Chapter 322 Nine Styles of Opening the Sky

Liu Yuanchen still trusted his great master's ability to utilize resources.

When I broke through the Lingtai realm before, the immortal seed manifested and was targeted by the demon clan.

It was his Grand Master who came up with a plan to use some of the Witch Clan's inheritance to draw the attention of the Monster Clan away.

Some relatively superficial witch patterns were also placed in the inheritance of the academy system.

Although those witch patterns are superficial, they are very different from the original inheritance system of the human race.

When it was first announced, those witch patterns could earn millions of spiritual stones every year.

This is only what Liu Yuanchen gets for himself. In fact, there is some commission from the academy to maintain the inheritance.

If someone, after learning the inheritance from Daxia Academy, dares to spread it around, the academy will send out experts to hunt him down.

Therefore, part of the profit from selling the inheritance is given to Daxia Academy to train thugs.

Nowadays, there are more Wu Clan inheritances announced, and the annual profit is less, but you can still get one or two million spiritual stones.

In addition, those inheritances also attracted many experts for Bahuang Pavilion, especially the Alchemy King lineage.

More than 70% of the experts in Bahuang Pavilion gathered at Panlong Mountain.

They have stayed in Panlong Mountain for more than ten years. Although there are reasons for the innate formation, the operation of Qingyuan Dan King cannot be ignored.

In addition, King Qingyuan Dan also won over some masters from other sects through the inheritance of the witch clan.

Although the effect is not obvious now, when he grows up in the future, these sects that have been won over will be his help.

Now he has come up with the Earth Immortal Dao inheritance, which can extend the lives of other Earth Immortal Dao monks for thousands of years.

The previous method of making Dongtian grow into a small world certainly gave the Earth Immortal Dao monks a way.

However, that path is only useful for juniors who are not very old.

After all, the growth of Dongtian into a small world did not happen overnight.

Even if all conditions are mature, this process will take a long time.

Those Earth Immortal Dao monks who are already eight or nine thousand years old do not have much life left.

Even if you know this secret technique, you don't have time to wait for Dongtian to grow.

But now there are means of extending lifespan, which can extend the lifespan of those Earthly Immortal Dao monks whose life is short by thousands of years.

In this way, the chance of their cave heaven growing into a small world is greatly increased.

From a dying person to an immortal, it is absolutely impossible for those old guys to resist this temptation.

"Then there is Master Lao."

King Qingyuan Dan waved his hand: "I should thank you. This also contains the secret techniques and methods to speed up the growth of Dongtian.

With this inheritance, my chances of cultivating immortality are greatly increased. "

“Futian Sect can take out these inheritances at will, so it must have more inheritances in its hands.

With such a brilliant inheritance, if we establish an orthodoxy in the human race, how can we have anything to do with the Divine Court? "

"If you don't use the resources you have, the Futian Sect has no future."

Liu Yuanchen was also extremely happy that Grand Master Taizu was expected to live forever.

If Taishizu can go one step further and become an Immortal Immortal.

The Dan King lineage will naturally rise as the tide rises, and his own backing will naturally become stronger.

However, he was still a little worried.

After all, those guys from Futian Sect are bent on conspiracy.

There may be some hidden tricks hidden in this Earthly Immortal Dao inheritance.

My cultivation level is low, so even if there is a dirty trick, I may not be able to see it.

"Grandmaster Tai, this inheritance comes from the Futian Sect after all, so we must be on guard against it."

King Qingyuan Dan nodded slightly: "Don't worry, I will find a few colleagues from Bahuang Pavilion to study this book together.

Although our Earth Immortal Dao inheritance has flaws, after tens of thousands of years of research, we have achieved a lot.

If there is something wrong with something recorded in this book, we can still see it. "

Seeing that his great master was confident, Liu Yuanchen said nothing more.


After Liu Yuanchen left behind the formation and the inheritance of Earth Immortal Dao, he also returned to the underworld to practice again.

At this time, the demonic cloud explosion in the demonic cloud sea in the underworld has not yet ended.

His magical clone No. 2 is still trapped in Linhai City on the west coast of the Demonic Cloud Sea.

The magic cloud explosion in the magic cloud sea is also extremely powerful.

One after another, strangely shaped demonic clouds swooped towards Linhai City.

Every attack caused violent tremors in Linhai City's defense array.

Just as one demonic cloud was shattered, the next one filled it up.

The blood in the sea of ​​demonic clouds continues to surge, evaporating endless blood mist, and continuously condensing demonic clouds.

At this time, Liu Yuanchen was not in a hurry.

Based on the intelligence that was previously detected, the scene of the Demonic Cloud erupting will continue for about a year.

Xiantian Black Lotus wants to use these magic clouds to consume all the masters of the Witch Clan guarding the seal.

Finally, the innate black lotus will burst out with all its strength and attack the seal.

