Chapter 321 Hope of Immortality

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen felt pity in his heart.

Those are the Nine Open Heaven Styles, which are the top offensive methods in the prehistoric world.

If you can get a hint of charm from it, you can benefit a lot from it.

Unfortunately, my cultivation level is still too low, and the level of Kaitian Nine Styles is too high.

Just when I wanted to comprehend the charm, I almost encountered a backlash, and even the spiritual platform trembled.

The scene where the Great God Pangu used the Nine Heavenly Moves to kill three thousand Chaos Demon Gods and open up the ancient world was already very vague.

I was unable to comprehend the charm, so I only memorized the images of the nine postures of Kaitian.

But the moves of the Kaitian Nine Styles are extremely simple, and any mortal can perform those moves.

The truly precious charm, but I failed to realize it.

If I write down that scene without hesitation, even if I recall and understand it later, I can only gain a little.

Watching the scene where Pangu opened the sky was an opportunity that many great men in the world couldn't ask for.

I encountered it myself, but I didn’t gain much.

Isn't it sad to enter the treasure mountain but return almost empty-handed?

Fortunately, the statue of Pangu is still here. There is not much gained now. You can come again next time.

The magic cloud erupts once every seven hundred years. With his longevity and cultivation speed, if he waits another seven hundred years, he will probably be able to force his way into the sealed land.

After picking himself up, Liu Yuanchen realized that the current situation was not good.

Divine Power Clone No. 4 is still in the sealed place, in front of the statue of Pangu.

This is the formation center of the entire Demonic Cloud Sea. The innate black lotus will never let this place go when it attacks the seal.

Needless to say, the power of the innate spiritual treasure was beyond my control.

Although it is only the clone that stays in the sealed place, the power of the previous statue of Pangu can affect the main body through the clone.

It can be seen that even if the clones are running around, it is not absolutely safe.

It is entirely possible for some extremely high-level methods to harm the main body through the clone.

‘Now that I have seen the Nine Forms of Open Heaven, there is no use staying here.

This clone can be given up at any time, but now it can be used to explore the path. ’

Liu Yuanchen was about to leave the stone room where the statue of God Pangu was located, when he suddenly felt a chill on his back and the hairs all over his body stood up.

Looking back, I saw a wisp of black mist appearing out of thin air.

This mist was very familiar to Liu Yuanchen, it was exactly the same as the demonic energy in the black lotus.

It's just that the monstrous power carried in this demonic energy is definitely not comparable to the previous demonic black lotus.

Liu Yuanchen suddenly understood in his heart: 'The innate black lotus has begun to attack the seal. ’

This place is the center of the formation, and the focus of the innate black lotus' impact on the seal is naturally here.

One on both sides is a descendant of the twelfth-level world-destroying black lotus, and the other is a statue of the great god Pangu carefully crafted by a master of the twelve witch tribes.

The energy level is so high that even the top masters of the human race are not qualified to participate.

With his ability as a three-legged cat, if he was involved, he would definitely die.

In order to preserve his true form, Liu Yuanchen immediately ordered the supernatural clone No. 4 to self-destruct.

But that wisp of black mist pounced directly on him like a hunting dog seeing a meat bun.

Liu Yuanchen was horrified, and the supernatural clone No. 4 instantly disintegrated and turned into pure spiritual power.


Two crisp sounds were heard one after another, and two cracked beads, one black and one gray, fell to the ground.

The Pangu statue had previously attacked Liu Yuanchen's clone, and the two beads had been severely damaged.


The shock of landing caused the two beads to turn into powder.

At this time, Liu Yuanchen, who was thousands of miles away in Panlong Mountain, let out a long sigh of relief.

“It was so scary, I almost got swallowed up by the demonic energy.

Fortunately, I acted in time, otherwise I would have had to peel off the skin even if I didn't die. "

“However, the harvest this time is not small.

When breaking the illusion, I watched the life experience of Ju Yuan, a master of the witch clan.

Although the scene is intermittent, many secrets can be learned from it.

There are also these nine postures of opening the sky, even if I only remember simple scenes.

As long as you meditate regularly, you can gain something. "

He looked at the pieces of animal skin paper randomly placed around him. They were densely covered with tiny witch patterns.

These witch marks are exactly what the clone saw in the Sealed Land.

Previously, I used my clone to view these witch patterns, and my main body kept recording them all the time.

I don’t know how much time has passed, but so many things have been recorded.

After a rough estimate, I wrote down more than a hundred pieces of animal skin paper.

‘Give these things to the elders who are proficient in formations in Bahuang Pavilion, they will definitely be able to develop extremely sophisticated formations.

This formation pattern is of extremely high value to the inheritance of Bahuang Pavilion, and even the formation inheritance of the entire human race.

