestral shaman transformed into reincarnation and the twelve ancestral witches were incomplete that Heaven dared to fight a decisive battle with the witch clan.

As for the witch clan, they can only use the great witches with extremely high cultivation levels to make up the numbers and perform the Twelve Heavenly Gods Formation.

Unfortunately, the incomplete formation was unable to condense Pangu's true form, and its power was greatly reduced.

But even so, the outcome of the Lich War was a lose-lose situation.

The Zhoutian Xingdou Formation in the Demon Clan's Heavenly Court collapsed, and even Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi, who possessed the innate treasure Chaos Bell, died in that battle.

Now I have seen the power of the Twelve Capital Gods Formation.

Just condensing the shadow of a big ax can directly split the world of the underworld in half.

However, the black lotus is also extremely extraordinary. It can actually make the Witch Clan use the means to suppress the bottom of the box. This is definitely not something that acquired treasures can do.

That second-grade black lotus is definitely an innate treasure, and it has the same origin as the demonic black lotus.

It has been speculated before that the source of the demonic black lotus may be the twelfth-grade world-destroying black lotus.

Now it seems that this guess is completely correct.

Can derive the second-grade innate black lotus, who else can do it except the world-destroying black lotus?

In other words, behind the extraterrestrial beings that invaded the Yuanling Realm more than [-] years ago was the twelfth-grade World-Destroying Black Lotus.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen couldn't help but feel a chill running down his spine.

The twelfth-grade world-destroying black lotus is the magic weapon of Demon Ancestor Rahu. This thing is on his opposite side. Doesn’t it mean that Demon Ancestor Rahu is on his opposite side?

The black lotus was obviously controlled by someone before. Could it be the demon ancestor Rahu?
  (End of this chapter)

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