The outbreak of the Demonic Cloud more than 700 years ago only caused heavy losses to General Yunhai's men, but did not kill all the creatures around the Demonic Cloud Sea.

Come to think of it, it won't be any different this time.

If the Xiantian Black Lotus were really sure of breaking the seal, it wouldn't have been sealed for tens of thousands of years.

Shen Tong Clone No. 2 is still living well in Linhai City, and Liu Yuanchen is calm and watching the fun.


At this time, Liu Yuanchen's true body was hidden in a practice room in Panlong Mountain in the underworld.

He once again condensed a magical clone to replace the magical clone No. 4 that died in the sealed land before, and let him take care of the business in the underworld.

After completing all this, Liu Yuanchen sat on a futon and recalled what he had seen before.

The Great God Pangu was about to open up the world, and three thousand Chaos Demon Gods came to stop him.

Pangu's great power fought against three thousand demons and killed all three thousand gods and demons using the first eight of the nine Kaitian movements.

Liu Yuanchen mobilized the Yuan Gang in his body and condensed a large ax in his hand, striving to be exactly the same as the Sky-Opening Ax.

But after condensing the general appearance, the entire ax suddenly trembled, and then collapsed.

‘This Sky-Opening Ax is indeed the treasure of chaos. If it is divided into three parts, it can produce three innate treasures.

Even if it condenses into a rough shape, there is a danger of backlash.

I am afraid that only true descendants of Pangu, or those with the Three Opening Heaven Treasures in their hands, can perform the original Nine Opening Heaven Styles. ’

Thinking of this, he no longer pursued the form of an axe.

He casually condensed a mountain-breaking ax, imitating the moves of the Great God Pangu, and suddenly slashed forward.


The green mountain ax struck the wall of the practice room.

However, the wall was intact except for a white mark.

‘This thing can’t even hurt the stones blessed by the formation, let alone open the sky.

Sure enough, the Nine Kaitian Styles were just superficial and had no charm. There was no obvious difference in power between them and a random punch. ’

Later, Liu Yuanchen imagined himself as the great god Pangu.

Three thousand demon gods rushed towards him, and the mountain ax suddenly struck out from their hands.


The mountain ax struck the stone wall again, this time its power was significantly improved, and an ax mark as thin as a hair appeared on the wall.

The walls in the practice room are all protected by formations.

To destroy the stone wall, you need at least a full blow from a monk in the early stage of Condensation Realm.

Even leaving a mark on it would require a full blow from a late-stage cultivator on the spiritual platform.

With Liu Yuanchen's current strength, it is simply impossible to do this without using minor magical powers and heavenly authority.

There was excitement in his heart: 'Just now I just followed my own imagination to imitate the state of mind of Pangu when he swung an axe.

Said to be the Kaitian Nine Styles, it is actually an original move based on the Kaitian Nine Styles.

The power of this ax has exceeded my actual strength. If I continue to deduce it, even if I cannot understand the true charm of Kaitian Nine Styles.

You can also create your own offensive technique through imitation. ’

'Although I can't directly understand the law, the offensive technique I created can only be a prototype.

But for monks with similar cultivation levels, there is no problem. ’

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen continued to imitate the state of mind of Pangu when he opened the sky.

Try to improve the power of this ax and strive to create a "Nine-Style Youth Version of Kaitian".


One year passed, and Liu Yuanchen turned one hundred years old.

At this time, he closed his eyes tightly and stood in the center of the practice room, holding a mountain-opening ax condensed from Yuan Gang in his hand.

The surrounding walls were covered with criss-crossing cracks.

These cracks are deep and shallow, and they were all made by Liu Yuanchen with his ax over the past year.

Suddenly, his eyes suddenly opened, with an indomitable momentum in his resolute eyes.

He raised the ax high with both hands and struck it down hard.


The sound of rock shattering continued, and a five or six-inch deep ax mark appeared on the stone wall in front.

However, the power of this ax does not stop there.

Spider web-like cracks appeared around the ax mark.


The gravel detached from the rock wall and fell to the ground.

The formation inscriptions on the rock wall also collapsed at this time.

The originally smooth and flat wall was now shattered, revealing the rugged mountain.

Liu Yuanchen was overjoyed: ‘Finally this year’s efforts have not been in vain.

The power of this last ax is enough to kill an early stage monk in the Condensation Realm.

If this ax is used with the help of the power of heavenly authority, its power should be even greater. ’


At this moment, Linhai City, where the Divine Power Clone No. 2 was located, finally experienced new changes.

The number of strange demonic clouds in the sky is no longer what it used to be.

There are few living beings left alive in Linhai City.

Shen Tong Clone No. 2 was reused by Zhenhai Captain, and his place of residence was relatively safe, but he was still alive.