You need to organize it carefully and arrange these witch patterns in order. ’


Nearly a thousand miles away from the southeast corner of the Demon Cloud Sea, there is a cave on Wuyun Ridge.

The middle-aged monk from Futian Sect slapped the table: "What a waste. I went in for so long and still couldn't get the statue."

Qiu Hai quickly asked: "Master Deacon, is there any movement from Liu Yuanchen's side?"

The middle-aged monk snorted coldly: "It's that good-for-nothing who entered the sealed land for three days, and I thought he could succeed.

But the Sky-Escape Treasure Armor and the Forbidden-Breaking Treasure Armor on his body just now were broken, and his clone was dead. "

"I have practiced the inheritance of the witch clan, but I am still so weak. It is really unbearable."

“The hall master also said that he would be recruited into the church and trained vigorously.

What is the use of cultivating such waste? "

"If you ask me, I might as well kill him and take away his opportunity."

Qiu Hai was silent for a moment before saying: "Deacon, although Liu Yuanchen failed, he stayed in the sealed place for three days.

This time has exceeded all the churchgoers who entered before.

Moreover, he is only a monk in the Lingtai realm, and his clone's cultivation level is only at the early stage of the Condensing Yuan realm.

He seems to be about a hundred years old, and he has a bright future.

When he grows up, it is not impossible to enter the sealed place and take out the statue. "

"For the statue and the innate black lotus, the high-level leaders of the sect have been planning for tens of thousands of years, and how much manpower and material resources have been spent?

Now we finally have a glimmer of hope, and we must not give it away. "

The middle-aged monk was silent for a long time and said nothing more.


On Panlong Mountain, after Liu Yuanchen finished sorting out the witch patterns, he left the underworld and came to Panlong Mountain in the human world.

He did not make any announcement, but first dug caves into the mountain of Panlong Mountain.

Try to restore the appearance of the cave in the sealed land as much as possible, and carve the original witch pattern on the cave as it is.

The same formation pattern, if the arrangement order and position are slightly different, the functions performed may be completely different.

After completing these things, Liu Yuanchen sent his clones to invite his master, grand master, and elders who were proficient in formations.

Even Venerable Yishan, who had comprehended the innate formation at Jinyu Mountain, was invited back by him.

The strongest person in the Bahuang Pavilion formation is Master Yishan. At this time, he seems to be dozens of years younger.

Although his beard and hair are all white, his complexion is rosy, like a young man. "Yuan Chen, I'm working hard to comprehend the great formation, and I'm about to comprehend a new law. You called me back in such a hurry, what's the matter?"

Liu Yuanchen led everyone into the cave. Before he could speak, all the formation mages looked at the witch patterns in the cave and were instantly fascinated.

"This is the witch formation that the disciple found in a dangerous place in the underworld.

In order to avoid confusion of the formation patterns, the disciples specially dug caves and restored the original patterns of the witch patterns. "

King Qingyuan Dan was not a formation master, but he was not fascinated.

However, at their level, even if they are not formation masters, they still know some formation methods.

"Not to mention the formations, these witch patterns are extremely sophisticated, and are much more complex than the inheritance obtained from the ancestral witch statues before.

Yuan Chen, where did you get these witch marks? "

Liu Yuanchen did not deliberately conceal it, and explained the situation of the Demonic Cloud Sea in the underworld.

Of course, he was hiding some more sensitive things.

Hearing this, King Qingyuan Pill nodded slightly: "It turns out that more than 60,000 years ago, the underworld was also invaded by alien beings.

The strength of the Wu Clan is much stronger than that of our human race, and they can actually break through an innate spiritual treasure. "

"There is also the Futian Sect, a force that has existed for hundreds of thousands of years. I have never heard of their name."

Zhao Hong looked disdainful: "Such a force does not dare to compete head-on, but only dares to hide behind the scenes and make trouble.

Even if both the Lich and Lich clans are wiped out, they still won't be able to get on the stage. "

In the battle between big forces, underhanded tactics are inevitable.

However, the forces that can be on the stage must act in a combination of yin and yang, the right and the strange, and cannot only use yin tricks.

When you are weak, you should really wait and accumulate strength.

But since you are already very strong, you should stand on the stage and show your strength.

Seize more resources and territory to grow yourself faster.

Hiding in secret can only avoid being beaten. In terms of development speed, it is far inferior to the power on the surface.

He has been lying dormant, waiting for his opponent to develop, and then he can only be beaten.

Over the past tens of thousands of years, Futian Sect has had many opportunities to stand out.

For example, after the invasion of extraterrestrial beings was put down, the three tribes of humans, witches, and demons all suffered heavy losses. It was the best time for Futian Sect to enter the situation.

But they still dare not stand up, or even support an agent.

To win a game of chess, you can use moves outside the game.