The demonic clouds in the sky decreased rapidly, and the remaining demonic clouds continued to attack the city, but they were still unable to break through the defensive formation.

After half a day, all the demonic clouds dissipated and turned into blood mist.

These blood mist fell back into the sea of ​​demonic clouds and disappeared.

The blood mist all over the sky is slowly dissipating, and even the blood of the water of the Demon Cloud Sea is slowly fading.

Some of the water has even completely turned light blue.

In Linhai City, several ghosts who had survived the disaster ran out of their residences to celebrate that they had escaped the disaster.

Liu Yuanchen's magical clone frowned at this moment, took out a few talismans and attached them to his body.

Although the outbreak of the magic cloud is over, the big head is still behind.

Next, the Innate Black Lotus will gather all its power to attack the seal set by the Witch Clan.

The final test has just begun.

In a short time, the blood mist between heaven and earth disappeared.

The entire Demon Cloud Sea has also returned to its former appearance.

Suddenly, a black beam of light shot into the sky from the sea of ​​demonic clouds.

Wisps of black mist escaped from the light pillar and swept across the entire sea of ​​demonic clouds.

Soon, the black energy spread to Linhai City.

The surviving creatures instantly lost their minds when encountering this demonic energy and started fighting each other in the city.

Only Deng Zhenhai and a few other high-level officials in Linhai City could still stay awake at this time.

Liu Yuanchen felt very surprised. According to the information he had received before, this situation did not happen seven hundred years ago.

The last time the demon cloud broke out, it was the battle between the innate black lotus and the seal, which shook the entire demon cloud sea.

The powerful force can even cause the city to collapse.

Only when the confrontation becomes extremely fierce, will the light pillar appear and release a small amount of demonic energy.

As for the situation where the demonic energy swept through the entire Demonic Cloud Sea, it did not happen last time when the Demonic Cloud erupted.

Liu Yuanchen hid in the corner, trying to avoid attracting attention.

However, a wisp of black mist still came to the door.

Although this black mist is similar to the demonic black lotus in the previous world, its energy level is much higher.

Moreover, there was a powerful force in it, which was exactly the same as the demonic energy seen in the Sealed Land before.

That is the demonic energy in the innate black lotus, and it is definitely not something that can be resisted by oneself.

At this time, he no longer wanted to watch the excitement, he just wanted to escape.

Make a decisive decision and order the clone to destroy itself.

As soon as the thought came together, the clone immediately began to break apart.

However, the black mist rushed straight over.

The talisman previously arranged had no effect at all and instantly turned into ashes.

While the Avatar Clone No. 2 completely collapsed, he got into the clone body.

The next moment, the clone turned into pure energy and completely lost contact with the main body.

In a practice room in Panlong Mountain in the underworld, Liu Yuanchen's body was meditating.

A wisp of demonic energy instantly appeared in the middle dantian, and it also carried overwhelming power.

Liu Yuanchen was shocked. The demonic energy released by the innate black lotus actually followed the connection between the main body and the clone and found its way to the main body.

The demonic energy was scurrying around in the middle dantian, aimlessly, and there seemed to be no trace of spiritual intelligence.

He didn't know how to suppress the innate demonic energy, so he had to activate the immortal seeds based on his previous experience.

The fairy seed instantly transformed into a ginseng fruit tree, and the three ancestral shamans also appeared together.

At the same time, Liu Yuanchen also activated his magical power in the foggy space.

A small space formed by a cloud of gray mist wrapped up the wisp of innate demonic energy.

The demonic energy was scurrying around in the small space, but did not break through the small space.

The three ancestral witch shadows had previously absorbed the power from the Enlightenment Stone, and were far more powerful than before.

They released the coercion together, and the wisp of innate demonic energy suddenly froze and stopped running around.

Liu Yuanchen was relieved. The power of the demonic energy emitted by the innate black lotus was really terrifying.

In the illusion I saw before, countless masters in the Immortal Realm were controlled by demonic energy.

If you follow the path yourself, you will definitely not be able to escape this disaster.

Although the demonic energy can be suppressed temporarily, we cannot take it lightly.

After all, at this time, the Xiantian Black Lotus was fighting against the seals and formations left by the Witch Clan.

He has no intention of controlling this wisp of evil energy and corroding himself.

It would be easy to say if the seal wins, the Xiantian Black Lotus will continue to be suppressed, and it will not be able to exert much influence on the outside world.

But if the innate black lotus breaks out of the seal, the power of the innate spiritual treasure cannot be stopped by himself.

When the time comes, he can only become the puppet of the Innate Black Lotus.

Although this ray of innate demonic energy has been temporarily suppressed, it is still a huge hidden danger.

If you don't deal with it, you are at risk of being manipulated at any time.

 I went out to do errands today and was busy for most of the day, which was a waste of time.



(End of this chapter)

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