But the Futian Sect neither dared to sit in front of the chessboard and become a chess player, nor did it dare to support a chess player.

In this game of chess in the Yuanling Realm, if Futian Sect does not participate in the whole process, how can it win?

Unless Futian Sect can produce a master who can crush all living beings in the Yuanling Realm.

Otherwise, they will never get on the stage.

But no matter how strong the Futian Sect's inheritance is, it cannot surpass the Pangu Orthodox Sect of the Wu Clan.

On the side of the demon clan, the dragon and phoenix clans were the overlords of the past.

Although it has declined, the family background in terms of inheritance is still very strong.

Futian Sect only relies on secret development and will never be able to surpass these two companies.

Later, Liu Yuanchen made an excuse to bring his elders to a secret room in Dongyang Divine Mansion.

Zhang Lingxu asked: "Yuan Chen, what good things did you get again?"

Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "Master, you still understand me."

After that, he took out the Earth Immortal Dao inheritance.

"This is the Earthly Immortal Dao inheritance that Futian Sect brought out in order to win my trust.

Although it is not brilliant, it is a complete inheritance. "

Hearing this, Zhao Hong's face was filled with joy: "Seriously? With the complete inheritance of Earth Immortal Dao, I will definitely be able to soar into the sky."

Liu Yuanchen nodded: "Disciple read it before and found no obvious flaws.

As for whether the Futian Sect has left any dirty tricks in it, the disciples can't say. "

Zhao Hong took the golden book and said, "My teacher has practiced the Earthly Immortal Way for nearly a thousand years. If there are any flaws in the inheritance, my teacher will know at a glance."

Zhang Lingxu kicked him away: "You know nothing. You are not even a thousand years old. Do you know what the Earth Immortal Way is?"

He grabbed the golden book and read it carefully.

Liu Yuanchen continued: "My disciple read this golden book before. According to the golden book, Earth Immortal Dao monks who have cultivated to the Dao Fei Realm will be immortal.

The current Earth Immortal Dao monks in our human race cannot live forever in the Dao Fei Realm.

The main reason is that the secret technique to open the divine spring is incomplete, causing the Cave Heaven Paradise to drain the monks' vitality.

This golden book contains the complete secret technique of opening the divine spring. I don’t know if it will be useful to you. "

Hearing this, King Qingyuan Dan showed excitement.

He took the golden book from Zhang Lingxu's hand and read it carefully.

The more he looked at this inheritance, the brighter the smile on his face became.

"Sure enough, it is a complete inheritance of the Earth Immortal Dao. If I could have obtained this inheritance in my early years, I would have been immortal long ago.

Even cultivating the immortal realm is not difficult. "

Liu Yuanchen quickly asked: "Grandmaster Tai, is the secret technique of opening the divine spring useful to you?"

Qingyuan Dan King was very excited: "Of course it works, our Bahuang Pavilion's Earth Immortal Dao inheritance is pretty good among the human race.

But it is also deduced on the basis of the original fragments, and the flaws are very serious.

With this complete divine spring secret technique, the divine spring on the spiritual platform can be improved.

Even if you cannot achieve immortality, you can still extend your life span by thousands of years. "

“In this way, I will have enough time to let Dongtian grow into a small world.

Once one cultivates immortality, any flaw in the divine spring will be nothing to worry about.

With this secret technique, I have hope of immortality! "

Seeing that this secret technique was useful to his great master, Liu Yuanchen was also very happy.

Although his backing is the entire Bahuang Pavilion, the one he can really rely on is the lineage of King Dan.

As the soul figure of the Alchemy King lineage, Taishizu's cultivation level has improved, and his backing has become stronger.

"Grand Master, this inheritance is extremely important to the immortal monks of the human race.

If this thing is announced, it may cause an uproar.

It would even expose the Futian Sect and attract the hostility of the Futian Sect. "

Qingyuan Dan King’s face was full of approval: “You can think of this, it’s really good.

For the immortal monks of the human race, this golden book can be said to be a priceless treasure.

But if you don't know how to use it, you will become the target of public criticism and attract siege from various human forces. "

"We have to find a way to use the contents of this golden book to obtain enough resources, and also make them grateful to our Bahuang Pavilion."

"If I go to contact those old friends who are dying, I can extend the life of Earth Immortal Dao monks for thousands of years, so I don't believe they won't be interested.

Then through these people, contact the forces they belong to.

Using some of the inherited life-extending secrets as bait, all the Earthly Immortal Dao forces were lured over and secretly formed an offensive and defensive alliance.

From now on, if we have the Immortal Immortal from Bahuang Pavilion, we can naturally become the leader of the Earthly Immortal Way. "

“With the previous inheritance from the Witch Clan, our Bahuang Pavilion’s prestige is already very high.

With the help of the academy system, it is possible to compete with the divine court. "

(End of this chapter)

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